La relazione dell’OCSE conferma: l'investimento dell’UE nell'istruzione e nell’occupabilità dei giovani paga
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Data documento: 25-06-2013
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EU investment for education and youth employability pays off, OECD report confirms
La relazione dell’OCSE conferma: l'investimento dell’UE nell'istruzione e nell’occupabilità dei giovani paga
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The European Commission today welcomed the launch of Education at a Glance 2013, an annual report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) which analyses the education systems of the 34 OECD member countries, including 21 EU Member States, as well as Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Russia, Saudi Arabia and South Africa.
La Commissione europea ha espresso oggi il suo plauso per la pubblicazione della relazione annuale Education at a Glance 2013, elaborata a cura dell'Organizzazione per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo economico (OCSE), che analizza i sistemi di istruzione di trentaquattro paesi membri dell’OCSE, di cui ventuno sono Stati membri dell’UE, nonché di Argentina, Brasile, Cina, India, Indonesia, Russia, Arabia Saudita e Sudafrica.
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The report identifies challenges for European education systems that must be tackled by the EU and its Member States working together, and confirms the importance of policies aimed at modernising education systems and increasing opportunities for young people to study or train abroad.
La relazione individua le sfide per i sistemi d'istruzione europei che l'Unione e i suoi Stati membri devono affrontare congiuntamente e ribadisce l’importanza di politiche volte a modernizzare tali sistemi e ad offrire maggiori possibilità ai giovani di studiare o di formarsi all’estero.
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"This report is a major source of knowledge and evidence for policy-makers, helping to deepen our understanding of the challenges we face.
"La relazione, importante fonte di conoscenze e di dati per i decisori politici, ci aiuta a comprendere meglio le sfide che ci aspettano.
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Investing in education always pays off in the long run and Member States cannot afford to forget this when it comes to allocating public budgets.
Investire nell’istruzione conviene sempre nel lungo periodo e gli Stati membri devono tenerne conto nel decidere lo stanziamento dei fondi pubblici.
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As the report confirms, cutting back on education spending in general, and on teachers' salaries in particular, can hinder our objective of providing efficient and high quality education systems," said Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
Come confermato dalla relazione, i tagli alla spesa per l’istruzione in generale e agli stipendi degli insegnanti in particolare possono ostacolare il conseguimento del nostro obiettivo, vale a dire sistemi di istruzione efficaci e di grande qualità", ha affermato Androulla Vassiliou, commissaria europea responsabile per l'istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù.
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"What we need now is ensure our young people are motivated and equipped with 21st century skills, with the entrepreneurial spirit to bring Europe back onto the path of growth.
"Il nostro compito è ora garantire che i nostri giovani siano motivati e che possiedano le competenze richieste nel 21° secolo, nonché lo spirito imprenditoriale necessario per riportare l’Europa sulla via della crescita.
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We must be ready to implement reforms so that our education systems are a match for the world's best – and that means we have to invest.
Dobbiamo essere pronti ad operare riforme affinché i nostri sistemi d'istruzione possano competere con i migliori al mondo e, perché ciò sia possibile, dobbiamo investire.
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However, as this report clearly shows, some Member States are doing better than others in maintaining levels of spending on education."
Tuttavia, come risulta chiaramente dalla relazione, alcuni Stati membri riescono meglio di altri a mantenere il livello di spesa per l’istruzione."
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Investment in quality education and training, particularly in the current context of high youth unemployment, is at the heart of the EU policy agenda.
Gli investimenti in un'istruzione e una formazione di qualità, in particolare a fronte dell’elevato tasso di disoccupazione giovanile, figurano al centro dell’agenda politica dell’UE.
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The next European Council on 27-28 June will focus on measures to boost youth employment.
Il Consiglio europeo che si riunirà il 27 e 28 giugno prossimi si occuperà essenzialmente delle misure volte a promuovere l’occupazione dei giovani.
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As part of its contribution to next week's meeting, the Commission has launched a new initiative, 'Working together for Europe's young people'.
La Commissione ha contribuito al vertice della prossima settimana lanciando una nuova iniziativa:"Lavorare insieme per i giovani d'Europa - Invito ad agire contro la disoccupazione giovanile".
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This sets out actions that have or will be taken by the EU to help Member States to modernise and improve their education systems – an approach that is in tune with the findings of Education at a Glance 2013.
Nella comunicazione così intitolata essa illustra le azioni che l'UE ha adottato o adotterà per aiutare gli Stati membri a modernizzare e a migliorare i loro sistemi di istruzione, un approccio questo che è in sintonia con le conclusioni della relazione Education at a Glance 2013.
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Education at a Glance 2013 is presented in Brussels today by Andreas Schleicher, Deputy Director for Education and Skills at the OECD;
La relazione è presentata oggi a Bruxelles da Andreas Schleicher, direttore aggiunto per l'Istruzione e le competenze dell'OCSE;
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Xavier Prats Monné, Deputy Director General of the European Commission's Directorate General for Education and Culture, will comment on the relevance of the findings of the report for the EU.
Xavier Prats Monné, vicedirettore generale della Direzione generale dell’istruzione e della cultura della Commissione europea, interverrà sull'argomento analizzando l'importanza delle conclusioni della relazione per l’UE.
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What Education at a Glance 2013 says about Europe:
Education at a Glance 2013 a proposito dell’Europa:
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Education at a Glance is produced annually by the OECD and draws on data compiled by Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Union, and the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
Education at a Glance è una pubblicazione annuale dell’OCSE che attinge a dati compilati dall'Ufficio statistico dell’Unione europea (Eurostat) e dall'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite per l’educazione, la scienza e la cultura (UNESCO).
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The report features data on education from the 34 OECD countries, including 21 EU Member States.
La relazione presenta i dati sull’istruzione provenienti dai trentaquattro paesi aderenti all’OCSE, di cui ventuno sono Stati membri dell’UE.
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Six EU Member States are not part of the OECD (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta and Romania) and are therefore not included in the report.
Sei Stati membri dell’UE non fanno parte dell’OCSE (Bulgaria, Cipro, Lettonia, Lituania, Malta e Romania) e non sono pertanto trattati nella relazione.
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The Commission welcomes the report in the context of strengthened cooperation between the Education Department of the OECD and the Directorate General for Education and Culture of the Commission in the analysis of education systems.
La Commissione plaude alla relazione nel contesto di una rafforzata cooperazione nell’analisi dei sistemi d’istruzione tra il dipartimento dell’OCSE per l’Istruzione e la direzione generale dell’istruzione e della cultura della Commissione.
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The report confirms the Commission's own analysis of trends that characterise European education systems, while at the same time reflecting the very diverse situations which exist between Member States.
La relazione conferma l’analisi ad opera della Commissione delle tendenze che caratterizzano i sistemi d’istruzione europei, tenendo conto al contempo delle notevoli diversità tra gli Stati membri.
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Expenditure on education per student is on a downward trend in most EU countries, although it is still slightly above the OECD average.
La spesa per studente nel campo dell'istruzione è in calo nella maggior parte dei paesi dell’UE, anche se si mantiene leggermente superiore alla media dell’OCSE.
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In 2010, expenditure per student across all levels of education in the 21 EU members of the OECD was €7 200 compared with €6 900 in the OECD as a whole.
Nel 2010 la spesa per studente a tutti i livelli dell'istruzione nei ventuno Stati membri dell'UE aderenti all’OCSE è stata di 7 200 € rispetto ai 6 900 € dell’insieme dei paesi dell'OCSE.
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This is a cause for concern; moreover, the EU's own data on government expenditure in education as a percentage of GDP show that five EU countries (Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Romania and Slovakia) combine both a low level of investment in absolute terms and a decreasing trend in expenditure since 2008/09.
È un dato preoccupante; inoltre, i dati dell'UE sulla spesa pubblica per l’istruzione in percentuale del PIL indicano che in cinque paesi dell’UE (Bulgaria, Grecia, Italia, Romania e Slovacchia), oltre ad uno scarso livello degli investimenti in termini assoluti, dal 2008/2009 si registra anche un trend al ribasso della spesa in tale settore.
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On average, 15% of young people aged 15-29 were neither in employment nor in education and training (NEET) in 2011, slightly better than the overall OECD average of 16%.
In media, il 15% dei giovani di età compresa fra i 15 e i 29 anni nel 2011 risultava disoccupato o non iscritto a corsi d'istruzione o di formazione (i cosiddetti "NEET", ossia "not in employment, education or training"), dato questo leggermente migliore rispetto alla media generale dell’OCSE (16%).
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However, in Greece, Ireland, Italy and Spain, more than 20% of young people were in this situation.
Tuttavia, oltre il 20% dei giovani di Grecia, Irlanda, Italia e Spagna rientrava in tale categoria.
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Recent EU figures show that this worsened in 2012 for the three Southern European countries.
Dagli ultimi dati dell’UE risulta che nel 2012 la situazione è ulteriormente peggiorata nei tre paesi dell'area meridionale.
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Dedicated education and training programmes, including high quality apprenticeships or traineeships within the EU youth guarantee initiative have a major role to play in avoiding a 'lost generation'.
Programmi specifici nel campo dell'istruzione e della formazione, compresi programmi di apprendistato e di tirocinio di elevata qualità nel quadro dell'iniziativa "garanzia per i giovani dell'UE", hanno un ruolo fondamentale da svolgere per evitare il rischio di "una generazione perduta".
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EU countries have a high share of students in vocational programmes at upper secondary education level, significantly higher than the OCED average.
I paesi dell’UE registrano un’elevata percentuale di studenti impegnati in corsi di formazione professionale a livello di istruzione secondaria superiore, che supera notevolmente la media dell'OCSE.
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However, the picture varies significantly between Member States: In 2011, this ratio was over 70% in Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Finland and the Slovak Republic.
Tuttavia, il quadro varia considerevolmente da uno Stato membro all’altro: nel 2011 tale percentuale era di oltre il 70% in Austria, Belgio, Repubblica ceca, Finlandia e Repubblica slovacca.
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But Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Hungary, Portugal and the UK had no more than 40% of students in such programmes;
In Estonia, Irlanda, Grecia, Ungheria, Portogallo e nel Regno Unito invece erano al massimo il 40% gli studenti che seguivano tali programmi;
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this was also the case for non-EU countries with the exception of Australia.
analoga era anche la situazione nei paesi terzi, ad eccezione dell’Australia.
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The European Commission is urging Member States to maximise the benefits of work-based learning to ease school-to-work transition for young people.
La Commissione europea esorta gli Stati membri ad ottimizzare i benefici dell’apprendimento sul lavoro per agevolare il passaggio dei giovani dalla scuola alla vita professionale.
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On 2 July, Commissioners Androulla Vassiliou and László Andor will launch the European Alliance for Apprenticeships in Leipzig, to strengthen the quality, supply and image of apprenticeships and vocational education across the EU.
Il 2 luglio, i commissari Androulla Vassiliou e László Andor daranno il via a Lipsia all’Alleanza europea per l'apprendistato, per rafforzare la qualità, l'offerta e l’immagine dell’apprendistato e della formazione professionale in tutta l’UE.
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On average, teachers in EU countries earn between 77% and 89% of similarly educated full-time workers;
Nei paesi dell’UE gli insegnanti guadagnano in media tra il 77% e l’89% del salario di altri lavoratori a tempo pieno con analoga formazione;
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their salaries have decreased by around 4% between 2009 and 2011 in real terms.
tra il 2009 e il 2011 i loro stipendi sono calati in termini reali del 4% circa.
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If this trend continues, it might endanger the recruitment of a new generation of motivated teachers to replace an ageing workforce which will go into retirement in the near future.
Se tale tendenza dovesse continuare, potrebbe mettere in pericolo l’assunzione di una nuova generazione di insegnanti motivati, destinata a sostituire un corpo insegnante che invecchia, prossimo ormai alla pensione.
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Gender distribution in tertiary education in EU countries is improving, although not evenly in all fields.
La distribuzione di genere nell’istruzione terziaria nei paesi dell’UE sta migliorando, anche se non in maniera uniforme in tutti i settori di studio.
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As the report shows, for some time now in Europe there have been more female Bachelors/Masters' graduates than male and their share is increasing (60% of all graduates in the 21 EU members of the OECD in 2011, as compared with 55% in 2000).
Come rivela la relazione, da tempo in Europa le donne in possesso di un diploma universitario di primo livello o di master sono più numerose dei maschi e la loro quota sta aumentando (nel 2011 erano il 60% dei laureati nell'UE-21 aderenti all’OCSE, rispetto al 55% del 2000).
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However, in the key disciplines of mathematics, science and technology their share rose only slightly from 40 to 42% (except in the Czech Republic, Germany and Slovakia, where it rose by more than 10 percentage points), while in engineering the share is 28% (up from 23%).
Tuttavia, nelle discipline fondamentali, quali la matematica, le scienze e la tecnologia, la partecipazione delle donne è aumentata solo leggermente, passando dal 40 al 42% (fuorché nella Repubblica ceca, nella Germania e nella Slovacchia, in cui l'aumento è stato di oltre 10 punti percentuali), mentre solo il 28% degli ingegneri era composto da donne (rispetto al 23% del 2000).
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Employment opportunities remained much better for males and females with a tertiary attainment compared with any other educational level;
Gli uomini e le donne con un titolo di istruzione superiore avevano opportunità di occupazione molto maggiori rispetto alle persone con un livello di istruzione inferiore;
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however the gap in employment rates between male and female tertiary graduates aged 25-64 was as high as 7 percentage points on average for the EU 21 (9 percentage points for the OECD overall).
tuttavia, il divario tra i tassi di occupazione dei diplomati maschi e femmine dell’istruzione terziaria nella fascia di età 25-64 anni era in media di 7 punti percentuali per gli UE-21 rispetto ai 9 punti percentuali per l’insieme dei paesi dell'OCSE.
EU investment for education and youth employability pays off, OECD report
The European Commission today welcomed the launch of Education at a
Glance 2013, an annual report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) which analyses the education systems of the 34 OECD member
countries, including 21 EU Member States, as well as Argentina, Brazil, China,
India, Indonesia, Russia, Saudi Arabia and South Africa.
The report identifies challenges for European education systems that
must be tackled by the EU and its Member States working together, and confirms
the importance of policies aimed at modernising education systems and increasing
opportunities for young people to study or train
"This report is a major source of knowledge and evidence for policy-makers,
helping to deepen our understanding of the challenges we face.
Investing in education always pays off in the long run and Member
States cannot afford to forget this when it comes to allocating public budgets.
As the report confirms, cutting back on education spending in general,
and on teachers' salaries in particular, can hinder our objective of providing
efficient and high quality education systems," said Androulla Vassiliou,
European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
"What we need now is ensure our young people are motivated and equipped
with 21st century skills, with the entrepreneurial spirit to bring Europe back
onto the path of growth.
We must be ready to implement reforms so that our education systems are
a match for the world's best – and that means we have to invest.
However, as this report clearly shows, some Member States are doing
better than others in maintaining levels of spending on education."
Investment in quality education and training, particularly in the
current context of high youth unemployment, is at the heart of the EU policy
The next European Council on 27-28 June will focus on measures to boost
youth employment.
As part of its contribution to next week's meeting, the Commission has
launched a new initiative, 'Working together for Europe's young people'.
This sets out actions that have or will be taken by the EU to help
Member States to modernise and improve their education systems – an approach
that is in tune with the findings of Education at a Glance 2013.
Education at a Glance 2013 is presented in Brussels today by Andreas
Schleicher, Deputy Director for Education and Skills at the OECD;
Xavier Prats Monné, Deputy Director General of the European
Commission's Directorate General for Education and Culture, will comment on the
relevance of the findings of the report for the EU.
What Education at a Glance 2013 says about Europe:
Education at a Glance is produced annually by the OECD and draws on
data compiled by Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the European Union, and the
United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
The report features data on education from the 34 OECD countries,
including 21 EU Member States.
Six EU Member States are not part of the OECD (Bulgaria, Cyprus,
Latvia, Lithuania, Malta and Romania) and are therefore not included in the
The Commission welcomes the report in the context of strengthened
cooperation between the Education Department of the OECD and the Directorate
General for Education and Culture of the Commission in the analysis of education
The report confirms the Commission's own analysis of trends that
characterise European education systems, while at the same time reflecting the
very diverse situations which exist between Member States.
Expenditure on education per student is on a downward trend in most EU
countries, although it is still slightly above the OECD average.
In 2010, expenditure per student across all levels of education in the
21 EU members of the OECD was €7 200 compared with €6 900 in the OECD as a
This is a cause for concern; moreover, the EU's own data on government
expenditure in education as a percentage of GDP show that five EU countries
(Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Romania and Slovakia) combine both a low level of
investment in absolute terms and a decreasing trend in expenditure since
On average, 15% of young people aged 15-29 were neither in employment
nor in education and training (NEET) in 2011, slightly better than the overall
OECD average of 16%.
However, in Greece, Ireland, Italy and Spain, more than 20% of young
people were in this situation.
Recent EU figures show that this worsened in 2012 for the three
Southern European countries.
Dedicated education and training programmes, including high quality
apprenticeships or traineeships within the EU youth guarantee initiative have a
major role to play in avoiding a 'lost generation'.
EU countries have a high share of students in vocational programmes at
upper secondary education level, significantly higher than the OCED average.
However, the picture varies significantly between Member States: In
2011, this ratio was over 70% in Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Finland
and the Slovak Republic.
But Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Hungary, Portugal and the UK had no more
than 40% of students in such programmes;
this was also the case for non-EU countries with the exception of
The European Commission is urging Member States to maximise the
benefits of work-based learning to ease school-to-work transition for young
On 2 July, Commissioners Androulla Vassiliou and László Andor will
launch the European Alliance for Apprenticeships in Leipzig, to strengthen the
quality, supply and image of apprenticeships and vocational education across the
On average, teachers in EU countries earn between 77% and 89% of
similarly educated full-time workers;
their salaries have decreased by around 4% between 2009 and 2011 in
real terms.
If this trend continues, it might endanger the recruitment of a new
generation of motivated teachers to replace an ageing workforce which will go
into retirement in the near future.
Gender distribution in tertiary education in EU countries is improving,
although not evenly in all fields.
As the report shows, for some time now in Europe there have been more
female Bachelors/Masters' graduates than male and their share is increasing (60%
of all graduates in the 21 EU members of the OECD in 2011, as compared with 55%
in 2000).
However, in the key disciplines of mathematics, science and technology
their share rose only slightly from 40 to 42% (except in the Czech Republic,
Germany and Slovakia, where it rose by more than 10 percentage points), while in
engineering the share is 28% (up from 23%).
Employment opportunities remained much better for males and females
with a tertiary attainment compared with any other educational level;
however the gap in employment rates between male and female tertiary
graduates aged 25-64 was as high as 7 percentage points on average for the EU 21
(9 percentage points for the OECD overall).