La Commissione inaugura una Piattaforma europea della società civile contro la tratta di esseri umani
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Data documento: 31-05-2013
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Commission launches EU Civil Society Platform against trafficking in human beings
La Commissione inaugura una Piattaforma europea della società civile contro la tratta di esseri umani
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Europe needs to work closer together to help the victims of today's slavery.
In Europa è necessario collaborare più intensamente per aiutare le vittime dell’odierna schiavitù.
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Today, over 100 European civil society organisations are joining forces in the new EU Civil Society Platform against trafficking in human beings.
Oggi più di 100 organizzazioni europee della società civile uniscono le loro forze nella nuova Piattaforma della società civile dell’UE contro la tratta di esseri umani.
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The Europe-wide Platform, set up by the European Commission, will serve as a forum for civil society organisations working at European, national and local levels, in the field of human rights, children's rights, women's rights and gender equality, migrants' rights and shelters.
Creata dalla Commissione europea, la Piattaforma costituirà un forum per le organizzazioni della società civile attive a livello europeo, nazionale e locale nel campo dei diritti umani, dei diritti dei minori, dei diritti delle donne e della parità di genere, nonché dei diritti e dell’accoglienza dei migranti.
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Participants will be able to exchange experiences and concrete ideas on how to best assist victims, expand their networks, and prevent others from falling victims to this crime.
I partecipanti potranno scambiarsi esperienze e idee concrete su come assistere al meglio le vittime, espandere le proprie reti e impedire che altri siano vittime di questo reato.
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"The role of civil society is key in preventing trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims.
“Il ruolo della società civile è cruciale nella prevenzione della tratta di esseri umani e nella protezione delle vittime.
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Professionals and volonteers working on anti-trafficking issues, and directly with victims, can learn a lot from each other and can help us define concrete policies to fight this hideous crime.
I professionisti e i volontari che si dedicano alla lotta contro la tratta e che lavorano direttamente con le vittime possono imparare molto gli uni dagli altri e possono aiutarci a definire politiche concrete per combattere questa odiosa forma di criminalità.
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The Platform will ensure that they receive the necessary support, from the EU and from each other, and that their knowledge is spread across Europe.
Grazie alla Piattaforma, queste organizzazioni riceveranno il necessario sostegno, sia dall’Unione europea, sia le une dalle altre, e potranno diffondere le proprie esperienze in tutta Europa.
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We also hope to benefit from their knowledge in developing further EU policies ", said EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmström.
Il nostro auspicio è inoltre di beneficiare delle loro conoscenze per sviluppare ulteriormente le politiche dell’UE”, ha dichiarato Cecilia Malmström, Commissaria UE per gli Affari interni.
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The Commission will support the Platform by organising regular meetings for participants, to gather crucial, up-to-date information and feedback on the main challenges that civil society organisations are facing on the ground.
La Commissione sosterrà la Piattaforma convocando i partecipanti a riunioni periodiche, in modo da raccogliere informazioni cruciali e aggiornate sulle principali difficoltà che le organizzazioni della società civile incontrano sul terreno.
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A second meeting of the Platform is provisionally scheduled for the autumn.
La seconda riunione è prevista in autunno.
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The Commission is also looking at how to facilitate online communication within the platform.
La Commissione sta inoltre studiando il modo di agevolare la comunicazione online nell’ambito della Piattaforma.
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Commissioner Malmström launches the Platform today, 31 May, in Brussels. The launching event, to be chaired by EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator Myria Vassiliadou, will include a panel of speakers from several EU Institutions and Agencies.
Oggi, 31 maggio, la Commissaria Malmström inaugura la Piattaforma a Bruxelles con una manifestazione presieduta dalla coordinatrice anti-tratta dell’UE Myria Vassiliadou, in cui interverranno oratori provenienti da varie istituzioni e agenzie dell’Unione.
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During this first meeting, participants will reflect on the policy priorities and future activities of the Platform, including possible awareness-raising activities, and ways to involve organisations based in countries outside the EU.
Per questa prima riunione è in programma una riflessione sulle priorità politiche e sulle future attività della Piattaforma, tra cui eventuali iniziative di sensibilizzazione, nonché su metodi per coinvolgere organizzazioni stabilite in paesi terzi.
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They will also share and discuss good practices in tackling the recruitment of victims of trafficking and addressing demand on line.
I partecipanti, inoltre, metteranno in comune e discuteranno le buone prassi per affrontare il reclutamento delle vittime della tratta e la domanda online.
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For a full list of the organisations participating from each EU country, see here.
Per un elenco completo delle organizzazioni partecipanti di ciascun paese dell’UE, si veda l’apposito sito.
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Working towards the elimination of trafficking in human beings cannot be achieved without a strong cooperation across the EU and beyond.
Non si può tentare di eliminare la tratta di esseri umani senza un’intensa cooperazione all’interno e all’esterno dei confini dell’UE.
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At EU level, the EU Anti-Trafficking directive focuses on preventing the crime, protecting the victims, prosecuting the traffickers.
A livello dell’UE, la direttiva anti-tratta si concentra sulla prevenzione della criminalità, sulla protezione delle vittime e sul perseguimento dei trafficanti.
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It covers actions in areas such as criminal law provisions, prosecution of offenders, victims' support, victims' rights in criminal proceedings, prevention and monitoring of the implementation and establishing partnerships in particular with civil society.
Il suo campo di applicazione riguarda le disposizioni di diritto penale, l’azione penale contro gli autori dei reati, il sostegno alle vittime, i diritti delle vittime nei procedimenti penali, la prevenzione e il monitoraggio dell’applicazione e la creazione di partenariati, in particolare con la società civile.
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The EU Directive takes a human rights based approach that is gender-specific and centres on the victims and the best interests of the child.
L’impostazione della direttiva si basa sui diritti umani, tiene conto delle specificità di genere ed è incentrata sulle vittime e sull’interesse superiore del minore.
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To date, only 9 countries have fully transposed the directive (Czech Republic, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Finland) and 4 countries have partially transposed (Belgium, Bulgaria, Slovenia and UK).
Finora sono soltanto 9 i paesi che hanno pienamente recepito la direttiva (Repubblica ceca, Svezia, Estonia, Lettonia, Lituania, Ungheria, Polonia, Romania e Finlandia) e 4 quelli che l’hanno recepita parzialmente (Belgio, Bulgaria, Slovenia e Regno Unito).
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At a time when growing numbers of victims are being identified in the EU (IP/13/322 and MEMO/13/331), the 2012 EU Strategy (IP/12/619 and MEMO/12/455) sets out 40 concrete initiatives, including strengthening the role of civil society.
In un periodo in cui cresce il numero delle vittime identificate all’interno dell’Unione europea (si vedano IP/13/322 e MEMO/13/331), la Strategia dell’UE del 2012 (si vedano IP/12/619 e MEMO/12/455) ha definito 40 iniziative concrete, destinate fra l’altro a potenziare il ruolo della società civile.
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The establishment of an EU Platform of civil society organisations in Member States is one of these concrete actions.
Una di queste iniziative è appunto l’istituzione di una piattaforma a livello dell’UE di organizzazioni della società civile che operano negli Stati membri.
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In March 2013, the Commission invited organisations to apply for the participation in the Platform.
Nel marzo 2013 la Commissione ha invitato le organizzazioni a manifestare il proprio interesse a partecipare alla Piattaforma.
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The final selection addressed the need to ensure geographical balance and the diversity of areas of expertise, and current involvement at EU level.
Nella selezione finale si è tenuto conto dell’esigenza di garantire un equilibrio geografico e la varietà dei settori di competenza, nonché dell’attuale coinvolgimento delle organizzazioni prescelte a livello dell’UE.
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Additionally, the Commission will continue to work on carrying out the anti-trafficking strategy, with the help of Member States, NGOs, and other stakeholders.
La Commissione continuerà inoltre a mettere in atto la Strategia anti-tratta con l’aiuto degli Stati membri, delle ONG e di altri soggetti interessati.
Commission launches EU Civil Society Platform against
trafficking in human beings
Europe needs to work closer together to help the victims of
today's slavery.
Today, over 100 European civil society organisations are
joining forces in the new EU Civil Society Platform against trafficking in human
The Europe-wide Platform, set up by the European Commission,
will serve as a forum for civil society organisations working at European,
national and local levels, in the field of human rights, children's rights,
women's rights and gender equality, migrants' rights and shelters.
Participants will be able to exchange experiences and concrete
ideas on how to best assist victims, expand their networks, and prevent others
from falling victims to this crime.
"The role of civil society is key in preventing trafficking in
human beings and protecting its victims.
Professionals and volonteers working on anti-trafficking
issues, and directly with victims, can learn a lot from each other and can help
us define concrete policies to fight this hideous crime.
The Platform will ensure that they receive the necessary
support, from the EU and from each other, and that their knowledge is spread
across Europe.
We also hope to benefit from their knowledge in developing
further EU policies ", said EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmström.
The Commission will support the Platform by organising regular
meetings for participants, to gather crucial, up-to-date information and
feedback on the main challenges that civil society organisations are facing on
the ground.
A second meeting of the Platform is provisionally scheduled
for the autumn.
The Commission is also looking at how to facilitate online
communication within the platform.
Commissioner Malmström launches the Platform today, 31 May, in
Brussels. The launching event, to be chaired by EU Anti-Trafficking Coordinator
Myria Vassiliadou, will include a panel of speakers from several EU Institutions
and Agencies.
During this first meeting, participants will reflect on the
policy priorities and future activities of the Platform, including possible
awareness-raising activities, and ways to involve organisations based in
countries outside the EU.
They will also share and discuss good practices in tackling
the recruitment of victims of trafficking and addressing demand on line.
For a full list of the organisations participating from each
EU country, see here.
Working towards the elimination of trafficking in human beings
cannot be achieved without a strong cooperation across the EU and beyond.
At EU level, the EU Anti-Trafficking directive focuses on
preventing the crime, protecting the victims, prosecuting the traffickers.
It covers actions in areas such as criminal law provisions,
prosecution of offenders, victims' support, victims' rights in criminal
proceedings, prevention and monitoring of the implementation and establishing
partnerships in particular with civil society.
The EU Directive takes a human rights based approach that is
gender-specific and centres on the victims and the best interests of the child.
To date, only 9 countries have fully transposed the directive
(Czech Republic, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania
and Finland) and 4 countries have partially transposed (Belgium, Bulgaria,
Slovenia and UK).
At a time when growing numbers of victims are being identified
in the EU (IP/13/322 and MEMO/13/331), the 2012 EU Strategy (IP/12/619 and
MEMO/12/455) sets out 40 concrete initiatives, including strengthening the role
of civil society.
The establishment of an EU Platform of civil society
organisations in Member States is one of these concrete actions.
In March 2013, the Commission invited organisations to apply
for the participation in the Platform.
The final selection addressed the need to ensure geographical
balance and the diversity of areas of expertise, and current involvement at EU
Additionally, the Commission will continue to work on carrying
out the anti-trafficking strategy, with the help of Member States, NGOs, and
other stakeholders.