Agenda digitale - nuove regole specifiche per i consumatori in caso di perdita o furto nell’UE di dati personali nelle telecomunicazioni
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Data documento: 24-06-2013
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Digital Agenda: New specific rules for consumers when telecoms personal data is lost or stolen in EU
Agenda digitale - nuove regole specifiche per i consumatori in caso di perdita o furto nell’UE di dati personali nelle telecomunicazioni
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The European Commission is putting into place new rules on what exactly telecoms operators and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) should do if their customers' personal data is lost, stolen or otherwise compromised.
La Commissione europea introduce nuove regole su come esattamente gli operatori delle telecomunicazioni e i fornitori di servizi Internet (ISP) debbano comportarsi in caso di perdita, furto o compromissione in altro modo dei dati personali dei loro clienti.
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The purpose of these "technical implementing measures" is to ensure all customers receive equivalent treatment across the EU in case of a data breach, and to ensure businesses can take a pan-EU approach to these problems if they operate in more than one country.
Il fine di tali “misure tecniche di attuazione” è garantire che, in caso di violazione di dati, tutti i clienti ricevano un trattamento equivalente in tutta l’Unione europea e le imprese possano adottare un approccio paneuropeo a tale problema nel caso in cui operino in più di un paese.
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Telecoms operators and ISPs hold a range of data about their customers, such as name, address and bank account details, in addition to information about phone calls and websites visited.
Gli operatori delle telecomunicazioni e i fornitori di servizi Internet detengono una serie di dati dei loro clienti quali nome, indirizzo e coordinate bancarie, oltre alle informazioni sulle telefonate effettuate e ricevute e i siti web visitati.
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These companies have been operating since 2011 under a general obligation to inform national authorities and subscribers about breaches of personal data (IP/11/622).
Dal 2011 queste imprese sono tenute a rispettare l’obbligo generale di informare le autorità nazionali e gli abbonati delle violazioni di dati personali (IP/11/622).
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Thanks to a Commission Regulation, companies will have extra clarity about how to meet those obligations, and customers will have extra assurance about how their problem will be dealt with.
Grazie a un regolamento della Commissione le imprese potranno adempiere a tali obblighi contando su una maggiore chiarezza e i clienti avranno ulteriori garanzie circa il modo in cui ci si occuperà dei loro problemi.
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For example companies must:
Ad esempio, le imprese devono:
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- Inform the competent national authority of the incident within 24 hours after detection of the breach, in order to maximise its confinement.
- informare dell’incidente l’autorità nazionale competente entro 24 ore dalla sua rilevazione al fine di contenerne quanto più possibile le conseguenze;
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If full disclosure is not possible within that period, they should provide an initial set of information within 24 hours, with the rest to follow within three days.
nel caso in cui non sia possibile fornire informazioni complete entro tale termine, comunicarne una prima serie entro 24 ore, con il resto a seguire entro tre giorni;
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- Outline which pieces of information are affected and what measures have been or will be applied by the company.
- indicare le informazioni compromesse e le misure che l’impresa ha attuato o intende attuare;
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- In assessing whether to notify subscribers (i.e. by applying the test of whether the breach is likely to adversely affect personal data or privacy), companies should pay attention to the type of data compromised, particularly, in the context of the telecoms sector, financial information, location data, internet log files, web browsing histories, e-mail data, and itemised call lists.
- nel valutare la necessità di informare gli abbonati (secondo il criterio del rischio di ripercussioni negative dell’infrazione sui dati personali o sulla vita privata) le imprese devono avere riguardo al tipo di dati compromessi, in particolare, per quanto riguarda le telecomunicazioni, a informazioni finanziarie, dati sulla localizzazione, file di connessione a internet, cronologie di navigazione in rete, dati inerenti alla posta elettronica ed elenchi dettagliati delle chiamate;
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- Make use of a standardised format (for example an online form that is the same in all EU Member States) for notifying the competent national authority.
- utilizzare un formato standard (ad esempio, un modulo online uguale per tutti gli Stati membri dell’UE) per la notifica all’autorità nazionale competente.
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The Commission also wishes to incentivise companies to encrypt personal data.
La Commissione intende inoltre incentivare le imprese a criptare i dati personali.
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As such, and in conjunction with ENISA, the Commission will also publish an indicative list of technological protection measures, such as encryption techniques, which would render the data unintelligible to any person not authorised to see it.
A tal fine, in collaborazione con l’ENISA, la Commissione pubblicherà anche una lista indicativa di misure tecnologiche di protezione, ad esempio di cifratura, che rendano i dati inintelligibili per coloro che non siano autorizzati a leggerli.
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If a company applies such techniques but suffers a data breach, they would be exempt from the burden of having to notify the subscriber because such a breach would not actually reveal the subscriber's personal data.
Applicando tali tecniche l’impresa interessata da una violazione di dati sarebbe dispensata dall’obbligo di informare l’abbonato, in quanto tale violazione, di fatto, non ne rivelerebbe i dati personali.
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European Commission Vice-President Neelie Kroes said:
Neelie Kroes, Vicepresidente della Commissione europea, ha dichiarato:
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"Consumers need to know when their personal data has been compromised, so that they can take remedial action if needed, and businesses need simplicity.
“Per tutelarsi, se necessario, i consumatori devono sapere se i loro dati personali sono stati compromessi, e le imprese hanno bisogno di semplicità:
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These new practical measures provide that level playing field."
un contesto di condizioni eque che queste nuove misure di carattere concreto realizzano”.
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The Commission is implementing these rules following its 2011 public consultation, showing widespread stakeholder support for a harmonised approach in this area.
La Commissione dà attuazione a queste norme a seguito della consultazione pubblica del 2011 che ha fatto emergere un ampio favore dei portatori di interesse per un approccio armonizzato in questo settore.
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The rules were agreed by a committee of Member States and scrutinised by the European Parliament and Council.
Le regole sono state concordate in seno a un comitato di Stati membri e sottoposte al vaglio del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio;
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They are adopted in the form of a Commission Regulation, which has direct effect and requires no further transposition at national level, and will come into force two months after publication in the EU Official Journal.
sono state adottate in forma di regolamento della Commissione, che è direttamente applicabile e non richiede alcun recepimento a livello nazionale, ed entreranno in vigore due mesi dopo la pubblicazione nella Gazzetta ufficiale dell’Unione europea.
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The 2002 ePrivacy Directive requires telecoms operators and Internet service providers to keep personal data confidential and secure.
La direttiva e-Privacy del 2002 prevede che gli operatori delle telecomunicazioni e i fornitori di servizi Internet mantengano i dati personali in condizioni di riservatezza e sicurezza.
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However, sometimes data is stolen or lost or accessed by unauthorised persons.
Tuttavia, i dati possono essere rubati o smarriti oppure possono avervi accesso persone non autorizzate:
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These cases are known as 'personal data breaches'.
sono questi i casi di “violazione di dati personali”.
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Under the revised ePrivacy Directive (2009/136/EC), when a personal data breach occurs, the provider has to report this to a specific national authority, usually the national data protection authority or the communications regulator.
Secondo la direttiva e-Privacy riveduta (2009/136/CE), al verificarsi di una violazione di dati personali il fornitore di servizi deve darne segnalazione a una specifica autorità nazionale, solitamente l’autorità nazionale garante della protezione dei dati o l’autorità di regolamentazione delle comunicazioni.
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Also, the provider has to inform the concerned subscriber directly when the breach is likely to adversely affect personal data or privacy.
Inoltre, il fornitore deve informare l’abbonato interessato direttamente nel caso in cui la violazione possa compromettere dati personali o la vita privata.
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To ensure consistent implementation of the data breach rules across Member States, the ePrivacy Directive allows the Commission to propose "technical implementing measures" – practical rules to complement the existing legislation – on the circumstances, formats and procedures for the notification requirements.
Per garantire l’applicazione coerente delle norme sulla violazione di dati in tutti gli Stati membri la direttiva e-Privacy consente alla Commissione di proporre “misure tecniche di attuazione” – regole pratiche che integrano la normativa vigente — per definire le circostanze, i formati e le procedure per gli obblighi di notifica.
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To prepare the measures, the ePrivacy Directive requires the Commission to "involve all relevant stakeholders".
La direttiva e-Privacy stabilisce che, nel predisporre le misure, la Commissione “coinvolge tutti i soggetti interessati”.
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This was done in the form of a public consultation in 2011. Responses were received from a wide range of respondents including national authorities, service providers and civil society.
Ciò è stato fatto nel 2011 in forma di consultazione pubblica alla quale ha risposto un’ampia gamma di soggetti, comprese le autorità nazionali, i fornitori di servizi e la società civile.
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The results showed widespread support among stakeholders for harmonised rules and evidence of some divergences in national approaches.
Dai risultati sono emersi un ampio sostegno dei portatori di interesse in favore di norme armonizzate e la conferma di approcci nazionali in parte divergenti.
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The Commission also consulted the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA), the Article 29 Working Party on Data Protection and the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) in preparing the measures.
Nel predisporre le misure la Commissione ha consultato anche l’ Agenzia europea per la sicurezza delle reti e dell’informazione (ENISA), il Gruppo dell’articolo 29 per la tutela dei dati e il Garante europeo della protezione dei dati (GEPD).
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The measures are separate and distinct from the Commission's proposed revision of EU legal framework for data protection and the Commission's proposal for a Directive on network and information security.
Queste misure sono separate e distinte dalla revisione del quadro giuridico dell’UE per la protezione dei dati proposta dalla Commissione e dalla proposta della Commissione inerente a una direttiva sulla sicurezza delle reti e dell’informazione.
Digital Agenda: New specific rules for consumers when telecoms personal
data is lost or stolen in EU
The European Commission is putting into place new rules on what exactly
telecoms operators and Internet Service Providers (ISPs) should do if their
customers' personal data is lost, stolen or otherwise compromised.
The purpose of these "technical implementing measures" is to ensure all
customers receive equivalent treatment across the EU in case of a data breach,
and to ensure businesses can take a pan-EU approach to these problems if they
operate in more than one country.
Telecoms operators and ISPs hold a range of data about their customers,
such as name, address and bank account details, in addition to information about
phone calls and websites visited.
These companies have been operating since 2011 under a general
obligation to inform national authorities and subscribers about breaches of
personal data (IP/11/622).
Thanks to a Commission Regulation, companies will have extra clarity
about how to meet those obligations, and customers will have extra assurance
about how their problem will be dealt with.
For example companies must:
- Inform the competent national authority of the incident within 24
hours after detection of the breach, in order to maximise its confinement.
If full disclosure is not possible within that period, they should provide an
initial set of information within 24 hours, with the rest to follow within three
- Outline which pieces of information are affected and what measures
have been or will be applied by the company.
- In assessing whether to notify subscribers (i.e. by applying the test
of whether the breach is likely to adversely affect personal data or privacy),
companies should pay attention to the type of data compromised, particularly, in
the context of the telecoms sector, financial information, location data,
internet log files, web browsing histories, e-mail data, and itemised call
- Make use of a standardised format (for example an online form that is
the same in all EU Member States) for notifying the competent national
The Commission also wishes to incentivise companies to encrypt personal
As such, and in conjunction with ENISA, the Commission will also
publish an indicative list of technological protection measures, such as
encryption techniques, which would render the data unintelligible to any person
not authorised to see it.
If a company applies such techniques but suffers a data breach, they
would be exempt from the burden of having to notify the subscriber because such
a breach would not actually reveal the subscriber's personal data.
European Commission Vice-President Neelie Kroes said:
"Consumers need to know when their personal data has been compromised, so that
they can take remedial action if needed, and businesses need simplicity.
These new practical measures provide that level playing field."
The Commission is implementing these rules following its 2011 public
consultation, showing widespread stakeholder support for a harmonised approach
in this area.
The rules were agreed by a committee of Member States and scrutinised
by the European Parliament and Council.
They are adopted in the form of a Commission Regulation, which has
direct effect and requires no further transposition at national level, and will
come into force two months after publication in the EU Official Journal.
The 2002 ePrivacy Directive requires telecoms operators and
Internet service providers to keep personal data confidential and secure.
However, sometimes data is stolen or lost or accessed by unauthorised
These cases are known as 'personal data breaches'.
Under the revised ePrivacy Directive (2009/136/EC), when a personal
data breach occurs, the provider has to report this to a specific national
authority, usually the national data protection authority or the communications
Also, the provider has to inform the concerned subscriber directly when
the breach is likely to adversely affect personal data or privacy.
To ensure consistent implementation of the data breach rules across
Member States, the ePrivacy Directive allows the Commission to propose
"technical implementing measures" – practical rules to complement the existing
legislation – on the circumstances, formats and procedures for the notification
To prepare the measures, the ePrivacy Directive requires the Commission
to "involve all relevant stakeholders".
This was done in the form of a public consultation in 2011. Responses
were received from a wide range of respondents including national authorities,
service providers and civil society.
The results showed widespread support among stakeholders for harmonised
rules and evidence of some divergences in national approaches.
The Commission also consulted the European Network and Information
Security Agency (ENISA), the Article 29 Working Party on Data Protection and the
European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) in preparing the measures.
The measures are separate and distinct from the Commission's proposed
revision of EU legal framework for data protection and the Commission's proposal
for a Directive on network and information security.