35,97 milioni di euro di finanziamenti UE per promuovere i prodotti agricoli nell’Unione europea e nei paesi terzi
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Data documento: 25-04-2013
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35,97 million EU support for the promotion of agricultural products in the European Union and in third countries
35,97 milioni di euro di finanziamenti UE per promuovere i prodotti agricoli nell’Unione europea e nei paesi terzi
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The European Commission has approved 22 programmes to promote agricultural products in the European Union and in third countries. The total budget of the programmes, the large majority of which will run for a period of three years, is € 71,94 million, of which the EU contributes € 35,97 million.
Per promuovere i prodotti agricoli nell’Unione europea e nei paesi terzi, la Commissione europea ha approvato 22 programmi, per lo più di durata triennale, con una copertura complessiva di 71,94 milioni di euro, di cui 35,97 milioni a carico dell'UE.
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The selected programmes cover olive oil, milk and milk products, meat, fresh and processed fruit and vegetables, organic products, eggs, wines and spirits and horticultural products, as well as quality products registered and protected as PDOs (Protected Designations of Origin), PGIs (Protected Geographical Indications) and TSGs (Traditional Speciality Guaranteed).
I programmi prescelti riguardano olio d’oliva, latte e latticini, carne, frutta e verdura fresca o trasformata, prodotti biologici, uova, vini e bevande alcoliche, ortaggi e prodotti di qualità, come quelli con certificazione DOP (denominazione di origine protetta), IGP (indicazione geografica protetta) e STG (specialità tradizionale garantita).
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By 30 November 2012, within the information and promotion scheme, the Commission services received 36 programme proposals targeting both the EU's internal market and third countries as part of the first wave of the programme in 2013.
Nell’ambito delle azioni di informazione e di promozione, a fine novembre 2012 i servizi della Commissione hanno ricevuto 36 proposte di programmi rivolti al mercato interno e ai paesi terzi rientranti nella prima serie di misure per il 2013.
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After evaluation, 22 programme proposals were retained for co-financing, out of which 16 target the internal market and 6 target third countries.Two of the selected programmes were proposed by more than one Member State.
Dei 22 programmi individuati per il cofinanziamento, 16 si rivolgono al mercato interno e 6 ai paesi terzi, mentre due sono stati proposti da più di uno Stato membro.
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The third countries/regions targeted are: Russia, China, North America, South-East Asia, Norway, Switzerland, Ukraine, India and South-Korea.
Le regioni e i paesi terzi interessati sono Russia, Cina, America settentrionale, Asia sudorientale, Norvegia, Svizzera, Ucraina, India e Corea del Sud.
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The full list of programmes and budgets adopted today is available in the annex.
L’elenco completo dei programmi e dei bilanci adottati oggi è disponibile in allegato.
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In 2000 the Council decided that the EU could assist in financing measures that provide information on or promote agricultural products and food on the EU single market and in third countries. The total annual budget available for these promotion programmes is around €55 million.
Nel 2000 il Consiglio ha autorizzato l’UE a cofinanziare azioni di informazione e promozione dei prodotti agroalimentari, nel mercato unico e nei paesi terzi, destinando ai programmi promozionali un bilancio annuo complessivo di circa 55 milioni di euro.
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The measures financed can consist of public relations, promotional or publicity campaigns, in particular highlighting the advantages of EU products, especially in terms of quality, food safety and hygiene, nutrition, labelling, animal welfare or environmentally-friendly production methods.
Le azioni finanziate possono consistere in pubbliche relazioni o campagne pubblicitarie e promozionali sui pregi dei prodotti dell’Unione, soprattutto in termini di qualità, igiene e sicurezza alimentare, nutrizione, etichettatura, benessere degli animali o metodi di produzione rispettosi dell'ambiente.
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These measures can also cover participation at events and fairs, information campaigns on the EU system of protected designations of origin (PDO), protected geographical indications (PGI) and traditional specialities guaranteed (TSG), information on EU quality and labelling systems and organic farming, and information campaigns on the EU system of quality wines produced in specified regions (QWPSR).
Vi rientrano inoltre la partecipazione a eventi e fiere, le campagne di informazione sul sistema europeo delle denominazioni di origine protette (DOP), delle indicazioni geografiche protette (IGP) e delle specialità tradizionali garantite (STG), le informazioni sui sistemi europei di qualità, etichettatura e agricoltura biologica e le campagne di informazione sul sistema dei vini di qualità prodotti in regioni determinate (VQPRD).
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The EU finances up to 50% of the cost of these measures (up to 60% in programmes promoting the consumption of fruit and vegetables by children or concerning information on responsible drinking and the dangers of excessive alcohol consumption), the reminder being met by the professional/inter-branch organisations which proposed them and in some cases also by the Member States concerned.
L’UE finanzia fino al 50% dei costi, percentuale che può arrivare fino al 60% per i programmi che promuovono il consumo di frutta e verdura nei bambini o per le azioni di informazione sul consumo responsabile di alcolici e sui pericoli derivanti dall'abuso di alcol. Il resto è coperto dalle organizzazioni professionali o intersettoriali che propongono le iniziative e, in alcuni casi, anche dagli Stati membri interessati.
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For promotion on the single market and in third countries, interested professional organisations can submit their proposals to the Member States twice a year. The Member States then send the list of programmes they have selected to the Commission along with a copy of each programme.
Le organizzazioni professionali che intendono condurre azioni promozionali sul mercato interno e nei paesi terzi possono presentare due volte l’anno le proprie proposte agli Stati membri che trasmettono quindi alla Commissione l’elenco dei programmi prescelti e una copia di ciascun programma.
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Subsequently the Commission evaluates the programmes and decides whether they are eligible.
I programmi proposti sono successivamente valutati dalla Commissione che ne stabilisce l'ammissibilità.
35,97 million EU support for the promotion of agricultural products in the
European Union and in third countries
The European Commission has approved 22 programmes to promote
agricultural products in the European Union and in third countries. The total
budget of the programmes, the large majority of which will run for a period of
three years, is € 71,94 million, of which the EU contributes € 35,97 million.
The selected programmes cover olive oil, milk and milk products, meat,
fresh and processed fruit and vegetables, organic products, eggs, wines and
spirits and horticultural products, as well as quality products registered and
protected as PDOs (Protected Designations of Origin), PGIs (Protected
Geographical Indications) and TSGs (Traditional Speciality Guaranteed).
By 30 November 2012, within the information and promotion scheme, the
Commission services received 36 programme proposals targeting both the EU's
internal market and third countries as part of the first wave of the programme
in 2013.
After evaluation, 22 programme proposals were retained for
co-financing, out of which 16 target the internal market and 6 target third
countries.Two of the selected programmes were proposed by more than one Member
The third countries/regions targeted are: Russia, China, North America,
South-East Asia, Norway, Switzerland, Ukraine, India and South-Korea.
The full list of programmes and budgets adopted today is available in
the annex.
In 2000 the Council decided that the EU could assist in financing
measures that provide information on or promote agricultural products and food
on the EU single market and in third countries. The total annual budget
available for these promotion programmes is around €55 million.
The measures financed can consist of public relations, promotional or
publicity campaigns, in particular highlighting the advantages of EU products,
especially in terms of quality, food safety and hygiene, nutrition, labelling,
animal welfare or environmentally-friendly production methods.
These measures can also cover participation at events and fairs,
information campaigns on the EU system of protected designations of origin
(PDO), protected geographical indications (PGI) and traditional specialities
guaranteed (TSG), information on EU quality and labelling systems and organic
farming, and information campaigns on the EU system of quality wines produced in
specified regions (QWPSR).
The EU finances up to 50% of the cost of these measures (up to 60% in
programmes promoting the consumption of fruit and vegetables by children or
concerning information on responsible drinking and the dangers of excessive
alcohol consumption), the reminder being met by the professional/inter-branch
organisations which proposed them and in some cases also by the Member States
For promotion on the single market and in third countries, interested
professional organisations can submit their proposals to the Member States twice
a year. The Member States then send the list of programmes they have selected to
the Commission along with a copy of each programme.
Subsequently the Commission evaluates the programmes and decides
whether they are eligible.