Condurre l’Europa oltre la crisi: raccomandazioni specifiche per paese 2013
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Data documento: 29-05-2013
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Moving Europe beyond the crisis: country-specific recommendations 2013
Condurre l’Europa oltre la crisi: raccomandazioni specifiche per paese 2013
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Brussels, 29 May 2013 – The European Commission has today adopted recommendations to EU Member States designed to move Europe beyond the crisis and strengthen the foundations for growth.
Bruxelles, 29 maggio 2013 – La Commissione europea ha adottato oggi un pacchetto di raccomandazioni rivolte agli Stati membri e intese a condurre l’Europa oltre la crisi, rafforzando le basi per la crescita.
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These recommendations are based on detailed analyses of each country's situation and provide guidance to governments on how to boost their growth potential, increase competitiveness and create jobs in 2013-2014.
Le raccomandazioni si basano sull’analisi dettagliata della situazione di ciascun paese e forniscono ai governi gli orientamenti su come incentivare il proprio potenziale di crescita, aumentare la competitività e creare posti di lavoro nel 2013-2014.
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Taken together, they represent an ambitious set of reforms for the EU economy.
Nel complesso, si tratta di un’ambiziosa serie di riforme per l’economia dell’UE.
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As part of today's package, which marks the culmination of the third European Semester of policy coordination, the Commission has also adopted several decisions under the Excessive Deficit Procedure.
Nell’ambito del pacchetto odierno, che segna il culmine del terzo semestre europeo per il coordinamento delle politiche economiche, la Commissione ha adottato anche numerose decisioni relative alla procedura per i disavanzi eccessivi.
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President Barroso said:
Il Presidente Barroso ha dichiarato:
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"Now is the time to step up the fundamental economic reforms that will deliver growth and jobs, which our citizens, especially our young people, anxiously expect.
“È giunto il momento di intensificare le riforme economiche fondamentali che porteranno crescita e occupazione, attese con impazienza dai cittadini, specialmente dai giovani.
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This is the only way to address the two lasting legacies of this crisis: |
È l’unico modo per affrontare i due retaggi duraturi di questa crisi:
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the serious loss of competitiveness in many of our Member States, and persistent unemployment, with all its social consequences.
la grave perdita di competitività in molti Stati membri e la persistente disoccupazione, con tutte le conseguenze sociali che essa comporta.
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The recommendations issued by the Commission today are part of our comprehensive strategy to move Europe beyond the crisis.They are concrete, realistic, and adapted to the situation of each of our Member States."
Le raccomandazioni adottate oggi dalla Commissione sono parte di una strategia generale per condurre l’Europa oltre la crisi, sono concrete, realistiche e adeguate alla situazione di ciascuno Stato membro.”
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A number of key messages have emerged from this round of country-specific recommendations (CSRs).
Da questa seconda serie annuale di raccomandazioni specifiche per paese sono emerse diverse indicazioni fondamentali.
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The Commission's analysis shows that rebalancing is underway in the EU.
L’analisi della Commissione dimostra che attualmente nell’UE è in atto una correzione degli squilibri.
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Most Member States are making progress on fiscal consolidation and are implementing reforms to increase competitiveness.
La maggior parte degli Stati membri sta compiendo progressi in materia di risanamento di bilancio e sta attuando le riforme per aumentare la competitività.
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However, the pace and impact of these efforts varies.
Tuttavia, il ritmo e l’impatto di questi sforzi varia.
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Some Member States need to accelerate reforms or to implement them with greater urgency.
Alcuni Stati membri devono accelerare le riforme o attuarle con maggiore urgenza.
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A major challenge is to tackle rising unemployment, especially youth unemployment, by increasing the use of active labour market policies or by reforming education and training systems to make sure jobseekers are equipped with the right skills for the jobs we have.
Resta da affrontare un’importante sfida per far fronte all’aumento della disoccupazione, in particolare quella giovanile, anche aumentando il ricorso a politiche attive del mercato del lavoro o riformando i sistemi di istruzione e formazione per garantire che le persone in cerca di lavoro abbiano le competenze adatte ai lavori disponibili.
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More can also be done to create the conditions for businesses to invest and create jobs, including by improving competition in product and service markets and promoting investment in research, innovation and resource efficiency.
Tuttavia si può fare ancora di più per creare le condizioni favorevoli agli investimenti delle imprese e alla creazione di posti di lavoro, ad esempio favorendo la concorrenza nei mercati dei prodotti e dei servizi e promuovendo gli investimenti nella ricerca, nell’innovazione e nell’efficienza nell’impiego delle risorse.
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Moreover, fiscal consolidation should continue, albeit at a different pace, while remaining pockets of vulnerability in the banking sector need to be addressed.
Inoltre, il risanamento di bilancio dovrebbe continuare, pur con ritmi diversi, mentre devono essere affrontate le criticità che ancora permangono nel settore bancario.
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The package:
Il pacchetto
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The package includes:
Il pacchetto comprende:
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- A Communication outlining the main findings of the Commission's country by country analysis, and how this can boost growth and job creation in the EU as a whole.
- una comunicazione che delinea le principali osservazioni emerse dall’analisi per paese della Commissione e come queste possano incentivare la crescita e la creazione di posti di lavoro in tutta l’UE;
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- 24 sets of recommendations, one set for every Member State - excluding Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Cyprus,- and a separate set for the euro area as a whole.
- una serie di 24 raccomandazioni, una per ogni Stato membro, eccetto Grecia, Irlanda, Portogallo e Cipro, più una per l’intera zona euro.
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The recommendations contain country-specific guidance on budgetary, economic and social policies, taking account of the individual situation of each Member State.
Le raccomandazioni contengono orientamenti specifici per paese sulle politiche economiche, di bilancio e sociali, che tengono conto della situazione specifica di ciascuno Stato membro;
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- Detailed analyses underpinning the recommendations, presented in 29 staff working documents (one for every EU Member State, one for the euro area and one for Croatia).
- le analisi dettagliate su cui si basano le raccomandazioni, contenute in 29 documenti di lavoro (uno per ciascuno Stato membro, uno per la zona euro e uno per la Croazia);
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- In parallel with the European Semester recommendations, the Commission has also adopted a number of decisions under the Excessive Deficit Procedure, reflecting the latest developments in Member States that are expected to bring their government deficit below the EU's 3% of GDP threshold.
- parallelamente alle raccomandazioni del semestre europeo, la Commissione ha inoltre adottato una serie di decisioni nel quadro della procedura per i disavanzi eccessivi, che rispecchiano gli ultimi sviluppi negli Stati membri che dovrebbero portare il disavanzo pubblico al di sotto della soglia del 3% del PIL prevista dall’UE.
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- The 2013 country-specific recommendations (see MEMO/13/458)
- Raccomandazioni specifiche per paese del 2013 (cfr.MEMO/13/458)
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The CSRs offer bespoke policy advice that guides national policies every year.
Le raccomandazioni specifiche per paese offrono una consulenza ad hoc che ogni anno guida le politiche nazionali.
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This is done on the basis of a review of each Member State's economic and social performance in the previous year, and EU-wide priorities for jobs and growth set out in the Commission's Annual Growth Survey (MEMO/12/910).
Ciò avviene sulla base di un esame delle prestazioni economiche e sociali di ciascuno Stato membro nell’anno precedente, e delle priorità a livello dell’UE per la crescita e l’occupazione stabilite nell’analisi annuale della crescita della Commissione (MEMO/12/910).
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In March, Member States agreed on the five priorities proposed by the Commission for 2013:
A marzo gli Stati membri hanno concordato le cinque priorità proposte dalla Commissione per il 2013:
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pursuing differentiated growth-friendly fiscal consolidation, restoring normal lending to the economy, promoting growth and competitiveness, tackling unemployment and the social consequences of the crisis and modernising public administration.
portare avanti un risanamento di bilancio differenziato e favorevole alla crescita, ripristinare la normale erogazione di prestiti all’economia, promuovere la crescita e la competitività, lottare contro la disoccupazione e le conseguenze sociali della crisi e modernizzare la pubblica amministrazione.
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The recommendations are drafted by the Commission services and adopted by the College of Commissioners.
Le raccomandazioni sono state elaborate dai servizi della Commissione e adottate dal collegio dei commissari.
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They are drafted after a thorough assessment of the implementation of last year's country-specific recommendations, combined with a detailed analysis of the national reform programmes and stability or convergence programmes that Member States submitted in April.
Sono state redatte dopo una valutazione approfondita dell’attuazione delle raccomandazioni specifiche per paese dell’anno scorso, nonché dopo un’analisi dettagliata dei programmi nazionali di riforma e dei programmi di stabilità o di convergenza presentati dagli Stati membri nel mese di aprile.
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This analysis is set out in staff working documents accompanying the proposals.
L’analisi è contenuta nei documenti di lavoro dei servizi della Commissione che accompagnano le proposte.
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The recommendations cover a wide range of issues, including public finances and structural reforms in areas such as taxation, pensions, public administration, services, and the labour market, especially youth unemployment.
Le raccomandazioni riguardano un’ampia gamma di settori quali le finanze pubbliche e le riforme strutturali in materia di fiscalità, pensioni, pubblica amministrazione, servizi e mercato del lavoro, in particolare la disoccupazione giovanile.
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The programme countries (Greece, Portugal, Ireland and Cyprus) do not receive CSRs as their compliance with their macroeconomic adjustment programmes is monitored under a separate, more intensive, process.
I paesi tenuti al rispetto di un programma di aggiustamento (Grecia, Portogallo, Irlanda e Cipro) non ricevono le raccomandazioni specifiche per paese, dato che la loro conformità ai programmi di aggiustamento macroeconomico è monitorata con una procedura diversa, più intensa.
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Decisions under the Excessive Deficit Procedure (see MEMO/13/463)
Decisioni nel quadro della procedura per i disavanzi eccessivi (cfr. MEMO/13/463)
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The Commission has today recommended that the Council abrogate the Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP) for five countries:
Oggi la Commissione ha raccomandato al Consiglio di abrogare la procedura per i disavanzi eccessivi per cinque paesi:
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Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania and Romania.
Ungheria, Italia, Lettonia, Lituania e Romania.
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The Commission has also recommended that the Council open an EDP for Malta.
La Commissione ha raccomandato inoltre al Consiglio di avviare una procedura per i disavanzi eccessivi per Malta.
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Moreover, the Commission has adopted Recommendations to the Council with a view to extend the deadlines for correcting the excessive deficit in six countries:
Inoltre, la Commissione ha adottato raccomandazioni destinate al Consiglio al fine di estendere il termine per la correzione dei disavanzi eccessivi in sei paesi:
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Spain, France, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal and Slovenia.
Spagna, Francia, Paesi Bassi, Polonia, Portogallo e Slovenia.
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In addition, the Commission has recommended that the Council decides that no effective action has been taken by Belgium to put an end to the excessive deficit and that the Council gives notice to Belgium to take measures to correct the excessive deficit.
La Commissione ha raccomandato inoltre al Consiglio di decidere che il Belgio non ha adottato misure efficaci per far cessare la situazione di disavanzo eccessivo e di invitarlo ad adottare misure in tal senso.
Moving Europe beyond the crisis: country-specific recommendations 2013
Brussels, 29 May 2013 – The European Commission has today adopted
recommendations to EU Member States designed to move Europe beyond the crisis
and strengthen the foundations for growth.
These recommendations are based on detailed analyses of each country's
situation and provide guidance to governments on how to boost their growth
potential, increase competitiveness and create jobs in 2013-2014.
Taken together, they represent an ambitious set of reforms for the EU
As part of today's package, which marks the culmination of the third
European Semester of policy coordination, the Commission has also adopted
several decisions under the Excessive Deficit Procedure.
President Barroso said:
"Now is the time to step up the fundamental economic reforms that will deliver
growth and jobs, which our citizens, especially our young people, anxiously
This is the only way to address the two lasting legacies of this crisis:
the serious loss of competitiveness in many of our Member States, and persistent
unemployment, with all its social consequences.
The recommendations issued by the Commission today are part of our comprehensive
strategy to move Europe beyond the crisis.They are concrete, realistic, and
adapted to the situation of each of our Member States."
A number of key messages have emerged from this round of
country-specific recommendations (CSRs).
The Commission's analysis shows that rebalancing is underway in the EU.
Most Member States are making progress on fiscal consolidation and are
implementing reforms to increase competitiveness.
However, the pace and impact of these efforts varies.
Some Member States need to accelerate reforms or to implement them with
greater urgency.
A major challenge is to tackle rising unemployment, especially youth
unemployment, by increasing the use of active labour market policies or by
reforming education and training systems to make sure jobseekers are equipped
with the right skills for the jobs we have.
More can also be done to create the conditions for businesses to invest
and create jobs, including by improving competition in product and service
markets and promoting investment in research, innovation and resource
Moreover, fiscal consolidation should continue, albeit at a different
pace, while remaining pockets of vulnerability in the banking sector need to be
The package:
The package includes:
- A Communication outlining the main findings of the Commission's
country by country analysis, and how this can boost growth and job creation in
the EU as a whole.
- 24 sets of recommendations, one set for every Member State -
excluding Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Cyprus,- and a separate set for the euro
area as a whole.
The recommendations contain country-specific guidance on budgetary, economic and
social policies, taking account of the individual situation of each Member
- Detailed analyses underpinning the recommendations, presented in 29
staff working documents (one for every EU Member State, one for the euro area
and one for Croatia).
- In parallel with the European Semester recommendations, the
Commission has also adopted a number of decisions under the Excessive Deficit
Procedure, reflecting the latest developments in Member States that are expected
to bring their government deficit below the EU's 3% of GDP threshold.
- The 2013 country-specific recommendations (see MEMO/13/458)
The CSRs offer bespoke policy advice that guides national policies
every year.
This is done on the basis of a review of each Member State's economic
and social performance in the previous year, and EU-wide priorities for jobs and
growth set out in the Commission's Annual Growth Survey (MEMO/12/910).
In March, Member States agreed on the five priorities proposed by the
Commission for 2013:
pursuing differentiated growth-friendly fiscal consolidation, restoring normal
lending to the economy, promoting growth and competitiveness, tackling
unemployment and the social consequences of the crisis and modernising public
The recommendations are drafted by the Commission services and adopted
by the College of Commissioners.
They are drafted after a thorough assessment of the implementation of
last year's country-specific recommendations, combined with a detailed analysis
of the national reform programmes and stability or convergence programmes that
Member States submitted in April.
This analysis is set out in staff working documents accompanying the
The recommendations cover a wide range of issues, including public
finances and structural reforms in areas such as taxation, pensions, public
administration, services, and the labour market, especially youth unemployment.
The programme countries (Greece, Portugal, Ireland and Cyprus) do not
receive CSRs as their compliance with their macroeconomic adjustment programmes
is monitored under a separate, more intensive, process.
Decisions under the Excessive Deficit Procedure (see MEMO/13/463)
The Commission has today recommended that the Council abrogate the
Excessive Deficit Procedure (EDP) for five countries:
Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania and Romania.
The Commission has also recommended that the Council open an EDP for
Moreover, the Commission has adopted Recommendations to the Council
with a view to extend the deadlines for correcting the excessive deficit in six
Spain, France, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal and Slovenia.
In addition, the Commission has recommended that the Council decides
that no effective action has been taken by Belgium to put an end to the
excessive deficit and that the Council gives notice to Belgium to take measures
to correct the excessive deficit.