8 persone su 10 affermano che i progetti europei aiutano l'innovazione in classe
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Data documento: 07-05-2013
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8 out of 10 say EU projects aid innovation in classroom
8 persone su 10 affermano che i progetti europei aiutano l'innovazione in classe
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More than eight in ten people involved in an EU-funded initiative aimed at encouraging innovative teaching methods and improved learning materials for children say the scheme had a positive and lasting impact on them.
Più di otto persone su dieci che partecipano a iniziative finanziate dall'UE volte a incoraggiare metodi di insegnamento innovativi e materiali didattici migliorati per i bambini affermano che il sistema ha su di loro un impatto positivo e durevole.
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The same proportion also stated that it would have been impossible to achieve the same results without European support, according to a new study.
La stessa proporzione di persone ha anche dichiarato che sarebbe stato impossibile ottenere gli stessi risultati senza il sostegno dell'Europa, come risulta da uno studio recente.
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The projects were funded through the EU's Comenius scheme, which supports a range of activities, from school partnerships to teacher training and the eTwinning school network.
I progetti sono stati finanziati dal programma Comenius dell'UE che sostiene tutta una gamma di attività che vanno dai partenariati tra scuole alla formazione degli insegnanti e alla rete tra scuole eTwinning.
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Part of the Lifelong Learning Programme, which will be succeeded by 'Erasmus for All' from January 2014, Comenius allocates around €13 million a year to universities, teacher training institutions, NGOs and schools, to support the development of new teaching methods and materials.
Comenius, che fa parte del Programma di apprendimento permanente cui si avvicenderà a partire dal gennaio 2014 il programma 'Erasmus per tutti', ha erogato circa 13 milioni di euro all'anno a università, istituzioni di formazione dei docenti, ONG e scuole per contribuire a sviluppare nuovi metodi e materiali didattici.
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Examples of innovative teaching include the use of drama education and basic science for young children (see background).
Tra gli esempi di insegnamento innovativo vi sono l'uso del teatro quale strumento di istruzione e l'insegnamento delle scienze di base ai bambini in tenera età (cfr. la sezione Contesto).
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"Our aim is to help schools to provide pupils with the knowledge, skills and confidence that they need to reach their full potential,” said Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
"Il nostro obiettivo è aiutare le scuole ad attrezzare gli alunni con le conoscenze, le abilità e la fiducia di cui hanno bisogno per valorizzare appieno le loro potenzialità", ha affermato Androulla Vassiliou, Commissario responsabile per l'Istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù.
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"The added value of this European initiative is that it exposes teachers and schools to different approaches and expertise, which results in more innovative solutions in the classroom.”
"Il valore aggiunto di questa iniziativa europea consiste nel fatto che fa conoscere agli insegnanti e alle scuole diversi approcci e diverse esperienze che si traducono poi in soluzioni maggiormente innovative adottate in classe.”
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The study found that the most positive impact was on individuals directly involved in projects, who said that it broadened their views, increased access to best practice and innovation, and improved their professional skills in ICT, languages and management.
Dallo studio è emerso che l'effetto maggiore lo si è avuto sulle persone che hanno direttamente partecipato ai progetti, le quali hanno affermato che il programma ha ampliato la loro visione, ha facilitato l'accesso alle pratiche ottimali e all'innovazione ed ha migliorato le loro abilità professionali nel campo delle TIC, delle lingue e della gestione.
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The benefits highlighted most by organisations included the opportunity to develop new links and synergies, both within the institution and with others.
Tra i vantaggi menzionati più spesso dalle organizzazioni coinvolte vi era l'opportunità di sviluppare nuovi legami e sinergie, sia all'interno dell'istituzione che con altri istituti.
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Systemic impact through the projects and networks is less strongly felt, but most respondents say it exists, for instance where teacher training modules and content developed within a project or network are integrated into established courses.
L'impatto sistemico determinato dai progetti e dalle reti si è avvertito di meno, ma la maggior parte dei rispondenti ha affermato che esso esiste, ad esempio allorché i contenuti e i moduli per la formazione degli insegnanti sviluppati nell'ambito di un progetto o di una rete vengono integrati nei corsi curricolari.
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The 'Study of the Impact of Comenius Centralised Actions:
Lo "Study of the Impact of Comenius Centralised Actions:
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Comenius Multilateral Projects and Comenius Multilateral Networks’ was conducted for the European Commission by the Greek educational organisation Ellinogermaniki Agogi from December 2010-December 2012.
Comenius Multilateral Projects and Comenius Multilateral Networks" (Studio di impatto delle azioni centralizzate Comenius: progetti multilaterali Comenius e reti multilaterali Comenius) è stato eseguito per conto della Commissione europea dall'organizzazione educativa greca Ellinogermaniki Agogi tra il dicembre 2010 e il dicembre 2012.
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It conducted a survey among participants in 145 projects and networks.
L'indagine ha interessato i partecipanti a 145 progetti e reti.
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Project examples
Esempi di progetti
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The DICE project involved 12 countries (Hungary, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Norway, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden and the UK).
Il progetto DICE ha coinvolto dodici paesi (Ungheria, Repubblica ceca, Paesi Bassi, Norvegia, Palestina, Polonia, Portogallo, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Svezia e Regno Unito).
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It focused on the positive effects of drama education on the development of pupils.
Esso era imperniato sugli effetti positivi dell'educazione teatrale per lo sviluppo degli alunni.
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Non-profit organisations and universities from the countries teamed up to carry out the research.
Organizzazioni no-profit e università dei paesi partecipanti si sono associate per condurre la ricerca.
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The partners included educational theatre and arts practitioners, psychologists and sociologists.
Tra i partner vi erano artisti ed esperti del teatro educativo, psicologi e sociologi.
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The EU provided €282 000 over two years in co-funding for the project.
L'UE ha erogato 282 000 EUR nell'arco di due anni per cofinanziare il progetto.
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For the Naturbild project, universities and teacher education institutions from six countries (Germany, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria) developed a new teaching strategy to help children moving from pre-school to primary school.
Per il progetto Naturbild, università e istituzioni di formazione degli insegnanti di sei paesi (Germania, Austria, Ungheria, Slovacchia, Romania e Bulgaria) hanno sviluppato una nuova strategia di insegnamento per aiutare i bambini nel passaggio dalle strutture prescolastiche alla scuola elementare.
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The consortium produced video analyses of children’s play and lessons and used them to train teachers in specialised workshops.
Il consorzio ha prodotto analisi video dei giochi e delle lezioni cui hanno partecipato i bambini e le ha usate per formare gli insegnanti nell'ambito di workshop specializzati.
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The project received €298 000 in EU co-funding over two years.
Il progetto ha ricevuto nell'arco di due anni un cofinanziamento dell'UE pari a 298 000 EUR.
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Comenius and eTwinning
Comenius e eTwinning
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The Comenius programme is open to schools, teachers and educational organisations from the 27 EU Member States, Croatia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey.
Il programma Comenius è aperto alle scuole, agli insegnanti e alle organizzazioni educative dei 27 Stati membri dell'UE, della Croazia, dell'Islanda, del Liechtenstein, della Norvegia, della Svizzera e della Turchia.
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Some parts of the programme are also open to organisations from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Serbia.
Alcune parti del programma sono anche aperte a organizzazioni dell'ex Repubblica jugoslava di Macedonia e della Serbia.
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The projects and networks which are the focus of this new study can involve additional partners from any other country.
I progetti e le reti che sono oggetto di questo nuovo studio possono coinvolgere altri partner di qualsiasi altro paese.
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Created in 2005, eTwinning is a growing community of schools in Europe.
Avviata nel 2005, eTwinning è una comunità in espansione di scuole in Europa.
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200 000 teachers and more than 100 000 schools from 33 European countries (the 27 EU Member States, Iceland, Switzerland, Norway, Turkey, Croatia, and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) have signed up to use its free and safe online environment for teacher training and joint educational projects.
200 000 insegnanti e più di 100 000 scuole di 33 paesi europei (i 27 Stati membri dell'UE, l'Islanda, la Svizzera, la Norvegia, la Turchia, la Croazia e l'ex Repubblica jugoslava di Macedonia) hanno sottoscritto l'iniziativa per fruire del suo ambiente online gratuito e sicuro per la formazione degli insegnanti e per condurre progetti educativi comuni.
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The eTwinning portal is available in 25 languages.
Il portale eTwinning è disponibile in 25 lingue.
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As part of the eTwinning Plus initiative, launched in March 2013, selected schools from schools in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine have joined the eTwinning community.
Nel contesto dell'iniziativa eTwinning Plus, avviata nel marzo 2013, scuole selezionate dell'Armenia, dell'Azerbaijan, della Georgia, della Moldova e dell'Ucraina si sono unite alla comunità eTwinning.
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Who was Comenius?
Chi era Comenius?
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The EU Comenius programme for schools is named after the Czech writer and scientist John Amos Comenius (1592-1670), who is considered as the father of universal education, based on equal opportunities for all children.
Il programma Comenius dell'UE per le scuole reca il nome dello scrittore e scienziato ceco John Amos Comenius (1592-1670), che è considerato il padre dell'istruzione universale basata su pari opportunità per tutti i bambini.
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He lived and worked in many different countries in Europe.
Comenius ha vissuto e operato in diversi paesi europei.
8 out of 10 say EU projects aid innovation in classroom
More than eight in ten people involved in an EU-funded initiative aimed
at encouraging innovative teaching methods and improved learning materials for
children say the scheme had a positive and lasting impact on them.
The same proportion also stated that it would have been impossible to
achieve the same results without European support, according to a new study.
The projects were funded through the EU's Comenius scheme, which
supports a range of activities, from school partnerships to teacher training and
the eTwinning school network.
Part of the Lifelong Learning Programme, which will be succeeded by
'Erasmus for All' from January 2014, Comenius allocates around €13 million a
year to universities, teacher training institutions, NGOs and schools, to
support the development of new teaching methods and materials.
Examples of innovative teaching include the use of drama education and
basic science for young children (see background).
"Our aim is to help schools to provide pupils with the knowledge,
skills and confidence that they need to reach their full potential,” said
Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and
"The added value of this European initiative is that it exposes
teachers and schools to different approaches and expertise, which results in
more innovative solutions in the classroom.”
The study found that the most positive impact was on individuals
directly involved in projects, who said that it broadened their views, increased
access to best practice and innovation, and improved their professional skills
in ICT, languages and management.
The benefits highlighted most by organisations included the opportunity
to develop new links and synergies, both within the institution and with others.
Systemic impact through the projects and networks is less strongly
felt, but most respondents say it exists, for instance where teacher training
modules and content developed within a project or network are integrated into
established courses.
The 'Study of the Impact of Comenius Centralised Actions:
Comenius Multilateral Projects and Comenius Multilateral Networks’ was conducted
for the European Commission by the Greek educational organisation
Ellinogermaniki Agogi from December 2010-December 2012.
It conducted a survey among participants in 145 projects and networks.
Project examples
The DICE project involved 12 countries (Hungary, Czech Republic,
Netherlands, Norway, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia,
Sweden and the UK).
It focused on the positive effects of drama education on the
development of pupils.
Non-profit organisations and universities from the countries teamed up
to carry out the research.
The partners included educational theatre and arts practitioners,
psychologists and sociologists.
The EU provided €282 000 over two years in co-funding for the project.
For the Naturbild project, universities and teacher education
institutions from six countries (Germany, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania
and Bulgaria) developed a new teaching strategy to help children moving from
pre-school to primary school.
The consortium produced video analyses of children’s play and lessons
and used them to train teachers in specialised workshops.
The project received €298 000 in EU co-funding over two years.
Comenius and eTwinning
The Comenius programme is open to schools, teachers and educational
organisations from the 27 EU Member States, Croatia, Iceland, Liechtenstein,
Norway, Switzerland and Turkey.
Some parts of the programme are also open to organisations from the
Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Serbia.
The projects and networks which are the focus of this new study can
involve additional partners from any other country.
Created in 2005, eTwinning is a growing community of schools in Europe.
200 000 teachers and more than 100 000 schools from 33 European
countries (the 27 EU Member States, Iceland, Switzerland, Norway, Turkey,
Croatia, and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) have signed up to use
its free and safe online environment for teacher training and joint educational
The eTwinning portal is available in 25 languages.
As part of the eTwinning Plus initiative, launched in March 2013,
selected schools from schools in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and
Ukraine have joined the eTwinning community.
Who was Comenius?
The EU Comenius programme for schools is named after the Czech writer and
scientist John Amos Comenius (1592-1670), who is considered as the father of
universal education, based on equal opportunities for all children.
He lived and worked in many different countries in Europe.