La Corte, pur rilevando che la normativa lussemburghese che esclude i figli dei lavoratori frontalieri dal sussidio economico per gli studi superiori persegue un obiettivo legittimo, dichiara che il regime attuale va al di là di quanto necessario per il suo conseguimento
Inglese tratto da:
Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 20-06-2013
1 |
While stating that the Luxembourg legislation which excludes the children of frontier workers from entitlement to financial aid for higher education studies pursues a legitimate objective, the Court holds that the current system goes beyond what is necessary to attain that objective
La Corte, pur rilevando che la normativa lussemburghese che esclude i figli dei lavoratori frontalieri dal sussidio economico per gli studi superiori persegue un obiettivo legittimo, dichiara che il regime attuale va al di là di quanto necessario per il suo conseguimento
2 |
The objective of increasing the number of persons in the Luxembourg population with a higher education degree may be attained using less restrictive measures
L’obiettivo volto all’incremento del numero dei titolari di diplomi di istruzione superiore nell’ambito della popolazione lussemburghese può essere conseguito con misure meno restrittive
3 |
EU law requires Member States to grant migrant workers the same social and tax advantages as national workers.
Il diritto dell’Unione impone agli Stati membri di riconoscere ai lavoratori migranti gli stessi vantaggi sociali e fiscali dei lavoratori nazionali.
4 |
Luxembourg grants financial aid, in the form of a grant and a loan, in order to promote higher education studies by students in its territory or in the territory of any other State.
Il Lussemburgo concede, sotto forma di borsa di studio e di prestito, un sussidio economico per favorire il compimento di studi superiori sul proprio territorio o su quello di qualsiasi altro Stato.
5 |
That aid is granted to students holding Luxembourg nationality or the nationality of another Member State, who are resident in Luxembourg when they are about to embark on higher education studies.
Tale sussidio viene concesso agli studenti, lussemburghesi o cittadini di un altro Stato membro, che risiedano in Lussemburgo nel momento in cui si accingono a intraprendere gli studi superiori.
6 |
Thus, the children of cross-border workers, who usually reside in a country bordering upon Luxembourg, are not entitled to the aid.
In tal modo, i figli dei lavoratori frontalieri, residenti di regola in un paese limitrofo del Lussemburgo, risultano esclusi dal beneficio del sussidio.
7 |
A number of children of cross-border workers to whom financial aid had been denied are contesting the lawfulness of their exclusion from the category of beneficiaries of the aid before the Luxembourg courts.
Vari figli di lavoratori frontalieri cui è stata negata la concessione di tale sussidio economico contestano dinanzi ai giudici lussemburghesi la legittimità dell’esclusione.
8 |
The tribunal administratif (Luxembourg), before which those disputes have been brought, asks the Court of Justice whether the Luxembourg legislation relating to the grant of that aid is compatible with the principle of the freedom of movement of workers.
Il tribunal administratif (Lussemburgo), cui tali controversie sono state sottoposte, chiede alla Corte di giustizia se la normativa lussemburghese relativa alla concessione di tale sussidio sia compatibile con il principio di libera circolazione dei lavoratori.
9 |
In its judgment of today's date, the Court recalls that aid granted in order to finance the university studies of the child of a migrant worker constitutes, for that worker, a social advantage which must be granted to him under the same conditions as those applying to national workers.
Nella sentenza odierna la Corte ricorda che un aiuto concesso per finanziare gli studi universitari di un figlio a carico di un lavoratore migrante costituisce, per il lavoratore medesimo, un vantaggio sociale che deve essergli riconosciuto alle stesse condizioni dei lavoratori nazionali.
10 |
The Court makes clear in that regard that that equal treatment must not be limited to migrant workers residing in a host Member State but must extend to cross-border workers who, while employed as a worker in that Member State, reside in another Member State.
La Corte precisa, a tal riguardo, che tale parità di trattamento dev’essere riservata non solo ai lavoratori migranti residenti in uno Stato membro ospitante, bensì parimenti ai lavoratori frontalieri i quali, pur ivi esercitando la loro attività lavorativa dipendente, risiedano in un altro Stato membro.
11 |
In addition, where the social advantage is granted directly to the child of a migrant worker, that child may himself or herself rely on the principle of equal treatment.
Peraltro, qualora il vantaggio sociale sia concesso direttamente al figlio di un lavoratore migrante, il figlio stesso può invocare il principio di parità di trattamento.
12 |
Second, the Court holds that the condition of residence required by Luxembourg legislation amounts to indirect discrimination on grounds of nationality in so far as it is liable to operate mainly to the detriment of nationals of other Member States, as non-residents are in the majority of cases foreign nationals.
Inoltre, la Corte rileva che il requisito di residenza imposto dalla normativa lussemburghese costituisce una discriminazione indiretta fondata sulla cittadinanza in quanto rischia di operare principalmente a detrimento dei cittadini degli altri Stati membri, considerato che i non residenti sono più frequentemente non nazionali.
13 |
In that context, the Court states that such discrimination cannot be justified by budgetary considerations, since the application and the scope of the principle of non-discrimination on grounds of nationality cannot depend on the state of the public finances of the Member States.
La Corte sottolinea che tale discriminazione non può essere giustificata da considerazioni di bilancio, dato che l’applicazione e la portata del principio di non discriminazione in base alla cittadinanza nell’ambito della libera circolazione dei lavoratori non devono dipendere dalla situazione delle finanze pubbliche degli Stati membri.
14 |
The Court nevertheless considers that the condition of residence is appropriate for attaining the objective pursued by Luxembourg of promoting higher education studies and of significantly increasing the proportion of Luxembourg residents who hold a higher education degree.
La Corte osserva però che il requisito di residenza è idoneo a garantire la realizzazione dell’obiettivo perseguito dal Lussemburgo, volto a promuovere il compimento di studi superiori e a incrementare, in misura significativa, la percentuale di titolari di un diploma di istruzione superiore residenti in tale paese.
15 |
Students who are resident in Luxembourg when they are about to embark on their higher education studies may be more likely than non-resident students to settle in Luxembourg and become integrated in the Luxembourg labour market after completing their studies, even if those studies were undertaken abroad.
Infatti, la probabilità di stabilirsi a Lussemburgo e di integrarsi nel mercato del lavoro lussemburghese al termine degli studi superiori, ancorché tali studi siano stati effettuati all’estero, è maggiore per gli studenti residenti in Lussemburgo nel momento in cui si accingono a intraprendere gli studi superiori, che per gli studenti non residenti.
16 |
However, the Court holds that the system of financial aid in question is too exclusive in nature.
Tuttavia, la Corte rileva che il regime di sussidio economico in esame presenta un carattere troppo esclusivo.
17 |
By imposing a prior condition of residence by the student in Luxembourg territory, the law favours an element which is not necessarily the sole representative element of the actual degree of attachment of the person concerned to Luxembourg.
Infatti, imponendo il requisito di previa residenza dello studente sul territorio lussemburghese, la normativa contestata privilegia un elemento che non è necessariamente l’unico elemento rappresentativo del reale grado di collegamento dell’interessato con il Lussemburgo.
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Thus, it is possible that a non-resident student may also have an attachment to the Grand Duchy sufficient to make it reasonably probable that he or she will return to settle in Luxembourg and make himself or herself available to the labour market of that Member State.
È infatti possibile che uno studente non residente possa parimenti presentare un collegamento con il Granducato che consenta di concludere per l’esistenza di una ragionevole probabilità che egli torni e vi si stabilisca, mettendosi a disposizione del mercato del lavoro in tale Stato membro.
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That is the case where that student resides alone or with his or her parents in a Member State which borders upon the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and where, for a significant period of time, his or her parents have worked in Luxembourg and live near to that Member State.
Ciò avviene nel caso in cui lo studente risieda, da solo o con i propri genitori, in uno Stato membro frontaliero del Lussemburgo e, da un periodo di tempo significativo, i genitori lavorino in Lussemburgo e vivano nei pressi dello Stato membro medesimo.
20 |
The Court points out in that regard that less restrictive measures are available which make it possible to attain the objective sought by the Luxembourg legislature.
La Corte precisa, a tal riguardo, che esistono misure meno restrittive che consentono di conseguire l’obiettivo perseguito dal legislatore lussemburghese.
21 |
For example, where the aid granted consists in a loan, a system of financing which made the grant of that loan, or even the outstanding balance thereof, or its non-reimbursement, conditional on the student who receives it returning to Luxembourg after his or her studies abroad in order to work and reside there, would be better adapted to the special situation of the children of cross-border workers.
Ad esempio, considerato che il sussidio può consistere in un prestito, un sistema di finanziamento che subordinasse la concessione del prestito, ovvero del saldo del medesimo, o il suo mancato rimborso alla condizione che lo studente beneficiario faccia ritorno in Lussemburgo per ivi lavorare e risiedere dopo aver terminato i propri studi all’estero risulterebbe più adatto alla particolare situazione dei figli dei lavoratori frontalieri.
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In addition, in order to avoid ‘study grant forum shopping’ and to ensure that the cross-border worker parent of the student has a sufficient link with Luxembourg society, the financial aid could be made conditional on that parent having worked in Luxembourg for a certain minimum period of time.
Inoltre, al fine di evitare un «turismo delle borse di studio» e di garantire che il lavoratore frontaliero genitore dello studente presenti collegamenti sufficienti con la società lussemburghese, la concessione del sussidio economico potrebbe essere subordinata alla condizione che il genitore abbia lavorato in Lussemburgo per un periodo minimo determinato.
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Finally, the risk of duplication with equivalent financial aid paid in the Member State in which the student resides, with or without his parents, could be avoided by taking that aid into account in the grant of the aid paid by Luxembourg.
Infine, qualsiasi rischio di cumulo con un aiuto economico equivalente che possa essere versato dallo Stato membro in cui lo studente risiede, da solo o con i propri genitori, potrebbe essere evitato tenendo conto di esso ai fini del riconoscimento del sussidio versato dal Lussemburgo.
24 |
In those circumstances, the Court replies that the contested Luxembourg legislation goes beyond what is necessary to attain the objective pursued by the legislature.
La Corte risponde in conclusione che la normativa lussemburghese contestata va al di là di quanto necessario per conseguire l’obiettivo perseguito dal legislatore.
25 |
Therefore, that legislation is contrary to the principle of the freedom of movement for workers.
Pertanto, è contraria al principio di libera circolazione dei lavoratori.
26 |
27 |
A request for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law or the validity of a European Union act.
Il rinvio pregiudiziale consente ai giudici degli Stati membri, nell'ambito di una controversia della quale sono investiti, di interpellare la Corte in merito all’interpretazione del diritto dell’Unione o alla validità di un atto dell’Unione.
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The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
La Corte non risolve la controversia nazionale.
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It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised.
Spetta al giudice nazionale risolvere la causa conformemente alla decisione della Corte. Tale decisione vincola egualmente gli altri giudici nazionali ai quali venga sottoposto un problema simile.
While stating that the Luxembourg legislation which excludes the children
of frontier workers from entitlement to financial aid for higher education
studies pursues a legitimate objective, the Court holds that the current system
goes beyond what is necessary to attain that objective
The objective of increasing the number of persons in the Luxembourg
population with a higher education degree may be attained using less restrictive
EU law requires Member States to grant migrant workers the same social
and tax advantages as national workers.
Luxembourg grants financial aid, in the form of a grant and a loan, in
order to promote higher education studies by students in its territory or in the
territory of any other State.
That aid is granted to students holding Luxembourg nationality or the
nationality of another Member State, who are resident in Luxembourg when they
are about to embark on higher education studies.
Thus, the children of cross-border workers, who usually reside in a
country bordering upon Luxembourg, are not entitled to the aid.
A number of children of cross-border workers to whom financial aid had
been denied are contesting the lawfulness of their exclusion from the category
of beneficiaries of the aid before the Luxembourg courts.
The tribunal administratif (Luxembourg), before which those disputes
have been brought, asks the Court of Justice whether the Luxembourg legislation
relating to the grant of that aid is compatible with the principle of the
freedom of movement of workers.
In its judgment of today's date, the Court recalls that aid granted in
order to finance the university studies of the child of a migrant worker
constitutes, for that worker, a social advantage which must be granted to him
under the same conditions as those applying to national workers.
The Court makes clear in that regard that that equal treatment must not
be limited to migrant workers residing in a host Member State but must extend to
cross-border workers who, while employed as a worker in that Member State,
reside in another Member State.
In addition, where the social advantage is granted directly to the
child of a migrant worker, that child may himself or herself rely on the
principle of equal treatment.
Second, the Court holds that the condition of residence required by
Luxembourg legislation amounts to indirect discrimination on grounds of
nationality in so far as it is liable to operate mainly to the detriment of
nationals of other Member States, as non-residents are in the majority of cases
foreign nationals.
In that context, the Court states that such discrimination cannot be
justified by budgetary considerations, since the application and the scope of
the principle of non-discrimination on grounds of nationality cannot depend on
the state of the public finances of the Member States.
The Court nevertheless considers that the condition of residence is
appropriate for attaining the objective pursued by Luxembourg of promoting
higher education studies and of significantly increasing the proportion of
Luxembourg residents who hold a higher education degree.
Students who are resident in Luxembourg when they are about to embark
on their higher education studies may be more likely than non-resident students
to settle in Luxembourg and become integrated in the Luxembourg labour market
after completing their studies, even if those studies were undertaken abroad.
However, the Court holds that the system of financial aid in question
is too exclusive in nature.
By imposing a prior condition of residence by the student in Luxembourg
territory, the law favours an element which is not necessarily the sole
representative element of the actual degree of attachment of the person
concerned to Luxembourg.
Thus, it is possible that a non-resident student may also have an
attachment to the Grand Duchy sufficient to make it reasonably probable that he
or she will return to settle in Luxembourg and make himself or herself available
to the labour market of that Member State.
That is the case where that student resides alone or with his or her
parents in a Member State which borders upon the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and
where, for a significant period of time, his or her parents have worked in
Luxembourg and live near to that Member State.
The Court points out in that regard that less restrictive measures are
available which make it possible to attain the objective sought by the
Luxembourg legislature.
For example, where the aid granted consists in a loan, a system of
financing which made the grant of that loan, or even the outstanding balance
thereof, or its non-reimbursement, conditional on the student who receives it
returning to Luxembourg after his or her studies abroad in order to work and
reside there, would be better adapted to the special situation of the children
of cross-border workers.
In addition, in order to avoid ‘study grant forum shopping’ and to
ensure that the cross-border worker parent of the student has a sufficient link
with Luxembourg society, the financial aid could be made conditional on that
parent having worked in Luxembourg for a certain minimum period of time.
Finally, the risk of duplication with equivalent financial aid paid in
the Member State in which the student resides, with or without his parents,
could be avoided by taking that aid into account in the grant of the aid paid by
In those circumstances, the Court replies that the contested Luxembourg
legislation goes beyond what is necessary to attain the objective pursued by the
Therefore, that legislation is contrary to the principle of the freedom
of movement for workers.
A request for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of
the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer
questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law
or the validity of a European Union act.
The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in
accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other
national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised.