Nessuno status quo: i bilanci UE devono indicare prospettive, dichiara il vicepresidente del CESE Hajo Wilms
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Data documento: 18-04-2013
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EESC vice-president Hajo Wilms: An end to the status quo – EU budgets must open new perspectives for the future
Nessuno status quo: i bilanci UE devono indicare prospettive, dichiara il vicepresidente del CESE Hajo Wilms
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Brussels, 17 April: Hans-Joachim Wilms has been appointed new vice-president of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), with particular responsibility for the budget.
Bruxelles, 17 aprile: Hans-Joachim Wilms viene nominato nuovo vicepresidente del Comitato economico e sociale europeo (CESE) con delega al bilancio.
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As president of the Budget Group secretariat, he will continue to push the message already expressed in a number of Committee opinions, namely that the ambitious challenges facing the EU make it vital to increase the size of its budget so as to revitalise economic growth and employment.
In qualità di presidente del gruppo Bilancio del Comitato, egli continuerà a ribadire la sua convinzione già difesa in numerosi pareri, che gli ambiziosi obiettivi dell'Unione rendono necessario un aumento del bilancio UE, per rilanciare l'economia e l'occupazione.
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Hans-Joachim Wilms, who hails from Barmstedt in Germany, has been active in the trade union movement for more than forty years.
Originario di Barmstedt (Germania), Hans-Joachim ("Hajo") Wilms vanta una militanza sindacale di oltre 40 anni.
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His career began in the German Horticulture, Agriculture and Forestry Union (GGLF) where he was in turn organisational secretary, head of division in the central administration and vice-chair, before being elected fully-fledged chair in 1993.
Eletto nel Sindacato tedesco dei settori dell'orticoltura, dell'agricoltura e della silvicoltura (GGLF), ha via via ricoperto gli incarichi elettivi di segretario organizzativo, caposettore nell'amministrazione centrale, di vicepresidente e infine (1993) di presidente.
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In January 1996, Mr Wilms became a member of the federal executive of the German Trade Union for Construction, Agriculture and the Environment (IG BAU), with board responsibility for European affairs.
Nel gennaio 1996 Hajo Wilms è diventato membro del comitato direttivo nazionale della Federazione sindacale tedesca dell'edilizia, dell'agricoltura e dell'ambiente (IG BAU), responsabile del settore degli Affari europei.
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In 1999 and again in 2005, he was elected deputy federal president of the IG BAU, with board responsibility for finance and sustainable development.
E dal 1999 al 2005 è stato eletto per due volte vicepresidente federale dell'IG-BAU con delega per le Finanze e lo sviluppo sostenibile.
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In September 2009, the focus of his work switched to Brussels when he became European affairs officer for the IG BAU federal board.
Nel settembre 2009, divenuto rappresentante dell'IG BAU presso l'Unione europea, Wilms ha spostato a Bruxelles il baricentro della sua attività.
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He has been a member of the EESC Workers' Group since 1994, in which capacity he has acted as raporteur for over 20 opinions.
Membro del gruppo II (Lavoratori) del CESE dal 1994, Wilms è stato relatore di oltre 20 pareri.
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From 2008 to 2010, he was president of the Section for Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment.
E dal 2008 al 2010, presidente della sezione specializzata Agricoltura, sviluppo rurale, ambiente.
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And, from November 2010, headed up the EESC's Sustainable Development Observatory.
Dal novembre 2010, inoltre, sempre nell'ambito del CESE, presiede l'Osservatorio dello sviluppo sostenibile.
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Mr Wilms believes that the Commission's proposal for the 2014-2020 financial framework is excessively geared towards preserving the status quo in terms of both the resources allocated and the budget structure.
Secondo il vicepresidente Wilms, la proposta della Commissione per il quadro finanziario pluriennale 2014-2020 è troppo sbilanciata in favore del mantenimento dello status quo sia in termini di livello dei fondi messi a disposizione che in termini di struttura del bilancio.
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He thinks the available resources fail to match the nature and scale of the challenges facing the EU.
Di conseguenza, i fondi disponibili non risultano adeguati né alla portata né alla qualità delle sfide che si prospettano all'Unione europea.
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Mr Wilms believes there is a need for greater budgetary freedom and feels that the budget is eroded by inflation – an untenable prospect in the long term.
Wilms osserva che è necessario dar prova di una maggiore libertà nella gestione del bilancio, e che, per effetto dell'inflazione, il volume del bilancio viene di fatto a ridursi, il che a lungo andare è insostenibile.
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Mr Wilms welcomes the Commission proposal to increase funding in the areas of research and development and in action to combat youth unemployment, but at the same time calls on the EU institutions to open up new perspectives for the future through greater innovation and in this way counter euroscepticism.
Il vicepresidente esprime peraltro apprezzamento per la proposta della Commissione di aumentare i fondi destinati alla ricerca e sviluppo ed alla lotta contro la disoccupazione giovanile, ma nel contempo chiede alle istituzioni europee maggiori innovazioni, che creino prospettive e quindi contrastino l'euroscetticismo.
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On the expenditure side, Mr Wilms feels the real question is where a euro spent at EU level is more effective than one spent at national level.
Sul piano della spesa, invece, secondo Wilms si tratta di sapere dove un euro speso a livello europeo apporti maggiori benefici di un euro speso a livello nazionale.
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It is a question here of "European public goods", which cannot be supplied effectively at national level and thus require EU intervention.
A suo parere è questo il caso dei beni pubblici europei, la cui produzione non può essere garantita in modo ottimale a livello dei singoli Stati membri e per i quali quindi è necessario l'intervento dell'UE.
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European public goods include research and development, common defence, food security, immigration and the right of asylum, climate change responses, and pan-European infrastructure investment in energy, communications and the single market.
Tra questi beni pubblici europei rientrano la ricerca e sviluppo, la difesa comune, la sicurezza alimentare, l'immigrazione e il diritto d'asilo, la gestione dei cambiamenti climatici, gli investimenti in infrastrutture paneuropee nel campo dell'energia, della comunicazione e del mercato interno.
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In addition to budget matters, Mr Wilms will continue to be involved in sustainable development issues and will work for a more active role for civil society in setting up an EU-US free trade zone.
Wilms continuerà inoltre ad occuparsi, oltre che delle questioni di bilancio, anche dei temi della sostenibilità, e si impegnerà a favore di un ruolo attivo della società civile in vista della creazione di una zona di libero scambio UE-Stati Uniti.
EESC vice-president Hajo Wilms: An end to the status quo – EU budgets must
open new perspectives for the future
Brussels, 17 April: Hans-Joachim Wilms has been appointed new
vice-president of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), with
particular responsibility for the budget.
As president of the Budget Group secretariat, he will continue to push
the message already expressed in a number of Committee opinions, namely that the
ambitious challenges facing the EU make it vital to increase the size of its
budget so as to revitalise economic growth and employment.
Hans-Joachim Wilms, who hails from Barmstedt in Germany, has been
active in the trade union movement for more than forty years.
His career began in the German Horticulture, Agriculture and Forestry
Union (GGLF) where he was in turn organisational secretary, head of division in
the central administration and vice-chair, before being elected fully-fledged
chair in 1993.
In January 1996, Mr Wilms became a member of the federal executive of
the German Trade Union for Construction, Agriculture and the Environment (IG
BAU), with board responsibility for European affairs.
In 1999 and again in 2005, he was elected deputy federal president of
the IG BAU, with board responsibility for finance and sustainable development.
In September 2009, the focus of his work switched to Brussels when he
became European affairs officer for the IG BAU federal board.
He has been a member of the EESC Workers' Group since 1994, in which
capacity he has acted as raporteur for over 20 opinions.
From 2008 to 2010, he was president of the Section for Agriculture,
Rural Development and the Environment.
And, from November 2010, headed up the EESC's Sustainable Development
Mr Wilms believes that the Commission's proposal for the 2014-2020
financial framework is excessively geared towards preserving the status quo in
terms of both the resources allocated and the budget structure.
He thinks the available resources fail to match the nature and scale of
the challenges facing the EU.
Mr Wilms believes there is a need for greater budgetary freedom and
feels that the budget is eroded by inflation – an untenable prospect in the long
Mr Wilms welcomes the Commission proposal to increase funding in the
areas of research and development and in action to combat youth unemployment,
but at the same time calls on the EU institutions to open up new perspectives
for the future through greater innovation and in this way counter
On the expenditure side, Mr Wilms feels the real question is where a
euro spent at EU level is more effective than one spent at national level.
It is a question here of "European public goods", which cannot be
supplied effectively at national level and thus require EU intervention.
European public goods include research and development, common defence,
food security, immigration and the right of asylum, climate change responses,
and pan-European infrastructure investment in energy, communications and the
single market.
In addition to budget matters, Mr Wilms will continue to be involved in
sustainable development issues and will work for a more active role for civil
society in setting up an EU-US free trade zone. |