La Commissione propone la firma del trattato sul commercio delle armi
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Data documento: 08-05-2013
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Commission proposes the signature of the Arms Trade Treaty
La Commissione propone la firma del trattato sul commercio delle armi
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The European Commission has today proposed a Council decision authorising EU Member States to sign the treaty on the international trade in conventional weapons, the so-called Arms Trade Treaty (ATT).
La Commissione europea ha proposto oggi una decisione del Consiglio che autorizza gli Stati membri dell'UE a firmare il trattato sul commercio delle armi convenzionali, il cosiddetto trattato sul commercio delle armi (ATT).
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The ATT aims to make the legal trade in conventional arms more responsible, by setting high common international standards on imports, exports and transfers.
L'ATT intende rendere il commercio legale di armi convenzionali sia maggiormente responsabile imponendo elevati standard internazionali comuni su importazioni, esportazioni e trasferimenti.
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It provides for the assessment of arms transfers and measures to prevent the diversion of conventional arms from the importing and exporting States.
Esso prevede la valutazione dei trasferimenti di armi nonché misure volte a prevenire il dirottamento delle armi convenzionali dagli Stati esportatori e importatori.
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In addition, it enhances transparency in arms trading by requiring record keeping and reporting to the Secretariat and other State Parties.
Essa accresce inoltre la trasparenza del commercio di armi prescrivendo la tenuta di registri e la rendicontazione al Segretariato e ad altre parti contraenti.
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The provisions of the ATT cover conventional arms of the following categories:
Le disposizioni dell'ATT coprono le armi convenzionali delle seguenti categorie:
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battle tanks, armoured combat vehicles, large-calibre artillery systems, combat aircraft, attack helicopters, warships, missiles and missile launchers and small arms and light weapons.
carri armati da battaglia, veicoli da combattimento blindati, sistemi di artiglieria di grande calibro, aerei da combattimento, elicotteri da attacco, navi da guerra, missili e lanciamissili nonché piccole armi e armi leggere.
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The Treaty also covers the related ammunition/ munitions and parts and components.
Il trattato copre anche le munizioni nonché le parti e i componenti.
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As the ATT concerns matters of exclusive EU competence, such as for import and export controls, Member States can only decide on accession to the ATT after authorisation by the Council upon a proposal by the Commission.
Poiché l'ATT riguarda questioni che sono di esclusiva competenza dell'UE come, ad esempio, i controlli all'importazione e all'esportazione, gli Stati membri possono decidere di aderire all'ATT soltanto previa autorizzazione del Consiglio su proposta della Commissione.
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European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship, said:
Antonio Tajani, vicepresidente della Commissione europea e commissario responsabile per l'Industria e l'imprenditoria, ha affermato:
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"The purpose of the Arms Trade Treaty is to contribute to international and regional peace, security and stability by regulating the international trade in conventional arms and eradicating the illicit arms trade.
"L'obiettivo del trattato sul commercio delle armi è contribuire alla pace, alla sicurezza e alla stabilità internazionali e regionali disciplinando il commercio internazionale di armi convenzionali de eradicando il commercio illecito di armi.
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It is vital to fill the gap of the unregulated trade of conventional arms at an international level and to assist the development of peace-building and humanitarian efforts."
Il trattato è essenziale per colmare le lacune giuridiche in relazione al commercio non regolamentato di armi convenzionali a livello internazionale e per contribuire al processo di consolidamento della pace e alle iniziative umanitarie".
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Catherine Ashton, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the Commission, said:
Catherine Ashton, Alto rappresentante per gli Affari esteri e la Politica di sicurezza e vicepresidente della Commissione, ha affermato:
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"The EU and its Member States support early signature and ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty, not least so that we can build on the momentum created by the recent General Assembly vote and ensure quick implementation.
"L'UE e i suoi Stati membri sono a favore di una firma e di una ratifica tempestive del trattato sul commercio delle armi, in particolare perché possiamo approfittare della dinamica creata dal recente voto dell'Assemblea generale per assicurare una rapida implementazione.
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By establishing common legally binding standards for the import, export and transfer of conventional arms, the ATT will make the arms trade both more responsible and more transparent.
Definendo standard comuni legalmente vincolanti per l'importazione, l'esportazione e il trasferimento delle armi convenzionali l'ATT renderà il commercio delle armi maggiormente responsabile e trasparente.
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It has the potential to reinforce international peace and security."
Il trattato potrà contribuire a rafforzare la pace e la sicurezza internazionali".
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Signature of arms treaty on 3 June
3 giugno: firma del trattato sul commercio delle armi
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The ATT, by establishing common legally binding standards for the import, export and transfer of conventional arms, makes the arms trade more responsible and transparent, an objective shared by the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission.
L'ATT, definendo standard comuni legalmente vincolanti per l'importazione, l'esportazione e il trasferimento di armi convenzionali, rende il commercio delle armi più responsabile e trasparente, obiettivo questo condiviso dal Parlamento europeo, dal Consiglio e dalla Commissione.
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The illegal, or poorly regulated, trade in conventional arms costs lives; |
Il commercio illegale o male disciplinato di armi convenzionali costa vite umane;
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more than 740,000 men, women and children die each year as a result of armed violence.
ogni anno più di 740 000 uomini, donne e bambini muoiono a causa della violenza armata.
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The swift entry into force of the ATT is thus of utmost importance and it is therefore recommended that as many Member States as possible sign the Treaty on 3 June 2013, at the Solemn Ceremony.
La rapida entrata in vigore dell'ATT riveste quindi la massima importanza e si raccomanda pertanto che il maggior numero possibile di Stati membri firmi il trattato il 3 giugno 2013 in occasione della cerimonia solenne.
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The Treaty was finally adopted on 2 April 2013 by a Resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations. In this Resolution, that gathered the overwhelming majority of UN Members, 3 June 2013 was agreed as the designated date for opening the signature of the Treaty. The Treaty will enter into force ninety days after the fiftieth ratification.
Il 2 aprile 2013 il trattato è stato definitivamente adottato con una risoluzione dell'Assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite, che ha cristallizzato l'accordo della stragrande maggioranza dei membri delle Nazioni Unite, fissando la data del 3 giugno 2013 per l'apertura della firma del trattato, che entrerà in vigore novanta giorni dopo la quinta ratifica.
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The abstention in the UN General Assembly vote of a number of significant arms exporters and importers challenges the political mainstream around the ATT objectives.
L'astensione dal voto in seno all'Assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite di numerosi importanti paesi esportatori e importatori di armi mette in questione il grande consenso politico registrato intorno agli obiettivi dell'ATT.
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However, it is positive that these countries have all committed to an internal inter-agency process of analysis of the Treaty text that will determine their future position vis-à-vis the ATT.
È tuttavia positivo che questi paesi si siano tutti impegnati a condurre un processo interno di analisi interagenzie del testo del trattato, che determinerà la loro posizione futura in relazione all'ATT.
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The main political change compared to July 2012 compared to July 2012, when the ATT was first negotiated within the UN, is certainly the clear and proactive support of the United States to the conclusion of the Treaty.
Il principale cambiamento rispetto al luglio 2012, quando l'ATT è stato negoziato per la prima volta in seno alle Nazioni Unite, è indubbiamente dato dal sostegno chiaro e proattivo degli Stati Uniti alla conclusione del trattato.
Commission proposes the signature of the Arms Trade Treaty
The European Commission has today proposed a Council decision
authorising EU Member States to sign the treaty on the international trade in
conventional weapons, the so-called Arms Trade Treaty (ATT).
The ATT aims to make the legal trade in conventional arms more
responsible, by setting high common international standards on imports, exports
and transfers.
It provides for the assessment of arms transfers and measures to
prevent the diversion of conventional arms from the importing and exporting
In addition, it enhances transparency in arms trading by requiring
record keeping and reporting to the Secretariat and other State Parties.
The provisions of the ATT cover conventional arms of the following
battle tanks, armoured combat vehicles, large-calibre artillery
systems, combat aircraft, attack helicopters, warships, missiles and missile
launchers and small arms and light weapons.
The Treaty also covers the related ammunition/ munitions and parts and
As the ATT concerns matters of exclusive EU competence, such as for
import and export controls, Member States can only decide on accession to the
ATT after authorisation by the Council upon a proposal by the Commission.
European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for
Industry and Entrepreneurship, said:
"The purpose of the Arms Trade Treaty is to contribute to international
and regional peace, security and stability by regulating the international trade
in conventional arms and eradicating the illicit arms trade.
It is vital to fill the gap of the unregulated trade of conventional
arms at an international level and to assist the development of peace-building
and humanitarian efforts."
Catherine Ashton, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security
Policy and Vice President of the Commission, said:
"The EU and its Member States support early signature and ratification
of the Arms Trade Treaty, not least so that we can build on the momentum created
by the recent General Assembly vote and ensure quick implementation.
By establishing common legally binding standards for the import, export
and transfer of conventional arms, the ATT will make the arms trade both more
responsible and more transparent.
It has the potential to reinforce international peace and security."
Signature of arms treaty on 3 June
The ATT, by establishing common legally binding standards for the
import, export and transfer of conventional arms, makes the arms trade more
responsible and transparent, an objective shared by the European Parliament, the
Council and the Commission.
The illegal, or poorly regulated, trade in conventional arms costs
more than 740,000 men, women and children die each year as a result of
armed violence.
The swift entry into force of the ATT is thus of utmost importance and
it is therefore recommended that as many Member States as possible sign the
Treaty on 3 June 2013, at the Solemn Ceremony.
The Treaty was finally adopted on 2 April 2013 by a Resolution of the
General Assembly of the United Nations. In this Resolution, that gathered the
overwhelming majority of UN Members, 3 June 2013 was agreed as the designated
date for opening the signature of the Treaty. The Treaty will enter into force
ninety days after the fiftieth ratification.
The abstention in the UN General Assembly vote of a number of
significant arms exporters and importers challenges the political mainstream
around the ATT objectives.
However, it is positive that these countries have all committed to an
internal inter-agency process of analysis of the Treaty text that will determine
their future position vis-à-vis the ATT.
The main political change compared to July 2012 compared to July 2012,
when the ATT was first negotiated within the UN, is certainly the clear and
proactive support of the United States to the conclusion of the Treaty.