Giornata internazionale contro l'uso e il traffico illecito di droga — La Commissione europea invoca un divieto su scala europea per la droga sintetica "5-IT"
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Data documento: 25-06-2013
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International Day Against Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking: European Commission calls for EU wide ban on synthetic '5-IT' drug
Giornata internazionale contro l'uso e il traffico illecito di droga — La Commissione europea invoca un divieto su scala europea per la droga sintetica "5-IT"
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Ahead of the International Day Against Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking, the European Commission has today proposed an EU-wide ban on ‘5-IT’, a synthetic substance with stimulant and hallucinogenic effects.
In vista della Giornata internazionale contro l'uso e il traffico illecito di droga, la Commissione europea ha proposto oggi un divieto su scala europea del "5-IT", una sostanza sintetica con effetti stimolanti e allucinogeni.
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The Commission has asked EU Member States to prevent the drug spreading freely across Europe by submitting it to control measures.
La Commissione ha chiesto agli Stati membri di impedire il libero diffondersi di questa droga in Europa assoggettandola a misure di controllo.
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5-(2-aminopropyl) indole (aka 5-IT) is already subject to control measures in at least seven EU countries (Austria, Cyprus, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Sweden) and in Norway.
Il 5-(2-amminopropil)indolo (anche noto come 5-IT) è già oggetto di misure di controllo in almeno sette Stati dell'UE (Austria, Cipro, Danimarca, Germania, Ungheria, Italia e Svezia), e in Norvegia.
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It has been associated with 24 deaths in four EU countries between April and August 2012 alone.
Solo fra aprile a agosto 2012 è stato ricollegato a 24 decessi in quattro paesi europei.
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“5-IT is a harmful psychoactive substance and is known to kill,” said Vice-President Viviane Reding, the EU’s Justice Commissioner.
"Il 5-IT è una sostanza psicoattiva nociva e ha, come si sa, effetti letali" ha dichiarato la Vicepresidente Viviane Reding, Commissario europeo per la Giustizia.
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“I urge Member States to quickly adopt the Commission’s proposal to subject it to criminal law measures.”
"Sollecito gli Stati membri ad adottare rapidamente la proposta della Commissione per assoggettarlo a misure di diritto penale.".
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At least 24 fatalities have so far been reported in four Member States (Germany, Hungary, Sweden and the United Kingdom) where 5-IT was detected in post-mortem samples, either alone or in combination with other substances.
Sono stati segnalati almeno 24 casi di mortalità in quattro Stati membri (Germania, Ungheria, Svezia e Regno Unito), nell'ambito dei quali l'autopsia ha rilevato tracce di 5-IT, solo o combinato con altre sostanze.
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Another 21 non-fatal intoxications associated with this new psychoactive substance have been reported.
Sono stati inoltri riferiti altri 21 casi di intossicazioni non mortali legati a questa nuova sostanza psicoattiva.
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The Commission’s proposal adopted today would ban the manufacturing and the marketing of 5-IT, making it subject to criminal sanctions all over Europe.
La proposta della Commissione oggi adottata vieta la produzione e la commercializzazione del 5-IT, assoggettandolo a sanzioni penali in tutta Europa.
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EU governments must now decide on whether to put these measures into force, voting by a qualified majority in the Council.
I governi dell'UE devono ora decidere, votando a maggioranza qualificata in Consiglio, se porre in vigore queste misure.
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New legislation on Psychoactive Substances
Nuova legislazione sulle sostanze psicoattive
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New psychoactive substances have emerged at an unprecedented pace over recent years:
Negli ultimi anni sono comparse nuove sostanze psicoattive a un ritmo senza precedenti:
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73 such substances were notified last year, this is three times more than the number of substances notified in 2009.
l'anno scorso ne sono state notificate 73, cioè il triplo rispetto al numero di sostanze notificate nel 2009.
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“The rapid spread of new psychoactive substances is one of the biggest challenges in drugs policy.
"La rapida diffusione di nuove sostanze psicoattive è una delle sfide maggiori della politica di lotta contro la droga.
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With a borderless internal market, we need common EU rules to tackle this problem", added Vice-President Reding.
Con un mercato senza frontiere interne abbiamo bisogno di norme comuni per affrontare questo problema", ha aggiunto la Vicepresidente Reding.
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"I am planning to present, in the following months, stronger EU legislation on new psychoactive substances so that the EU can provide a faster and more effective response.”
"Intendo presentare, nei prossimi mesi, una legislazione europea più severa sulle nuove sostanze psicoattive, affinché l'UE possa reagire in modo più rapido ed efficace.".
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Meanwhile, around 40 civil society organisations working in the drugs area met with the Commission on 24-25 June to discuss how to respond to new challenges in tackling drugs.
Nel frattempo, il 24-25 giugno, circa 40 organizzazioni della società civile attive nel settore degli stupefacenti si sono incontrate con la Commissione per discutere su come rispondere alle nuove sfide della lotta contro la droga.
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The EU Civil Society Forum on Drugs provides input to the Commission on major issues in drugs policy, including how to reduce demand for drugs, and the international debate about the effectiveness of the global drug control system.
Il Forum europeo della società civile sulla droga apporta alla Commissione contributi sulle questioni più importanti della politica di lotta contro la droga, fra cui il modo per ridurre la domanda, e contribuisce al dibattito internazionale sull'efficacia del sistema mondiale di controllo delle droghe.
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5-(2-aminopropyl)indole (5-IT) is a synthetic substance that appears to have stimulant and hallucinogenic effects.
Il 5-(2-amminopropil)indolo (5-IT) è una sostanza sintetica che risulta avere effetti stimolanti e allucinogeni.
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It has been found mostly as a powder but also in tablets and capsules, and is commercially available on the internet and from 'head shops', usually marketed as 'research chemical'.
È stato rilevato per lo più in forma di polvere ma anche in forma di compressa e capsula. È disponibile alla vendita su Internet e nei negozi specializzati in sostanze psicotrope (head shop), ed è generalmente commercializzato come "sostanza chimica sperimentale".
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It has also been detected in samples of a 'legal high' product called 'Benzo Fury', and in tablets resembling ecstasy.
È stato anche riscontrato in campioni di un prodotto venduto come sostanza psicoattiva legale (legal high), denominato "Benzo Fury", e in compresse somiglianti all'ecstasy.
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A risk assessment carried out by the Scientific Committee of the Lisbon-based European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) showed that 5-IT can have serious adverse effects, such as tachycardia and hyperthermia, and may also cause mydriasis, agitation and tremor.
Una valutazione dei rischi svolta dal Comitato scientifico dell'Osservatorio europeo delle droghe e delle tossicodipendenze (OEDT) di Lisbona ha mostrato che il 5-IT può avere gravi effetti nocivi, come tachicardia e ipertermia, e può anche causare midriasi, agitazione e tremore.
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5-IT has no established medical value or other known legitimate purpose.
Il 5-IT non ha proprietà terapeutiche note o altre conosciute finalità lecite.
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It is a controlled substance in at least seven EU countries (Austria, Cyprus, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Sweden) and in Norway.
È una sostanza controllata in almeno sette Stati dell'UE (Austria, Cipro, Danimarca, Germania, Ungheria, Italia e Svezia) e in Norvegia.
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The Commission's proposal follows a procedure for risk-assessment and control of new psychoactive substances set up by Council Decision 2005/387/JHA.
La proposta della Commissione fa seguito alla procedura di valutazione dei rischi e controllo delle nuove sostanze psicoattive istituita dalla decisione 2005/387/GAI del Consiglio.
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The Council asked for the risk assessment of 5-IT on 22 January 2013.
Il Consiglio ha chiesto la valutazione dei rischi per il 5-IT il 22 gennaio 2013.
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In 2010, the Commission proposed and achieved an EU-wide ban on the ecstasy-like drug mephedrone (MEMO/10/646) and in early 2013 on the amphetamine-like drug 4-MA (IP/13/75).
Nel 2010 la Commissione europea ha proposto e ottenuto il divieto su scala europea del mefedrone, una droga simile all'ecstasy (MEMO/10/646), e all'inizio del 2013 della sostanza "4-MA" simile all'anfetamina (IP/13/75).
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On 25 October 2011, the European Commission announced an overhaul of the EU rules on new psychoactive substances, which imitate the effects of dangerous drugs like ecstasy or cocaine causing growing concerns across Europe (IP/11/1236).
Il 25 ottobre 2011 la Commissione ha annunciato una revisione delle norme UE sulle nuove sostanze psicoattive che imitano gli effetti di droghe pericolose come l'ecstasy o la cocaina causando crescenti preoccupazioni in tutta Europa (IP/11/1236).
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A legislative proposal is expected during 2013.
Una proposta legislativa è attesa nel corso del 2013.
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The EU identified a record number of 73 such substances in 2012, up from 24 in 2009.
L'Unione europea ha individuato il numero record di 73 sostanze di questo tipo nel 2012, rispetto alle 24 del 2009.
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They are increasingly available over the internet and have rapidly spread in many Member States, which face difficulties in preventing their sale.
Questa sostanze sono sempre più disponibili su Internet e si sono rapidamente diffuse in molti Stati membri, che hanno difficoltà a impedirne la vendita.
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According to a Eurobarometer survey in 2011, new substances that imitate the effects of illicit drugs are increasingly popular with 5% of young Europeans saying they have used them.
Secondo un'indagine Eurobarometro del 2011, le nuove sostanze con effetti simili a quelli delle droghe illegali sono sempre più diffuse e utilizzate: il 5% dei giovani europei afferma di averle assunte.
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The figures are the highest in Ireland (16%), followed by Poland (9%), Latvia (9%), the UK (8%) and Luxembourg (7%).
Le cifre più alte si registrano in Irlanda (16%), seguita da Polonia (9%), Lettonia (9%), Regno Unito (8%) e Lussemburgo (7%).
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The Eurobarometer revealed that across all 27 EU Member States, a large majority of 15 to 24 year-olds are in favour of banning these substances.
Dall'Eurobarometro emerge che in tutti e 27 gli Stati membri dell'Unione europea l'ampia maggioranza dei giovani fra i 15 e i 24 anni è a favore dell'interdizione di tali sostanze.
International Day Against Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking: European
Commission calls for EU wide ban on synthetic '5-IT' drug
Ahead of the International Day Against Drug Abuse & Illicit
Trafficking, the European Commission has today proposed an EU-wide ban on
‘5-IT’, a synthetic substance with stimulant and hallucinogenic effects.
The Commission has asked EU Member States to prevent the drug spreading
freely across Europe by submitting it to control measures.
5-(2-aminopropyl) indole (aka 5-IT) is already subject to control
measures in at least seven EU countries (Austria, Cyprus, Denmark, Germany,
Hungary, Italy and Sweden) and in Norway.
It has been associated with 24 deaths in four EU countries between
April and August 2012 alone.
“5-IT is a harmful psychoactive substance and is known to kill,” said
Vice-President Viviane Reding, the EU’s Justice Commissioner.
“I urge Member States to quickly adopt the Commission’s proposal to
subject it to criminal law measures.”
At least 24 fatalities have so far been reported in four Member States
(Germany, Hungary, Sweden and the United Kingdom) where 5-IT was detected in
post-mortem samples, either alone or in combination with other substances.
Another 21 non-fatal intoxications associated with this new
psychoactive substance have been reported.
The Commission’s proposal adopted today would ban the manufacturing and
the marketing of 5-IT, making it subject to criminal sanctions all over Europe.
EU governments must now decide on whether to put these measures into
force, voting by a qualified majority in the Council.
New legislation on Psychoactive Substances
New psychoactive substances have emerged at an unprecedented pace over
recent years:
73 such substances were notified last year, this is three times more
than the number of substances notified in 2009.
“The rapid spread of new psychoactive substances is one of the biggest
challenges in drugs policy.
With a borderless internal market, we need common EU rules to tackle
this problem", added Vice-President Reding.
"I am planning to present, in the following months, stronger EU
legislation on new psychoactive substances so that the EU can provide a faster
and more effective response.”
Meanwhile, around 40 civil society organisations working in the drugs
area met with the Commission on 24-25 June to discuss how to respond to new
challenges in tackling drugs.
The EU Civil Society Forum on Drugs provides input to the Commission on
major issues in drugs policy, including how to reduce demand for drugs, and the
international debate about the effectiveness of the global drug control system.
5-(2-aminopropyl)indole (5-IT) is a synthetic substance that appears to
have stimulant and hallucinogenic effects.
It has been found mostly as a powder but also in tablets and capsules,
and is commercially available on the internet and from 'head shops', usually
marketed as 'research chemical'.
It has also been detected in samples of a 'legal high' product called
'Benzo Fury', and in tablets resembling ecstasy.
A risk assessment carried out by the Scientific Committee of the
Lisbon-based European Monitoring Centre on Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)
showed that 5-IT can have serious adverse effects, such as tachycardia and
hyperthermia, and may also cause mydriasis, agitation and tremor.
5-IT has no established medical value or other known legitimate
It is a controlled substance in at least seven EU countries (Austria, Cyprus,
Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Sweden) and in Norway.
The Commission's proposal follows a procedure for risk-assessment and
control of new psychoactive substances set up by Council Decision 2005/387/JHA.
The Council asked for the risk assessment of 5-IT on 22 January 2013.
In 2010, the Commission proposed and achieved an EU-wide ban on the
ecstasy-like drug mephedrone (MEMO/10/646) and in early 2013 on the
amphetamine-like drug 4-MA (IP/13/75).
On 25 October 2011, the European Commission announced an overhaul of
the EU rules on new psychoactive substances, which imitate the effects of
dangerous drugs like ecstasy or cocaine causing growing concerns across Europe
A legislative proposal is expected during 2013.
The EU identified a record number of 73 such substances in 2012, up
from 24 in 2009.
They are increasingly available over the internet and have rapidly
spread in many Member States, which face difficulties in preventing their sale.
According to a Eurobarometer survey in 2011, new substances that
imitate the effects of illicit drugs are increasingly popular with 5% of young
Europeans saying they have used them.
The figures are the highest in Ireland (16%), followed by Poland (9%),
Latvia (9%), the UK (8%) and Luxembourg (7%).
The Eurobarometer revealed that across all 27 EU Member States, a large
majority of 15 to 24 year-olds are in favour of banning these substances.