Messaggio di congratulazioni del Presidente Barroso al nuovo Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri, Enrico Letta
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Italiano tratto da: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-13-392_it.htm
Data documento: 30-04-2013
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Message of congratulations of President Barroso to the new Prime Minister of Italy, Mr Enrico Letta
Messaggio di congratulazioni del Presidente Barroso al nuovo Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri, Enrico Letta
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On behalf of the European Commission and on my own behalf, I would like to congratulate you on your appointment as Prime Minister and on the formation of a new government which has obtained the full confidence of the Italian parliament.
A nome della Commissione europea e mio personale, mi congratulo con Lei per la Sua nomina a Presidente del Consiglio e per la formazione del nuovo governo al quale il Parlamento ha dato piena fiducia.
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The launch of this new phase in Italian politics and the start of work by your government come at a crucial time for European integration and I am very happy to be able to rely on your contribution, in particular with respect to the continuation of the process of the economic, monetary and political integration of the European Union.
L'avvio di questa nuova fase della politica italiana e l'inizio delle attività del Suo governo coincidono con un momento cruciale dell'integrazione europea ed io mi rallegro di poter contare sul Suo contributo per quanto riguarda, in particolare, la continuazione del processo di integrazione economica, monetaria e politica dell'Unione europea.
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I am also certain that I can rely on your commitment to carry on the process of necessary reforms so that together Europe’s citizens are able to cope with the challenges posed by the crisis by working towards restoring growth and jobs.
Sono sicuro anche di poter contare sul Suo impegno per la continuazione del processo di riforme necessarie affinché, insieme, gli europei possano far fronte alle sfide della crisi, con l'auspicato rilancio della crescita e dell'occupazione.
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Personally, I am convinced that relations between your new government and the European Commission will prove to be rewarding and constructive, as, moreover, has traditionally been the case with your country.
Sono personalmente convinto che le relazioni tra il nuovo governo e la Commissione europea saranno fruttuose e costruttive, come è del resto tradizione del Suo paese.
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I wish you every success with your newly assumed responsibilities.
Le auguro grande successo nella Sua nuova, alta responsabilità.
Message of congratulations of President Barroso to the new Prime Minister
of Italy, Mr Enrico Letta
On behalf of the European Commission and on my own behalf, I would like
to congratulate you on your appointment as Prime Minister and on the formation
of a new government which has obtained the full confidence of the Italian
The launch of this new phase in Italian politics and the start of work
by your government come at a crucial time for European integration and I am very
happy to be able to rely on your contribution, in particular with respect to the
continuation of the process of the economic, monetary and political integration
of the European Union.
I am also certain that I can rely on your commitment to carry on the
process of necessary reforms so that together Europe’s citizens are able to cope
with the challenges posed by the crisis by working towards restoring growth and
Personally, I am convinced that relations between your new government
and the European Commission will prove to be rewarding and constructive, as,
moreover, has traditionally been the case with your country.
I wish you every success with your newly assumed responsibilities. |