Messaggio di congratulazioni del Presidente Barroso al nuovo Presidente della Repubblica Italiana Giorgio Napolitano
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Italiano tratto da: http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-13-352_it.htm
Data documento: 20-04-2013
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Message of congratulations from President Barroso to the new President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano
Messaggio di congratulazioni del Presidente Barroso al nuovo Presidente della Repubblica Italiana Giorgio Napolitano
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On behalf of the European Commission and on my own behalf, I would like to congratulate you on your re-election as President of the Republic of Italy.
A nome della Commissione europea e mio personale mi congratulo per la Sua rielezione a Presidente della Repubblica italiana.
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In renewing your mandate as Head of State, the Italian Parliament confirms the success of your first mandate, during which you have fulfilled your institutional role to the full as the constitutional guarantor of national unity and in promoting the international standing of the country.
Rinnovando il suo mandato come capo dello Stato, il Parlamento italiano conferma in maniera inequivocabile il successo del suo primo settennato, nel corso del quale lei è stato, in modo pieno e autorevole, punto di riferimento istituzionale, nonché garante riconosciuto dell'unità nazionale e del prestigio internazionale del paese.
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Your re-election comes at a crucial time in the integration process, which requires both national governments and the European Institutions to display great calmness, courage and farsightedness.
La rielezione giunge in un momento cruciale del processo d'integrazione in cui i governi nazionali e le istituzioni europee sono chiamati a dar prova di grande equilibrio, coraggio e lungimiranza.
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Now more than ever Europe’s citizens are asking our institutions for a renewed democratic commitment capable of overcoming the crisis by restoring growth and jobs.
Oggi più che mai i cittadini europei chiedono alle nostre istituzioni un rinnovato impegno democratico che porti al superamento della crisi con il rilancio della crescita e dell'occupazione.
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I am sure that, with you as President, Italy, in accordance with its pro-European traditions, will continue to make a decisive contribution to our common European ideal.
Sono certo che sotto la Sua nuova presidenza, l'Italia, nel solco della sua tradizione europeista, continuerà a dare il suo decisivo contributo al nostro comune ideale europeo.
Message of congratulations from President Barroso to the new President of
the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano
On behalf of the European Commission and on my own behalf, I would like
to congratulate you on your re-election as President of the Republic of Italy.
In renewing your mandate as Head of State, the Italian Parliament
confirms the success of your first mandate, during which you have fulfilled your
institutional role to the full as the constitutional guarantor of national unity
and in promoting the international standing of the country.
Your re-election comes at a crucial time in the integration process,
which requires both national governments and the European Institutions to
display great calmness, courage and farsightedness.
Now more than ever Europe’s citizens are asking our institutions for a
renewed democratic commitment capable of overcoming the crisis by restoring
growth and jobs.
I am sure that, with you as President, Italy, in accordance with its
pro-European traditions, will continue to make a decisive contribution to our
common European ideal.