Il Premio dell'Unione europea per l'architettura contemporanea / Premio Mies van der Rohe onora i vincitori dell'edizione 2013 e celebra i suoi 25 anni
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Data documento: 06-06-2013
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EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture / Mies van der Rohe Award honours 2013 winners and celebrates 25 years
Il Premio dell'Unione europea per l'architettura contemporanea / Premio Mies van der Rohe onora i vincitori dell'edizione 2013 e celebra i suoi 25 anni
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The winners of the 2013 European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture/ Mies van der Rohe Award will be honoured tomorrow.
I vincitori dell'edizione 2013 del Premio dell'Unione europea per l'architettura contemporanea / Premio Mies van der Rohe verranno premiati oggi.
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The ceremony marks the 25th anniversary of the Prize and will be held at the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion in Barcelona.
La cerimonia segna il 25° anniversario del Premio e si celebrerà nel padiglione Mies van der Rohe a Barcellona.
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The winners of this year's main prize are Henning Larsen Architects, Studio Olafur Eliasson and Batteríið Architects for Harpa, the Reykjavik Concert Hall and Conference Centre in Iceland (see IP/13/376).
I vincitori del primo premio di quest'anno sono Henning Larsen Architects, Studio Olafur Eliasson e Batteríið Architects per Harpa, Sala concerti e Centro conferenze di Reykjavik in Islanda (cfr. IP/13/376).
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The Emerging Architect Special Mention award goes to María Langarita and Víctor Navarro for the Nave de Música Matadero (Red Bull Music Academy), which was built to host a music festival in Madrid.
La Menzione speciale per il migliore architetto emergente va a María Langarita e a Víctor Navarro per la Nave de Música Matadero (Red Bull Music Academy), costruita per ospitare un festival musicale a Madrid.
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"The 'story' behind the Harpa building is inspiring.
"La storia che sottende l'edificio Harpa è interessante.
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Started shortly before the economic crisis engulfed Iceland and Europe, the building could easily have become a symbol of collapse.
Iniziato poco prima che la crisi economica colpisse l'Islanda e l'Europa, l'edificio avrebbe potuto facilmente diventare il simbolo di un fallimento.
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Instead, the government and city of Reykjavik were determined to finish the job.
Il governo e la città di Reykjavik erano però determinati a finire il lavoro.
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Harpa has become a symbol of hope and renewal, receiving nearly 2 million visitors since its opening in 2011.
Harpa è diventato un simbolo di speranza e di rinnovo ed ha accolto quasi due milioni di visitatori dalla sua apertura nel 2011.
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It is a great example of how investment in the cultural and creative sectors can create jobs and wider economic, social and cultural benefits.
Questo è un grande esempio di come un investimento nei settori culturali e creativi possa recare posti di lavoro e più ampi benefici d'ordine economico, sociale e culturale.
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I hope the Harpa story will encourage more public and private investors to support the immense talent that we have in European contemporary architecture," said Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
Mi auguro che la storia di Harpa incoraggi un maggior numero di investitori pubblici e privati a sostenere il grandissimo serbatoio di talenti europei nel campo dell'architettura contemporanea" ha detto Androulla Vassiliou, Commissario europeo responsabile per l'istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù.
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Jan Truszczynski, the Commission's Director General for Education and Culture, and Xavier Trias, Mayor of Barcelona, will present the winners with prizes of €60 000 (main award) and €20 000 (emerging architect).
Jan Truszczynski, che presiede la Direzione generale "Istruzione e cultura" della Commissione, e Xavier Trias, sindaco di Barcellona, consegneranno ai vincitori premi che vanno da 60 000 EUR (primo premio) a 20 000 EUR (architetti emergenti).
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The winners will also receive sculptures by the Catalan artist Xavier Corberó.
I vincitori riceveranno anche una scultura dell'artista catalano Xavier Corberó.
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The ceremony will be followed by the opening of an exhibition, Constructing Europe, 25 Years of Architecture, at the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya.
Alla cerimonia farà seguito l'inaugurazione di una mostra, Constructing Europe, 25 Years of Architecture (Costruire l'Europa, 25 anni di architettura), presso il Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya.
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It features models of 200 of the buildings short-listed for the Prize since 1988, showcasing the breadth and quality of Europe’s contemporary architecture over the past 25 years.
Essa presenta i modelli di 200 tra gli edifici che sono entrati nella rosa dei candidati al Premio a partire dal 1988 e mette in luce l'ampiezza e la qualità dell'architettura contemporanea europea negli ultimi 25 anni.
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The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue.
La mostra è corredata di un catalogo.
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The Mies van der Rohe Pavilion will also host a debate entitled Breaking New Ground, with contributions from the prize winners, as well as leading architects, critics and students.
Il padiglione Mies van der Rohe ospiterà inoltre un dibattito intitolato Breaking New Ground (Aprire prospettive nuove) cui interverranno i vincitori del Premio nonché architetti di punta, critici e studenti.
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The speakers include Valéry Didelon, Ricardo Devesa, Anne Isopp, Vasa Perovic and Ibai Rigby.
Tra gli oratori vi saranno Valéry Didelon, Ricardo Devesa, Anne Isopp, Vasa Perovic e Ibai Rigby.
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The "Breaking New Ground" debate will continue throughout 2013 and 2014 at European universities and institutions, together with the exhibition.
Il dibattito "Breaking New Ground" verrà portato avanti nel corso del 2013 e 2014 presso le università e istituzioni europee in cui verrà riallestita la mostra.
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The architecture sector is at the heart of Europe's vibrant cultural and creative industries.
Il settore dell'architettura è al centro della vitale industria culturale e creativa europea.
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It directly employs more than half a million people, as well as more than 12 million in the construction sector.
Esso dà lavoro direttamente a oltre mezzo milione di persone mentre più di 12 milioni sono gli occupati nel settore della costruzione.
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Architecture is part of the cultural and creative sectors, which contribute 4.5% to the EU's GDP.
L'architettura fa parte delle industrie culturali e creative che sono all'origine del 4,5% del PIL dell'UE.
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The European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award highlights the contribution of European architects to the development of new ideas and technologies in contemporary urban development.
Il Premio dell'Unione europea per l'architettura contemporanea / Mies van der Rohe consacra il contributo degli architetti europei all'affermazione di nuove idee e tecnologie nello sviluppo urbano contemporaneo.
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Launched in 1987 and co-funded by the EU Culture Programme and the Fundació Mies van der Rohe, the prize is the most prestigious in European architecture.
Inaugurato nel 1987 e cofinanziato dal programma Cultura dell'UE e dalla Fundació Mies van der Rohe, il Premio è il più prestigioso nell'ambito dell'architettura europea.
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It is awarded every other year to works completed within the previous two years.
Esso è assegnato ogni due anni ad un'opera completata nel biennio precedente.
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Works nominated for the Prize are put forward by independent experts, as well as by the member associations of the Architects’ Council of Europe, national architects’ associations, and the Advisory Committee for the Prize.
Le opere candidate sono segnalate da esperti indipendenti nonché dagli organismi membri del Consiglio degli architetti d'Europa, da associazioni nazionali di architetti e dal Comitato consultivo del Premio.
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The Prize is named after Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, who is regarded as one of the pioneers of 20th century modern architecture.
Il Premio è intitolato a Ludwig Mies van der Rohe che è considerato uno dei pionieri dell'architettura del ventesimo secolo.
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His most celebrated works include the German Pavilion at the 1929 Barcelona Exhibition, Villa Tugendhat in Brno, Czech Republic, the Seagram Building in New York and the National Gallery in Berlin.
Tra le sue opere più famose vi sono il Padiglione tedesco all'esposizione di Barcellona del 1929, la Villa Tugendhat a Brno, Repubblica ceca, il Seagram Building a New York e la Galleria nazionale a Berlino.
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As well as recognising excellence, the EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture / Mies van der Rohe award encourages architects to work beyond their national borders and contribute to building a stronger and more creative Europe, in line with the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy.
Oltre a dare un riconoscimento ad opere d'eccellenza, il Premio dell'Unione europea per l'architettura contemporanea / Mies van der Rohe incoraggia gli architetti ad operare al di là dei confini nazionali e a contribuire alla realizzazione di un'Europa più forte e più creativa in linea con gli obiettivi della strategia Europa 2020.
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The winners were chosen from 335 submitted works in 37 European countries.
I vincitori sono stati selezionati tra 335 candidature presentate in 37 paesi europei.
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Five works were shortlisted for the main award.
Cinque opere sono state inserite nella rosa dei candidati al primo premio.
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The other finalists were:
Gli altri finalisti erano:
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Market Hall (Ghent, Belgium by Robbrecht en Daem architecten, Marie-José Van Hee architecten);
il Mercato coperto (Gand, Belgio, opera di Robbrecht en Daem architecten, Marie-José Van Hee architecten);
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Superkilen (Copenhagen, Denmark by BIG Bjarke Ingels Group, Superflex, Topotek1);
Superkilen (Copenaghen, Danimarca, opera di BIG Bjarke Ingels Group, Superflex, Topotek1);
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Nursing Home for Elderly People (Alcácer do Sal, Portugal by Aires Mateus Arquitectos) and Metropol Parasol (Seville, Spain by J.Mayer H).
la Casa per anziani (Alcácer do Sal, Portogallo, opera di Aires Mateus Arquitectos) e Metropol Parasol (Siviglia, Spagna, opera di J.Mayer H).
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The jury members who selected the finalists for 2013 are:
I membri della giuria che hanno selezionato i finalisti per l'edizione 2013 sono:
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Wiel Arets, Chair of the Jury, Principal, Wiel Arets Architects, Maastricht, Dean, College of Architecture, IIT, Chicago;
Wiel Arets, presidente della giuria, Principal, Wiel Arets Architects, Maastricht, Dean, College of Architecture, IIT, Chicago;
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Pedro Gadanho, Curator, Contemporary Architecture, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York;
Pedro Gadanho, Curator, Contemporary Architecture, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York;
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Antón García-Abril, Principal, Ensamble Studio;
Antón García-Abril, Principal, Ensamble Studio;
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Louisa Hutton, Principal, Sauerbruch Hutton Architects, Berlin;
Louisa Hutton, Principal, Sauerbruch Hutton Architects, Berlin;
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Kent Martinussen, CEO, The Danske Arkitekter Center (DAC), Copenhagen;
Kent Martinussen, CEO, The Danske Arkitekter Center (DAC), Copenaghen;
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Frédéric Migaryou, Director, Architecture & Design, Centre Pompidou, Paris;
Frédéric Migaryou, Director, Architecture & Design, Centre Pompidou, Parigi;
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Ewa Porebska, Editor-in-Chief, Architektura-murator, Warsaw;
Ewa Porebska, Editor-in-Chief, Architektura-murator, Varsavia;
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Giovanna Carnevali, Secretary of the Jury, Director, Fundació Mies van der Rohe, Barcelona.
Giovanna Carnevali, segretaria della giuria, Director, Fundació Mies van der Rohe, Barcellona.
EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture / Mies van der Rohe Award honours
2013 winners and celebrates 25 years
The winners of the 2013 European Union Prize for Contemporary
Architecture/ Mies van der Rohe Award will be honoured tomorrow.
The ceremony marks the 25th anniversary of the Prize and will be held
at the Mies van der Rohe Pavilion in Barcelona.
The winners of this year's main prize are Henning Larsen Architects,
Studio Olafur Eliasson and Batteríið Architects for Harpa, the Reykjavik Concert
Hall and Conference Centre in Iceland (see IP/13/376).
The Emerging Architect Special Mention award goes to María Langarita
and Víctor Navarro for the Nave de Música Matadero (Red Bull Music Academy),
which was built to host a music festival in Madrid.
"The 'story' behind the Harpa building is inspiring.
Started shortly before the economic crisis engulfed Iceland and Europe,
the building could easily have become a symbol of collapse.
Instead, the government and city of Reykjavik were determined to finish
the job.
Harpa has become a symbol of hope and renewal, receiving nearly 2
million visitors since its opening in 2011.
It is a great example of how investment in the cultural and creative
sectors can create jobs and wider economic, social and cultural benefits.
I hope the Harpa story will encourage more public and private investors
to support the immense talent that we have in European contemporary
architecture," said Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education,
Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
Jan Truszczynski, the Commission's Director General for Education and
Culture, and Xavier Trias, Mayor of Barcelona, will present the winners with
prizes of €60 000 (main award) and €20 000 (emerging architect).
The winners will also receive sculptures by the Catalan artist Xavier
The ceremony will be followed by the opening of an exhibition,
Constructing Europe, 25 Years of Architecture, at the Museu Nacional d'Art de
It features models of 200 of the buildings short-listed for the Prize
since 1988, showcasing the breadth and quality of Europe’s contemporary
architecture over the past 25 years.
The exhibition is accompanied by a catalogue.
The Mies van der Rohe Pavilion will also host a debate entitled
Breaking New Ground, with contributions from the prize winners, as well as
leading architects, critics and students.
The speakers include Valéry Didelon, Ricardo Devesa, Anne Isopp, Vasa
Perovic and Ibai Rigby.
The "Breaking New Ground" debate will continue throughout 2013 and 2014
at European universities and institutions, together with the exhibition.
The architecture sector is at the heart of Europe's vibrant cultural
and creative industries.
It directly employs more than half a million people, as well as more
than 12 million in the construction sector.
Architecture is part of the cultural and creative sectors, which
contribute 4.5% to the EU's GDP.
The European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der
Rohe Award highlights the contribution of European architects to the development
of new ideas and technologies in contemporary urban development.
Launched in 1987 and co-funded by the EU Culture Programme and the
Fundació Mies van der Rohe, the prize is the most prestigious in European
It is awarded every other year to works completed within the previous
two years.
Works nominated for the Prize are put forward by independent experts,
as well as by the member associations of the Architects’ Council of Europe,
national architects’ associations, and the Advisory Committee for the Prize.
The Prize is named after Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, who is regarded as
one of the pioneers of 20th century modern architecture.
His most celebrated works include the German Pavilion at the 1929
Barcelona Exhibition, Villa Tugendhat in Brno, Czech Republic, the Seagram
Building in New York and the National Gallery in Berlin.
As well as recognising excellence, the EU Prize for Contemporary
Architecture / Mies van der Rohe award encourages architects to work beyond
their national borders and contribute to building a stronger and more creative
Europe, in line with the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy.
The winners were chosen from 335 submitted works in 37 European
Five works were shortlisted for the main award.
The other finalists were:
Market Hall (Ghent, Belgium by Robbrecht en Daem architecten, Marie-José Van Hee
Superkilen (Copenhagen, Denmark by BIG Bjarke Ingels Group, Superflex,
Nursing Home for Elderly People (Alcácer do Sal, Portugal by Aires Mateus
Arquitectos) and Metropol Parasol (Seville, Spain by J.Mayer H).
The jury members who selected the finalists for 2013 are:
Wiel Arets, Chair of the Jury, Principal, Wiel Arets Architects,
Maastricht, Dean, College of Architecture, IIT, Chicago;
Pedro Gadanho, Curator, Contemporary Architecture, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA),
New York;
Antón García-Abril, Principal, Ensamble Studio;
Louisa Hutton, Principal, Sauerbruch Hutton Architects, Berlin;
Kent Martinussen, CEO, The Danske Arkitekter Center (DAC), Copenhagen;
Frédéric Migaryou, Director, Architecture & Design, Centre Pompidou, Paris;
Ewa Porebska, Editor-in-Chief, Architektura-murator, Warsaw;
Giovanna Carnevali, Secretary of the Jury, Director, Fundació Mies van der Rohe,