Stagione di pesca del tonno rosso 2013: l’impegno dell’UE nella piena attuazione del piano pluriennale rafforzato di ricostituzione
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Data documento: 27-05-2013
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Bluefin tuna season 2013: EU committed to full implementation of reinforced multi-annual recovery plan
Stagione di pesca del tonno rosso 2013: l’impegno dell’UE nella piena attuazione del piano pluriennale rafforzato di ricostituzione
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The European Commission has reaffirmed its commitment to the sustainable management of bluefin tuna during the 2013 main fishing season in the Mediterranean and the Eastern Atlantic.
La Commissione europea ha ribadito il suo impegno nella gestione sostenibile dello stock di tonno rosso durante la stagione principale di pesca 2013 nel Mediterraneo e nell’Atlantico orientale.
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The period 26 May to 24 June marks the season where large vessels, purse seiners, are allowed to fish for bluefin tuna.
Il periodo che va dal 26 maggio al 24 giugno corrisponde alla stagione in cui i pescherecci a circuizione e le grandi imbarcazioni sono autorizzati a pescare il tonno rosso.
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Together with fish traps the quotas for purse seiners account for 83% of the overall 2013 EU quota of 7 548,1 tonnes.
Contando anche le trappole, le quote destinate ai pescherecci a circuizione corrispondono all’83% della quota complessiva UE che, per il 2013, è pari a 7 548,1 tonnellate.
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Vessels from seven EU member states are active in the fishery (Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Malta, Cyprus).
Sono sette gli Stati membri dell’UE i cui pescherecci partecipano alla pesca: Spagna, Francia, Italia, Grecia, Portogallo, Malta e Cipro.
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The bluefin tuna fishery is regulated by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) where the EU and member states are members.
La pesca del tonno rosso è regolata dalla Commissione internazionale per la conservazione dei tonnidi dell'Atlantico (ICCAT) di cui l’UE è parte contraente insieme ai suoi Stati membri.
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ICCAT adopted a reinforced multi-annual recovery plan for bluefin tuna at its last annual meeting in November 2012. The plan enhances the sustainable management of the stock and introduces a number of new control measures.
In occasione della riunione annuale nel novembre 2012, l’ICCAT ha adottato un piano pluriennale rafforzato di ricostituzione dello stock di tonno rosso che promuove la gestione sostenibile dello stesso e introduce una serie di nuove misure di controllo.
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Based on the experiences of previous years and given the particularities of this year's campaign, a strict control and inspection programme has been put in place. It involves a significant deployment of inspectors, patrol vessels and aircrafts coordinated by the European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) and the Member States concerned.
Sulla base dell’esperienza degli anni precedenti, e date le particolarità della campagna di quest'anno, è stato istituito un programma rigoroso d’ispezione e di controllo che coinvolge un numero importante di ispettori, navi e aeromobili di sorveglianza coordinati dall’Agenzia europea di controllo della pesca (EFCA) e dagli Stati membri interessati.
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The European Commission also monitors catches and analyses Vessel Monitoring System data (a satellite based control system) on a constant basis to ensure that all rules, and particularly the individual vessels' quotas, are fully respected.
La Commissione europea monitora inoltre le catture e analizza regolarmente i dati forniti dal sistema di controllo dei pescherecci (un sistema di controllo satellitare), al fine di garantire che tutte le regole, soprattutto le quote delle singole navi, siano pienamente rispettate.
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In close collaboration with the EFCA, Member States and other ICCAT Contracting Parties, all necessary measures are being taken to ensure full compliance with the new provisions and ultimately the success of the recovery plan and long term sustainability of the stock.
In stretta collaborazione con l’EFCA, gli Stati membri e le altre parti contraenti dell’ICCAT, sono in corso di adozione tutte le misure necessarie a garantire il pieno rispetto delle nuove disposizioni e, in definitiva, il successo del piano di ricostituzione e la sostenibilità a lungo termine dello stock.
Bluefin tuna season 2013: EU committed to full implementation of
reinforced multi-annual recovery plan
The European Commission has reaffirmed its commitment to the
sustainable management of bluefin tuna during the 2013 main fishing season in
the Mediterranean and the Eastern Atlantic.
he period 26 May to 24 June marks the season where large vessels, purse
seiners, are allowed to fish for bluefin tuna.
Together with fish traps the quotas for purse seiners account for 83%
of the overall 2013 EU quota of 7 548,1 tonnes.
Vessels from seven EU member states are active in the fishery (Spain,
France, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Malta, Cyprus).
The bluefin tuna fishery is regulated by the International Commission
for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) where the EU and member states
are members.
ICCAT adopted a reinforced multi-annual recovery plan for bluefin tuna
at its last annual meeting in November 2012. The plan enhances the sustainable
management of the stock and introduces a number of new control measures.
Based on the experiences of previous years and given the
particularities of this year's campaign, a strict control and inspection
programme has been put in place. It involves a significant deployment of
inspectors, patrol vessels and aircrafts coordinated by the European Fisheries
Control Agency (EFCA) and the Member States concerned.
The European Commission also monitors catches and analyses Vessel
Monitoring System data (a satellite based control system) on a constant basis to
ensure that all rules, and particularly the individual vessels' quotas, are
fully respected.
In close collaboration with the EFCA, Member States and other ICCAT
Contracting Parties, all necessary measures are being taken to ensure full
compliance with the new provisions and ultimately the success of the recovery
plan and long term sustainability of the stock.