La Signora Vassiliou esprime la propria soddisfazione per il lancio del primo MOOC paneuropeo a livello universitario (massive open online courses)
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Data documento: 23-04-2013
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Vassiliou welcomes launch of first pan-European university MOOCs (massive open online courses)
La Signora Vassiliou esprime la propria soddisfazione per il lancio del primo MOOC paneuropeo a livello universitario (massive open online courses)
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Partners in 11 countries have joined forces to launch the first pan-European 'MOOCs' (Massive Open Online Courses) initiative, with the support of the European Commission.
I partner di 11 paesi hanno unito le loro forze per lanciare la prima iniziativa di corsi online aperti e di massa (Massive Open Online Courses - MOOC) con l'aiuto della Commissione europea.
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MOOCs are online university courses which enable people to access quality education without having to leave their homes.
I MOOC sono corsi universitari online che permettono a tutti di accedere ad un insegnamento di qualità senza dover lasciare il proprio domicilio.
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Around 40 courses, covering a wide variety of subjects, will be available free of charge and in 12 different languages.
Circa 40 corsi, comprendenti un'ampia gamma di materie, saranno disponibili gratuitamente in 12 lingue.
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The initiative is led by the European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU) and mostly involves open universities.
L'iniziativa è diretta dall'Associazione europea delle università per l'insegnamento a distanza (European Association of Distance Teaching Universities - EADTU) e riunisce prevalentemente università aperte.
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The partners are based in the following countries:
I partner sono situati nei seguenti paesi:
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France, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, UK, Russia, Turkey and Israel.
Francia, Italia, Lituania, Paesi Bassi, Portogallo, Slovacchia, Spagna, Regno Unito, Russia, Turchia e Israele.
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Detailed information about the initiative and the courses on offer is available on the porta
Informazioni particolareggiate sull'iniziative e sui corsi proposti sono disponibili al seguente indirizzo:
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Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, welcomes the new initiative:
Androulla Vassiliou, Commissario europeo incaricato dell'istruzione, della cultura, del multilinguismo e della gioventù, esprime la sua soddisfazione per l'iniziativa:
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“This is an exciting development and I hope it will open up education to tens of thousands of students and trigger our schools and universities to adopt more innovative and flexible teaching methods.
“Si tratta di uno sviluppo interessante che, spero, aprirà l'istruzione a decine di migliaia di studenti e incentiverà le nostre scuole e le nostre università ad adottare metodi d'insegnamento più innovativi e flessibili.
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The MOOCs movement has already proved popular, especially in the US, but this pan-European launch takes the scheme to a new level.
Il movimento MOOC è già popolare, soprattutto negli Stati Uniti, ma il suo lancio a livello paneuropeo lo porterà ad un livello superiore.
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It reflects European values such as equity, quality and diversity and the partners involved are a guarantee for high-quality learning.
Esso riflette valori europei come l'equità, la qualità e la diversità. I partner coinvolti sono la garanzia di un apprendimento di grande qualità.
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We see this as a key part of the Opening up Education strategy which the Commission will launch this summer.”
Riteniamo che ciò costituisca un elemento centrale della strategia «Aprire l'istruzione» che la Commissione lancerà quest'estate.”
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Professor Fred Mulder, chair of the EADTU task force on open education and UNESCO chair in Open Educational Resources, is leading the initiative.
Il Professor Fred Mulder, presidente della task force dell'EADTU sull'istruzione aperta e della cattedra dell'UNESCO sulle risorse educative aperte, guiderà l'iniziativa.
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"We have much to offer in Europe by fully exploring the possibilities created by the MOOCs revolution, but with a broader perspective on opening up education.
"Potremmo essere estremamente utili in Europa grazie al nostro esame approfondito di tutte le possibilità offerte dalla rivoluzione MOOC, ma nella prospettiva più ampia di aprire l'istruzione.
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Our aim is to respond to the need for a more accessible system of higher education, which puts the learner at the centre.
Il nostro obiettivo è di rispondere alla necessità di aumentare l'accessibilità di un sistema di insegnamento superiore che ponga al centro della sua azione il discente.
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The European MOOCs will provide quality, self-study materials and a bridge between informal learning and formal education.
I MOOC europei forniranno materiali di autoapprendimento di qualità e garantiranno il collegamento tra l'apprendimento informale e l'insegnamento formale.
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Some of the courses attract formal credits which will count towards a degree, for example.
Alcuni corsi genereranno crediti formali che saranno presi in considerazione, ad esempio, per l'ottenimento di un diploma.
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And we cherish diversity both in language and in culture," adds Mulder, who was Rector of the Open Universiteit in the Netherlands from 2000 to 2010.
Teniamo molto, inoltre, alla diversità sia linguistica che culturale", ha aggiunto il Signor Mulder, Rettore dell' Open Universiteit dei Paesi Bassi dal 2000 al 2010.
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EADTU President Will Swann says:
Il Signor Will Swann, Presidente dell'EADTU, ha dichiarato:
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“For decades, the open universities of Europe and their partners have brought the highest quality of teaching and learning to all who seek it.
“Da decenni le università aperte europee e i loro partner forniscono un insegnamento e un apprendimento di massima qualità per tutti coloro che intendono usufruirne.
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The pan-European MOOCs initiative shows our collective passion to further innovate.
L'iniziativa paneuropea MOOC dimostra la nostra passione collettiva per il perseguimento dell'innovazione.
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We look to expand with a growing range of courses from the launch partners, and we will welcome new partners from across the world who share our vision and practice of flexible, responsive higher education.”
Intendiamo ampliare la gamma di corsi proposti dai partner originari e accoglieremo nuovi partner dal mondo intero che condividono le nostre idee e le nostre prassi per un insegnamento superiore flessibile e reattivo.”
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Commissioner Vassiliou, together with Prof Mulder and EADTU President Swann, will launch the European MOOCs initiative in a webcasted international press event hosted by the Open Universiteit in the Netherlands on Thursday 25 April (11:00-12:00 CET).
La Commissaria Vassiliou, insieme al Prof. Mulder e al Presidente dell'EADTU Swann, lanceranno l'iniziativa europea MOOC nel corso di una conferenza stampa internazionale organizzata dall'Open Universiteit dei Paesi Bassi che si terrà il giovedì 25 aprile (dalle 11.00 alle 12.00 e che sarà diffusa su Internet).
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They will be joined by Xavier Prats Monné, Deputy Director-General of the Commission's Education and Culture directorate.
Saranno accompagnati dal Sig. Xavier Prats Monné, vicedirettore generale della Direzione generale Istruzione e cultura.
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You can view the event online:
Potrete seguire l'evento online al seguente indirizzo:
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Media wishing to participate in the chat should register in advance on this site.
I mezzi di comunicazione che intendono partecipare alla discussione online sono pregati di iscriversi previamente sul sito.
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What about the courses?
Informazioni sui corsi
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Courses range from mathematics to economics, e-skills to e-commerce, climate change to cultural heritage, corporate social responsibility to the modern Middle East, and language learning to writing fiction.
I settori coperti dai corsi vanno dalla matematica all'economia, passando per le competenze di digitali, il commercio elettronico, il cambio climatico, il patrimonio culturale, la responsabilità sociale delle imprese, il Medioriente moderno, l'apprendimento delle lingue e la scrittura creativa.
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Each partner is offering courses via its own learning platform and at least in its home language.
Ciascun partner propone corsi sulla propria piattaforma d'apprendimento, almeno nella sua lingua nazionale.
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The current choice is from the 11 languages of the partners (see list below), plus Arabic.
È attualmente possibile scegliere tra le 11 lingue dei partner (cfr. l'elenco qui di seguito), più l'arabo.
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Courses can be taken either in a scheduled period of time or anytime at the student's own pace.
I corsi possono essere seguiti secondo un calendario prefissato o in qualunque momento, al ritmo proprio dello studente.
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They typically involve from 20 to 200 hours of study.
I corsi comprendono normalmente dalle 20 alle 200 ore di studio.
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All courses may lead to recognition:
Tutti i corsi possono portare ad una qualche forma di riconoscimento:
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a completion certificate, a so-called badge, or a credit certificate that may count towards a degree.
un attestato di completamento del corso, un cosiddetto "badge" o certificato di crediti che possono essere presi in considerazione per l'ottenimento di un diploma.
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In the latter case, students have to pay for the certificate, with the cost ranging from € 25 to € 400, depending on the course size (the hours of study involved) and institution.
In quest'ultimo caso, gli studenti devono versare tra 25 e 400 euro per il certificato, in funzione delle dimensioni del corso (numero di ore di studio e dell'istituzione).
Vassiliou welcomes launch of first pan-European university
MOOCs (massive open online courses)
Partners in 11 countries have joined forces to launch the
first pan-European 'MOOCs' (Massive Open Online Courses) initiative, with the
support of the European Commission.
MOOCs are online university courses which enable people to
access quality education without having to leave their homes.
Around 40 courses, covering a wide variety of subjects, will
be available free of charge and in 12 different languages.
The initiative is led by the European Association of Distance
Teaching Universities (EADTU) and mostly involves open universities.
The partners are based in the following countries:
France, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia,
Spain, UK, Russia, Turkey and Israel.
Detailed information about the initiative and the courses on
offer is available on the porta
Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education,
Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, welcomes the new initiative:
“This is an exciting development and I hope it will open up
education to tens of thousands of students and trigger our schools and
universities to adopt more innovative and flexible teaching methods.
The MOOCs movement has already proved popular, especially in
the US, but this pan-European launch takes the scheme to a new level.
It reflects European values such as equity, quality and
diversity and the partners involved are a guarantee for high-quality learning.
We see this as a key part of the Opening up Education strategy
which the Commission will launch this summer.”
Professor Fred Mulder, chair of the EADTU task force on open
education and UNESCO chair in Open Educational Resources, is leading the
"We have much to offer in Europe by fully exploring the
possibilities created by the MOOCs revolution, but with a broader perspective on
opening up education.
Our aim is to respond to the need for a more accessible system
of higher education, which puts the learner at the centre.
The European MOOCs will provide quality, self-study materials
and a bridge between informal learning and formal education.
Some of the courses attract formal credits which will count
towards a degree, for example.
And we cherish diversity both in language and in culture,"
adds Mulder, who was Rector of the Open Universiteit in the Netherlands from
2000 to 2010.
EADTU President Will Swann says:
“For decades, the open universities of Europe and their
partners have brought the highest quality of teaching and learning to all who
seek it.
The pan-European MOOCs initiative shows our collective passion
to further innovate.
We look to expand with a growing range of courses from the
launch partners, and we will welcome new partners from across the world who
share our vision and practice of flexible, responsive higher education.”
Commissioner Vassiliou, together with Prof Mulder and EADTU
President Swann, will launch the European MOOCs initiative in a webcasted
international press event hosted by the Open Universiteit in the Netherlands on
Thursday 25 April (11:00-12:00 CET).
They will be joined by Xavier Prats Monné, Deputy
Director-General of the Commission's Education and Culture directorate.
You can view the event online:
Media wishing to participate in the chat should register in
advance on this site.
What about the courses?
Courses range from mathematics to economics, e-skills to
e-commerce, climate change to cultural heritage, corporate social responsibility
to the modern Middle East, and language learning to writing fiction.
Each partner is offering courses via its own learning platform
and at least in its home language.
The current choice is from the 11 languages of the partners
(see list below), plus Arabic.
Courses can be taken either in a scheduled period of time or
anytime at the student's own pace.
They typically involve from 20 to 200 hours of study.
All courses may lead to recognition:
a completion certificate, a so-called badge, or a credit certificate that may
count towards a degree.
In the latter case, students have to pay for the certificate,
with the cost ranging from € 25 to € 400, depending on the course size (the
hours of study involved) and institution.