Unire le forze per superare la crisi
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Italiano tratto da: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-13-506_it.htm
Data documento: 06-06-2013
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Joining forces to overcome the crisis
Unire le forze per superare la crisi
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Today the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, and Committee of the Regions President, Ramón Luis Valcárcel, discussed the main economic, social and political challenges of the European Union.
Il Presidente della Commissione europea, José Manuel Barroso, e il Presidente del Comitato delle regioni, Ramón Luis Valcárcel, hanno discusso in data odierna le principali sfide politiche, sociali ed economiche dell’Unione europea.
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Determined action to implement agreed measures to overcome the crisis, stepping up efforts for growth and jobs, and moving forward towards a deeper integrated economic and monetary union were at the heart of the discussion.
Al centro della discussione la necessità di agire con determinazione per attuare le misure anti-crisi concordate, di incrementare gli sforzi a favore della crescita e dell’occupazione e di andare in direzione di un’unione economica e monetaria più integrata.
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The bilateral meeting between the two Presidents was followed by a working lunch hosted by President Barroso with seven major Local and Regional Associations and the President and First Vice-President of the Committee of the Regions (CoR)Mercedes Bresso.
L’incontro bilaterale tra i due Presidenti è stato seguito da un pranzo di lavoro organizzato dal Presidente Barroso cui hanno preso parte sette importanti associazioni regionali e locali, insieme al Presidente e al primo Vicepresidente del Comitato delle Regioni (CdR), Mercedes Bresso.
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Both meetings took place in the framework of the "structural dialogue" between the European Commission, the CoR and European Associations of Local and Regional Authorities, which seeks to strengthen relations between the EU and representatives of local and regional authorities.
Entrambi gli incontri si sono svolti nell’ambito del “dialogo strutturale” tra Commissione europea, CdR e associazioni europee degli enti locali e regionali: obiettivo del dialogo il rafforzamento delle relazioni tra l’UE e i rappresentanti degli enti locali e regionali.
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President Barroso said:
Il Presidente Barroso ha dichiarato:
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"While we are pulling all the stops to move Europe out of the crisis, our most important task is to give hope to people.
“Anche se stiamo utilizzando tutte le risorse disponibili per consentire all’Europa di superare la crisi, il nostro compito più importante è dare speranza alla gente.
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We need to continue directing all efforts towards creating sustainable growth and jobs in Europe, implementing the measures we have decided to take.
Abbiamo bisogno di continuare a incanalare tutti gli sforzi verso la crescita e l’occupazione sostenibile in Europa, dando attuazione alle misure che abbiamo deciso di adottare.
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And we need to show that the action is making a difference for our unemployed young people and our cash-strapped small and medium sized enterprises.
Dobbiamo inoltre dimostrare che la nostra azione sta facendo la differenza per i giovani disoccupati e per le piccole e medie imprese a corto di liquidità.
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In this context the future EU budget 2014-2020 and its funding programmes are crucially important.
In questo contesto, il futuro bilancio dell’UE per il periodo 2014-2020 e i programmi di finanziamento sono di importanza cruciale.
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We call on Council and Parliament to agree swiftly on the future budget so that vital investment can start flowing to the Member States and their regions as from 2014.
Invitiamo pertanto il Consiglio e il Parlamento a raggiungere quanto prima un accordo sul futuro bilancio in modo che a partire dal 2014 gli investimenti essenziali possano cominciare ad affluire agli Stati membri e alle loro regioni.
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We will only succeed if we cooperate at all levels. The role of regions and cities is key to achieve our common goals."
Soltanto una cooperazione a tutti i livelli potrà garantire il raggiungimento dei nostri obiettivi comuni, processo in cui regioni e città svolgono un ruolo fondamentale.”
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President Valcárcel emphasised that:
Il Presidente Valcárcel ha sottolineato che:
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"The time has come to initiate some serious thinking on how the European Union can truly strengthen the power of cities and regions, the authorities which are the closest to the citizens.
“È arrivato il momento di iniziare a pensare seriamente a come l’Unione europea possa davvero rafforzare il potere di città e regioni, enti locali più vicini ai cittadini.
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I am fully convinced that to help our local businesses to create jobs and our young citizens regain faith in their capacities; we must continue the European integration process and extend the role of Europe's regions.
Sono pienamente convinto che per sostenere le imprese locali nella creazione di occupazione e per far riconquistare ai giovani la fiducia nelle loro capacità, dobbiamo proseguire nel processo di integrazione europea e ampliare il ruolo delle regioni europee”.
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"I believe that the only answer to this crisis is "More Europe"", he added.
“Ritengo che la sola risposta alla crisi sia “Più Europa””, ha aggiunto.
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President Barroso and President Valcárcel pointed out that the coming weeks, months and years will be crucial to prove the effectiveness of the EU's crisis response, built on growth-friendly fiscal consolidation, structural reforms and targeted investment and underpinned by a much stronger coordination of economic and budgetary policies in the context of the European Semester.
Il Presidente Barroso e il Presidente Valcárcel hanno precisato che nelle settimane, nei mesi e negli anni a venire sarà di importanza cruciale dimostrare l’efficacia della risposta dell’UE alla crisi, incentrata sul risanamento di bilancio favorevole alla crescita, su riforme strutturali e investimenti mirati, e sostenuta da un più stretto coordinamento delle politiche economiche e di bilancio nell’ambito del Semestre europeo.
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The two Presidents also discussed the Europe 2020 Strategy which will continue to guide EU action.
I due Presidenti hanno inoltre discusso la strategia Europa 2020 che continuerà a guidare l’azione dell’UE.
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In this context, the Committee of the Regions' President invited the Commission to consider preparing a White Paper on territorial cohesion so as to better analyse the interplay between the Territorial Agenda 2020 and the Europe 2020 Strategy.
In questo contesto il Presidente del Comitato delle regioni ha invitato la Commissione a considerare la preparazione di un libro bianco sulla coesione territoriale in modo da analizzare meglio l’interazione tra l’Agenda territoriale 2020 e la strategia Europa 2020.
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The CoR President also underlined that aside from constantly monitoring the progress made on all Europe 2020 Flagship Initiatives, the CoR is already working on a mid-term assessment of the Strategy from a local and regional perspective.
Il Presidente del CdR ha inoltre sottolineato che, oltre all’attività di monitoraggio del progresso ottenuto nell’ambito di tutte le iniziative faro Europa 2020, il CdR sta già preparando una valutazione intermedia della strategia da un punto di vista locale e regionale.
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The CoR contribution to this mid-term review will be presented at the next Summit of European Cities and Regions - to be held in Athens on 6-7 March 2014.
Il contributo del CdR a questa revisione intermedia sarà presentato in occasione del prossimo Vertice europeo delle regioni e delle città che si terrà ad Atene il 6 e il 7 marzo 2014.
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President Valcárcel was also keen to emphasise that 2014 will mark the 20th anniversary of the Committee of the Regions.
Il Presidente Valcárcel ha inoltre sottolineato che il 2014 coinciderà con il 20° anniversario del Comitato delle regioni.
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This will offer a good opportunity for the institution to "look back, take stock and look forward".
Una buona occasione per l’istituzione per “guardarsi indietro, fare un bilancio e rivolgere lo sguardo al futuro”.
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Proposals on how to strengthen the CoR institutional and political role beyond 2015 will be put forward and presented at the plenary session marking the 20 years (April 2014).
Nel corso della sessione plenaria che segnerà il traguardo dei 20 anni (aprile 2014) verranno presentate proposte su come rafforzare, dopo il 2015, il ruolo politico e istituzionale del CdR.
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The seven Local and Regional Associations were represented by:
Le sette associazioni locali e regionali erano rappresentate da:
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– Mr Giorgio Orsoni, 1st Vice-President of the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) and Mayor of Venice (Italy),
– Giorgio Orsoni, primo Vicepresidente del Consiglio dei comuni e delle regioni europee (CCRE) e sindaco di Venezia (Italia),
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– Mr Karl-Heinz Lambertz, President of the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) and Leader of the Government of the German-speaking community of Belgium,
– Karl-Heinz Lambertz, Presidente della Comunità di lavoro delle regioni europee di confine (Association of European Border Regions - AEBR) e Capo del governo della comunità germanofona del Belgio,
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– Mr Jean-Yves Le Drian, President of the Conference of peripheral maritime regions (CPMR), French Minister of Defence and Veteran Affairs and President of Regional Council of Brittany (PES/FR),
– Jean-Yves Le Drian, Presidente della Conferenza delle regioni periferiche marittime (CRPM), Ministro francese della Difesa e degli ex combattenti e Presidente del consiglio regionale di Bretagna (PES/FR),
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– Ms Hande Özsan Bozatli, President of the Assembly of European Regions (AER) and President of the EU and International Relations Committee of Istanbul Provincial Council,
– Hande Özsan Bozatli, Presidente dell’Assemblea delle regioni d’Europa (ARE) e Presidente del Comitato per le relazioni internazionali e UE del Consiglio provinciale di Istanbul,
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– Mr Daniël Termont, EUROCITIES, member of the executive committee, and Mayor of Gent (Belgium),
– Daniël Termont, EUROCITIES, membro del comitato esecutivo e sindaco di Gand (Belgio),
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– Ms Françoise Dupuis, President of the Conference of European Regional Legislative Assemblies (CALRE) the President of the Parliament of the Brussels-Capital-Region,
– Françoise Dupuis, Presidente della Conferenza delle assemblee legislative regionali dell’Unione europea (CALRE) e Presidente del Parlamento della regione di Bruxelles capitale,
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– Mr Franco Iacop, President of the Conference of European Regions with Legislative Powers (REGLEG).
– Franco Iacop, Presidente della Conferenza delle regioni europee con potere legislativo (REGLEG).
Joining forces to overcome the crisis
Today the President of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso,
and Committee of the Regions President, Ramón Luis Valcárcel, discussed the main
economic, social and political challenges of the European Union.
Determined action to implement agreed measures to overcome the crisis,
stepping up efforts for growth and jobs, and moving forward towards a deeper
integrated economic and monetary union were at the heart of the discussion.
The bilateral meeting between the two Presidents was followed by a
working lunch hosted by President Barroso with seven major Local and Regional
Associations and the President and First Vice-President of the Committee of the
Regions (CoR), Mercedes Bresso.
Both meetings took place in the framework of the "structural dialogue"
between the European Commission, the CoR and European Associations of Local and
Regional Authorities, which seeks to strengthen relations between the EU and
representatives of local and regional authorities.
President Barroso said:
"While we are pulling all the stops to move Europe out of the crisis,
our most important task is to give hope to people.
We need to continue directing all efforts towards creating sustainable
growth and jobs in Europe, implementing the measures we have decided to take.
And we need to show that the action is making a difference for our
unemployed young people and our cash-strapped small and medium sized
In this context the future EU budget 2014-2020 and its funding
programmes are crucially important.
We call on Council and Parliament to agree swiftly on the future budget
so that vital investment can start flowing to the Member States and their
regions as from 2014.
We will only succeed if we cooperate at all levels. The role of regions
and cities is key to achieve our common goals."
President Valcárcel emphasised that:
"The time has come to initiate some serious thinking on how the
European Union can truly strengthen the power of cities and regions, the
authorities which are the closest to the citizens.
I am fully convinced that to help our local businesses to create jobs
and our young citizens regain faith in their capacities; we must continue the
European integration process and extend the role of Europe's regions.
"I believe that the only answer to this crisis is "More Europe"", he
President Barroso and President Valcárcel pointed out that the coming
weeks, months and years will be crucial to prove the effectiveness of the EU's
crisis response, built on growth-friendly fiscal consolidation, structural
reforms and targeted investment and underpinned by a much stronger coordination
of economic and budgetary policies in the context of the European Semester.
The two Presidents also discussed the Europe 2020 Strategy which will
continue to guide EU action.
In this context, the Committee of the Regions' President invited the
Commission to consider preparing a White Paper on territorial cohesion so as to
better analyse the interplay between the Territorial Agenda 2020 and the Europe
2020 Strategy.
The CoR President also underlined that aside from constantly monitoring
the progress made on all Europe 2020 Flagship Initiatives, the CoR is already
working on a mid-term assessment of the Strategy from a local and regional
The CoR contribution to this mid-term review will be presented at the
next Summit of European Cities and Regions - to be held in Athens on 6-7 March
President Valcárcel was also keen to emphasise that 2014 will mark the
20th anniversary of the Committee of the Regions.
This will offer a good opportunity for the institution to "look back,
take stock and look forward".
Proposals on how to strengthen the CoR institutional and political role
beyond 2015 will be put forward and presented at the plenary session marking the
20 years (April 2014).
The seven Local and Regional Associations were represented by:
– Mr Giorgio Orsoni, 1st Vice-President of the Council of European
Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) and Mayor of Venice (Italy),
– Mr Karl-Heinz Lambertz, President of the Association of European
Border Regions (AEBR) and Leader of the Government of the German-speaking
community of Belgium,
– Mr Jean-Yves Le Drian, President of the Conference of peripheral
maritime regions (CPMR), French Minister of Defence and Veteran Affairs and
President of Regional Council of Brittany (PES/FR),
– Ms Hande Özsan Bozatli, President of the Assembly of European Regions
(AER) and President of the EU and International Relations Committee of Istanbul
Provincial Council,
– Mr Daniël Termont, EUROCITIES, member of the executive committee, and
Mayor of Gent (Belgium),
– Ms Françoise Dupuis, President of the Conference of European Regional
Legislative Assemblies (CALRE) the President of the Parliament of the
– Mr Franco Iacop, President of the Conference of European Regions with
Legislative Powers (REGLEG).