Ricerca: nuovo partenariato per combattere le malattie legate alla povertà
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Data documento: 10-06-2013
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Research: New partnership to fight poverty-related diseases
Ricerca: nuovo partenariato per combattere le malattie legate alla povertà
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The European Union and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have today pledged to work together to fight HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other poverty-related diseases that together affect more than 1 billion people worldwide.
L'Unione europea e la fondazione Bill & Melinda Gates si sono formalmente impegnate a combattere insieme l'HIV/AIDS, la tubercolosi, la malaria e altre malattie legate alla povertà che colpiscono oltre 1 miliardo di persone in tutto il mondo.
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The agreement, signed in Paris today by foundation co-chair Bill Gates and European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, creates a new strategic partnership for research in the area.
L'accordo, firmato oggi a Parigi dal copresidente della fondazione Bill Gates e da Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, Commissaria europea per la Ricerca, l'innovazione e la scienza, istituisce un nuovo partenariato strategico per la ricerca nel settore.
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Between 2007 and 2011, the foundation and the European Commission have contributed around 2.4 billion euro (3.1 billion USD) to research and development focused on poverty-related infectious diseases, supporting the development of more than 20 new and improved products.
Tra il 2007 e il 2011 la fondazione e la Commissione europea hanno destinato circa 2,4 miliardi di euro (3,1 miliardi di dollari) alla ricerca sulle malattie infettive legate alla povertà, sostenendo lo sviluppo di oltre 20 prodotti nuovi o migliorati.
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The partnership will invest in research and development of life-saving interventions to improve the health and well-being of people living in developing countries.
Il partenariato investirà in attività di ricerca e sviluppo nel settore dei farmaci e dei trattamenti salvavita per migliorare la salute e il benessere delle popolazioni dei paesi in via di sviluppo.
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In addition to accelerating the development of much-needed drugs, vaccines and diagnostics, the two organisations will also seek to improve affordable and sustainable pathways to ensure that these products quickly reach those in greatest need.
Oltre ad accelerare lo sviluppo dei farmaci, dei vaccini e degli esami diagnostici più urgenti, i due partner saranno impegnati a migliorarne l'accesso in modo da permetterne una diffusione rapida, sostenibile e a prezzi abbordabili a chi ne ha più bisogno.
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Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn said:
La Commissaria Geoghegan-Quinn ha dichiarato:
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"Our goal in this new partnership is to work together to develop at least one new and better health product per year.
"L'obiettivo che intendiamo conseguire con questo partenariato è collaborare per sviluppare o rendere più efficace almeno un prodotto sanitario l'anno.
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This will represent a big step forward for the millions who suffer from poverty-related diseases."
Sarà un importante passo avanti per i milioni di persone affette da malattie legate alla povertà."
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“With sufficient resources and political commitment, we can together improve the lives of millions before the end of this decade," said Mr. Gates.
Bill Gates ha affermato: "Mettendo a disposizione le risorse sufficienti e perseverando nell'impegno politico, potremo migliorare insieme la vita di milioni di persone entro la fine di questo decennio.
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"The foundation is completely committed to supporting efforts to develop life-saving products to help solve some of the world’s toughest problems.
La fondazione è profondamente impegnata a sostenere lo sviluppo di prodotti salvavita per contribuire a risolvere tra i problemi più gravi che affliggono il nostro pianeta.
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Partnership with the Commission and other funders is critical to the success of our common mission."
Il partenariato con la Commissione e altri finanziatori è centrale per il successo della nostra missione comune."
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The foundation and the EC are planning to launch a joint innovation prize at the 2014 Innovation Convention, to recognise and reward innovations that address challenges in current approaches to global health.
In vista del convegno sull'innovazione che si terrà nel 2014, la fondazione e la Commissione europea intendono istituire un premio per riconoscere e ricompensare il valore di innovazioni che affrontano le sfide nell'ambito degli attuali approcci sanitari mondiali.
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The Commission and the foundation will also jointly fund clinical development of new tools to treat and prevent HIV, tuberculosis, malaria and other neglected infectious diseases such as diarrhoeal diseases, Buruli ulcer, trachoma, lymphatic filariasis and sleeping sickness.
I due partner finanzieranno inoltre congiuntamente lo sviluppo clinico di nuovi strumenti per la cura e la prevenzione di HIV, tubercolosi, malaria e altre malattie infettive dimenticate come le sindromi diarroiche, l'ulcera del Buruli, il tracoma, la filariasi linfatica e la malattia del sonno.
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Much of this work will be carried out through the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP), a flagship initiative of the European Union, with currently 16 European and 30 sub-Saharan African partner countries involved.
Gran parte di questo lavoro sarà svolto tramite il Partenariato Europa-Paesi in via di sviluppo per gli studi clinici (EDCTP), un'iniziativa faro dell'Unione europea cui partecipano attualmente 16 paesi europei e 30 paesi dell'Africa subsahariana.
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EDCTP will soon enter its second phase, to cover more phases of clinical trials and more disease areas. EDCTP is poised to be a major supporter of product development and capacity building in disease endemic countries.
L'EDCTP, che presto entrerà nella seconda fase, estesa a ulteriori fasi di test clinici e ad altre malattie, è pronto a dare un forte sostegno allo sviluppo di prodotti e capacità nei paesi afflitti da malattie endemiche.
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The European Commission has proposed funding of up to 1 billion euro from the EU budget, to match contributions of European partner countries.
La Commissione europea ha proposto di finanziare fino a 1 miliardo di euro dal bilancio dell'UE per integrare i contributi dei paesi partner europei.
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This partnership can play a key role in providing catalytic funding for late-stage clinical trials to prove the safety and efficacy of breakthrough drugs and vaccines.
Questo partenariato potrà svolgere un ruolo chiave mettendo a disposizione finanziamenti in grado di catalizzare fondi per le fasi avanzate dei test clinici necessari a provare la sicurezza e l'efficacia di farmaci e vaccini all'avanguardia.
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A typical late-stage trial of a novel intervention can take up to 15 years with a development cost of between 500 to 800 million euro per new candidate drug or vaccine.
L'ultima fase di un test clinico per un nuovo presidio medico può durare fino a 15 anni, con un costo compreso tra 500 e 800 milioni di euro per ogni nuovo farmaco o vaccino sperimentato.
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Safe, effective and affordable medicines for many poverty-related diseases are still lacking, however, and the socio-economic costs of these diseases restrict the potential for development, in particular in sub-Saharan Africa.
Sono però tuttora carenti farmaci sicuri, efficaci e a prezzi accessibili per molte malattie legate alla povertà, le cui conseguenze socioeconomiche limitano le potenzialità di sviluppo, soprattutto nell'Africa subsahariana.
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Both parties are currently identifying investment opportunities in promising products and new scientific approaches, combined with the use of efficient investment strategies and flexible funding mechanisms.
Entrambi i partner stanno individuando opportunità di investimento in prodotti promettenti e nuovi approcci scientifici, combinate a strategie efficaci e meccanismi di finanziamento flessibili.
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One key target area will be tuberculosis, where new drugs, vaccines and scientific approaches are needed to tackle this epidemic and counter the emergence of drug-resistant TB strains.
Uno degli obiettivi prioritari sarà la lotta alla tubercolosi, ambito in cui sono richiesti nuovi farmaci e vaccini e nuovi approcci scientifici per impedire il diffondersi della malattia e contrastare l'insorgere di ceppi resistenti ai medicinali.
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Poverty-related diseases have huge negative impacts on health, society and economic growth in many countries.They particularly affect the world’s poorest and most marginalised communities.
Le malattie legate alla povertà hanno effetti negativi enormi su salute, società e crescita economica in molti paesi e colpiscono soprattutto i paesi più poveri e le comunità più emarginate.
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More than 1 billion people, including 400 million children, suffer from one or more of the three major poverty-related diseases — HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis — or from neglected infectious diseases, such as Buruli ulcer, trachoma, lymphatic filariasis and sleeping sickness.
Oltre 1 miliardo di persone, tra cui 400 milioni di bambini, soffrono di almeno una delle tre principali malattie legate alla povertà (HIV/AIDS, malaria e tubercolosi) o di malattie infettive dimenticate, come l'ulcera del Buruli, il tracoma, la filariasi linfatica e la malattia del sonno.
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HIV/AIDS alone kills an estimated 2 million people every year, while malaria and tuberculosis together kill an estimated 2.2 million people.
Si stima che solo l'HIV/AIDS sia responsabile della morte di 2 milioni di persone ogni anno e che la malaria e la tubercolosi insieme uccidano 2,2 milioni di persone.
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The fight against major poverty-related diseases is also increasingly turning into a global health problem.
La lotta contro le principali malattie legate alla povertà diventa sempre più un problema sanitario mondiale.
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Growing global mobility, including tourism and migration, means that any country in the world could face new or returning challenges from infectious diseases.
La crescente mobilità demografica, imputabile anche al turismo e alla migrazione, espone qualsiasi paese del mondo a sfide nuove o ricorrenti connesse alle malattie infettive.
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Global warming and the emergence of drug resistances is further changing the prevalence and distribution of these diseases worldwide.
Anche il riscaldamento globale e la resistenza ai farmaci incidono sulla prevalenza e sulla distribuzione di queste malattie in tutto il pianeta.
•••••••••••••••Research: New partnership to fight poverty-related diseases
The European Union and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have today
pledged to work together to fight HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other
poverty-related diseases that together affect more than 1 billion people
The agreement, signed in Paris today by foundation co-chair Bill Gates
and European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, Máire
Geoghegan-Quinn, creates a new strategic partnership for research in the area.
Between 2007 and 2011, the foundation and the European Commission have
contributed around 2.4 billion euro (3.1 billion USD) to research and
development focused on poverty-related infectious diseases, supporting the
development of more than 20 new and improved products.
The partnership will invest in research and development of life-saving
interventions to improve the health and well-being of people living in
developing countries.
In addition to accelerating the development of much-needed drugs,
vaccines and diagnostics, the two organisations will also seek to improve
affordable and sustainable pathways to ensure that these products quickly reach
those in greatest need.
Commissioner Geoghegan-Quinn said,
"Our goal in this new partnership is to work together to develop at
least one new and better health product per year.
This will represent a big step forward for the millions who suffer from
poverty-related diseases."
“With sufficient resources and political commitment, we can together
improve the lives of millions before the end of this decade," said Mr. Gates.
"The foundation is completely committed to supporting efforts to develop
life-saving products to help solve some of the world’s toughest problems.
Partnership with the Commission and other funders is critical to the success of
our common mission."
The foundation and the EC are planning to launch a joint innovation
prize at the 2014 Innovation Convention, to recognise and reward innovations
that address challenges in current approaches to global health.
The Commission and the foundation will also jointly fund clinical
development of new tools to treat and prevent HIV, tuberculosis, malaria and
other neglected infectious diseases such as diarrhoeal diseases, Buruli ulcer,
trachoma, lymphatic filariasis and sleeping sickness.
Much of this work will be carried out through the European and
Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP), a flagship initiative
of the European Union, with currently 16 European and 30 sub-Saharan African
partner countries involved.
EDCTP will soon enter its second phase, to cover more phases of
clinical trials and more disease areas. EDCTP is poised to be a major supporter
of product development and capacity building in disease endemic countries.
The European Commission has proposed funding of up to 1 billion euro
from the EU budget, to match contributions of European partner countries.
This partnership can play a key role in providing catalytic funding for
late-stage clinical trials to prove the safety and efficacy of breakthrough
drugs and vaccines.
A typical late-stage trial of a novel intervention can take up to 15
years with a development cost of between 500 to 800 million euro per new
candidate drug or vaccine.
Safe, effective and affordable medicines for many poverty-related
diseases are still lacking, however, and the socio-economic costs of these
diseases restrict the potential for development, in particular in sub-Saharan
Both parties are currently identifying investment opportunities in
promising products and new scientific approaches, combined with the use of
efficient investment strategies and flexible funding mechanisms.
One key target area will be tuberculosis, where new drugs, vaccines and
scientific approaches are needed to tackle this epidemic and counter the
emergence of drug-resistant TB strains.
Poverty-related diseases have huge negative impacts on health, society
and economic growth in many countries.They particularly affect the world’s
poorest and most marginalised communities.
More than 1 billion people, including 400 million children, suffer from
one or more of the three major poverty-related diseases — HIV/AIDS, malaria and
tuberculosis — or from neglected infectious diseases, such as Buruli ulcer,
trachoma, lymphatic filariasis and sleeping sickness.
HIV/AIDS alone kills an estimated 2 million people every year, while
malaria and tuberculosis together kill an estimated 2.2 million people.
The fight against major poverty-related diseases is also increasingly
turning into a global health problem.
Growing global mobility, including tourism and migration, means that
any country in the world could face new or returning challenges from infectious
Global warming and the emergence of drug resistances is further
changing the prevalence and distribution of these diseases worldwide.