50 anni di effetto diretto del diritto dell’Unione a vantaggio dei cittadini e delle imprese
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Data documento: 07-05-2013
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50 years of direct effect of EU law benefitting citizens and companies
50 anni di effetto diretto del diritto dell’Unione a vantaggio dei cittadini e delle imprese
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Since the judgment in Van Gend en Loos in 1963, individuals can rely on EU law directly before national authorities and courts
Dalla sentenza Van Gend & Loos dal 1963 in poi, i cittadini possono invocare direttamente l’applicazione del diritto dell’Unione dinanzi alle autorità e ai giudici nazionali
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On 5 February 1963, the Court of Justice delivered the judgment in Van Gend en Loos, in response to a request for a preliminary ruling made by a court in the Netherlands, the Tarefcommissie.
Il 5 febbraio 1963, la Corte di giustizia pronunciava la sentenza Van Gend & Loos , in risposta ad una questione pregiudiziale sottoposta da un giudice olandese, la Tariefcommissie.
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That court was to decide on a dispute between the Netherlands transport undertaking Van Gend en Loos and the Netherlands tax authority concerning customs duties which that undertaking had to pay to import goods from Germany to the Netherlands.
Detto giudice era chiamato a risolvere una controversia tra l’impresa di trasporti olandese Van Gend & Loos e l’amministrazione finanziaria olandese in merito a dazi doganali che detta impresa doveva versare per poter procedere all’importazione di merci dalla Germania nei Paesi Bassi.
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The transport undertaking submitted that the rate applied was contrary to the rule in the EEC Treaty prohibiting Member States from increasing customs duties in their mutual commercial relations.
L’impresa di trasporti riteneva che il tasso applicato fosse contrario alla norma del Trattato CEE facente divieto agli Stati membri di aumentare i dazi doganali nell’ambito delle reciproche relazioni commerciali.
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The tax authority, however, took the view that the undertaking could not rely on that rule since the obligation it created was towards the other Member States only.
L’amministrazione finanziaria sosteneva, per contro, che l’impresa non potesse far valere tale norma in quanto essa istituirebbe obblighi solamente nei confronti degli Stati membri.
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By its judgment, the Court established one of the fundamental principles of EU law: direct effect.
Con tale sentenza la Corte ha stabilito uno dei principi fondatori del diritto dell’Unione europea:l’effetto diretto.
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In accordance with that principle, EU law does not create reciprocal obligations only between the Member States, but benefits citizens and undertakings by producing immediate effects in that it confers individual rights upon them which the national authorities and courts must safeguard.
Secondo tale principio, il diritto dell’Unione non crea solamente obblighi reciproci tra Stati membri, bensì produce, a vantaggio dei cittadini e delle imprese, effetti immediati, attribuendo loro diritti individuali che le autorità e i giudici nazionali devono tutelare.
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To commemorate the delivery of this judgment, a conference will be held on 13 May 2013 at the Court.
Per commemorare la pronuncia di tale sentenza, una conferenza avrà luogo il 13 maggio 2013 alla Corte.
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At this conference, which was open to representatives of all the legal professions and the academic world by means of an on-line registration system, the participants will discuss the content of the judgment, its impact and the perspectives of that case-law.
Nell’ambito di tale conferenza, aperta ai rappresentanti di tutte le professioni giuridiche e del mondo accademico tramite una procedura di registrazione on-line, si discuterà del contenuto della sentenza, dei suoi riflessi e delle prospettive di tale giurisprudenza .
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In the same spirit of openness towards the legal world which was illustrated by the book published by the Court on the occasion of its 60th anniversary in December 2012, the conference sessions will be introduced with contributions from people from outside the Court.
Nello stesso spirito di apertura verso il mondo giuridico esterno - manifestatasi recentemente nell’opera pubblicata dalla Corte in occasione del suo sessantesimo anniversario nel dicembre del 2012 - i dibattiti della conferenza saranno introdotti da vari interventi di personalità esterne alla Corte.
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For the first time in the history of the Court such an event will be broadcast live on the Court’s internet site (www.curia.europa.eu) to allow the general public to follow the conference sessions, reflecting the unique nature of the event and the importance of the principle of direct effect for each EU citizen and company.
Per la prima volta nella storia dell’istituzione, inoltre, il grande pubblico potrà seguire i dibattiti in diretta sul sito della Corte (www.curia.europa.eu), il che testimonia il carattere unico di tale avvenimento e l’importanza che il principio dell’effetto diretto riveste per ogni cittadino e impresa dell’Unione.
50 years of direct effect of EU law benefitting citizens and companies
Since the judgment in Van Gend en Loos in 1963, individuals can rely on
EU law directly before national authorities and courts
On 5 February 1963, the Court of Justice delivered the judgment in Van
Gend en Loos, in response to a request for a preliminary ruling made by a court
in the Netherlands, the Tarefcommissie.
That court was to decide on a dispute between the Netherlands transport
undertaking Van Gend en Loos and the Netherlands tax authority concerning
customs duties which that undertaking had to pay to import goods from Germany to
the Netherlands.
The transport undertaking submitted that the rate applied was contrary
to the rule in the EEC Treaty prohibiting Member States from increasing customs
duties in their mutual commercial relations.
The tax authority, however, took the view that the undertaking could
not rely on that rule since the obligation it created was towards the other
Member States only.
By its judgment, the Court established one of the fundamental
principles of EU law: direct effect.
In accordance with that principle, EU law does not create reciprocal obligations
only between the Member States, but benefits citizens and undertakings by
producing immediate effects in that it confers individual rights upon them which
the national authorities and courts must safeguard.
To commemorate the delivery of this judgment, a conference will be held
on 13 May 2013 at the Court.
At this conference, which was open to representatives of all the legal
professions and the academic world by means of an on-line registration system,
the participants will discuss the content of the judgment, its impact and the
perspectives of that case-law.
In the same spirit of openness towards the legal world which was
illustrated by the book published by the Court on the occasion of its 60th
anniversary in December 2012, the conference sessions will be introduced with
contributions from people from outside the Court.
For the first time in the history of the Court such an event will be
broadcast live on the Court’s internet site (www.curia.europa.eu) to allow the
general public to follow the conference sessions, reflecting the unique nature
of the event and the importance of the principle of direct effect for each EU
citizen and company. |