Infrastrutture verdi: investimenti ad alto rendimento per la natura, la società e i cittadini
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Data documento: 06-05-2013
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Environment: Investing in green infrastructure will bring multiple returns to nature, society and people
Infrastrutture verdi: investimenti ad alto rendimento per la natura, la società e i cittadini
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The European Commission adopted today a new strategy for encouraging the use of green infrastructure, and for ensuring that the enhancement of natural processes becomes a systematic part of spatial planning.
La Commissione europea ha adottato oggi una nuova strategia per promuovere il ricorso alle infrastrutture verdi e far sì che il miglioramento dei processi naturali diventi parte integrante della pianificazione territoriale.
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Green Infrastructure is a tried and tested tool that uses nature to provide ecological, economic and social benefits.
Le infrastrutture verdi sono uno strumento di comprovata efficacia, che si serve della natura per ottenere benefici ecologici, economici e sociali.
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Instead of building flood protection infrastructure, for example, a green infrastructure solution would be to allow a natural wetland to absorb the excess water from heavy rain.
Per difenderci dalle alluvioni, ad esempio, invece di costruire nuove infrastrutture potremmo sfruttare la soluzione offerta dalle zone umide naturali, che assorbono l'acqua in eccesso provocata da piogge intense.
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Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik said:
Janez Potočnik, commissario per l'Ambiente, ha dichiarato:
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"Building green infrastructure is often a good investment for nature, for the economy and for jobs.
"La costruzione di infrastrutture verdi è spesso un buon investimento per la natura, per l'economia e per l'occupazione.
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We should provide society with solutions that work with nature instead of against it, where that makes economic and environmental sense."
Quando sono giustificate da ragioni economiche e ambientali, dobbiamo presentare ai cittadini soluzioni che siano in sintonia e non in contrapposizione con la natura."
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Green infrastructure is often cheaper and more durable than alternatives provided through conventional civil engineering.
Le infrastrutture verdi, spesso, costano meno e durano di più rispetto alle alternative classiche offerte dall'ingegneria civile:
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Biodiversity-rich parks, green spaces and fresh air corridors can for example mitigate the negative effects of summer heat waves.
prendiamo le ondate di calore estive, cosa c'è di meglio che mitigarle con parchi ricchi di biodiversità, spazi verdi e corridoi di aria fresca?
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In addition to the health and environmental benefits, green infrastructure also brings multiple social benefits: it creates jobs and makes cities more appealing places to live and work.
Oltre alla salute e all'ambiente, a trarne vantaggio sono anche altri aspetti del vivere sociale, con nuovi posti di lavoro e città trasformate in spazi in cui è più gradevole vivere e lavorare.
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And it allows for wildlife to thrive, even in an urban context.
Per non parlare della flora e della fauna selvatiche, che grazie alle infrastrutture verdi trovano un ambiente propizio al loro insediamento, anche in contesti urbani.
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The strategy launched today will focus on:
La strategia varata oggi verterà sui seguenti punti:
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- Promoting green infrastructure in the main policy areas such as agriculture, forestry, nature, water, marine and fisheries, regional and cohesion policy, climate change mitigation and adaptation, transport, energy, disaster prevention and land use policies.
- promuovere le infrastrutture verdi nelle politiche principali, ossia quelle in materia di agricoltura, silvicoltura, natura, acqua, ambiente marino e pesca, coesione sociale, mitigazione e adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici, trasporti, energia, prevenzione delle catastrofi e uso del suolo.
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By the end of 2013, the Commission will develop guidance to show how green infrastructure can be integrated into the implementation of these policies from 2014 to 2020.
Entro la fine del 2013 la Commissione metterà a punto degli orientamenti per indicare in che modo le infrastrutture verdi potranno far parte integrante di queste politiche nel periodo 2014-2020;
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- Improving research and data, strengthening the knowledge base and promoting innovative technologies that support green infrastructure.
- migliorare la ricerca e i dati, arricchire la base di conoscenze e promuovere le tecnologie innovative a sostegno delle infrastrutture verdi;
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- Improving access to finance for green infrastructure projects – the Commission will set up an EU financing facility by 2014 together with the European Investment Bank to support green infrastructure projects
- facilitare l'accesso ai finanziamenti per i progetti dedicati alle infrastrutture verdi - Questi progetti potranno contare su uno strumento unionale di finanziamento che la Commissione, in collaborazione con la Banca europea per gli investimenti, istituirà entro il 2014;
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- Supporting EU-level GI projects – by the end of 2015, the Commission will carry out a study to assess the opportunities for developing an EU-wide network of green infrastructure.
- sostenere i progetti di infrastrutture verdi a livello di UE - Entro la fine del 2015 la Commissione realizzerà uno studio per valutare la possibilità di sviluppare una rete di infrastrutture verdi di portata europea.
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Next Steps
Le prossime tappe
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By the end of 2017, the Commission will review progress on developing Green Infrastructure and publish a report on the lessons learnt together with recommendations for future action.
Entro la fine del 2017 la Commissione esaminerà a che punto è lo sviluppo delle infrastrutture verdi e pubblicherà una relazione che, oltre a illustrare quanto realizzato, sarà accompagnata da raccomandazioni su come muoversi negli anni a venire.
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Europe's landscape is dramatically modified every day by fragmentation, change and intensification of land use as a result of a persistent human development.
L'inarrestabile sviluppo umano si ripercuote vistosamente sul paesaggio europeo, che subisce ogni giorno mutamenti sotto forma di frammentazione del territorio, sfruttamento sempre più intensivo del suolo e cambiamenti della sua destinazione d'uso.
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Urban expansion and construction of road and energy infrastructures have degraded and divided valuable ecosystems affecting their habitats and species and reducing the spatial and functional coherence of the landscape.
L'espansione urbana e la costruzione di infrastrutture stradali ed energetiche hanno causato il degrado e la frammentazione di preziosi ecosistemi, con ripercussioni sugli habitat e sulle specie che li popolano, riducendo in tal modo la continuità spaziale e funzionale del paesaggio.
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Degraded ecosystems tend to have lower species richness and are unable to offer the same range of services than healthy ecosystems.
Rispetto a un ecosistema sano, un ecosistema degradato presenta una minore varietà di specie e offre meno servizi.
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These services however have direct value for our economy and investing in green infrastructure therefore makes economic sense.
Questi servizi hanno tuttavia un valore diretto per la nostra economia, ragion per cui, economicamente parlando, ha senso investire nelle infrastrutture verdi.
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There is usually a high return on green infrastructure investments.
Gli investimenti nelle infrastrutture verdi sono di solito molto redditizi.
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In an example of a floodplain restoration project along the river Elbe, Germany, the benefits of shifting dikes, investing in floodplain-adapted agricultural management and constructing fish ladders outweighed costs by a factor of up to four.
Citiamo il caso del progetto di ripristino di una pianura alluvionale lungo il fiume Elba, in Germania: lo spostamento delle dighe, il passaggio a una gestione agricola adeguata alla natura del territorio e la costruzione di passaggi per pesci si sono tradotti in benefici quattro volte superiori ai costi.
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Recreation, flood protection and carbon benefits, which were not monetised, would increase the value of these calculated benefits even further.
Se poi si calcolassero anche i vantaggi in termini di spazi ricreativi, protezione dalle alluvioni e emissioni di carbonio, il valore di questi benefici sarebbe ben più elevato.
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Green infrastructure urban environmental features like green roofs, parks and greenways contribute to human health, help address social problems, save energy and ease water run-off.
Dai tetti ricoperti di vegetazione, ai parchi, ai corridoi verdi, le infrastrutture verdi in città non solo costituiscono elementi a servizio della salute pubblica, ma offrono anche soluzioni ai problemi sociali, fanno risparmiare energia e favoriscono lo scolo delle acque.
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Better infrastructure planning also contributes to more efficient mobility and building-policy.
Una buona pianificazione delle infrastrutture concorre poi a rendere più efficienti la politica della mobilità e quella immobiliare.
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The Communication on Green Infrastructure draws from the EU's Resource Efficiency Roadmap and the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020, in order to promote investing in and the use of Green Infrastructure in Europe.
La comunicazione sulle infrastrutture verdi si basa sulla Tabella di marcia verso un'Europa efficiente nell'impiego delle risorse e sulla strategia dell'UE sulla biodiversità fino al 2020, per promuovere gli investimenti nelle infrastrutture verdi e la loro diffusione in Europa.
Environment: Investing in green infrastructure will bring multiple returns
to nature, society and people
The European Commission adopted today a new strategy for encouraging
the use of green infrastructure, and for ensuring that the enhancement of
natural processes becomes a systematic part of spatial planning.
Green Infrastructure is a tried and tested tool that uses nature to
provide ecological, economic and social benefits.
Instead of building flood protection infrastructure, for example, a
green infrastructure solution would be to allow a natural wetland to absorb the
excess water from heavy rain.
Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik said:
"Building green infrastructure is often a good investment for nature,
for the economy and for jobs.
We should provide society with solutions that work with nature instead of
against it, where that makes economic and environmental sense."
Green infrastructure is often cheaper and more durable than
alternatives provided through conventional civil engineering.
Biodiversity-rich parks, green spaces and fresh air corridors can for example
mitigate the negative effects of summer heat waves.
In addition to the health and environmental benefits, green
infrastructure also brings multiple social benefits: it creates jobs and makes
cities more appealing places to live and work.
And it allows for wildlife to thrive, even in an urban context.
The strategy launched today will focus on:
- Promoting green infrastructure in the main policy areas such as
agriculture, forestry, nature, water, marine and fisheries, regional and
cohesion policy, climate change mitigation and adaptation, transport, energy,
disaster prevention and land use policies.
By the end of 2013, the Commission will develop guidance to show how green
infrastructure can be integrated into the implementation of these policies from
2014 to 2020.
- Improving research and data, strengthening the knowledge base and
promoting innovative technologies that support green infrastructure.
- Improving access to finance for green infrastructure projects – the
Commission will set up an EU financing facility by 2014 together with the
European Investment Bank to support green infrastructure projects
- Supporting EU-level GI projects – by the end of 2015, the Commission
will carry out a study to assess the opportunities for developing an EU-wide
network of green infrastructure.
Next Steps
By the end of 2017, the Commission will review progress on developing
Green Infrastructure and publish a report on the lessons learnt together with
recommendations for future action.
Europe's landscape is dramatically modified every day by fragmentation,
change and intensification of land use as a result of a persistent human
Urban expansion and construction of road and energy infrastructures
have degraded and divided valuable ecosystems affecting their habitats and
species and reducing the spatial and functional coherence of the landscape.
Degraded ecosystems tend to have lower species richness and are unable
to offer the same range of services than healthy ecosystems.
These services however have direct value for our economy and investing
in green infrastructure therefore makes economic sense.
There is usually a high return on green infrastructure investments.
In an example of a floodplain restoration project along the river Elbe, Germany,
the benefits of shifting dikes, investing in floodplain-adapted agricultural
management and constructing fish ladders outweighed costs by a factor of up to
Recreation, flood protection and carbon benefits, which were not
monetised, would increase the value of these calculated benefits even further.
Green infrastructure urban environmental features like green roofs,
parks and greenways contribute to human health, help address social problems,
save energy and ease water run-off.
etter infrastructure planning also contributes to more efficient
mobility and building-policy.
The Communication on Green Infrastructure draws from the EU's Resource
Efficiency Roadmap and the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020, in order to promote
investing in and the use of Green Infrastructure in Europe.