Un maggiore sostegno agli insegnanti nell'UE
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Data documento: 24-04-2013
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Improved support for new teachers in the EU
Un maggiore sostegno agli insegnanti nell'UE
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Induction programmes designed to offer personalised support and advice for new teachers are now mandatory in 15 EU Member States (Austria, Cyprus, Estonia, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden and the UK) as well as in Croatia and Turkey, according to a European Commission report about the conditions of teachers and school leaders in 32 countries.
Programmi di avviamento volti ad offrire un sostegno personalizzato e consulenze ai nuovi insegnanti sono ora obbligatori in 15 Stati membri dell'UE (Austria, Cipro, Estonia, Francia, Germania, Irlanda, Italia, Lussemburgo, Malta, Portogallo, Romania, Slovacchia, Slovenia, Svezia e Regno Unito) nonché in Croazia e Turchia, come risulta da una relazione della Commissione europea sulle condizioni degli insegnanti e dei direttori/presidi in 32 paesi.
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Although these programmes differ in the way they are organised, they all aim to help newcomers adjust to the profession and reduce the likelihood that teachers will leave the profession early.
Sebbene tali programmi differiscano nel modo in cui sono organizzati, essi si prefiggono tutti di aiutare i nuovi arrivati a familiarizzarsi con la professione riducendo così la probabilità che gli insegnanti abbandonino prematuramente la carriera intrapresa.
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"A good teacher can make all the difference to a child’s future," said Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
"Un buon insegnante può fare la differenza per il futuro di un bambino," ha affermato Androulla Vassiliou, Commissario responsabile per l'Istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù.
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“That is why I urge all Member States to improve training and support for teachers so that they can fully develop their competences throughout their careers and ensure high quality and innovative teaching to equip young people with the skills they need for modern life.”
“Questo è il motivo per cui sollecito tutti gli Stati membri a migliorare la formazione e il sostegno degli insegnanti affinché questi possano sviluppare appieno le loro competenze nell'arco della loro carriera e assicurare un insegnamento di alta qualità e innovativo al fine di attrezzare i giovani con le abilità di cui hanno bisogno per la vita moderna.”
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Most EU countries have defined competences that teachers must possess to get a job and progress within the profession;
La maggior parte dei paesi del'UE ha definito le competenze che gli insegnanti devono possedere per ottenere un incarico di insegnamento e per progredire nella professione;
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these include pedagogical knowledge, team working, interpersonal skills and professional skills.
tra queste competenze vi sono le conoscenze pedagogiche, il lavoro di squadra, le abilità interpersonali e quelle professionali.
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These 'competence frameworks' are the basis for initial teacher education in all but 8 countries and regions (Belgium – German-speaking Community, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Finland, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Slovakia).
Questi "quadri di competenze" sono la base della formazione iniziale degli insegnanti in tutti i paesi e regioni tranne 8 (Belgio – comunità germanofona, Bulgaria, Croazia, Repubblica ceca, Finlandia, Islanda, Liechtenstein e Slovacchia).
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Most of Europe’s 5 million teachers are contractually bound to work at least 35-40 hours a week, which includes teaching time, availability on school premises and time for preparation and marking.
La maggior parte dei 5 milioni di insegnanti attivi in Europa ha un contratto di lavoro di almeno 35-40 ore la settimana, che comprende l'orario d'insegnamento, le permanenze a scuola, il tempo per la preparazione e quello per la correzione dei compiti.
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The number of hours that they have to be actively engaged in teaching varies widely:
Il numero di ore di insegnamento attivo varia notevolmente:
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the number is generally higher in pre-primary education and decreases at higher levels of education.
in generale è più elevato nell'istruzione pre-primaria e cala ai livelli di istruzione più elevati.
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The average number of teaching hours in primary and secondary education is 20.
Il numero medio di ore di insegnamento nell'istruzione primaria e secondaria è di 20 ore.
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In about one third of European countries, teachers are expected to be present on school premises for around 30 hours a week.
In circa un terzo dei paesi europei gli insegnanti devono essere presenti a scuola circa 30 ore alla settimana.
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There is no set time requirement in Portugal, Sweden, the UK (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) and Norway, plus Cyprus in secondary education and Iceland in pre-primary education.
Non vi è un numero di ore predeterminato in Portogallo, Svezia, Regno Unito (Inghilterra, Galles e Irlanda del nord) e Norvegia, nonché a Cipro nell'istruzione secondaria e in Islanda nell'istruzione pre-primaria.
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In Germany, Greece, Spain, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Romania and Slovenia, the number of teaching hours are reduced after a certain number of years of service.
In Germania, Grecia, Spagna, Cipro, Lussemburgo, Malta, Portogallo, Romania e Slovenia il numero di ore di insegnamento cala dopo un certo numero di anni di servizio.
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Across Europe, the majority of teachers are aged over 40.
In Europa la maggior parte degli insegnanti ha più di 40 anni.
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Almost half of teachers are aged over 50 in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Estonia, Italy, the Netherlands, Austria, Norway and Iceland.
Quasi la metà degli insegnanti ha più di 50 anni in Bulgaria, Repubblica ceca, Germania, Estonia, Italia, Paesi Bassi, Austria, Norvegia e Islanda.
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The percentage of teachers below the age of 30 is particularly low in Germany, Italy and Sweden.
La percentuale degli insegnanti con meno di 30 anni è particolarmente bassa in Germania, Italia e Svezia.
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In the majority of EU Member States, teachers' minimum basic salaries are lower than per capita GDP for teachers working in compulsory education (primary and lower secondary education).
Nella maggior parte degli Stati membri dell'UE i salari di base minimi degli insegnanti sono inferiori al PIL pro capite per quanto concerne gli insegnanti della scuola dell'obbligo (istruzione primaria e secondaria inferiore).
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Allowances, which can make a considerable difference to a teacher's take-home pay, are usually for overtime or additional responsibilities.
Le indennità, che possono fare una notevole differenza per la retribuzione d'insieme di un insegnante, riguardano per lo più lo straordinario e le responsabilità addizionali.
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Only half of the countries surveyed grant allowances to teachers based on positive teaching performance or student results.
Soltanto la metà dei paesi esaminati offre indennità agli insegnanti sulla base dei risultati positivi dell'insegnamento o dei risultati degli studenti.
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The Key Data on Teachers and School Leaders survey covers 32 countries (EU Member States, Croatia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey).
L'indagine Key Data on Teachers and School Leaders (dati chiave sugli insegnanti e i presidi) copre 32 paesi (Stati membri dell'UE, Croazia, Islanda, Liechtenstein, Norvegia e Turchia).
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It is produced for the European Commission by the Eurydice network and compiles the latest information on teachers and school leaders, from pre-primary to post-secondary education, including data on age, gender, working hours and salaries.
È realizzata per la Commissione europea dalla rete Eurydice e compila le più recenti informazioni sugli insegnanti e i direttori/presidi delle scuole dal livello pre-primario a quello post-secondario. L'indagine comprende dati sull'età, il sesso, l'orario di lavoro e gli stipendi.
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The report combines data and information supplied by the Eurydice network, Eurostat and evidence from international surveys including the OECD's Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS 2008) and Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA 2009), and the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS 2011, International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement).
La relazione combina i dati e le informazioni forniti dalla rete Eurydice, da Eurostat e evidenze provenienti da indagini internazionali tra cui l'indagine internazionale sull'insegnamento e l'apprendimento (TALIS 2008) e il programma per la valutazione internazionale degli studenti (PISA 2009) dell'OCSE nonché le tendenze nello studio della matematica e delle scienze a livello internazionale (TIMSS 2011, Associazione internazionale per la valutazione del rendimento scolastico).
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The Commission's Rethinking Education strategy underlines the importance of attracting the best candidates to become teachers, especially given the high number of teachers close to retirement.
La strategia della Commissione Ripensare l'istruzione ribadisce l'importanza di attirare nelle professioni dell'insegnamento i candidati migliori, soprattutto in considerazione del numero elevato di insegnanti prossimi al pensionamento.
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Adequate initial teacher education and continuous professional development for teachers and trainers improve the quality of education in Europe: a highly skilled labour force can only be realised by attracting and training the best educators.
Un'adeguata formazione iniziale degli insegnanti e l'aggiornamento professionale permanente degli insegnanti e dei formatori migliorano la qualità dell'istruzione in Europa: si potrà disporre di una forza lavoro altamente qualificata soltanto se si attireranno e formeranno i migliori educatori.
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Promoting excellence in teaching is also a priority for the high level group on modernisation of higher education, which was launched by Commissioner Vassiliou in November 2011.
Promuovere l'eccellenza nell'insegnamento rappresenta anche una priorità per il gruppo di alto livello per la modernizzazione dell'istruzione superiore, che è stato costituito dal Commissario Vassiliou nel novembre 2011.
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The Eurydice network consists of 40 national units based in 36 countries (EU Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Turkey).
La rete Eurydice è composta di 40 unità nazionali basate in 36 paesi (Stati membri dell'UE, Islanda, Liechtenstein, Norvegia, Svizzera, Croazia, ex Repubblica Iugoslava di Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia e Turchia).
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Eurydice is co-ordinated by the EU Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency.
Eurydice è coordinata dall'Agenzia esecutiva per l'istruzione, gli audiovisivi e la cultura dell'UE.
Improved support for new teachers in the EU
Induction programmes designed to offer personalised support and advice
for new teachers are now mandatory in 15 EU Member States (Austria, Cyprus,
Estonia, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Romania,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden and the UK) as well as in Croatia and Turkey,
according to a European Commission report about the conditions of teachers and
school leaders in 32 countries.
Although these programmes differ in the way they are organised, they
all aim to help newcomers adjust to the profession and reduce the likelihood
that teachers will leave the profession early.
"A good teacher can make all the difference to a child’s future," said
Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and
“That is why I urge all Member States to improve training and support
for teachers so that they can fully develop their competences throughout their
careers and ensure high quality and innovative teaching to equip young people
with the skills they need for modern life.”
Most EU countries have defined competences that teachers must possess
to get a job and progress within the profession;
these include pedagogical knowledge, team working, interpersonal skills and
professional skills.
These 'competence frameworks' are the basis for initial teacher
education in all but 8 countries and regions (Belgium – German-speaking
Community, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Finland, Iceland,
Liechtenstein and Slovakia).
Most of Europe’s 5 million teachers are contractually bound to work at
least 35-40 hours a week, which includes teaching time, availability on school
premises and time for preparation and marking.
The number of hours that they have to be actively engaged in teaching
varies widely:
the number is generally higher in pre-primary education and decreases at higher
levels of education.
The average number of teaching hours in primary and secondary education
is 20.
In about one third of European countries, teachers are expected to be
present on school premises for around 30 hours a week.
There is no set time requirement in Portugal, Sweden, the UK (England,
Wales and Northern Ireland) and Norway, plus Cyprus in secondary education and
Iceland in pre-primary education.
In Germany, Greece, Spain, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Romania
and Slovenia, the number of teaching hours are reduced after a certain number of
years of service.
Across Europe, the majority of teachers are aged over 40.
Almost half of teachers are aged over 50 in Bulgaria, the Czech
Republic, Germany, Estonia, Italy, the Netherlands, Austria, Norway and Iceland.
The percentage of teachers below the age of 30 is particularly low in
Germany, Italy and Sweden.
In the majority of EU Member States, teachers' minimum basic salaries
are lower than per capita GDP for teachers working in compulsory education
(primary and lower secondary education).
Allowances, which can make a considerable difference to a teacher's
take-home pay, are usually for overtime or additional responsibilities.
Only half of the countries surveyed grant allowances to teachers based
on positive teaching performance or student results.
The Key Data on Teachers and School Leaders survey covers 32 countries
(EU Member States, Croatia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey).
It is produced for the European Commission by the Eurydice network and
compiles the latest information on teachers and school leaders, from pre-primary
to post-secondary education, including data on age, gender, working hours and
The report combines data and information supplied by the Eurydice
network, Eurostat and evidence from international surveys including the OECD's
Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS 2008) and Programme for
International Student Assessment (PISA 2009), and the Trends in International
Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS 2011, International Association for the
Evaluation of Educational Achievement).
The Commission's Rethinking Education strategy underlines the
importance of attracting the best candidates to become teachers, especially
given the high number of teachers close to retirement.
Adequate initial teacher education and continuous professional
development for teachers and trainers improve the quality of education in
Europe: a highly skilled labour force can only be realised by attracting and
training the best educators.
Promoting excellence in teaching is also a priority for the high level
group on modernisation of higher education, which was launched by Commissioner
Vassiliou in November 2011.
The Eurydice network consists of 40 national units based in 36
countries (EU Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland,
Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and
Eurydice is co-ordinated by the EU Education, Audiovisual and Culture
Executive Agency.