Benessere degli animali: la Commissione deferisce la Grecia e l'Italia alla Corte di giustizia per non aver attuato correttamente la direttiva che vieta l'allevamento in batteria delle galline ovaiole
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Data documento: 25-04-2013
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Animal Welfare: Commission refers Greece and Italy to Court for failure to enforce ban on cages for laying hens
Benessere degli animali: la Commissione deferisce la Grecia e l'Italia alla Corte di giustizia per non aver attuato correttamente la direttiva che vieta l'allevamento in batteria delle galline ovaiole
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Today, the European Commission decided to take Greece and Italy to the Court of Justice of the European Union over the failure to correctly implement Directive 1999/74/EC banning "un-enriched cages" (battery cages).
In data odierna la Commissione europea ha deciso di deferire la Grecia e l'Italia alla Corte di giustizia dell'Unione europea per non aver attuato correttamente la direttiva 1999/74/CE che vieta le "gabbie non modificate" (allevamento in batteria).
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The political decision for the ban on "un-enriched" cages was taken in 1999.
La decisione politica di vietare le gabbie "non modificate" è stata adottata nel 1999.
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Greece and Italy had twelve years to ensure a smooth transition to the new system and to implement the Directive.
La Grecia e l'Italia disponevano di dodici anni per assicurare una transizione morbida verso il nuovo sistema e attuare così la direttiva.
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As from 1 January 2013, Directive 1999/74/EC requires that all laying hens are kept in "enriched cages" with extra space to nest, scratch and roost, or in alternative systems.
La direttiva 1999/74/CE prescrive che a decorrere dal 1° gennaio 2012 tutte le galline ovaiole siano tenute in "gabbie modificate" con spazio per fare il nido, razzolare e appollaiarsi, ovvero in sistemi alternativi.
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Thus cages can be used only if they provide each hen with at least 750 cm² of cage area, a nest-box, litter, perches and claw-shortening devices, allowing the hens to satisfy their biological and behavioural needs.
La gabbie possono essere usate soltanto se offrono a ciascuna gallina una superficie pari ad almeno 750 cm², un nido, lettiere, posatoi e dispositivi per accorciare le unghie, consentendo così alle galline di soddisfare i loro bisogni biologici e comportamentali.
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On the 26 of January 2012, the Commission sent a letter of formal notice asking Greece and Italy, together with 11 other EU Member States to take action to address deficiencies in the implementation of the EU legislation concerning the welfare of animals, and specifically to implement the ban on "un-enriched" cages for laying hens which applied as of 1st January 2012.
Il 26 gennaio 2013 la Commissione ha inviato una lettera di costituzione in mora con cui chiedeva alla Grecia e all'Italia, assieme ad altri 11 Stati membri dell'UE, di adottare azioni per ovviare alle carenze nell'attuazione della legislazione unionale sul benessere degli animali e, in particolare, di porre in atto il divieto di gabbie "non modificate" per le galline ovaiole che si applica dal 1° gennaio 2012.
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This was followed by a reasoned opinion on the 21st of June 2012.
A ciò ha fatto seguito un parere motivato inviato il 21 giugno 2012.
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Of the 13 Member States that received letters requesting them to correctly implement this directive, only two Member States remain non-compliant.
Sui 13 Stati membri che hanno ricevuto lettere di sollecito ad attuare adeguatamente tale direttiva soltanto due continuano a non essere a norma.
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Full compliance by all Member States is essential to avoid market distortions and unfair competition.
La piena ottemperanza da parte di tutti gli Stati membri è essenziale per evitare distorsioni del mercato e una concorrenza sleale.
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Lack of enforcement of the ban of "un-enriched" cages put businesses that invested in complying with the new measures at a disadvantage.
La mancata attuazione del divieto di gabbie "non modificate" mette in situazione di svantaggio le aziende che hanno investito per adeguarsi alle nuove misure.
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Greece and Italy so far, despite repeated calls by the Commission to address the situation, have failed to adequately comply with applicable EU law.
Finora la Grecia e l'Italia, nonostante ripetuti solleciti della Commissione a risolvere la situazione, non hanno ottemperato adeguatamente alla pertinente normativa dell'UE.
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The Commission looks forward to these Member States ensuring compliance.
La Commissione si attende che questi Stati membri si mettano a norma.
Animal Welfare: Commission refers Greece and Italy to Court for failure to
enforce ban on cages for laying hens
Today, the European Commission decided to take Greece and Italy to the
Court of Justice of the European Union over the failure to correctly implement
Directive 1999/74/EC banning "un-enriched cages" (battery cages).
The political decision for the ban on "un-enriched" cages was taken in
Greece and Italy had twelve years to ensure a smooth transition to the
new system and to implement the Directive.
As from 1 January 2013, Directive 1999/74/EC requires that all laying
hens are kept in "enriched cages" with extra space to nest, scratch and roost,
or in alternative systems.
Thus cages can be used only if they provide each hen with at least 750
cm² of cage area, a nest-box, litter, perches and claw-shortening devices,
allowing the hens to satisfy their biological and behavioural needs.
On the 26 of January 2012, the Commission sent a letter of formal
notice asking Greece and Italy, together with 11 other EU Member States to take
action to address deficiencies in the implementation of the EU legislation
concerning the welfare of animals, and specifically to implement the ban on
"un-enriched" cages for laying hens which applied as of 1st January 2012.
This was followed by a reasoned opinion on the 21st of June 2012.
Of the 13 Member States that received letters requesting them to
correctly implement this directive, only two Member States remain non-compliant.
Full compliance by all Member States is essential to avoid market
distortions and unfair competition.
Lack of enforcement of the ban of "un-enriched" cages put businesses
that invested in complying with the new measures at a disadvantage.
Greece and Italy so far, despite repeated calls by the Commission to
address the situation, have failed to adequately comply with applicable EU law.
The Commission looks forward to these Member States ensuring
compliance. |