Salute e sicurezza sul lavoro: La Commissione avvia una consultazione pubblica sul futuro delle attività dell'UE
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Data documento: 31-05-2013
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Health and safety at work: Commission opens public consultation on future EU policy framework
Salute e sicurezza sul lavoro: La Commissione avvia una consultazione pubblica sul futuro delle attività dell'UE
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The European Commission has launched a public consultation to gather insights and contributions from the public further to results of the evaluation of the European Strategy on Safety and Health at Work 2007-2012.
La Commissione europea ha avviato una consultazione pubblica per conoscere le prospettive e ricevere i contributi del pubblico in seguito ai risultati della valutazione della Strategia europea per la salute e la sicurezza sul lavoro per il periodo 2007-2012.
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This should help identify current and future challenges in the occupational safety and health area, and identify solutions to address these challenges.
Tale iniziativa prevedibilmente contribuirà a identificare le sfide attuali e future in tema di salute e sicurezza sul lavoro e le soluzioni per affrontarle.
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All citizens and organisations are welcome to contribute to this consultation, which will be open from 31 May 2013 to 26 July 2013.
Si invitano tutti i cittadini e le organizzazioni a contribuire alla presente consultazione, che rimarrà aperta dal 31 maggio 2013 al 26 luglio 2013.
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Contributions are particularly sought from representatives of Member States' public authorities, organisations representing employees and employers, and stakeholders and experts with an interest in the area of occupational safety and health.
Sono particolarmente ricercati i contributi dei rappresentanti delle autorità pubbliche degli Stati membri, delle organizzazioni rappresentative dei lavoratori e dei datori di lavoro, nonché delle parti interessate e degli esperti in tema di salute e sicurezza sul lavoro.
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László Andor, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, said:
László Andor, commissario per l'Occupazione, gli affari sociali e l’inclusione, ha dichiarato:
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"Accidents at work are at a historically low level, and the European Union’s occupational safety and health standards are a reference for the rest of the world.
"Gli infortuni sul lavoro hanno raggiunto il minimo storico e i livelli dell'UE in fatto di salute e sicurezza sul lavoro sono ormai un riferimento per il resto del mondo.
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Investing in occupational safety pays off in terms of improved productivity and staff well-being, reduced absenteeism and staff turnover and greater job satisfaction, especially during the crisis.
Investire nella sicurezza sul lavoro è vantaggioso perché aumenta la produttività e il benessere dei lavoratori, riduce l'assenteismo e la rotazione del personale e conduce ad una maggiore gratificazione professionale, in modo particolare durante i periodi di crisi.
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However, this policy area also faces challenges and together we need to find solutions to address these challenges".
Questo settore d'intervento tuttavia si trova ad affrontare anche sfide che dobbiamo risolvere insieme".
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As a basis for the consultation, the European Commission published today the results of the evaluation of the European Strategy on Safety and Health at Work 2007-2012.
La Commissione europea ha pubblicato oggi i risultati della Strategia europea per la salute e la sicurezza sul lavoro per il periodo 2007-2012, che offrirà un punto di partenza per la consultazione.
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The conclusions of this evaluation confirm the importance of the European dimension of occupational safety and health policy, in particular as regards the positive trend in work accident reduction and the role of the EU strategy in coordinating efforts and providing a common framework for action.
Le conclusioni di tale valutazione confermano l'importanza di una politica su scala europea in tema di salute e sicurezza sul lavoro, in particolare per quanto riguarda la tendenza positiva nella riduzione degli infortuni sul lavoro e il ruolo della strategia dell'UE nel coordinare gli sforzi e nel fornire un inquadramento comune per gli interventi.
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For the future, more still needs to be done, in particular to improve the implementation of occupational safety and health provisions in SMEs and micro-enterprises, to develop more accurate monitoring and evidence gathering tools, to better focus on emerging risks and occupational illness and to effectively tackle the occupational safety and health problems linked to the ageing of the working population.
Per il futuro resta ancora molto da fare, in particolare per migliorare l'attuazione delle disposizioni in tema di salute e sicurezza sul lavoro nelle PMI e nelle microimprese, per sviluppare strumenti atti a garantire una sorveglianza e una raccolta di prove più accurate, per concentrarci maggiormente sui rischi emergenti e le malattie professionali e per fronteggiare in modo efficace i problemi di salute e sicurezza sul lavoro connessi all'invecchiamento della popolazione attiva.
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Since 2002 the EU has fulfilled its political role in the area of Occupational Safety and Health by means of multi-annual Strategies formally endorsed by the Commission after consultations, and voluntarily implemented by Member States and stakeholders.
Dal 2002 l'UE ha assolto il proprio compito politico nell'area della salute e della sicurezza sul lavoro per mezzo di strategie pluriennali che sono state formalmente approvate dalla Commissione previe consultazioni e attuate su base volontaria dagli Stati membri e dalle parti interessate.
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Two strategies on health and safety at work have been adopted so far, the first in 2002, covering the period until 2006, the second in 2007 for the period until 2012.
Sono state adottate finora due strategie in tema di salute e sicurezza sul lavoro, la prima nel 2002 per il periodo sino al 2006, la seconda nel 2007 per il periodo sino al 2012.
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The 2007-2012 Strategy set an ambitious goal for all Member States:
La Strategia 2007-2012 ha fissato un obiettivo ambizioso per tutti gli Stati membri:
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to reduce accidents at work by 25 %.
una riduzione degli infortuni sul lavoro pari al 25%.
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In addition, a number of specific objectives were identified, such as:
Sono stati definiti anche alcuni obiettivi specifici, quali:
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- improving and a better implementing the EU regulatory framework on occupational safety and health
- migliorare il quadro normativo dell'UE in tema di salute e sicurezza sul lavoro e renderne più efficace l'attuazione,
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- adapting the framework to changes in the workplace
- adattare il quadro normativo ai cambiamenti dei luoghi di lavoro,
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- developing coherent national strategies adjusted to the specific context of each Member State and
- sviluppare strategie nazionali coerenti e adeguate ai contesti specifici di ogni singolo Stato membro, e
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- encouraging changes in behaviour and promotion of a preventive culture addressing all parts of society.
- incoraggiare cambiamenti comportamentali e promuovere una cultura della prevenzione rivolta a tutte le componenti della società.
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In April 2011, the Commission published a mid-term review of the 2007-2012 strategy.
Nell'aprile 2011 la Commissione ha pubblicato una revisione intermedia della Strategia 2007-2012.
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The final evaluation is now available online, based on a broad consultation process carried out among all the main interested parties in the area:
La valutazione finale, ora disponibile su Internet, è il frutto di un ampio processo di consultazione con tutte le principali parti interessate in tale ambito:
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occupational safety and health public authorities in the Member States, organisations representing employees and employers at EU and national levels, experts and other stakeholders in the field.
autorità pubbliche nell'ambito della salute e della sicurezza sul lavoro degli Stati membri, organizzazioni rappresentative dei lavoratori e dei datori di lavoro a livello sia dell'UE che nazionale, esperti ed altre parti interessate in tale settore.
Health and safety at work: Commission opens public consultation on future
EU policy framework
The European Commission has launched a public consultation to gather
insights and contributions from the public further to results of the evaluation
of the European Strategy on Safety and Health at Work 2007-2012.
This should help identify current and future challenges in the
occupational safety and health area, and identify solutions to address these
All citizens and organisations are welcome to contribute to this
consultation, which will be open from 31 May 2013 to 26 July 2013.
Contributions are particularly sought from representatives of Member
States' public authorities, organisations representing employees and employers,
and stakeholders and experts with an interest in the area of occupational safety
and health.
László Andor, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and
Inclusion, said:
"Accidents at work are at a historically low level, and the European
Union’s occupational safety and health standards are a reference for the rest of
the world.
Investing in occupational safety pays off in terms of improved productivity and
staff well-being, reduced absenteeism and staff turnover and greater job
satisfaction, especially during the crisis.
However, this policy area also faces challenges and together we need to find
solutions to address these challenges".
As a basis for the consultation, the European Commission published
today the results of the evaluation of the European Strategy on Safety and
Health at Work 2007-2012.
The conclusions of this evaluation confirm the importance of the
European dimension of occupational safety and health policy, in particular as
regards the positive trend in work accident reduction and the role of the EU
strategy in coordinating efforts and providing a common framework for action.
For the future, more still needs to be done, in particular to improve
the implementation of occupational safety and health provisions in SMEs and
micro-enterprises, to develop more accurate monitoring and evidence gathering
tools, to better focus on emerging risks and occupational illness and to
effectively tackle the occupational safety and health problems linked to the
ageing of the working population.
Since 2002 the EU has fulfilled its political role in the area of
Occupational Safety and Health by means of multi-annual Strategies formally
endorsed by the Commission after consultations, and voluntarily implemented by
Member States and stakeholders.
Two strategies on health and safety at work have been adopted so far,
the first in 2002, covering the period until 2006, the second in 2007 for the
period until 2012.
The 2007-2012 Strategy set an ambitious goal for all Member States:
to reduce accidents at work by 25 %.
In addition, a number of specific objectives were identified, such as:
- improving and a better implementing the EU regulatory framework on
occupational safety and health
- adapting the framework to changes in the workplace
- developing coherent national strategies adjusted to the specific
context of each Member State and
- encouraging changes in behaviour and promotion of a preventive
culture addressing all parts of society.
In April 2011, the Commission published a mid-term review of the
2007-2012 strategy.
The final evaluation is now available online, based on a broad
consultation process carried out among all the main interested parties in the
occupational safety and health public authorities in the Member States,
organisations representing employees and employers at EU and national levels,
experts and other stakeholders in the field.