Ambiente: a Bruxelles si apre la Settimana verde
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Data documento: 04-06-2013
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Environment: Green Week opens in Brussels
Ambiente: a Bruxelles si apre la Settimana verde
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Europe's largest environment conference kicks off today under the banner “Cleaner Air for All”.
All’insegna del motto “Un’aria più pulita per tutti” si apre oggi la più importante conferenza europea sull’ambiente.
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This year's edition of Green Week is dedicated to air, and will see some 3000 participants gather for three days to discuss air-related issues.
L’edizione di quest’anno della Settimana verde è dedicata all’aria e per i tre giorni dell’evento si attendono circa 3 000 partecipanti che si riuniranno per discutere temi collegati all’aria.
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Stakeholders, NGOs, government representatives and EU officials will search for solutions to air pollution, like how to safeguard air quality against the backdrop of rising industrial and energy production, the rise in road traffic and urbanisation, the burning of fossil fuels, and climate change.
Le parti interessate, ONG, rappresentanti pubblici e funzionari dell’UE cercheranno soluzioni all’inquinamento dell’aria, come i modi per tutelare la qualità dell’aria a fronte di un incremento della produzione industriale ed energetica, l’aumento del traffico e dell’inurbamento, la combustione di combustibili fossili e i cambiamenti climatici.
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All sessions are streamed live on the internet.
Tutte le sessioni sono trasmesse in tempo reale su internet.
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Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik said:
Janez Potočnik, Commissario per l’Ambiente, ha dichiarato:
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"Air pollution is often invisible, but its effects are very real.
“L’inquinamento dell’aria è spesso invisibile ma i suoi effetti sono purtroppo reali.
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When air quality is poor we pay a heavy price: citizens' lives are lost, medical costs are high, and working days are lost to illness.
Paghiamo un prezzo molto elevato per la scarsa qualità dell’aria: la vita, elevati costi medici e giorni lavorativi persi per malattia.
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Green Week provides an important platform where policymakers, representatives from local communities and NGOs, public authorities and businesses can exchange ideas on how improve the air we breathe – we are constantly open to suggestions on how to improve our current legislation."
La settimana verde è una piattaforma importante dove i decisori politici, i rappresentanti delle comunità locali e delle ONG, le autorità pubbliche e le imprese possono scambiarsi idee su come migliorare l’aria che respiriamo: siamo sempre aperti a suggerimenti per migliorare la nostra legislazione vigente”.
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Organisations and companies will showcase best practices at a 40-stand exhibition, and numerous side events include an outside exhibition of alternative fuel vehicles and test drives of electric cars.
Nei 40 stand dell’esposizione le organizzazioni e le imprese presenteranno le migliori pratiche nonché un corollario di eventi, tra cui una mostra di veicoli a carburante alternativo e la possibilità di provare automobili elettriche.
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The week also features the Best LIFE Nature and Best LIFE Environment award ceremony.
La settimana presenta anche la cerimonia di consegna dei premi Best LIFE Nature e Best LIFE Environment.
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Commissioner Potočnik has declared 2013 as the Year of Air, and over the course of the year the Commission's current air policy is being reviewed, with a focus on finding ways to improve the quality of the air we breathe.
Il commissario Potočnik ha dichiarato il 2013 Anno dell’aria e durante l’anno la Commissione procede al riesame dell’attuale strategia sull’aria, prestando un’attenzione particolare al reperimento di modi per migliorare la qualità dell’aria che respiriamo.
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Despite good progress in recent years, several air quality standards are still widely exceeded in the EU's most densely populated areas, especially from pollutants such as particulate matter, ground-level ozone, and nitrogen dioxide.
Nonostante i notevoli progressi compiuti negli ultimi anni, numerose norme sulla qualità dell’aria sono ancora ampiamente disattese nelle zone più densamente popolate dell’Unione europea, in particolare per quanto riguarda inquinanti come il particolato, l’ozono troposferico e il diossido di azoto.
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In the autumn, the review will deliver a revised strategy for EU Air Policy, including new or confirmed objectives for 2020 and beyond, together with a list of key initiatives and instruments to reach them.
In autunno il riesame produrrà una strategia rivista per la politica UE dell’aria, comprensiva di obiettivi nuovi o confermati per il 2020 e oltre, insieme a un elenco di iniziative e strumenti chiave per realizzarli.
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The 13th edition of Green Week, the biggest annual conference on European environment policy, will take place from 4 to 7 June 2013 at the Egg, Street Bara 175 in Brussels.
La 13a edizione della Settimana verde, la principale conferenza annuale sulla politica ambientale europea, si terrà fra il 4 e il 7 giugno 2013 presso l’Egg, rue Bara 175, a Bruxelles.
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Key speakers include:
Tra gli oratori principali:
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• Janez Potočnik, EU Commissioner for Environment
• Janez Potočnik, Commissario europeo per l’Ambiente,
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• Marcin Korolec, Minister of the Environment, Republic of Poland
• Marcin Korolec, ministro dell’ambiente, Repubblica di Polonia
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• Satu Hassi, MEP
• Satu Hassi, deputato PE
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• Sirpa Pietikäinen, MEP & President of GLOBE.EU
• Sirpa Pietikäinen, deputato PE & presidente di GLOBE.EU
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• Catherine Stihler, MEP & Member of Committee on Internal Market & Consumer Protection (IMCO)
• Catherine Stihler, deputato PE & membro della commissione “Mercato interno e protezione dei consumatori” (IMCO)
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• Bas Eickhout, MEP
• Bas Eickhout, deputato PE
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• Cor Lamers, Mayor of Schiedam (NL) & Member of the CoR
• Cor Lamers, sindaco di Schiedam (NL) & membro del CdR
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• Maurizio Conte, Regional Minister for Environment, Regione Veneto (IT)
• Maurizio Conte, assessore all’ambiente, Regione Veneto (IT)
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• Assumpta Ferran i Poca, Director-General for Environmental Quality, Ministry for Territory & Sustainability, Catalunya (ES)
• Assumpta Ferran i Poca, direttore generale della qualità ambientale, ministro del territorio e della sostenibilità, Catalogna (ES)
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• Per Ankersjo, Vice Mayor for Urban Environment, City of Stockholm
• Per Ankersjo, vicesindaco per l’ambiente urbano, Città di Stoccolma
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• Martha Delgado Peralta, ICLEI Vice President & Former Secretary of Environment for Mexico City
• Martha Delgado Peralta, vicepresidente ICLEI & ex segretaria all’ambiente per Città del Messico
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• Ugo Cappellacci, President of the Region of Sardenia
• Ugo Cappellacci, presidente della Regione autonoma della Sardegna
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• Giuseppe Bortone, Director-General Environment & Soil Protection, Regione Emilia-Romagna (IT)
• Giuseppe Bortone, direttore generale Ambiente, Difesa del Suolo e della Costa della Regione Emilia-Romagna (IT)
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• Claudia Terzi, Regional Minister for Environment, Energy & Sustainable Development, Lombardia (IT)
• Claudia Terzi, assessore all’Ambiente, Energia e Sviluppo sostenibile, Lombardia (IT)
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• Hans Bruyninckx, Executive Director, EEA
• Hans Bruyninckx, direttore esecutivo, EEA
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• Simon Upton, Environment Director, OECD
• Simon Upton, direttore dell’ambiente, OCSE
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• Arab Hoballah, Chief, Sustainable Consumption & Production, UNEP
• Arab Hoballah, capo, consumo e produzione sostenibili, UNEP
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• Johan Kuylenstierna, Executive Director, Stockholm Environment Institute
• Johan Kuylenstierna, direttore esecutivo, Stockholm Environment Institute
Environment: Green Week opens in Brussels
Europe's largest environment conference kicks off today under the
banner “Cleaner Air for All”.
This year's edition of Green Week is dedicated to air, and will see
some 3000 participants gather for three days to discuss air-related issues.
Stakeholders, NGOs, government representatives and EU officials will
search for solutions to air pollution, like how to safeguard air quality against
the backdrop of rising industrial and energy production, the rise in road
traffic and urbanisation, the burning of fossil fuels, and climate change.
All sessions are streamed live on the internet.
Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik said:
"Air pollution is often invisible, but its effects are very real.
When air quality is poor we pay a heavy price: citizens' lives are lost, medical
costs are high, and working days are lost to illness.
Green Week provides an important platform where policymakers, representatives
from local communities and NGOs, public authorities and businesses can exchange
ideas on how improve the air we breathe – we are constantly open to suggestions
on how to improve our current legislation."
Organisations and companies will showcase best practices at a 40-stand
exhibition, and numerous side events include an outside exhibition of
alternative fuel vehicles and test drives of electric cars.
The week also features the Best LIFE Nature and Best LIFE Environment
award ceremony.
Commissioner Potočnik has declared 2013 as the Year of Air, and over
the course of the year the Commission's current air policy is being reviewed,
with a focus on finding ways to improve the quality of the air we breathe.
Despite good progress in recent years, several air quality standards
are still widely exceeded in the EU's most densely populated areas, especially
from pollutants such as particulate matter, ground-level ozone, and nitrogen
In the autumn, the review will deliver a revised strategy for EU Air
Policy, including new or confirmed objectives for 2020 and beyond, together with
a list of key initiatives and instruments to reach them.
The 13th edition of Green Week, the biggest annual conference on
European environment policy, will take place from 4 to 7 June 2013 at the Egg,
Street Bara 175 in Brussels.
Key speakers include:
• Janez Potočnik, EU Commissioner for Environment
• Marcin Korolec, Minister of the Environment, Republic of Poland
• Satu Hassi, MEP
• Sirpa Pietikäinen, MEP & President of GLOBE.EU
• Catherine Stihler, MEP & Member of Committee on Internal Market & Consumer
Protection (IMCO)
• Bas Eickhout, MEP
• Cor Lamers, Mayor of Schiedam (NL) & Member of the CoR
• Maurizio Conte, Regional Minister for Environment, Regione Veneto (IT)
• Assumpta Ferran i Poca, Director-General for Environmental Quality, Ministry
for Territory & Sustainability, Catalunya (ES)
• Per Ankersjo, Vice Mayor for Urban Environment, City of Stockholm
• Martha Delgado Peralta, ICLEI Vice President & Former Secretary of Environment
for Mexico City
• Ugo Cappellacci, President of the Region of Sardenia
• Giuseppe Bortone, Director-General Environment & Soil Protection, Regione
Emilia-Romagna (IT)
• Claudia Terzi, Regional Minister for Environment, Energy & Sustainable
Development, Lombardia (IT)
• Hans Bruyninckx, Executive Director, EEA
• Simon Upton, Environment Director, OECD
• Arab Hoballah, Chief, Sustainable Consumption & Production, UNEP
• Johan Kuylenstierna, Executive Director, Stockholm Environment Institute