Sei nuovi poli scientifici per sostenere la strategia del Danubio
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Data documento: 16-05-2013
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Six new scientific clusters to support Danube strategy
Sei nuovi poli scientifici per sostenere la strategia del Danubio
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The European Commission and scientists and policy makers from the 14 Danube Region countries have today launched six scientific clusters to support economic development in the region.
La Commissione europea, gli scienziati e i responsabili politici dei 14 Stati della regione del Danubio hanno inaugurato oggi sei poli scientifici che hanno lo scopo di sostenere lo sviluppo economico della regione.
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The six clusters will focus on:
L'attività di questi sei poli riguarderà segnatamente:
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le risorse idriche;
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land & soil;
il territorio e il suolo;
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le bioenergie;
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data exchange & harmonisation;
lo scambio e l'armonizzazione di dati;
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and smart specialisation.
e la specializzazione intelligente.
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Presented at a high-level meeting in Bratislava today, the clusters will provide scientific evidence to support the Danube Strategy, and will also serve to foster scientific cooperation across the region.
I poli, presentati nel corso di una riunione ad alto livello che si è tenuta oggi a Bratislava, forniranno conoscenze scientifiche a sostegno della strategia per il Danubio e favoriranno inoltre la cooperazione scientifica in tutta la regione.
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The launch event today was attended amongst others by the Slovak Prime Minister H.E.Robert Fico and the Vice President of the European Commission, Maroš
Šefčovič (MEMO/13/441).
All'odierna manifestazione d'inaugurazione hanno partecipato, tra gli altri, il primo ministro slovacco S.E. Robert Fico e il vicepresidente della Commissione europea Maroš
Šefčovič (MEMO/13/441).
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Speaking at the launch, Maroš Šefčovič, Vice President of the European Commission, said:
In questa occasione il vicepresidente Šefčovič ha dichiarato:
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"The EU Strategy for the Danube Region aims to boost growth and jobs in the area through better policy making and funding.
"La strategia dell'UE per la regione del Danubio ha lo scopo di stimolare la crescita e l'occupazione in quest'area, mediante miglioramenti nell'elaborazione delle politiche e nei finanziamenti.
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Science can really help by providing evidence-based data to policy makers, helping them to make informed decisions for a region that boasts enormous geopolitical and economic diversity."
La scienza può dare un aiuto realmente efficace, fornendo ai responsabili politici dati basati su elementi concreti che li aiutano a operare scelte consapevoli per una regione in cui sussistono enormi differenze a livello geopolitico ed economico".
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Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, said:
Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, commissaria europea per la ricerca, l'innovazione e la scienza, ha dichiarato:
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"This is an excellent example of transnational science and policy cooperation, setting a benchmark for the EU and beyond.These clusters can boost scientific and economic performance in the region."
"Questi poli, che costituiscono un ottimo esempio di cooperazione transnazionale nel settore scientifico e politico e un punto di riferimento nell'UE e al di fuori di essa, possono migliorare i risultati scientifici ed economici della regione".
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The water, land & soil, bio-energy and air clusters will look at these key resources in relation to identified needs: environmental protection, irrigation & agricultural development and energy.
I poli concernenti le risorse idriche, il territorio e il suolo, le bioenergie e l'aria valuteranno queste risorse fondamentali in relazione alle esigenze individuate in materia di tutela dell'ambiente, irrigazione e sviluppo agricolo ed energia.
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The data cluster is meant to facilitate the exchange and harmonisation of clear and comparable data in areas such as biodiversity, river morphology, flood and drought risks, soils, crops or energy resources and potential.
Il polo relativo ai dati ha lo scopo di facilitare lo scambio e l'armonizzazione di dati chiari e comparabili in settori come la biodiversità, la morfologia del fiume, i rischi d'inondazione e di siccità, i suoli, le risorse e il potenziale delle colture e dell'energia.
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It will also set up a common data access point for the whole region - the first operational version should be available by December this year.
Esso offrirà inoltre un comune punto di accesso ai dati per l'intera regione, la cui prima versione operativa dovrebbe essere disponibile entro il mese di dicembre dell'anno in corso.
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The smart specialisation cluster will study how to concentrate resources on key scientific priorities based on the economic potential of the Danube region rather than spreading efforts and investment too thinly.
Il polo sulla specializzazione intelligente valuterà come concentrare le risorse sulle principali priorità scientifiche in base al potenziale economico della regione del Danubio anziché suddividere iniziative e investimenti in modo troppo limitato.
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The clusters will bring together the scientific community from the 14 Danube countries, involving most of the Academies of science in the region, the Danube Rectors Conference (which involves 54 universities) and many other research organisations.
I poli riuniranno la comunità scientifica dei 14 Stati del Danubio, coinvolgendo la maggior parte delle accademie delle Scienze della regione, la Conferenza dei rettori del Danubio (alla quale partecipano 54 università) e numerosi altri organismi di ricerca.
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The partners will take part in the cluster(s) of their choice, according to their priorities and expertise.
I partecipanti collaboreranno al polo o ai poli di loro scelta, in funzione delle rispettive priorità e competenze.
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Participation remains open to other interested parties.
La partecipazione resta aperta ad altre parti interessate.
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The clusters will foster cooperation not only among scientists, but also between scientists and policy makers, and will encourage a better uptake of scientific results in policy-making.
I poli favoriranno la cooperazione non soltanto tra gli scienziati, ma anche tra gli scienziati e i responsabili politici, e incoraggeranno a tener maggiormente conto dei risultati scientifici nell'elaborazione delle politiche.
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While the scientific community will meet regularly, policy makers will be updated once a year.
Per la comunità scientifica sono previste riunioni a scadenze regolari, mentre i responsabili politici verranno aggiornati su base annua.
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Other political attendees at the event in Bratislava today were:
Tra le personalità politiche che hanno partecipato all'odierna manifestazione di Bratislava figuravano anche:
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the Minister of State for economic strategy of Hungary, Zoltán Cséfalvay;
il Ministro per la strategia economica dell'Ungheria, Zoltán Cséfalvay;
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the Federal Minister for Science and Research of Austria, Karlheinz Töchterle;
il ministro federale per la scienza e la ricerca dell'Austria, Karlheinz Töchterle;
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the Minister Delegate for higher education, scientific research and technological development of Romania, Mihnea Costoiu, and the Member of the European Parliament, Edit Herczog.
il Ministro delegato per l'istruzione superiore, la ricerca scientifica e lo sviluppo tecnologico della Romania, Mihnea Costoiu, e il membro del Parlamento europeo, Edit Herczog.
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The EU Strategy for the Danube region was launched in 2011 (IP/11/472) after a request 2 years earlier by EU governments.
La strategia dell'Unione europea per la regione del Danubio è stata avviata nel 2011 (IP/11/472), due anni dopo che i governi dell'UE ne avevano fatto richiesta.
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It focuses on 4 priorities:
Questa iniziativa verte su quattro priorità:
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connecting the Danube region, protecting the environment, building prosperity and strengthening the region.
collegare la regione del Danubio, proteggere l'ambiente, creare prosperità e rafforzare la regione.
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The European Commission has recently published a progress report on the Danube region strategy (IP/13/307), where it calls to move up a gear after a good start.
La Commissione europea ha recentemente pubblicato una relazione sullo stato d'avanzamento della strategia per la regione del Danubio (IP/13/307) in cui chiede che, dopo un buon inizio, si proceda con maggiore celerità.
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Smart and strategic investment is needed for the region to stay competitive, capitalising on local strengths and making a more effective and better combined use of European national and regional public funds.
Per restare competitiva, la regione ha bisogno di investimenti intelligenti e strategici, che permettano di sfruttare i punti di forza locali e di utilizzare più efficacemente e combinandoli meglio i fondi pubblici, europei, nazionali e regionali.
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The region must have strategic spending priorities and must remove obstacles to innovation in order to fully exploit the potential of the region and create high quality jobs.
Detta regione deve prevedere priorità strategiche per quanto concerne le spese ed eliminare gli ostacoli all'innovazione al fine di sfruttare pienamente il potenziale regionale e creare posti di lavoro di elevata qualità.
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The "Scientific support to the Danube strategy" initiative was launched in November 2011 by the European Commission's in-house science service, the Joint Research Centre (JRC).
Il Centro comune di ricerca (CCR), che costituisce il servizio scientifico interno della Commissione europea, ha lanciato nel novembre 2011 un'iniziativa denominata "Sostegno scientifico alla strategia per il Danubio".
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It focuses on 4 priorities:
Questa iniziativa verte su quattro priorità:
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environment protection, irrigation & agricultural development, navigability and energy production.
protezione dell'ambiente, irrigazione e sviluppo agricolo, navigabilità e produzione di energia.
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The 14 countries in the Danube Region are:
I 14 Stati della regione danubiana sono:
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Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Ukraine and Moldova.
Germania, Austria, Ungheria, Repubblica ceca, Slovacchia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Croazia, Serbia, Bosnia e Erzegovina, Montenegro, Ucraina e Moldova.
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The region is home to over 100 million people.
Nella regione vivono oltre 100 milioni di persone.
Six new scientific clusters to support Danube strategy
The European Commission and scientists and policy makers from
the 14 Danube Region countries have today launched six scientific clusters to
support economic development in the region.
The six clusters will focus on:
land & soil;
data exchange & harmonisation;
and smart specialisation.
Presented at a high-level meeting in Bratislava today, the
clusters will provide scientific evidence to support the Danube Strategy, and
will also serve to foster scientific cooperation across the region.
The launch event today was attended amongst others by the
Slovak Prime Minister H.E.Robert Fico and the Vice President of the European
Commission, Maroš Šefčovič(MEMO/13/441).
Speaking at the launch, Maroš
Šefčovič, Vice President of the
European Commission, said:
"The EU Strategy for the Danube Region aims to boost growth
and jobs in the area through better policy making and funding.
Science can really help by providing evidence-based data to
policy makers, helping them to make informed decisions for a region that boasts
enormous geopolitical and economic diversity."
Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, European Commissioner for Research,
Innovation and Science, said:
"This is an excellent example of transnational science and
policy cooperation, setting a benchmark for the EU and beyond.These clusters can
boost scientific and economic performance in the region."
The water, land & soil, bio-energy and air clusters will look
at these key resources in relation to identified needs: environmental
protection, irrigation & agricultural development and energy.
The data cluster is meant to facilitate the exchange and
harmonisation of clear and comparable data in areas such as biodiversity, river
morphology, flood and drought risks, soils, crops or energy resources and
It will also set up a common data access point for the whole
region - the first operational version should be available by December this
The smart specialisation cluster will study how to concentrate
resources on key scientific priorities based on the economic potential of the
Danube region rather than spreading efforts and investment too thinly.
The clusters will bring together the scientific community from
the 14 Danube countries, involving most of the Academies of science in the
region, the Danube Rectors Conference (which involves 54 universities) and many
other research organisations.
The partners will take part in the cluster(s) of their choice,
according to their priorities and expertise.
Participation remains open to other interested parties.
The clusters will foster cooperation not only among
scientists, but also between scientists and policy makers, and will encourage a
better uptake of scientific results in policy-making.
While the scientific community will meet regularly, policy
makers will be updated once a year.
Other political attendees at the event in Bratislava today
the Minister of State for economic strategy of Hungary, Zoltán Cséfalvay;
the Federal Minister for Science and Research of Austria, Karlheinz Töchterle;
the Minister Delegate for higher education, scientific research and
technological development of Romania, Mihnea Costoiu, and the Member of the
European Parliament, Edit Herczog.
The EU Strategy for the Danube region was launched in 2011
(IP/11/472) after a request 2 years earlier by EU governments.
It focuses on 4 priorities:
connecting the Danube region, protecting the environment, building prosperity
and strengthening the region.
The European Commission has recently published a progress
report on the Danube region strategy (IP/13/307), where it calls to move up a
gear after a good start.
Smart and strategic investment is needed for the region to
stay competitive, capitalising on local strengths and making a more effective
and better combined use of European national and regional public funds.
The region must have strategic spending priorities and must
remove obstacles to innovation in order to fully exploit the potential of the
region and create high quality jobs.
The "Scientific support to the Danube strategy" initiative was
launched in November 2011 by the European Commission's in-house science service,
the Joint Research Centre (JRC).
It focuses on 4 priorities:
environment protection, irrigation & agricultural development, navigability and
energy production.
The 14 countries in the Danube Region are:
Germany, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria,
Romania, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Ukraine and
The region is home to over 100 million people.