Ambiente: l'Italia convenuta dinanzi alla Corte per la gestione dei rifiuti in Campania, la Commissione chiede sanzioni
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Data documento: 20-06-2013
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Environment: Italy referred back to Court over waste management in Campania, Commission asks for fines
Ambiente: l'Italia convenuta dinanzi alla Corte per la gestione dei rifiuti in Campania, la Commissione chiede sanzioni
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On the recommendation of Environment Commissioner Janez
Potočnik, the European Commission has decided to refer Italy back to the European Court of Justice for its long-running failure to manage waste adequately in the Campania region more than three years after a previous ruling.
Su raccomandazione di Janez
Potočnik, Commissario per l'Ambiente, la Commissione europea ha deciso di avviare un ricorso dinanzi alla Corte di giustizia dell'Unione europea contro l'Italia per il suo prolungato inadempimento in materia di gestione dei rifiuti nella regione Campania.
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Under EU law, Member States must recover and dispose of waste in a manner that does not endanger human health and the environment.
Ai sensi del diritto dell'Unione, gli Stati membri devono recuperare e smaltire i rifiuti in modo tale da non mettere in pericolo la salute umana e l'ambiente.
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The Commission is suggesting a daily penalty payment of € 256819 for each day after the second Court ruling until Italy complies with the judgment and a lump sum calculated on the basis of € 28090 per day for the period between the first judgment and the day of compliance or the day of the second Court ruling.
La Commissione propone che venga comminata una sanzione nella forma di una penalità giornaliera di 256819 EUR per ogni giorno di ritardo successivo alla seconda sentenza della Corte sino a che l'Italia non vi si conforma e di una somma forfettaria calcolata sulla base di € 28090 EUR per ogni giorno trascorso tra le due sentenze della Corte.
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In its ruling against Italy in March 2010, the Court was particularly concerned about the absence of an integrated and adequate network of disposal installations, which is a requirement under the Waste Framework Directive.
Nel pronunciarsi contro l'Italia nel marzo 2010, la Corte aveva espresso particolare preoccupazione riguardo all'assenza di una rete di dispositivi di smaltimento integrati e adeguati, che costituiscono un obbligo ai sensi della direttiva quadro sui rifiuti.
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The Commission has been in constant contact with the Italian authorities in the wake of that judgment, in an effort to ensure that Italy takes the measures necessary to execute the ruling.
La Commissione si è tenuta costantemente in contatto con le autorità italiane dopo la sentenza, nell'intento di assicurare che l'Italia prendesse le misure necessarie per eseguire la sentenza.
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Some progress has been made:
Alcuni progressi sono stati compiuti:
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Italy adopted a new waste management plan for Campania in January 2012, and in June presented a programme of measures intended to manage waste in the region until 2016, when new waste treatment plants are expected to become operational.
l'Italia ha adottato un nuovo piano di gestione dei rifiuti per la Campania nel gennaio 2012 e a giugno ha presentato un programma di misure destinate a gestire i rifiuti nella regione fino al 2016, quando dovrebbero diventare operativi nuovi impianti di trattamento.
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Since summer 2011, the local authorities have channelled large quantities of waste to facilities in other regions, providing an interim solution to problems that have been a regular feature of the region for a number of years.
Dall'estate 2011 le autorità locali hanno dirottato grandi quantità di rifiuti verso impianti in altre regioni, soluzione questa di natura meramente temporanea a problemi che caratterizzano la regione ormai da anni.
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New waste crises cannot be excluded, however, as the systemic problems in the region are still not adequately addressed by shipping waste out of the region.
Non sono però da escludersi nuove emergenze, dato che il trasporto dei rifiuti fuori dalla regione non risolve in modo adeguato i problemi endemici di questo territorio.
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While acknowledging some improvements in areas such as separate collection of waste, the Commission is concerned at the delays that have halted construction of most of the planned plants for recovering organic waste, incinerators and landfills.
Pur riconoscendo i progressi fatti, ad esempio sotto il profilo della raccolta differenziata, la Commissione guarda con preoccupazione i ritardi che hanno portato all'arresto della costruzione della maggior parte degli impianti previsti per il recupero dei rifiuti organici, degli inceneritori e delle discariche.
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There is now a risk that many of the planned installations will not be ready by the end of 2016, i.e. within a reasonable period of the first Court ruling.
Il rischio ora è che molte delle installazioni previste non siano pronte per la fine del 2016, cioè in tempi ancora ragionevoli dalla prima sentenza della Corte.
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There are also concerns about the uncertain fate of 6 million tons of baled waste stocked at various sites in Campania, awaiting an incinerator that is yet to be built, and about the low rate of separate collection in the Naples province. Naples, the largest city in Campania in terms of urban waste produced, has a separate collection rate of only around 20 %.
Preoccupanti sono altresì la sorte incerta di sei milioni di tonnellate di rifiuti imballati e stoccati presso vari siti in Campania, in attesa di un inceneritore che deve ancora essere costruito, e il basso tasso di raccolta differenziata nella provincia di Napoli: pur essendo la città della Campania che produce più rifiuti, Napoli ha un tasso di raccolta differenziata solo di circa il 20%.
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The Waste Framework Directive is a key instrument to protect human health and the environment from the negative effects caused by the collection, transport, storage, treatment and disposal of waste.
La direttiva quadro sui rifiuti costituisce uno strumento fondamentale di tutela della salute umana e dell'ambiente contro gli effetti negativi della raccolta, del trasporto, dello stoccaggio, del trattamento e dello smaltimento dei rifiuti.
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The Directive obliges Member States to dispose of waste without endangering human health and without harming the environment.
La direttiva obbliga gli Stati membri ad eliminare i rifiuti senza mettere in pericolo la salute umana e l'ambiente.
Environment: Italy referred back to Court over waste management in
Campania, Commission asks for fines
On the recommendation of Environment Commissioner Janez
Potočnik, the European
Commission has decided to refer Italy back to the European Court of Justice for
its long-running failure to manage waste adequately in the Campania region more
than three years after a previous ruling.
Under EU law, Member States must recover and dispose of waste in a
manner that does not endanger human health and the environment.
The Commission is suggesting a daily penalty payment of € 256819 for
each day after the second Court ruling until Italy complies with the judgment
and a lump sum calculated on the basis of € 28090 per day for the period between
the first judgment and the day of compliance or the day of the second Court
In its ruling against Italy in March 2010, the Court was particularly
concerned about the absence of an integrated and adequate network of disposal
installations, which is a requirement under the Waste Framework Directive.
The Commission has been in constant contact with the Italian
authorities in the wake of that judgment, in an effort to ensure that Italy
takes the measures necessary to execute the ruling.
Some progress has been made:
Italy adopted a new waste management plan for Campania in January 2012,
and in June presented a programme of measures intended to manage waste in the
region until 2016, when new waste treatment plants are expected to become
Since summer 2011, the local authorities have channelled large
quantities of waste to facilities in other regions, providing an interim
solution to problems that have been a regular feature of the region for a number
of years.
New waste crises cannot be excluded, however, as the systemic problems
in the region are still not adequately addressed by shipping waste out of the
While acknowledging some improvements in areas such as separate collection of
waste, the Commission is concerned at the delays that have halted construction
of most of the planned plants for recovering organic waste, incinerators and
There is now a risk that many of the planned installations will not be
ready by the end of 2016, i.e. within a reasonable period of the first Court
There are also concerns about the uncertain fate of 6 million tons of
baled waste stocked at various sites in Campania, awaiting an incinerator that
is yet to be built, and about the low rate of separate collection in the Naples
province. Naples, the largest city in Campania in terms of urban waste produced,
has a separate collection rate of only around 20 %.
The Waste Framework Directive is a key instrument to protect human health and
the environment from the negative effects caused by the collection, transport,
storage, treatment and disposal of waste.
The Directive obliges Member States to dispose of waste without
endangering human health and without harming the environment.