Il diritto dell’Unione non osta alla normativa spagnola che impone agli enti creditizi operanti in Spagna senza avervi una sede stabile di comunicare direttamente alle autorità spagnole i dati necessari ai fini della lotta al riciclaggio di capitali e al finanziamento del terrorismo
Inglese tratto da:
Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 25-04-2013
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EU law does not preclude Spanish legislation which requires credit institutions, operating in Spain without being established there, to forward directly to the Spanish authorities information necessary for combatting money laundering and terrorist financing
Il diritto dell’Unione non osta alla normativa spagnola che impone agli enti creditizi operanti in Spagna senza avervi una sede stabile di comunicare direttamente alle autorità spagnole i dati necessari ai fini della lotta al riciclaggio di capitali e al finanziamento del terrorismo
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Where there is no effective mechanism ensuring full and complete cooperation between the Member States which would allow those crimes to be combatted effectively, that legislation is proportionate
Si tratta di una misura proporzionata in assenza di un meccanismo efficace che garantisca una cooperazione piena e completa tra gli Stati membri per lottare in maniera efficace contro tali delitti
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The directive on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering and terrorist financing imposes certain disclosure obligations, in particular, on credit institutions.
La direttiva sulla prevenzione dell’uso del sistema finanziario a scopo di riciclaggio dei proventi di attività criminose e di finanziamento del terrorismo impone determinati obblighi d’informazione, in particolare agli enti creditizi.
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For that purpose, it requires each Member State to establish a central financial intelligence unit (FIU) responsible for receiving, analysing and disseminating to the competent authorities information concerning potential money laundering or terrorist financing.
Essa richiede che ciascuno Stato membro istituisca un’unità di informazione finanziaria (UIF) centrale, incaricata di ricevere, di richiedere, di analizzare e di comunicare alle autorità competenti le informazioni su possibili casi di riciclaggio o di finanziamenti del terrorismo .
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The directive provides for that information to be forwarded to the FIU of the Member State in whose territory the institution is situated.
La direttiva prevede che tali informazioni siano trasmesse all’UIF dello Stato membro nel cui territorio è situato l’ente.
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Spanish legislation requires credit institutions operating in Spain, regardless of the place of their establishment, to inform the Spanish FIU of account transfers of more than €30,000 to or from tax havens and uncooperative territories, such as Gibraltar.
La normativa spagnola impone agli enti creditizi operanti in Spagna, ovunque si trovi la loro sede, di comunicare all’UIF spagnola i movimenti sui conti superiori a EUR 30 000 provenienti da o diretti verso paradisi fiscali e territori non cooperativi, compresa Gibilterra.
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Jyske, a branch of the Danish bank NS Jyske Bank, is a credit institution established in Gibraltar which operates in Spain under the rules on the freedom to provide services, that is to say, without being established there.
La Jyske, società controllata della banca danese NS Jyske Bank, è un ente creditizio con sede a Gibilterra che operava in Spagna in regime di libera prestazione dei servizi, cioè senza disporre di alcuna sede sul territorio spagnolo.
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In January 2007, the Spanish FIU requested Jyske to provide it with certain information.
Nel gennaio 2007, l’UIF spagnola ha chiesto alla Jyske di fornirle determinate informazioni.
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It considered that there was a very high risk that Jyske was being used for money laundering operations in the context of its activities in Spain.
Infatti, essa riteneva, alla luce di una serie di indizi, che esistesse un rischio molto elevato che la Jyske venisse utilizzata per operazioni di riciclaggio nell’ambito delle sue attività svolte in Spagna.
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The mechanism used for this purpose consisted in creating in Gibraltar corporate structures intended to prevent detection of the identity of the actual owner of property acquired in Spain, essentially on the Costa del Sol, and of the origin of the monies used.
Il meccanismo utilizzato a tal fine consisterebbe nella creazione a Gibilterra di strutture societarie volte a nascondere l’identità del proprietario reale di beni immobiliari acquistati in Spagna, essenzialmente sulla Costa del Sol, nonché l’origine dei fondi utilizzati.
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In June 2007, Jyske sent some of the information requested, but it refused to provide the data on the identity of its clients and documentation on suspicious transactions carried out in Spain, relying on the banking secrecy rules applicable in Gibraltar.
Nel giugno 2007, la Jyske ha trasmesso una parte delle informazioni richieste ma si è rifiutata di comunicare l’identità dei suoi clienti nonché le copie relative alle operazioni sospette poste in essere in Spagna, invocando le regole in materia di segreto bancario applicabili a Gibilterra.
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Therefore, the Consejo de Ministros (Council of Ministers, Spain), considering that Jyske had failed to fulfil its disclosure obligations under Spanish legislation, imposed on it two public reprimands and two financial penalties totalling €1 700 000.
Pertanto, il Consejo de Ministros (Consiglio dei Ministri, Spagna), considerando che la Jyske non aveva adempiuto gli obblighi di comunicazione cui era tenuta in forza della normativa spagnola, le ha inflitto due ammonizioni pubbliche e due sanzioni pecuniarie per un importo complessivo di EUR 1 700 000.
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Jyske considers that the directive imposes on it an obligation of disclosure only vis-à-vis the Gibraltar FIU and that, therefore, the Spanish legislation does not comply with the directive.The bank, therefore, brought an action before the Tribunal Supremo (Supreme Court, Spain), which decided to refer a question to the Court of Justice on that subject.
La Jyske reputando che la direttiva le imponga un obbligo di comunicazione soltanto nei confronti dell’UIF di Gibilterra e che, pertanto, la normativa spagnola non sia conforme alla direttiva, ha adito il Tribunal Supremo (Corte suprema, Spagna), che ha deciso di interpellare la Corte di giustizia al riguardo.
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In today’s judgment, the Court declares that the directive does not expressly preclude the possibility of requiring credit institutions carrying out activities in Spain under the freedom to provide services to forward the required information in respect of the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing directly to the Spanish FIU.
Nella sua sentenza odierna, la Corte dichiara che la direttiva non vieta espressamente di imporre agli enti creditizi che svolgono le proprie attività in Spagna in regime di libera prestazione dei servizi di comunicare direttamente all'UIF spagnola le informazioni richieste a fini di lotta al riciclaggio di capitali e al finanziamento del terrorismo.
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Therefore, the directive does not, in principle, preclude the Spanish legislation, in so far as it seeks to strengthen, in compliance with EU law, the effectiveness of the fight against those crimes.
Pertanto, la direttiva ammette, in linea di principio, la normativa spagnola, nella misura in cui miri ad accrescere, nel rispetto del diritto dell’Unione, l’efficacia della lotta contro tali delitti.
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Therefore, it cannot compromise the principles established by the directive concerning the reporting requirements on the part of entities subject to them, nor can it impair the effectiveness of existing forms of cooperation and exchange of information between the FIUs.
Quindi, essa non può compromettere i principi stabiliti dalla direttiva in merito agli obblighi di dichiarazione degli enti che ad essi sono soggetti, né nuocere all’efficacia delle esistenti forme di cooperazione e scambio di informazioni tra le UIF.
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The Court assesses next whether the Spanish legislation complies with the freedom to provide services.
La Corte esamina poi la compatibilità della normativa spagnola con la libera prestazione di servizi.
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The Court considers that it constitutes a restriction on that freedom, in so far as it gives rise to difficulties and additional costs.
La Corte ritiene che essa costituisca una restrizione a detta libertà, in quanto comporta difficoltà e costi aggiuntivi.
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Furthermore, that legislation is liable to be additional to the controls already conducted in the Member State where the institution at issue is situated, thus dissuading it from carrying out such activities.
Inoltre, detta normativa è tale da aggiungersi ai controlli già effettuati nello Stato membro in cui ha sede l’ente creditizio di cui trattasi, così dissuadendo quest’ultimo dal dedicarsi alle suddette attività.
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However, that restriction on the freedom to provide services can be justified by overriding reasons in the public interest, such as the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing.
Tuttavia, tale restrizione della libera prestazione dei servizi può essere giustificata da un’esigenza imperativa di interesse generale, quale la lotta al riciclaggio di capitali e al finanziamento del terrorismo.
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Therefore, the national court must determine whether the legislation at issue is appropriate for attaining that aim, in particular, whether it allows Spain to supervise and suspend suspicious financial transactions concluded by credit institutions offering their services in the national territory and, if appropriate, to pursue and punish those responsible.
Pertanto, il giudice nazionale dovrà verificare se la normativa sia atta a conseguire detto obiettivo, in particolare se essa permetta alla Spagna di sorvegliare e sospendere effettivamente le operazioni finanziarie sospette realizzate dagli enti creditizi che prestano i loro servizi nel territorio nazionale e, se del caso, di perseguire e punire i responsabili.
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In that regard, the Court points out that such legislation enables Spain to supervise all financial transactions carried out by credit institutions in its territory, whatever the manner in which those institutions have chosen to provide their services, which appears to be suitable so as to attain, effectively and coherently, the aim pursued.
La Corte osserva che una siffatta normativa consente alla Spagna di controllare la totalità delle transazioni finanziarie compiute nel suo territorio da parte degli enti creditizi, a prescindere dalle modalità che questi hanno scelto per prestare i loro servizi, il che appare come una misura idonea a conseguire, in modo efficace e coerente, l’obiettivo perseguito.
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The national court must then determine whether that legislation is applied in a non-discriminatory manner and whether it is proportionate, that is to say, suitable for securing the attainment of the aim pursued without going beyond what is necessary in order to attain it.
Il giudice nazionale dovrà successivamente verificare se detta normativa si applichi in modo non discriminatorio e se sia proporzionata, vale a dire se sia idonea a garantire la realizzazione dell'obiettivo perseguito e non vada al di là di quanto necessario per il suo conseguimento.
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Therefore, the legislation would be disproportionate where the cooperation mechanism established between the FIUs of the different Member States already allowed the Spanish FIU to obtain the required information through the FIU of the Member State where the credit institution is situated.
Quindi, la normativa sarebbe sproporzionata se il meccanismo di cooperazione istituito tra le UIF dei vari Stati membri consentisse già all'UIF spagnola di ottenere le informazioni richieste tramite l’UIF dello Stato membro in cui è situato l’ente creditizio.
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In that regard, the Court notes that that mechanism for cooperation between FIUs suffers from certain deficiencies.
La Corte rileva però che il meccanismo di cooperazione tra le UIF presenta qualche lacuna.
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In particular, there are important exceptions to the requirement for the requested FIU to forward the information requested to the applicant FIU.
In particolare, esistono importanti deroghe all’obbligo dell’UIF interpellata di inoltrare all’UIF richiedente le informazioni richieste.
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In effect, an FIU may refuse to divulge information which could hinder a judicial inquiry carried out in the Member State, either where such divulgence would have consequences which are clearly disproportionate in the light of the legitimate interests of a person or the Member State concerned, or where such would result in an infringement of the fundamental principles of national law.
Infatti, un’UIF può rifiutarsi di effettuare la comunicazione quando si tratti di informazioni che possano compromettere sostanzialmente indagini di carattere penale in corso nello Stato membro richiesto, o quando tale comunicazione implichi effetti palesemente sproporzionati rispetto agli interessi legittimi di un soggetto o dello Stato membro in questione, ovvero ancora quando essa comporti una violazione dei principi fondamentali di diritto nazionale .
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Moreover, when combatting money laundering, the authorities must act as quickly as possible, but no provision is made for a time-limit for information to be forwarded, nor for sanctions in case of unjustified refusal on the part of the requested FIU to forward the requested information.
PeraItro, in materia di lotta contro il riciclaggio di capitali la reazione delle autorità deve essere più rapida possibile, ma non sono previsti né un termine per la comunicazione né sanzioni per il caso di rifiuto ingiustificato da parte dell’UIF interpellata di comunicare le informazioni richieste.
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Furthermore, recourse to that mechanism of cooperation raises specific difficulties with regard to activities carried out under the freedom to provide services.
Inoltre, il ricorso a tale meccanismo di cooperazione solleva difficoltà particolari quando si tratti di attività svolte in regime di libera prestazione dei servizi.
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Therefore, where there is no effective mechanism, at the time of the facts, ensuring full and complete cooperation between the FIUs and allowing money laundering and terrorist financing to be combatted just as effectively, that legislation is proportionate.
Pertanto, in assenza, all’epoca dei fatti, di un meccanismo efficace che garantisca una cooperazione piena e completa tra le UIF e che permetta di lottare in maniera altrettanto efficace contro il riciclaggio di capitali e il finanziamento del terrorismo, tale normativa costituisce una misura proporzionata.
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A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law or the validity of a European Union act.
Il rinvio pregiudiziale consente ai giudici degli Stati membri, nell'ambito di una controversia della quale sono investiti, di interpellare la Corte in merito all’interpretazione del diritto dell’Unione o alla validità di un atto dell’Unione.
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The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
La Corte non risolve la controversia nazionale.
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It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised.
Spetta al giudice nazionale risolvere la causa conformemente alla decisione della Corte. Tale decisione vincola egualmente gli altri giudici nazionali ai quali venga sottoposto un problema simile.
EU law does not preclude Spanish legislation which requires credit
institutions, operating in Spain without being established there, to forward
directly to the Spanish authorities information necessary for combatting money
laundering and terrorist financing
Where there is no effective mechanism ensuring full and complete
cooperation between the Member States which would allow those crimes to be
combatted effectively, that legislation is proportionate
The directive on the prevention of the use of the financial system for
the purpose of money laundering and terrorist financing imposes certain
disclosure obligations, in particular, on credit institutions.
For that purpose, it requires each Member State to establish a central
financial intelligence unit (FIU) responsible for receiving, analysing and
disseminating to the competent authorities information concerning potential
money laundering or terrorist financing.
The directive provides for that information to be forwarded to the FIU
of the Member State in whose territory the institution is situated.
Spanish legislation requires credit institutions operating in Spain,
regardless of the place of their establishment, to inform the Spanish FIU of
account transfers of more than €30,000 to or from tax havens and uncooperative
territories, such as Gibraltar.
Jyske, a branch of the Danish bank NS Jyske Bank, is a credit
institution established in Gibraltar which operates in Spain under the rules on
the freedom to provide services, that is to say, without being established
In January 2007, the Spanish FIU requested Jyske to provide it with
certain information.
It considered that there was a very high risk that Jyske was being used
for money laundering operations in the context of its activities in Spain.
The mechanism used for this purpose consisted in creating in Gibraltar
corporate structures intended to prevent detection of the identity of the actual
owner of property acquired in Spain, essentially on the Costa del Sol, and of
the origin of the monies used.
In June 2007, Jyske sent some of the information requested, but it
refused to provide the data on the identity of its clients and documentation on
suspicious transactions carried out in Spain, relying on the banking secrecy
rules applicable in Gibraltar.
Therefore, the Consejo de Ministros (Council of Ministers, Spain),
considering that Jyske had failed to fulfil its disclosure obligations under
Spanish legislation, imposed on it two public reprimands and two financial
penalties totalling €1 700 000.
Jyske considers that the directive imposes on it an obligation of
disclosure only vis-à-vis the Gibraltar FIU and that, therefore, the Spanish
legislation does not comply with the directive.The bank, therefore, brought an
action before the Tribunal Supremo (Supreme Court, Spain), which decided to
refer a question to the Court of Justice on that subject.
In today’s judgment, the Court declares that the directive does not
expressly preclude the possibility of requiring credit institutions carrying out
activities in Spain under the freedom to provide services to forward the
required information in respect of the fight against money laundering and
terrorist financing directly to the Spanish FIU.
Therefore, the directive does not, in principle, preclude the Spanish
legislation, in so far as it seeks to strengthen, in compliance with EU law, the
effectiveness of the fight against those crimes.
Therefore, it cannot compromise the principles established by the
directive concerning the reporting requirements on the part of entities subject
to them, nor can it impair the effectiveness of existing forms of cooperation
and exchange of information between the FIUs.
The Court assesses next whether the Spanish legislation complies with
the freedom to provide services.
The Court considers that it constitutes a restriction on that freedom,
in so far as it gives rise to difficulties and additional costs.
Furthermore, that legislation is liable to be additional to the
controls already conducted in the Member State where the institution at issue is
situated, thus dissuading it from carrying out such activities.
However, that restriction on the freedom to provide services can be
justified by overriding reasons in the public interest, such as the fight
against money laundering and terrorist financing.
Therefore, the national court must determine whether the legislation at
issue is appropriate for attaining that aim, in particular, whether it allows
Spain to supervise and suspend suspicious financial transactions concluded by
credit institutions offering their services in the national territory and, if
appropriate, to pursue and punish those responsible.
In that regard, the Court points out that such legislation enables
Spain to supervise all financial transactions carried out by credit institutions
in its territory, whatever the manner in which those institutions have chosen to
provide their services, which appears to be suitable so as to attain,
effectively and coherently, the aim pursued.
The national court must then determine whether that legislation is
applied in a non-discriminatory manner and whether it is proportionate, that is
to say, suitable for securing the attainment of the aim pursued without going
beyond what is necessary in order to attain it.
Therefore, the legislation would be disproportionate where the
cooperation mechanism established between the FIUs of the different Member
States already allowed the Spanish FIU to obtain the required information
through the FIU of the Member State where the credit institution is situated.
In that regard, the Court notes that that mechanism for cooperation
between FIUs suffers from certain deficiencies.
In particular, there are important exceptions to the requirement for
the requested FIU to forward the information requested to the applicant FIU.
In effect, an FIU may refuse to divulge information which could hinder
a judicial inquiry carried out in the Member State, either where such divulgence
would have consequences which are clearly disproportionate in the light of the
legitimate interests of a person or the Member State concerned, or where such
would result in an infringement of the fundamental principles of national law.
Moreover, when combatting money laundering, the authorities must act as
quickly as possible, but no provision is made for a time-limit for information
to be forwarded, nor for sanctions in case of unjustified refusal on the part of
the requested FIU to forward the requested information.
Furthermore, recourse to that mechanism of cooperation raises specific
difficulties with regard to activities carried out under the freedom to provide
Therefore, where there is no effective mechanism, at the time of the
facts, ensuring full and complete cooperation between the FIUs and allowing
money laundering and terrorist financing to be combatted just as effectively,
that legislation is proportionate.
A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of
the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer
questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law
or the validity of a European Union act.
The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in
accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other
national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised.