Lo Stato membro competente per l’esame della domanda d’asilo di un minore non accompagnato che abbia presentato domande in più Stati membri è quello in cui si trova tale minore dopo avervi presentato una domanda
Inglese tratto da:
Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 06-06-2013
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The Member State responsible for examining an asylum application made in more than one Member State by an unaccompanied minor is the State in which the minor is present after having lodged an application there
Lo Stato membro competente per l’esame della domanda d’asilo di un minore non accompagnato che abbia presentato domande in più Stati membri è quello in cui si trova tale minore dopo avervi presentato una domanda
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For that to be the case, there must be no member of the minor’s family legally present in another Member State
A tale proposito, nessun familiare del minore deve trovarsi legalmente in un altro Stato membro
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The ‘Dublin II’ Regulation lists the criteria for determining the Member State responsible for examining an asylum application lodged in the EU, so that the competence is reserved to a single Member State.
Il regolamento «Dublino II» enuncia una serie di criteri che consentono di determinare lo Stato membro competente per l’esame di una domanda d’asilo presentata nell’Unione, di modo che sia competente un solo Stato membro.
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Where a third-country national claims asylum in a Member State other than that designated as responsible under the regulation, the regulation lays down a procedure for transferring the asylum applicant to the Member State responsible.
Qualora un cittadino di uno Stato terzo chieda asilo in uno Stato membro diverso da quello individuato dal regolamento come competente, quest’ultimo prevede una procedura di trasferimento del richiedente asilo verso lo Stato membro competente.
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Two minors of Eritrean nationality (MA and BT) and a minor of Iraqi nationality (DA) applied for asylum in the United Kingdom.
Due minori di nazionalità eritrea (MA e BT) e un minore di nazionalità irachena (DA) hanno chiesto asilo nel Regno Unito.
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No member of their families was legally present in another Member State of the EU.
Nessun loro familiare si trovava legalmente in un altro Stato membro dell’Unione.
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The United Kingdom authorities established that they had already lodged applications for asylum in other Member States: in Italy (MA and BT) and in the Netherlands (DA).
Le autorità britanniche hanno constatato che essi avevano già presentato domande di asilo in altri Stati membri, cioè in Italia (MA e BT) e nei Paesi Bassi (DA).
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Therefore, it was decided that the minors would be transferred to those States, which were considered responsible for examining their asylum applications.
Pertanto, è stato deciso di trasferire i minori verso tali Stati, dal momento che questi ultimi erano considerati competenti per l’esame delle loro domande d’asilo.
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Where the applicant for asylum is an unaccompanied minor, the regulation provides that the Member State responsible for examining the application is to be that where a member of his family is legally present, provided that this is in the best interest of the minor.
Se il richiedente asilo è un minore non accompagnato, il regolamento prevede che competente per l’esame della domanda sia lo Stato membro nel quale si trova legalmente un suo familiare, purché ciò sia nell’interesse del minore.
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In the absence of a family member, the Member State responsible for examining the application is to be that where the minor has lodged his application for asylum, although the regulation does not specify whether that is the first application which the minor lodged in a Member State or the most recent application lodged in another Member State.
In mancanza di un familiare, è competente per l’esame della domanda lo Stato membro in cui il minore ha presentato la domanda d’asilo. Il regolamento non precisa se si tratti della prima domanda presentata dal minore in uno Stato membro oppure di quella che egli ha presentato da ultimo in un altro Stato membro.
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It should be stated that before proceeding with the transfer of MA and DA, but after BT had been transferred, the United Kingdom authorities decided to examine the applications for asylum themselves, under the ‘sovereignty clause’ provided for by the regulation. Consequently BT, who had already been transferred to Italy, was able to return to the United Kingdom.
Occorre sottolineare che, prima che si procedesse al trasferimento di MA e DA, ma dopo il trasferimento di BT, le autorità britanniche, in applicazione della «clausola di sovranità» prevista dal regolamento, hanno deciso di esaminare esse stesse le domande di asilo (di conseguenza BT, che era già stato trasferito in Italia, è potuto rientrare nel Regno Unito);
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Under the sovereignty clause, each Member State may examine an application for asylum, even if such examination is not its responsibility under the criteria laid down in the regulation.
in forza di detta clausola, ciascuno Stato membro può esaminare una domanda d’asilo, anche se non gli compete in base ai criteri stabiliti nel regolamento.
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However, the question which the Court has answered is whether the outcome in those three cases – the result of a discretionary decision by the United Kingdom – is mandatory under the regulation.
Tuttavia, la questione da chiarire è se il risultato conseguito in tali tre casi, frutto di una decisione discrezionale del Regno Unito, sia imperativo in forza del regolamento.
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In its judgment, delivered today, the Court declares that, where an unaccompanied minor with no member of his family legally present in the territory of a Member State has lodged an asylum application in more than one Member State, the Member State responsible for examining it will be that in which the minor is present after having lodged an application there.
Nella sua sentenza odierna la Corte dichiara che, qualora un minore non accompagnato, sprovvisto di familiari che si trovino legalmente nel territorio dell’Unione europea, abbia presentato domande di asilo in più di uno Stato membro, è competente ad esaminarle lo Stato membro nel quale il minore si trova dopo avervi presentato una domanda.
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That conclusion follows from the context and objective of the regulation, which seeks to guarantee effective access to an assessment of the asylum applicant’s refugee status, while focusing particularly on unaccompanied minors.
Tale conclusione deriva dal contesto e dallo scopo del regolamento, volto a garantire l’effettivo accesso all’esame della situazione del rifugiato del richiedente asilo, accordando al contempo particolare attenzione ai minori non accompagnati.
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Thus, since unaccompanied minors form a category of particularly vulnerable persons, it is important not to prolong more than is strictly necessary the procedure for determining the Member State responsible, which means that, as a rule, unaccompanied minors should not be transferred to another Member State.
Quindi, poiché questi ultimi costituiscono una categoria di persone particolarmente vulnerabili, la procedura di determinazione dello Stato membro competente non dev’essere prolungata più di quanto strettamente necessario, ciò implica che, in linea di principio, essi non siano trasferiti verso un altro Stato membro.
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These considerations are supported by the requirement that the fundamental rights of the EU should be observed, including the right whereby in all actions relating to children, whether taken by public authorities or private institutions, the child’s best interests are to be a primary consideration.
Tali considerazioni sono confortate dalla necessità di rispettare i diritti fondamentali garantiti dall’Unione europea, tra i quali, in particolare, la garanzia che, in tutti gli atti relativi ai minori, siano essi compiuti da autorità pubbliche o da istituzioni private, l’interesse superiore del minore sia considerato preminente.
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Accordingly, in the interest of unaccompanied minors, it is important not to prolong unnecessarily the procedure for determining the Member State responsible, and to ensure that unaccompanied minors have prompt access to the procedures for determining refugee status.
Di conseguenza, nell’interesse dei minori non accompagnati, è necessario non prolungare inutilmente la procedura di determinazione dello Stato membro competente, bensì assicurare loro un rapido accesso alle procedure per il riconoscimento dello status di rifugiato.
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The Court states that such an interpretation does not mean that an unaccompanied minor whose application for asylum is substantively rejected in one Member State can subsequently compel another Member State to examine an application for asylum.
La Corte precisa che una siffatta interpretazione non implica che il minore non accompagnato la cui domanda sia stata respinta nel merito in un primo Stato membro possa poi imporre a un altro Stato membro di esaminare un’altra domanda.
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Member States are not required to examine whether the applicant is a refugee where an application is considered inadmissible because the asylum applicant has lodged an identical application after a final decision has been taken against him.
Infatti, gli Stati membri non sono tenuti ad esaminare se al richiedente sia attribuibile lo status di rifugiato, qualora la domanda sia giudicata irricevibile in quanto il richiedente ha presentato una domanda identica dopo che gli è stata opposta una decisione definitiva.
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A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law or the validity of a European Union act.
Il rinvio pregiudiziale consente ai giudici degli Stati membri, nell'ambito di una controversia della quale sono investiti, di interpellare la Corte in merito all’interpretazione del diritto dell’Unione o alla validità di un atto dell’Unione.
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The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
La Corte non risolve la controversia nazionale.
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It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised.
Spetta al giudice nazionale risolvere la causa conformemente alla decisione della Corte.Tale decisione vincola egualmente gli altri giudici nazionali ai quali venga sottoposto un problema simile.
•••••••••••••••The Member State responsible for examining an asylum application made in
more than one Member State by an unaccompanied minor is the State in which the
minor is present after having lodged an application there
For that to be the case, there must be no member of the minor’s family
legally present in another Member State
The ‘Dublin II’ Regulation lists the criteria for determining the
Member State responsible for examining an asylum application lodged in the EU,
so that the competence is reserved to a single Member State.
Where a third-country national claims asylum in a Member State other
than that designated as responsible under the regulation, the regulation lays
down a procedure for transferring the asylum applicant to the Member State
Two minors of Eritrean nationality (MA and BT) and a minor of Iraqi
nationality (DA) applied for asylum in the United Kingdom.
No member of their families was legally present in another Member State
of the EU.
The United Kingdom authorities established that they had already lodged
applications for asylum in other Member States: in Italy (MA and BT) and in the
Netherlands (DA).
Therefore, it was decided that the minors would be transferred to those
States, which were considered responsible for examining their asylum
Where the applicant for asylum is an unaccompanied minor, the
regulation provides that the Member State responsible for examining the
application is to be that where a member of his family is legally present,
provided that this is in the best interest of the minor.
In the absence of a family member, the Member State responsible for
examining the application is to be that where the minor has lodged his
application for asylum, although the regulation does not specify whether that is
the first application which the minor lodged in a Member State or the most
recent application lodged in another Member State.
It should be stated that before proceeding with the transfer of MA and
DA, but after BT had been transferred, the United Kingdom authorities decided to
examine the applications for asylum themselves, under the ‘sovereignty clause’
provided for by the regulation. Consequently BT, who had already been
transferred to Italy, was able to return to the United Kingdom.
Under the sovereignty clause, each Member State may examine an
application for asylum, even if such examination is not its responsibility under
the criteria laid down in the regulation.
However, the question which the Court has answered is whether the
outcome in those three cases – the result of a discretionary decision by the
United Kingdom – is mandatory under the regulation.
In its judgment, delivered today, the Court declares that, where an
unaccompanied minor with no member of his family legally present in the
territory of a Member State has lodged an asylum application in more than one
Member State, the Member State responsible for examining it will be that in
which the minor is present after having lodged an application there.
That conclusion follows from the context and objective of the
regulation, which seeks to guarantee effective access to an assessment of the
asylum applicant’s refugee status, while focusing particularly on unaccompanied
Thus, since unaccompanied minors form a category of particularly
vulnerable persons, it is important not to prolong more than is strictly
necessary the procedure for determining the Member State responsible, which
means that, as a rule, unaccompanied minors should not be transferred to another
Member State.
These considerations are supported by the requirement that the
fundamental rights of the EU should be observed, including the right whereby in
all actions relating to children, whether taken by public authorities or private
institutions, the child’s best interests are to be a primary consideration.
Accordingly, in the interest of unaccompanied minors, it is important
not to prolong unnecessarily the procedure for determining the Member State
responsible, and to ensure that unaccompanied minors have prompt access to the
procedures for determining refugee status.
The Court states that such an interpretation does not mean that an
unaccompanied minor whose application for asylum is substantively rejected in
one Member State can subsequently compel another Member State to examine an
application for asylum.
Member States are not required to examine whether the applicant is a
refugee where an application is considered inadmissible because the asylum
applicant has lodged an identical application after a final decision has been
taken against him.
A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of
the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer
questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law
or the validity of a European Union act.
The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in
accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other
national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised.