La Commissione, il Parlamento e il Consiglio europeo riuniscono i leader religiosi per discutere di cittadinanza europea
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Data documento: 30-05-2013
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Commission, Parliament and European Council bring together religious leaders to discuss European citizenship
La Commissione, il Parlamento e il Consiglio europeo riuniscono i leader religiosi per discutere di cittadinanza europea
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Brussels, 30 May 2013 – Around twenty senior representatives from Christian, Muslim and Jewish religions and from the Hindu community from all over Europe met today in the European Commission's headquarters in Brussels, under the motto 'Putting citizens at the heart of the European project in times of change'.
Bruxelles, 30 maggio 2013 – Circa venti autorevoli rappresentanti delle religioni cristiana, musulmana e ebraica e della comunità induista, provenienti da tutta Europa, hanno partecipato oggi a una riunione tenutasi a Bruxelles presso la sede della Commissione europea discutendo sul tema “Mettere i cittadini al centro del progetto europeo in un’epoca di cambiamenti”.
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The high-level meeting, taking place in the context of the European Year of Citizens 2013, was called by José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, and co-chaired by President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy and László Surján, Vice-President of the European Parliament.
Questa riunione ad alto livello ha avuto luogo nel contesto dell’Anno europeo dei cittadini 2013 ed è stata indetta da José Manuel Barroso, Presidente della Commissione europea, e copresieduta da Herman Van Rompuy, Presidente del Consiglio europeo, e da László Surján, Vicepresidente del Parlamento europeo, che rappresentava il Presidente Martin Schulz.
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The participants engaged in an open discussion on how to bring Europe closer to its citizens.
I partecipanti hanno discusso liberamente su come avvicinare l’Europa ai cittadini.
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José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, invited religious organisations to actively contribute to the public debate currently on-going within the European Year of Citizens 2013 as well as the recently launched initiative on a new narrative for Europe and said:
Invitando le organizzazioni religiose a contribuire attivamente al dibattito attualmente in corso nel contesto dell’Anno europeo dei cittadini 2013 e in merito all’iniziativa, lanciata recentemente, su un Nuovo discorso narrativo sull’Europa, il Presidente della Commissione europea José Manuel Barroso ha dichiarato:
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"As we are taking action to move Europe out of the economic crisis, it is clear that we also have to weather another crisis: a crisis of trust, a crisis of values.
“In un momento in cui ci stiamo adoperando per far uscire l’Europa dalla crisi economica, è chiaro che dobbiamo affrontare anche un altro tipo di crisi: una crisi di fiducia, una crisi di valori.
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We have to bring citizens back at the heart of our common project of European integration, by debating why it makes sense to act together as a Union.
Dobbiamo riportare i cittadini al centro del nostro progetto comune di integrazione europea, discutendo i motivi per i quali vale la pena agire di concerto in quanto Unione.
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I strongly believe that the active involvement of religious communities is essential in this undertaking.
Sono fermamente convinto che il coinvolgimento attivo delle comunità religiose in questo contesto sia essenziale.
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The religious leaders I have invited today have an important contribution to make to this EU-wide debate on the future of Europe."
I leader religiosi che ho invitato oggi potranno dare un importante contributo al dibattito sul futuro dell’Europa che è in corso in tutta l’Unione.”
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Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, stated:
Herman van Rompuy, presidente del Consiglio europeo, ha affermato:
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"It is in responding to the effects of the crisis and reaffirming our values, that one finds the urgency of the European citizen.
“È contrastando gli effetti della crisi e riaffermando i nostri valori che comprendiamo l’urgenza di definire la cittadinanza europea.
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An urgency that involves economic and social issues, as it, involves culture too and therefore training and education.
Un’urgenza che mette in campo questioni economiche e sociali in quanto interessa anche la cultura e dunque l’istruzione e la formazione.
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Let us reinvigorate this citizenship by emphasising what makes our citizens belong to this collective space known as the European Union.
Dobbiamo dare un nuovo impulso a questa cittadinanza ponendo l’accento sugli elementi che determinano l’appartenenza dei nostri cittadini allo spazio collettivo che è l’Unione europea.
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As European citizens what makes us belong, individually and collectively?
In quanto cittadini europei, da dove deriva questa appartenenza, a livello individuale e collettivo?
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It is essential for political and religious authorities to reflect upon this.
È essenziale che le autorità politiche e religiose riflettano su questo aspetto.
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For it is together, in a debate which is sometimes contradictory but always fruitful, fruitful but sometimes contradictory, that we, each of us in accordance with our duties and responsibilities, contribute in the construction of the European project."
Perché è tutti assieme - ciascuno secondo i propri doveri e le proprie responsabilità – che contribuiamo alla costruzione del progetto europeo, sviluppando un dibattito a volte contraddittorio ma sempre proficuo, proficuo ma a volte contraddittorio”.
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László Surján, Vice-President of the European Parliament, said:
László Surján, vicepresidente del Parlamento europeo, si è così espresso:
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"We strongly encourage European citizens, including religious citizens, for active involvement in the election campaign and then participating in the elections, so that their opinions, ideas and values would be represented by Parliamentarians."
“Incoraggiamo i cittadini europei, ivi compresi i credenti, a partecipare in maniera attiva sia alla campagna elettorale che alle elezioni in modo che le loro opinioni, le loro idee e i loro valori siano rappresentati dai membri del Parlamento”.
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Today's high-level meeting of religious leaders is the ninth in the series of meetings launched by President Barroso in 2005.
La riunione ad alto livello a cui hanno partecipato oggi i leader religiosi è il nono di una serie di incontri iniziata nel 2005 su iniziativa del Presidente Barroso.
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The Lisbon Treaty enshrines since 2009 the open, transparent and regular dialogue with churches, religious communities as well as philosophical and non-confessional organisations into primary law (Art 17 TFEU).
Il trattato di Lisbona del 2009 ha sancito nel diritto primario il principio di un dialogo aperto, trasparente e regolare con le chiese, le comunità religiose e le organizzazioni filosofiche e non confessionali (articolo 17 del TFUE).
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Beyond regular seminars with the different interlocutors, there is one annual high-level meeting with religious leaders (in spring) and one with philosophical and non-confessional representatives (in autumn).
Oltre ai seminari periodici con i diversi interlocutori, sono previste due riunioni annuali ad alto livello, una con i leader religiosi (in primavera) e l’altra con esponenti delle organizzazioni filosofiche e non confessionali (in autunno).
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The topic of this year's meeting was the question how to intensify the dialogue with citizens and societal organisations on the future of Europe and about the fundamental, individual and collective rights that are guaranteed by European citizenship.
Nell’incontro di quest’anno si è discusso su come intensificare il dialogo con i cittadini e le organizzazioni della società civile in merito al futuro dell’Europa e sui diritti fondamentali, individuali e collettivi garantiti grazie alla cittadinanza europea.
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The contribution of the representatives of churches and religious communities directly fed into the broader, on-going Europe-wide debate amongst citizens, businesses, civil society and government organisations, in the context of the European Year of Citizens 2013.
Il contributo dei rappresentanti delle chiese e delle comunità religiose va direttamente ad alimentare il più ampio dibattito in corso a livello europeo tra cittadini, imprese, società civile e istituzioni pubbliche, nel contesto dell’Anno europeo dei cittadini 2013.
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The meeting took place in the Commission's Berlaymont building in Brussels.
La riunione ha avuto luogo presso il Berlaymont, sede della Commissione a Bruxelles.
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European Commission Vice-President Viviane Reding and Commissioner Dacian Cioloș also participated.
All’incontro hanno partecipato anche la Vicepresidente della Commissione Viviane Reding e il Commissario Dacian Cioloș.
Commission, Parliament and European Council bring together religious
leaders to discuss European citizenship
Brussels, 30 May 2013 – Around twenty senior representatives from
Christian, Muslim and Jewish religions and from the Hindu community from all
over Europe met today in the European Commission's headquarters in Brussels,
under the motto 'Putting citizens at the heart of the European project in times
of change'.
he high-level meeting, taking place in the context of the European Year
of Citizens 2013, was called by José Manuel Barroso, President of the European
Commission, and co-chaired by President of the European Council Herman Van
Rompuy and László Surján, Vice-President of the European Parliament.
The participants engaged in an open discussion on how to bring Europe
closer to its citizens.
José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, invited
religious organisations to actively contribute to the public debate currently
on-going within the European Year of Citizens 2013 as well as the recently
launched initiative on a new narrative for Europe and said:
"As we are taking action to move Europe out of the economic crisis, it
is clear that we also have to weather another crisis: a crisis of trust, a
crisis of values.
We have to bring citizens back at the heart of our common project of European
integration, by debating why it makes sense to act together as a Union.
I strongly believe that the active involvement of religious communities is
essential in this undertaking.
The religious leaders I have invited today have an important contribution to
make to this EU-wide debate on the future of Europe."
Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, stated:
"It is in responding to the effects of the crisis and reaffirming our values,
that one finds the urgency of the European citizen.
An urgency that involves economic and social issues, as it, involves culture too
and therefore training and education.
Let us reinvigorate this citizenship by emphasising what makes our citizens
belong to this collective space known as the European Union.
As European citizens what makes us belong, individually and collectively?
It is essential for political and religious authorities to reflect upon this.
For it is together, in a debate which is sometimes contradictory but always
fruitful, fruitful but sometimes contradictory, that we, each of us in
accordance with our duties and responsibilities, contribute in the construction
of the European project."
László Surján, Vice-President of the European Parliament, said:
"We strongly encourage European citizens, including religious citizens, for
active involvement in the election campaign and then participating in the
elections, so that their opinions, ideas and values would be represented by
Today's high-level meeting of religious leaders is the ninth in the
series of meetings launched by President Barroso in 2005.
The Lisbon Treaty enshrines since 2009 the open, transparent and
regular dialogue with churches, religious communities as well as philosophical
and non-confessional organisations into primary law (Art 17 TFEU).
Beyond regular seminars with the different interlocutors, there is one
annual high-level meeting with religious leaders (in spring) and one with
philosophical and non-confessional representatives (in autumn).
meeting was the question how to intensify the dialogue with citizens
and societal organisations on the future of Europe and about the fundamental,
individual and collective rights that are guaranteed by European citizenship.
The contribution of the representatives of churches and religious
communities directly fed into the broader, on-going Europe-wide debate amongst
citizens, businesses, civil society and government organisations, in the context
of the European Year of Citizens 2013.
The meeting took place in the Commission's Berlaymont building in
European Commission Vice-President Viviane Reding and Commissioner
Dacian Cioloș also participated.