Accordo BEI - UniCredit: 580 milioni di euro per le imprese italiane
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Data documento: 03-06-2013
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EIB and UniCredit sign €580 million loan agreement in support of Italian businesses
Accordo BEI - UniCredit: 580 milioni di euro per le imprese italiane
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€400 million for SMEs, €50 million for midcaps, €100 million for the environment and €30 million for Industria 2015 projects
400 milioni per le Pmi, 50 per le Mid-cap, 100 per l’ambiente e 30 per i progetti di Industria 2015
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Milan, 3 June 2013 – The European Investment Bank (EIB) and the UniCredit Group have signed four new agreements in Milan to provide medium and long-term finance totalling €580 million to Italian businesses in a variety of sectors.
- Sono stati perfezionati oggi a Milano quattro nuovi accordi tra la Banca europea per gli investimenti (BEI) e il Gruppo UniCredit per finanziamenti a medio-lungo termine a imprese italiane in una pluralità di settori, per un importo complessivo pari a 580 milioni di euro.
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This initiative reinforces the fruitful relationship between the EIB and UniCredit and is designed to strengthen the support offered to Italy’s productive sector in order to mitigate the effects of the financial crisis and help kick-start the recovery.
L’iniziativa consolida i proficui rapporti tra BEI e UniCredit ed è volta a rafforzare ulteriormente il supporto offerto al mondo produttivo italiano per mitigare gli effetti della crisi finanziaria e contribuire all’avvio del processo di ripresa.
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Within the ceiling of €580 million made available by the EIB, four different sectors have been singled out for support.
All’interno del plafond di 580 milioni euro messo a disposizione dalla BEI sono state individuate quattro distinte aree di intervento.
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In addition to the finance for small and medium-sized enterprises (€400 million) and midcaps (€50 million), part of the credit line is destined for companies implementing environmental and renewable energy programmes (€100 million).
Oltre ai finanziamenti per le piccole e medie imprese (400 milioni) e per le Mid-Cap (50 milioni), parte delle linee di credito sono destinate alle aziende per i programmi nella protezione dell’ambiente e nelle energie rinnovabili (100 milioni).
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A fourth tranche of €30 million will finance research and development projects selected by the Economic Development Ministry in specific areas under the Industria 2015 initiative.
Un’ultima tranche (30 milioni) riguarda Industria 2015, volta i finanziare i progetti in ricerca e sviluppo selezionati dal Ministero dello sviluppo economico in specifiche aree tematiche.
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“Small and medium-sized companies have been hit hardest by the long crisis afflicting Europe and Italy: over the last few months, providing access to credit has therefore become the number-one priority to enable them to keep their businesses afloat with adequate funding.
“Le piccole e medie imprese sono le più colpite dalla lunga crisi che attanaglia l’Europa e l’Italia: per esse, l’accesso al credito è diventato la priorità in assoluto in questi mesi affinché riescano a proseguire con adeguate risorse finanziarie la loro attività.
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Through these operations the EIB, in cooperation with UniCredit, one of our main Europe-wide partners, is making long-term loans available to Italy’s productive sector at favourable interest rates”, commented Dario Scannapieco, EIB Vice-President with responsibility for operations in Italy, Malta and the Western Balkans.
Con queste operazioni la BEI, grazie alla collaborazione con UniCredit, uno dei nostri partner principali a livello europeo, mette la propria finanza caratterizzata da lunghe scadenze e tassi favorevoli a disposizione del mondo produttivo italiano”, ha commentato Dario Scannapieco, Vice Presidente BEI responsabile per le operazioni in Italia, Malta e Balcani Occidentali.
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UniCredit’s CEO Federico Ghizzoni added that “today’s new agreements with the EIB contribute invaluable funding to our constant and robust support for Italy’s small and medium-sized businesses.
“I nuovi accordi con la BEI formalizzati oggi – dichiara l’amministratore delegato di UniCredit Federico Ghizzoni – vanno ad aggiungere risorse preziose al nostro continuo e robusto supporto alle piccole e medie imprese italiane.
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Our close relations with SMEs and detailed local knowledge mean that we can quickly channel these resources into businesses, so maximising the impact of these investment financing instruments, which are vital to ensuring the competitiveness of Italy’s productive sector”.
La nostra vicinanza alle Pmi e la capillare conoscenza del territorio ci consentono di canalizzare rapidamente le risorse verso le imprese, in modo da massimizzare l’efficacia di questi strumenti di finanziamento degli investimenti, che sono vitali per la competitività del sistema produttivo italiano”.
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The agreements specifically concern:
In particolare gli accordi sottoscritti riguardano:
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SMEs (€400 million) and midcaps (€50 million)
Piccole e medie imprese (400 milioni) e Mid-Cap (50 milioni)
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The EIB will provide €400 million for Italian SMEs on particularly favourable terms.
Al sostegno delle PMI italiane saranno destinati 400 milioni di euro, con impiego di fondi BEI a condizioni di particolare favore.
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The funds will be earmarked exclusively for supporting SME investment via UniCredit and UniCredit Leasing.
Le linee saranno riservate esclusivamente agli investimenti delle PMI, tramite l’intermediazione di UniCredit e UniCredit Leasing.
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Both new investment and investment already in progress will be eligibIe for loans.
I prestiti sono rivolti sia a nuovi investimenti sia a quelli in corso non ancora ultimati.
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The cost of SME projects may not exceed €25 million.
Per quanto riguarda le PMI, i progetti non potranno superare l’importo di 25 milioni.
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All productive sectors are eligible for loans – agriculture, crafts, industry, commerce, tourism and services.
Gli interventi - relativi ad aziende attive in tutti i settori produttivi: agricoltura, artigianato, industria, commercio, turismo e servizi.
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The loans may be used to purchase, construct, extend or renovate buildings;
Potranno riguardare l’acquisto, la costruzione, l’ampliamento e la ristrutturazione di fabbricati;
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purchase plant, equipment, vehicles or machinery;
l’acquisto di impianti, attrezzature, automezzi o macchinari;
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cover project-related costs, additional charges and intangible assets, including research, development and innovation costs;
le spese, gli oneri accessori e le immobilizzazioni immateriali collegate ai progetti, incluse le spese di ricerca, sviluppo e innovazione;
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and provide the working capital that is always needed in connection with operational activities.
la necessità permanente di capitale circolante legata all’attività operativa.
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The UniCredit Group has undertaken to provide its own resources to beneficiary SMEs, thereby increasing the overall ceiling of the loans made available to Italy’s small businesses.
Il Gruppo UniCredit si impegna a fornire anche risorse proprie alle PMI beneficiarie, facendo così aumentare il plafond complessivo a disposizione del sistema economico italiano sotto forma di ulteriori finanziamenti.
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A further €50 million will support investment by Italy’s midcaps.
Inoltre Cinquanta milioni riguardano i progetti d’investimento delle società italiane di medie dimensioni (Mid-Cap).
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Environment (€100 million)
Ambiente (100 milioni)
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The EU’s bank is providing Italy’s businesses with €100 million for financing small and medium-scale projects in the industrial and sustainable community sectors via UniCredit e UniCredit Leasing, targeting in particular the infrastructure for the delivery of public services in the transport, energy, waste disposal, telecoms, water, sanitation, health, education and social housing sectors – one of the pillars of EIB lending.
La Banca dell’Unione Europea mette a disposizione delle imprese tramite UniCredit e UniCredit Leasing 100 milioni di euro per il finanziamento di progetti di piccole e medie dimensioni localizzati in Italia nei settori delle infrastrutture e delle comunità sostenibili. In particolare l’intervento riguarda la realizzazione di strutture volte all’erogazione di un servizio pubblico nei settori dei trasporti, energia, smaltimento rifiuti, telecomunicazioni, idrico, sanitario, educativo ed edilizia sociale. Si tratta di uno dei pilastri dell’attività di prestito della Banca Europea per gli investimenti.
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Project costs may not exceed €25 million.
I progetti non potranno superare l’importo di 25 milioni.
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Industria 2015 (€30 million)
Industria 2015 (30 milioni)
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€30 million will serve to cofinance research and development projects selected by the Ministry of Economic Development in different thematic areas (Made in Italy, energy efficiency and sustainable mobility) under the Industria 2015 programme proposed by Confindustria.
E’ di 30 milioni infine il co-finanziamento a Industria 2015, il progetto avviato su proposta di Confindustria che riguarda progetti selezionati dal Ministero dello Sviluppo economico. Gli investimenti di aziende in ricerca e sviluppo sono stati selezionati dal Ministero nell’ambito dei bandi tematici Industria 2015 (Made in Italy, Efficienza energetica e Mobilità sostenibile).
EIB and UniCredit sign €580 million loan agreement in support of Italian
€400 million for SMEs, €50 million for midcaps, €100 million for the
environment and €30 million for Industria 2015 projects
Milan, 3 June 2013 – The European Investment Bank (EIB) and the
UniCredit Group have signed four new agreements in Milan to provide medium and
long-term finance totalling €580 million to Italian businesses in a variety of
This initiative reinforces the fruitful relationship between the EIB
and UniCredit and is designed to strengthen the support offered to Italy’s
productive sector in order to mitigate the effects of the financial crisis and
help kick-start the recovery.
Within the ceiling of €580 million made available by the EIB, four
different sectors have been singled out for support.
In addition to the finance for small and medium-sized enterprises (€400
million) and midcaps (€50 million), part of the credit line is destined for
companies implementing environmental and renewable energy programmes (€100
A fourth tranche of €30 million will finance research and development
projects selected by the Economic Development Ministry in specific areas under
the Industria 2015 initiative.
“Small and medium-sized companies have been hit hardest by the long
crisis afflicting Europe and Italy: over the last few months, providing access
to credit has therefore become the number-one priority to enable them to keep
their businesses afloat with adequate funding.
Through these operations the EIB, in cooperation with UniCredit, one of
our main Europe-wide partners, is making long-term loans available to Italy’s
productive sector at favourable interest rates”, commented Dario Scannapieco,
EIB Vice-President with responsibility for operations in Italy, Malta and the
Western Balkans.
UniCredit’s CEO Federico Ghizzoni added that “today’s new agreements
with the EIB contribute invaluable funding to our constant and robust support
for Italy’s small and medium-sized businesses.
Our close relations with SMEs and detailed local knowledge mean that we
can quickly channel these resources into businesses, so maximising the impact of
these investment financing instruments, which are vital to ensuring the
competitiveness of Italy’s productive sector”.
The agreements specifically concern:
SMEs (€400 million) and midcaps (€50 million)
The EIB will provide €400 million for Italian SMEs on particularly
favourable terms.
The funds will be earmarked exclusively for supporting SME investment
via UniCredit and UniCredit Leasing.
Both new investment and investment already in progress will be eligibIe
for loans.
The cost of SME projects may not exceed €25 million.
All productive sectors are eligible for loans – agriculture, crafts,
industry, commerce, tourism and services.
The loans may be used to purchase, construct, extend or renovate
purchase plant, equipment, vehicles or machinery;
cover project-related costs, additional charges and intangible assets,
including research, development and innovation costs;
and provide the working capital that is always needed in connection
with operational activities.
The UniCredit Group has undertaken to provide its own resources to
beneficiary SMEs, thereby increasing the overall ceiling of the loans made
available to Italy’s small businesses.
A further €50 million will support investment by Italy’s midcaps.
Environment (€100 million)
The EU’s bank is providing Italy’s businesses with €100 million for
financing small and medium-scale projects in the industrial and sustainable
community sectors via UniCredit e UniCredit Leasing, targeting in particular the
infrastructure for the delivery of public services in the transport, energy,
waste disposal, telecoms, water, sanitation, health, education and social
housing sectors – one of the pillars of EIB lending.
Project costs may not exceed €25 million.
Industria 2015 (€30 million)
€30 million will serve to cofinance research and development projects
selected by the Ministry of Economic Development in different thematic areas
(Made in Italy, energy efficiency and sustainable mobility) under the Industria
2015 programme proposed by Confindustria.