Dichiarazione congiunta in occasione della Giornata mondiale dei rifugiati
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Data documento:20-06-2013
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Joint Statement on World Refugee Day
Dichiarazione congiunta in occasione della Giornata mondiale dei rifugiati
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by EU High Representative/Vice-President Catherine Ashton, Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström, Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs and Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response Kristalina Georgieva
dell’Alta rappresentante/Vicepresidente Catherine Ashton, della Commissaria per gli Affari interni Cecilia Malmström, del Commissario per lo Sviluppo Andris Piebalgs e della Commissaria per la cooperazione internazionale, gli aiuti umanitari e la risposta alle crisi Kristalina Georgieva
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"Today is World Refugee Day: a day of growing concern for the international community as the number of displaced people around the world soars to a dramatic new high.
“La Giornata mondiale dei rifugiati, che si celebra oggi, sottolinea la crescente preoccupazione della comunità internazionale per il massiccio ulteriore aumento del numero di sfollati in tutto il mondo.
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We can count the number of displaced people – more than 46 million, according to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees – but we cannot quantify the human suffering, the broken families, destroyed childhoods and livelihoods that come with fleeing a war or a disaster.
Possiamo calcolare il numero di rifugiati (più di 46 milioni secondo l'Alto Commissariato delle Nazioni Unite per i rifugiati), ma non possiamo quantificare né le sofferenze umane né la distruzione delle famiglie, dell’infanzia e dei mezzi di sostentamento che colpiscono chi fugge da guerre o catastrofi.
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In Europe, we have a particular reason to think about refugees and displaced people now that war on our doorstep has displaced more than six million Syrians, 1.6 million of whom are refugees.
La questione dei rifugiati e degli sfollati è di particolare attualità, ora che il conflitto alle porte dell’Europa ha causato lo sfollamento di sei milioni di siriani, di cui 1,6 milioni di rifugiati.
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Alongside the efforts on the political front, the EU provides humanitarian and other assistance to the Syrians affected by the conflict, both those that still remain in Syria, and those who have fled the country.
Oltre a impegnarsi sul fronte politico, l'UE fornisce aiuti umanitari e altre forme di assistenza ai siriani vittime del conflitto, indipendentemente dal fatto che siano rimasti in Siria o che siano fuggiti dal paese.
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Conscious of the growing pressure on the host communities in Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey, we are also seeking to help them deal with the refugees.
Consapevoli della pressione sempre più forte esercitata sulle comunità di accoglienza in Libano, in Giordania e in Turchia, stiamo cercando di aiutare questi paesi a gestire l'afflusso di rifugiati.
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To date, €840 million in assistance has been committed by Member States and the European Commission.
Ad oggi gli Stati membri e la Commissione europea hanno erogato 480 milioni di euro di assistenza.
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The EU has also recently announced that it will deploy an additional package of €400 million in aid for Syrians.
L’UE ha annunciato di recente che erogherà altri 400 milioni di euro di aiuti per i siriani.
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Another sign of Europe's lasting commitment to helping refugees is today's adoption by the EU of the final element of the Common European Asylum System, the culmination of many years of work to ensure a better, more humane treatment of those seeking protection.
L’impegno a lungo termine dell’Unione europea a sostegno dei rifugiati è ulteriormente confermato dall'adozione odierna dell'elemento finale del sistema europeo comune di asilo, che corona anni e anni di lavoro per garantire un trattamento migliore e più umano a chi chiede protezione.
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It will provide better access to the asylum procedure for those who seek protection; it will lead to fairer, quicker and better quality asylum decisions; it will ensure that people in fear of persecution will not be returned to danger and it will guarantee dignified and decent conditions for those who seek shelter in the EU.
Il sistema agevolerà l’accesso alla procedura di asilo, permetterà di prendere decisioni più giuste, più rapide e di migliore qualità in materia di asilo, eviterà a chi teme di essere perseguitato di dover ritornare in situazioni di pericolo e garantirà condizioni dignitose e decorose a chi cerca rifugio nell'Unione.
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Our common system will put an end to the striking differences in the outcome of asylum applications across the EU. It will improve the material conditions in which asylum-seekers are received and provide common procedural rights which they are accorded.
Il nostro sistema comune porrà fine alle forti disparità di trattamento delle richieste di asilo all'interno dell'UE, migliorerà le condizioni materiali di accoglienza dei richiedenti asilo e garantirà loro diritti procedurali comuni.
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These measures will greatly increase the credibility and effectiveness of the European asylum system.
Queste misure rafforzeranno notevolmente la credibilità e l’efficacia del sistema europeo di asilo.
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Our new laws introduce guarantees for the most vulnerable, in particular minors and victims of torture or violence; there is now specific recognition that Member States should take steps to avoid detention of asylum-seekers.
Le nuove norme introducono garanzie per i più vulnerabili, in particolare i minori e le vittime di torture o violenze, e riconoscono esplicitamente che gli Stati membri devono prendere provvedimenti per evitare la detenzione dei richiedenti asilo.
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And for those who see their asylum request accepted and are therefore granted international protection, the new rules harmonise the benefits that go with such a status, especially in terms of residence rights and easier access to employment and health care.
Per coloro la cui domanda di asilo è stata accettata e a cui pertanto è concessa la protezione internazionale, le nuove norme armonizzano i vantaggi connessi a tale status, in particolare per quanto riguarda i diritti di soggiorno e la facilitazione dell'accesso all’occupazione e all’assistenza sanitaria.
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These changes will now need to be implemented across the Union to ensure that the common standards are applied in practice.
Tali cambiamenti dovranno ora essere attuati in tutta l’Unione per garantire che le norme comuni vengano applicate nella pratica.
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The European Union is a union built on values. The most precious of them is solidarity towards those who have been less fortunate and who need our help to survive and live with dignity.
L'Unione europea è fondata su alcuni valori, il più prezioso dei quali è la solidarietà nei confronti di chi è stato meno fortunato e di chi ha bisogno del nostro aiuto per sopravvivere e vivere con dignità.
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This is why the EU will continue to lead the international community in helping displaced people around the world and in welcoming those seeking refuge from persecution and conflict.
Per questo l’UE continuerà a guidare l’attività della comunità internazionale volta ad assistere gli sfollati di tutto il mondo e ad accogliere chi cerca rifugio da guerre e persecuzioni.
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Asylum seekers entitled to protection should be offered the prospect of a decent life and the opportunity to make a contribution to our societies.
A quanti hanno diritto alla protezione bisogna offrire la prospettiva di una vita decorosa e l'opportunità di contribuire alle nostre società.
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We are confident that our common European asylum policy, which has just been agreed upon, will help to make that aspiration a reality."
Confidiamo che la nostra politica comune in materia di asilo, che è appena stata concordata a livello europeo, ci aiuti a trasformare questa aspirazione in realtà.”
Joint Statement on World Refugee Day
by EU High Representative/Vice-President Catherine Ashton, Commissioner
for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström, Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs
and Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis
Response Kristalina
"Today is World Refugee Day: a day of growing concern for the international
community as the number of displaced people around the world soars to a dramatic
new high.
We can count the number of displaced people – more than 46 million,
according to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees – but we cannot quantify the
human suffering, the broken families, destroyed childhoods and livelihoods that
come with fleeing a war or a disaster.
In Europe, we have a particular reason to think about refugees and
displaced people now that war on our doorstep has displaced more than six
million Syrians, 1.6 million of whom are refugees.
Alongside the efforts on the political front, the EU provides
humanitarian and other assistance to the Syrians affected by the conflict, both
those that still remain in Syria, and those who have fled the country.
Conscious of the growing pressure on the host communities in Lebanon,
Jordan and Turkey, we are also seeking to help them deal with the refugees.
To date, €840 million in assistance has been committed by Member States
and the European Commission.
The EU has also recently announced that it will deploy an additional
package of €400 million in aid for Syrians.
Another sign of Europe's lasting commitment to helping refugees is
today's adoption by the EU of the final element of the Common European Asylum
System, the culmination of many years of work to ensure a better, more humane
treatment of those seeking protection.
It will provide better access to the asylum procedure for those who
seek protection; it will lead to fairer, quicker and better quality asylum
decisions; it will ensure that people in fear of persecution will not be
returned to danger and it will guarantee dignified and decent conditions for
those who seek shelter in the EU.
Our common system will put an end to the striking differences in the
outcome of asylum applications across the EU. It will improve the material
conditions in which asylum-seekers are received and provide common procedural
rights which they are accorded.
These measures will greatly increase the credibility and effectiveness
of the European asylum system.
Our new laws introduce guarantees for the most vulnerable, in
particular minors and victims of torture or violence; there is now specific
recognition that Member States should take steps to avoid detention of
And for those who see their asylum request accepted and are therefore
granted international protection, the new rules harmonise the benefits that go
with such a status, especially in terms of residence rights and easier access to
employment and health care.
These changes will now need to be implemented across the Union to
ensure that the common standards are applied in practice.
The European Union is a union built on values. The most precious of
them is solidarity towards those who have been less fortunate and who need our
help to survive and live with dignity.
This is why the EU will continue to lead the international community in
helping displaced people around the world and in welcoming those seeking refuge
from persecution and conflict.
Asylum seekers entitled to protection should be offered the prospect of
a decent life and the opportunity to make a contribution to our societies.
We are confident that our common European asylum policy, which has just
been agreed upon, will help to make that aspiration a reality." |