Il Tribunale conferma la validità del regolamento che disciplina la commercializzazione dei prodotti derivati dalla foca
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Italiano tratto da: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_CJE-13-55_it.htm
Data documento: 25-04-2013
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The General Court confirms the validity of the Regulation on the marketing of seal products
Il Tribunale conferma la validità del regolamento che disciplina la commercializzazione dei prodotti derivati dalla foca
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The legislature has harmonised the rules to prevent disturbance of the EU market
Il legislatore ha armonizzato tali norme al fine di evitare turbative del mercato dell’Unione
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EU law protects the fundamental economic and social interests of Inuit communities which hunt seals as an integral part of their culture and identity.
Il diritto dell’Unione tutela gli interessi economici e sociali fondamentali delle comunità Inuit che praticano la caccia alla foca, come parte integrante della loro cultura e della loro identità.
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To that end it authorises the placing on the market of seal products only where those products result from hunts traditionally conducted by such indigenous communities for the purpose of their subsistence.
A tal titolo, autorizza l’immissione sul mercato dei prodotti derivati dalla foca solo quando questi provengono dalla caccia, tradizionalmente praticata da tali comunità a fini di sussistenza.
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In that connection, it prohibits the placing on the EU market and, consequently, the import of seal products intended to be placed on that market, but authorises the entry, warehousing, processing or manufacture of seal products in the EU if they are intended for export and are never released for free circulation in the EU.
Esso vieta l’immissione sul mercato dell’Unione e, di conseguenza, l’importazione dei prodotti derivati dalla foca destinati ad essere immessi su tale mercato, ma autorizza l’ingresso, il deposito, la trasformazione o la fabbricazione di prodotti derivati dalla foca nell’Unione, qualora questi siano destinati all’esportazione e non siano mai messi in libera pratica nel mercato dell’Unione.
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Similarly, it authorises the import of such products where it is of an occasional nature and concerns exclusively goods for personal use (and not for commercial purposes) and where they result from by-products of hunting that is regulated by national law and conducted for the purpose of the sustainable management of marine resources.
Del pari, autorizza l’importazione di tali prodotti quando essa ha natura occasionale e riguarda esclusivamente merci destinate all’uso personale (e non a fini commerciali) e quando tali prodotti provengono da una caccia regolamentata dalla legislazione nazionale e praticata allo scopo di garantire una gestione sostenibile delle risorse marine.
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When the basic regulation and its implementing measures were being prepared, Inuit communities were consulted in order to take account of their particular situation as referred to in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Durante l’elaborazione del regolamento di base e delle sue misure di applicazione, le comunità Inuit sono state consultate al fine di tenere conto della loro situazione particolare, come definita nella Dichiarazione delle Nazioni Unite sui diritti dei popoli indigeni.
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Before the General Court, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, an association which represents the interests of Canadian Inuits, and a number of other parties (manufacturers and traders of seal products of various nationalities), take issue with the regulation implementing the basic regulation.
Dinanzi al Tribunale, la Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (un’associazione che rappresenta gli interessi degli Inuit canadesi), nonché diverse altre parti (produttori e commercianti di prodotti derivati dalla foca di diverse nazionalità), hanno impugnato il regolamento di attuazione del regolamento di base.
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They rely on a plea of the illegality of the basic regulation, which, they argue, deprives the implementing regulation of any legal basis.
Esse fanno valere l’illegittimità di quest’ultimo, la quale priverebbe il regolamento di attuazione di ogni fondamento giuridico.
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In particular, they point out that the principal objective of the basic regulation is the protection of animal welfare and that such an objective does not fall within the exclusive competence of the EU.
In particolare, sostengono che lo scopo principale del regolamento di base consiste nella tutela del benessere degli animali, mentre il perseguimento di un siffatto scopo non rientrerebbe nella competenza esclusiva dell’Unione.
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In today’s judgment, the General Court points out, first of all, that the basic regulation is intended to improve the conditions for the establishment and functioning of the internal market by laying down harmonised rules for the placing on the market of seal products.
Nella sua sentenza odierna il Tribunale rammenta, anzitutto, che il regolamento di base è volto a migliorare le condizioni di instaurazione e di funzionamento del mercato interno stabilendo norme armonizzate per l’immissione sul mercato dei prodotti derivati dalla foca.
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The regulation was thus adopted on a correct legal basis by the EU legislature under the ordinary legislative procedure.
E’ quindi su un fondamento giuridico corretto che tale regolamento è stato adottato dal legislatore dell’Unione, secondo la procedura legislativa ordinaria.
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The EU legislature may have recourse to that procedure in particular where there are differences between national rules which are such as to obstruct the fundamental freedoms and thus have a direct effect on the functioning of the internal market.
Il legislatore può, infatti, ricorrere a tale procedura, segnatamente, in caso di divergenze tra le normative nazionali, qualora queste siano tali da costituire ostacolo alle libertà fondamentali e da incidere, in tal modo, direttamente sul funzionamento del mercato interno.
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The General Court goes on to observe that, in response to concern and pressure from citizens concerned about animal welfare, several Member States had adopted or were in the process of adopting legislative measures aimed at restricting or banning economic activity linked to the production of seal products.
Il Tribunale sottolinea inoltre che, per rispondere alle preoccupazioni e alle pressioni dei cittadini, sensibili al benessere degli animali, diversi Stati membri avevano adottato o si accingevano ad adottare misure legislative per limitare o vietare le attività legate alla lavorazione dei prodotti derivati dalla foca.
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Consequently, the coexistence within the EU of different commercial conditions resulted in a fragmentation of the internal market.
Di conseguenza, la coesistenza nell’Unione di condizioni commerciali diverse avrebbe dato luogo ad una frammentazione del mercato interno.
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The EU legislature took the view that, in the absence of action at EU level, obstacles to trade would arise.
Il legislatore dell’Unione ha quindi considerato che, in assenza di azione a livello dell’Unione, sarebbero sorti ostacoli al commercio.
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It therefore took action in order to harmonise the rules and thus prevent the disturbance of the internal market in seal products.
È quindi intervenuto per armonizzare le norme e evitare in tal modo turbative del mercato interno dei prodotti derivati dalla foca.
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Taking into account animal welfare considerations, it adopted measures to reduce the demand leading to the marketing of seal products and, hence, the commercial hunting of seals.
Tenendo conto del benessere degli animali, ha adottato misure intese a ridurre la domanda da cui traggono origine la commercializzazione dei prodotti derivati dalla foca e, di conseguenza, la caccia delle foche a fini commerciali.
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Moreover, by reassuring consumers that seal products are no longer marketed in the EU (apart from those which result from hunts by Inuits for the purposes of subsistence), the legislature also eliminated obstacles to the free movement of alternative products (not derived from seals) which are impossible to distinguish from original products (derived from seals) which are similar.
Peraltro, rassicurando i consumatori sul fatto che i prodotti derivati dalla foca non sono più commercializzati nell’Unione (ad eccezione di quelli provenienti dalla caccia praticata dagli Inuit per la propria sussistenza) il legislatore ha altresì eliminato gli ostacoli alla libera circolazione dei prodotti alternativi (non derivati dalla foca), che è impossibile distinguere dai prodotti originali (ottenuti dalla foca) simili.
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Furthermore, the General Court points out that the legislature took care to ensure that the fundamental economic and social interests of Inuit communities engaged in the hunting of seals as a means to ensure their subsistence were not adversely affected.
Il Tribunale sottolinea inoltre che il legislatore ha provveduto affinché non siano lesi gli interessi economici e sociali fondamentali delle comunità Inuit che praticano la caccia alle foche a fini di sostentamento.
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For that reason, the regulations provided for an exception to the ban on the placing on the market of seal products, where those products resulted from seal hunting by Inuit communities and other indigenous communities for the purposes of subsistence.
A tal fine, i regolamenti hanno previsto una deroga al divieto di immissione sul mercato dei prodotti derivati dalla foca, quando questi provengono dalla caccia praticata dalle comunità Inuit e dalle altre comunità indigene a fini di sussistenza.
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The General Court confirms that the objective of the basic regulation, which is the improvement of the conditions of functioning of the internal market, taking into account the protection of animal welfare, cannot be satisfactorily achieved by action undertaken only in the Member States and requires action at EU level.
Il Tribunale conferma che lo scopo del regolamento di base, che consiste nel miglioramento delle condizioni di funzionamento del mercato interno, prendendo in considerazione al contempo la tutela del benessere degli animali, non potrebbe essere realizzato mediante un’azione intrapresa dai soli Stati membri, ma richiede un’azione a livello dell’Unione.
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The General Court points out that, at the time of the adoption of the basic regulation, the existing differences between the national provisions governing trade in seal products were likely to grow further.
Il Tribunale sottolinea, infatti, che, al momento dell’adozione del regolamento di base, le divergenze esistenti tra le disposizioni nazionali sul commercio dei prodotti derivati dalla foca erano verosimilmente destinate a crescere ancora.
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Finally, in response to the applicants who pleaded the impairment of their right to property insofar as it relates to seals caught, the General Court points out that the basic regulation does not prohibit the placing on the market of seal products derived from traditional forms of hunting.
Infine, in risposta ai ricorrenti che lamentavano la violazione del loro diritto di proprietà sulle foche catturate, il Tribunale precisa che il regolamento di base non vieta l’immissione sul mercato di prodotti derivati dalla foca provenienti dalla caccia praticata tradizionalmente.
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Moreover, the applicants, who are of very different origins and, for the most part, do not belong to the Inuit community, have not demonstrated the effects on their right to property in relation to the different categories into which they fall.
Peraltro, i ricorrenti, di origini molto diverse e per la maggior parte non facenti parte delle comunità Inuit, non hanno dimostrato gli effetti del divieto sui diritti di proprietà specifici delle diverse categorie cui appartengono.
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The General Court held, in line with the case-law of the Court of Justice, that the guarantees accorded by the right to property cannot be extended to protect mere commercial interests or opportunities, the uncertainties of which are part of the very essence of economic activity.
Il Tribunale, conformemente alla giurisprudenza della Corte, conclude che non si può estendere la tutela conferita dal diritto di proprietà alla protezione dei semplici interessi d’indole commerciale, la cui natura aleatoria è insita nell’essenza stessa dell’attività economica.
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On those grounds, the General Court dismisses the action.
Per tali motivi, il Tribunale respinge il ricorso.
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An appeal, limited to points of law only, may be brought before the Court of Justice against the decision of the General Court within two months of notification of the decision.
Contro la decisione del Tribunale, entro due mesi a decorrere dalla data della sua notifica, può essere proposta un'impugnazione, limitata alle questioni di diritto, dinanzi alla Corte.
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An action for annulment seeks the annulment of acts of the institutions of the European Union that are contrary to European Union law.
Il ricorso di annullamento mira a far annullare atti delle istituzioni dell’Unione contrari al diritto dell’Unione.
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The Member States, the European institutions and individuals may, under certain conditions, bring an action for annulment before the Court of Justice or the General Court.
A determinate condizioni, gli Stati membri, le istituzioni europee e i privati possono investire la Corte di giustizia o il Tribunale di un ricorso di annullamento.
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If the action is well founded, the act is annulled.
Se il ricorso è fondato, l'atto viene annullato.
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The institution concerned must fill any legal vacuum created by the annulment of the act.
L'istituzione interessata deve rimediare all’eventuale lacuna giuridica creata dall’annullamento dell’atto.
The General Court confirms the validity of
the Regulation on the marketing of seal products
The legislature has harmonised the rules to prevent disturbance
of the EU market
EU law protects the fundamental economic and social interests of Inuit
communities which hunt seals as an integral part of their culture and identity.
To that end it authorises the placing on the market of seal products
only where those products result from hunts traditionally conducted by such
indigenous communities for the purpose of their subsistence.
In that connection, it prohibits the placing on the EU market and,
consequently, the import of seal products intended to be placed on that market,
but authorises the entry, warehousing, processing or manufacture of seal
products in the EU if they are intended for export and are never released for
free circulation in the EU.
Similarly, it authorises the import of such products where it is of an
occasional nature and concerns exclusively goods for personal use (and not for
commercial purposes) and where they result from by-products of hunting that is
regulated by national law and conducted for the purpose of the sustainable
management of marine resources.
When the basic regulation and its implementing measures were being
prepared, Inuit communities were consulted in order to take account of their
particular situation as referred to in the United Nations Declaration on the
Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Before the General Court, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, an association which
represents the interests of Canadian Inuits, and a number of other parties
(manufacturers and traders of seal products of various nationalities), take
issue with the regulation implementing the basic regulation.
They rely on a plea of the illegality of the basic regulation, which,
they argue, deprives the implementing regulation of any legal basis.
In particular, they point out that the principal objective of the basic
regulation is the protection of animal welfare and that such an objective does
not fall within the exclusive competence of the EU.
In today’s judgment, the General Court points out, first of all, that
the basic regulation is intended to improve the conditions for the establishment
and functioning of the internal market by laying down harmonised rules for the
placing on the market of seal products.
The regulation was thus adopted on a correct legal basis by the EU
legislature under the ordinary legislative procedure.
The EU legislature may have recourse to that procedure in particular
where there are differences between national rules which are such as to obstruct
the fundamental freedoms and thus have a direct effect on the functioning of the
internal market.
The General Court goes on to observe that, in response to concern and
pressure from citizens concerned about animal welfare, several Member States had
adopted or were in the process of adopting legislative measures aimed at
restricting or banning economic activity linked to the production of seal
Consequently, the coexistence within the EU of different commercial
conditions resulted in a fragmentation of the internal market.
The EU legislature took the view that, in the absence of action at EU
level, obstacles to trade would arise.
It therefore took action in order to harmonise the rules and thus
prevent the disturbance of the internal market in seal products.
Taking into account animal welfare considerations, it adopted measures
to reduce the demand leading to the marketing of seal products and, hence, the
commercial hunting of seals.
Moreover, by reassuring consumers that seal products are no longer
marketed in the EU (apart from those which result from hunts by Inuits for the
purposes of subsistence), the legislature also eliminated obstacles to the free
movement of alternative products (not derived from seals) which are impossible
to distinguish from original products (derived from seals) which are similar.
Furthermore, the General Court points out that the legislature took
care to ensure that the fundamental economic and social interests of Inuit
communities engaged in the hunting of seals as a means to ensure their
subsistence were not adversely affected.
For that reason, the regulations provided for an exception to the ban
on the placing on the market of seal products, where those products resulted
from seal hunting by Inuit communities and other indigenous communities for the
purposes of subsistence.
The General Court confirms that the objective of the basic regulation,
which is the improvement of the conditions of functioning of the internal
market, taking into account the protection of animal welfare, cannot be
satisfactorily achieved by action undertaken only in the Member States and
requires action at EU level.
The General Court points out that, at the time of the adoption of the
basic regulation, the existing differences between the national provisions
governing trade in seal products were likely to grow further.
Finally, in response to the applicants who pleaded the impairment of
their right to property insofar as it relates to seals caught, the General Court
points out that the basic regulation does not prohibit the placing on the market
of seal products derived from traditional forms of hunting.
Moreover, the applicants, who are of very different origins and, for
the most part, do not belong to the Inuit community, have not demonstrated the
effects on their right to property in relation to the different categories into
which they fall.
The General Court held, in line with the case-law of the Court of
Justice, that the guarantees accorded by the right to property cannot be
extended to protect mere commercial interests or opportunities, the
uncertainties of which are part of the very essence of economic activity.
On those grounds, the General Court dismisses the action.
An appeal, limited to points of law only, may be brought before the
Court of Justice against the decision of the General Court within two months of
notification of the decision.
An action for annulment seeks the annulment of acts of the institutions
of the European Union that are contrary to European Union law.
The Member States, the European institutions and individuals may, under
certain conditions, bring an action for annulment before the Court of Justice or
the General Court.
If the action is well founded, the act is annulled.
The institution concerned must fill any legal vacuum created by the
annulment of the act.