La Corte annulla la sentenza del Tribunale con la quale la Commissione era stata condannata a versare alla Systran SA un importo forfettario di circa 12 milioni di euro a risarcimento del danno subito da quest’ultima
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Data documento: 18-04-2013
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The Court of Justice sets aside the judgment of the General Court ordering the Commission to pay Systran SA lump-sum damages of around €12 million
La Corte annulla la sentenza del Tribunale con la quale la Commissione era stata condannata a versare alla Systran SA un importo forfettario di circa 12 milioni di euro a risarcimento del danno subito da quest’ultima
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The General Court should have declined jurisdiction and invited the parties to refer to the competent national courts, designated by the various contracts concerning the Systran machine translation system, concluded by Systran and the Commission
Il Tribunale avrebbe dovuto dichiararsi incompetente e invitare le parti ad adire gli organi giurisdizionali nazionali competenti, designati dai numerosi contratti vertenti sul sistema di traduzione automatica Systran, conclusi tra la Systran e la Commissione
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On 22 December 1975, the Commission concluded with the American company World Translation Center Inc (WTC) a first contract concerning the installation and development of an (English-French) machine translation software system called Systran (SYStem TRANSlation), created by that company in 1968.
Il 22 dicembre 1975 la Commissione ha concluso, con la società americana World Translation Center Inc (WTC), un primo contratto riguardante l’installazione e lo sviluppo di un software di traduzione automatica (inglese-francese) denominato Systran (SYStem TRANslation), creato dalla suddetta società nel 1968.
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Relations between the Commission and WTC, which was subsequently bought by the company Gachot and then became Systran SA, continued, between 1976 and 1987, with the signature of various contracts to improve the machine translation system, functioning in the Mainframe environment, called ‘EC-Systran Mainframe’, composed of a node, language routines and dictionaries for nine pairs of languages of the EC.
I rapporti tra la Commissione e la WTC, successivamente acquisita dalla società Gachot, in seguito divenuta Systran SA, sono proseguiti, tra il 1976 e il 1987, con la firma di diversi contratti per il miglioramento del sistema di traduzione automatica, funzionante in ambiente Mainframe, denominato «EC-Systran Mainframe», composto da un nucleo, da routine linguistiche e da dizionari per nove combinazioni linguistiche dell’Unione europea.
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On 4 August 1987 Systran and the Commission concluded a ‘collaboration agreement’ for the joint organisation of the development and improvement of the Systran translation system for the present and future official languages of the Community and also for its implementation.
Il 4 agosto 1987 la Systran e la Commissione ha firmato un «contratto di collaborazione» relativo all’organizzazione comune dello sviluppo e del miglioramento del sistema di traduzione automatica Systran per le lingue ufficiali, presenti e future, della Comunità, nonché alla sua messa in opera.
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According to the contract, Belgian law was to apply to any dispute between the parties.
Il contratto prevedeva che in caso di controversia tra le parti la legge ad esso applicabile fosse il diritto belga.
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Between 1988 and 1989 the Commission entered into four agreements with Gachot SA in order to obtain a licence to use the Systran software for five additional pairs of languages.
Tra il 1988 e il 1989 la Commissione ha concluso quattro ulteriori contratti con la Systran per ottenere una «licenza d’uso» del sistema di traduzione automatica per cinque ulteriori combinazioni linguistiche.
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In December 1991, the Commission terminated the collaboration agreement, on the ground that Systran had not complied with its contractual obligations.
Nel dicembre 1991 la Commissione ha risolto il contratto di collaborazione in quanto la Systran non aveva rispettato i propri obblighi contrattuali.
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On the date that contract ended, the EC-Systran Mainframe version of the Systran machine translation system consisted of 16 language versions.
Alla data di risoluzione di detto contratto la versione EC-Systran Mainframe del sistema di traduzione automatica Systran presentava sedici versioni linguistiche.
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The Systran group subsequently created and marketed a new version of the Systran machine translation system capable of operating in the Unix and Windows operation systems (Systran Unix), while the Commission developed the EC-Systran Mainframe version, partly with the assistance of an outside contractor.
Successivamente, il gruppo Systran creava e commercializzava una nuova versione del sistema di traduzione automatica Systran in grado di funzionare con i sistemi operativi Unix e Windows (cosiddetto «Systran Unix»), mentre la Commissione sviluppava la versione EC-Systran Mainframe di tale sistema, in parte con l’ausilio di un contraente esterno.
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On 22 December 1997, Systran Luxembourg and the Commission concluded the first of four migration agreements in order to allow the EC-Systran Mainframe software to operate in Unix and Windows.
Il 22 dicembre 1997 la Systran Luxembourg e la Commissione hanno sottoscritto il primo dei quatto contratti di migrazione al fine di consentire alla versione EC?Systran Mainframe di funzionare negli ambienti Unix e Windows.
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At the time of the signature of that first contract, Systran gave its agreement for the Commission, first, to use the trade mark Systran systematically for any machine translation system deriving from the original Systran system for the sole purposes of the dissemination or supply of the Systran machine translation system, and, secondly, to use Systran products in the Unix and/or Windows environment for its internal purposes.
Alla firma di detto primo contratto la Systran ha acconsentito a che la Commissione utilizzasse, da un lato, sempre il marchio Systran per ogni sistema di traduzione derivante dal sistema di traduzione automatica Systran originario, nel diffondere o mettere a disposizione siffatto sistema e, d’altro lato, i prodotti Systran negli ambienti Unix e/o Windows per le sue necessità interne.
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The first migration contract provided that the Commission’s machine translation system, including its components, even when modified, remained the property of the Commission, save where industrial or intellectual property rights already existed.
Il primo contratto di migrazione prevedeva che il sistema di traduzione automatica della Commissione, comprese le relative componenti, anche se modificate, rimanesse di proprietà della Commissione, ad eccezione del caso in cui fossero già esistenti diritti di proprietà industriale o intellettuale.
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Under the terms of that contract, Luxembourg law applied in case of dispute.
Ai termini di tale contratto, la legge applicabile in caso di controversia era quella lussemburghese.
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The migration contract was due to end on 15 March 2002, and Systran Luxembourg was, on that date, to provide up-to-date proof of all intellectual and industrial property rights claimed by the Systran group and connected with the machine translation system.
La scadenza di tale contratto era fissata al 15 marzo 2002 e, a tale data, la Systran Luxembourg era tenuta ad apportare la prova aggiornata di tutti i diritti di proprietà intellettuale e industriale rivendicati dal gruppo Systran e connessi al sistema di traduzione automatica.
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According to the Commission, Systran Luxembourg did not provide it with that information.
Secondo la Commissione, la Systran Luxembourg non le ha comunicato tali informazioni.
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On 4 October 2003, the Commission issued an invitation to tender for the maintenance and linguistic enhancement of its machine translation system.
Il 4 ottobre 2003 la Commissione ha pubblicato un bando di gara d’appalto per la manutenzione e il miglioramento linguistico del suo sistema di traduzione automatica.
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However, Systran indicated to the Commission, by letter of 31 October 2003, that the works envisaged in the invitation to tender were likely to infringe its intellectual property rights and called upon the Commission to state its view in that respect.
Tuttavia, con lettera del 31 ottobre 2003 la Systran ha segnalato alla Commissione che i lavori previsti nel bando di gara potevano violare i suoi diritti di proprietà intellettuale e l’ha invitata a pronunciarsi al riguardo.
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Systran stated that, in those circumstances, it could not reply to the invitation to tender.
La Systran precisava di non poter rispondere, in tali circostanze, al bando di gara.
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By letter of 17 November 2003, the Commission replied that the Systran group had not provided evidence of the intellectual property rights which Systran claimed in the Systran machine translation software and that it considered that Systran could not oppose the works carried out by the Belgian company Gosselies SA, which had tendered successfully for two lots out of eight.
Con lettera del 17 novembre 2003 la Commissione ha risposto che il gruppo Systran non aveva apportato la prova dei diritti di proprietà intellettuale da esso rivendicati sul software di traduzione automatica omonimo e che quindi essa considerava che la Systran non fosse legittimata ad opporsi ai lavori realizzati dalla società belga Gosselies SA, vincitrice della gara d’appalto con riferimento a due degli otto lotti banditi.
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Following that tendering procedure, the Systran group took the view that the Commission had unlawfully disclosed its know-how to a third party and carried out an act of counterfeiting when Gosselies carried out unauthorised developments of the EC-Systran Unix version.
A seguito di tale gara d’appalto il gruppo Systran ha ritenuto che la Commissione avesse rivelato illegalmente il suo know how ad un terzo e che avesse compiuto un atto di contraffazione in occasione della realizzazione, da parte dell’aggiudicataria dell’appalto, di sviluppi non autorizzati della versione EC-Systran Unix.
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Systran therefore brought an action before the General Court of the European Union seeking compensation for the damage it claimed to have suffered.
La Systran ha dunque adito il Tribunale dell’Unione europea con un’azione per il risarcimento del danno che essa asserisce aver subito.
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By a judgment in 2010, the General Court held that the dispute was not contractual in nature and that, therefore, it had jurisdiction to hear it.
Con sentenza pronunciata nel 2010 il Tribunale ha ritenuto che la controversia non fosse di natura contrattuale e di essere pertanto competente a pronunciarsi su di essa.
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While rejecting the claims in so far as they concerned the Systran Luxembourg subsidiary, the General Court recognised that the Commission’s conduct had caused the parent company material damage through loss of value of its incorporeal assets (i.e. loss of value of its intellectual property rights), assessed on a lump-sum basis at €12 million, and non-material damage assessed at €1,000.
Pur se il Tribunale ha respinto le domande relativamente alla controllata Systran Luxembourg, esso ha invece riconosciuto che il comportamento della Commissione avesse cagionato alla società controllante un danno materiale per la perdita di valore dei suoi attivi immateriali (ossia la perdita di valore dei suoi diritti di proprietà intellettuale), valutato forfettariamente in 12 milioni di euro, e un danno morale valutato in EUR 1 000.
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The Commission lodged an appeal before the Court of Justice, seeking to have that judgment set aside.
La Commissione ha proposto impugnazione dinanzi alla Corte di giustizia per l’annullamento di detta sentenza.
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It argues, in essence, that the General Court erred in law in holding that the dispute was of a non-contractual nature and by concluding that Systran was entitled to compensation.
Essa fa valere, in sostanza, che il Tribunale ha commesso un errore di diritto nel ritenere che la controversia fosse di natura extracontrattuale e nel concludere che la Systran avesse diritto al risarcimento.
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In its judgment today, the Court of Justice recalls that, when hearing an action for compensation, as in this case, the EU Courts must, before ruling on the substance of the dispute, as a preliminary issue determine their jurisdiction by carrying out an analysis to establish the contractual or non?contractual character of the liability invoked and thus the very nature of the dispute in question.
Nella sua sentenza odierna la Corte ricorda che, allorché sono aditi con un ricorso per risarcimento dei danni, come nella fattispecie, gli organi giurisdizionali dell’Unione devono, prima di pronunciarsi nel merito della controversia, accertare di essere competenti, procedendo ad un’analisi diretta a stabilire la natura della responsabilità dedotta, contrattuale o extracontrattuale, e quindi la natura stessa della controversia.
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For those purposes, those courts must examine, on an analysis of the various matters in the file, such as, for example, the rule of law allegedly infringed, the nature of the damage claimed, the conduct complained of and the legal relations between the parties in question, whether there exists between them a genuine contractual context, linked to the subject-matter of the dispute, the in?depth examination of which proves to be indispensable for the resolution of the said action.
A tal fine, i giudici devono stabilire, analizzando i diversi elementi contenuti nel fascicolo – quali, segnatamente, la norma di diritto che si asserisce essere stata violata, la natura del danno lamentato, il comportamento addebitato nonché i rapporti giuridici esistenti tra le parti in causa – se esista tra queste ultime un vero e proprio contesto contrattuale, connesso all’oggetto della controversia, il cui esame approfondito risulti indispensabile per potersi pronunciare sul ricorso di cui trattasi.
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If a preliminary analysis of those matters shows that it is necessary to interpret the content of one or more contracts concluded between the parties in question in order to establish whether the applicant’s claims are well founded, those courts are required at that point to halt their examination of the dispute and declare that they have no jurisdiction to rule thereon in the absence of an arbitration clause in the said contracts.
Allorché dall’analisi in limine di tali elementi risulta che per poter determinare la fondatezza delle pretese avanzate dal ricorrente è necessario interpretare il contenuto di uno o più contratti conclusi tra le parti in causa, detti organi giurisdizionali sono tenuti a porre termine in tale fase al loro esame della controversia e, ove manchi una clausola compromissoria nei contratti di cui trattasi, a dichiarare la loro incompetenza a pronunciarsi su detta controversia.
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In that perspective, it must be held that the General Court made a first error of law in applying the principles governing the determination of jurisdiction in the context of actions for compensation directed against the Community.
Orbene, in tale ottica, si deve necessariamente constatare che il Tribunale ha commesso un primo errore di diritto nell’applicare i principi che regolano la determinazione della competenza giurisdizionale nell’ambito dei ricorsi per risarcimento dei danni proposti nei confronti della Comunità.
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It did not confine itself to examining, as regards the admissibility of the action, having regard to the various matters in the file, whether a genuine contractual context existed between the parties.
Infatti esso non si è limitato a verificare, per quanto riguarda la ricevibilità del ricorso, basandosi sui diversi elementi del fascicolo, se esistesse tra le parti un vero e proprio contesto contrattuale.
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On the contrary, the General Court carried out as early as the admissibility stage, in the context of determining its jurisdiction, a detailed examination of the content of the various contractual provisions governing the economic and commercial relations between the WTC/Systran group and the Commission from 1975 to 2002, in order to determine whether the Commission had authorisation to disclose to a third party information protected by copyright and know-how held by Systran in the Systran Unix version of the Systran machine translation system, taking the view that the contractual character of the Community’s liability depended on the existence of that authorisation.
Il Tribunale ha invece svolto, già nell’ambito della determinazione della propria competenza, un esame dettagliato del contenuto delle numerose disposizioni contrattuali, disciplinanti dal 1975 al 2002 i rapporti economici e commerciali tra il gruppo WTC/Systran e la Commissione, al fine di verificare se quest’ultima disponesse di un’autorizzazione a rivelare a terzi informazioni tutelate dal diritto d’autore e il know how detenuti dalla Systran sulla versione Systran Unix del sistema di traduzione automatica Systran. Esso ha, in effetti, ritenuto che la natura contrattuale della responsabilità della Comunità dipendesse dall’esistenza di detta autorizzazione.
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Such an analysis, however, as the Commission rightly maintains, concerns the lawfulness or otherwise of the Commission conduct complained of, and thus falls within the substance of the dispute and not the preliminary determination of the very nature of that dispute.
Siffatta analisi, tuttavia, come correttamente sostiene la Commissione, riguardava la legittimità o illegittimità del comportamento addebitato a tale istituzione e rientrava quindi nel merito della controversia e non nella determinazione preliminare della natura stessa della controversia di cui trattasi.
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In that context, the General Court also made another error of law in the legal classification of the contracts concluded from 1975 to 2002 between the WTC/Systran group and the Commission.
In tale contesto, il Tribunale ha commesso altresì un altro errore di diritto sulla qualificazione giuridica dei contratti conclusi dal 1975 al 2002 tra il gruppo WTC/Systran e la Commissione.
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It held, in the light of the various matters in the file, that the existence of those contracts had no effect on the classification of the dispute.
Esso ha infatti ritenuto, alla luce dei diversi elementi del fascicolo, che l’esistenza di tali contratti non fosse pertinente per la qualificazione della controversia.
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However, it is undisputed that the various contractual documents relied on by the Commission before the General Court, including in particular the contract of 22 December 1975 between the Commission and WTC, the contracts concluded from 1976 to 1987 with companies of the WTC group, particularly the technical cooperation agreement of 18 January 1985 with Gachot, the collaboration agreement, the licence contracts with Gachot in 1988 and 1989 and the migration contracts, constitute a genuine contractual context, linked to the subject-matter of the dispute, an in-depth examination of which proved indispensable in order to establish the legality or otherwise of the Commission conduct complained of.
Orbene, è pacifico che i numerosi documenti contrattuali prodotti dalla Commissione dinanzi al Tribunale – tra i quali, segnatamente, il contratto del 22 dicembre 1975 stipulato tra quest’ultima e la WTC, i contratti conclusi dal 1976 al 1987 con le società del gruppo WTC, fra i quali riveste particolare importanza l’accordo di cooperazione tecnica del 18 gennaio 1985 stipulato con la Gachot, il contratto di collaborazione, i contratti di licenza stipulati con la Gachot nel 1988 e nel 1989, nonché i contratti di migrazione – configurano un vero e proprio contesto contrattuale, connesso all’oggetto della controversia, il cui esame approfondito risultava indispensabile per poter accertare l’eventuale illegittimità del comportamento addebitato alla Commissione.
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It must therefore be held that the General Court was wrong in its view that the dispute in question was of a non-contractual nature.
Si deve quindi necessariamente constatare che il Tribunale ha erroneamente ritenuto che la controversia fosse di natura extracontrattuale.
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In those circumstances, the Court of Justice sets aside the judgment of the General Court.
La Corte annulla pertanto la sentenza del Tribunale e statuisce definitivamente sulla controversia, considerando che lo stato degli atti le consente di decidere.
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In addition, the Court of Justice gives final judgment on the dispute, taking the view that the state of the proceedings so permits, and states in that regard that the EU Courts do not have jurisdiction to hear the action for compensation brought by the Systran group.
La Corte dichiara che gli organi giurisdizionali dell’Unione non sono competenti a conoscere del ricorso per il risarcimento dei danni proposto dal gruppo Systran.
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For that reason, the latter must be dismissed.
Per tale ragione il ricorso deve essere respinto.
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An appeal, on a point or points of law only, may be brought before the Court of Justice against a judgment or order of the General Court.
Avverso le sentenze o ordinanze del Tribunale può essere presentata impugnazione alla Corte di giustizia, limitatamente alle questioni di diritto.
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In principle, the appeal does not have suspensive effect.
In linea di principio, l'impugnazione non ha effetti sospensivi.
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If the appeal is admissible and well founded, the Court of Justice sets aside the judgment of the General Court.
Se essa è ricevibile e fondata, la Corte annulla la decisione del Tribunale.
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Where the state of the proceedings so permits, the Court of Justice may itself give final judgment in the case. Otherwise, it refers the case back to the General Court, which is bound by the decision given by the Court of Justice on the appeal.
Nel caso in cui la causa sia matura per essere decisa, la Corte stessa può pronunciarsi definitivamente sulla controversia; in caso contrario, rinvia la causa al Tribunale, vincolato dalla decisione emanata dalla Corte in sede di impugnazione.
The Court of Justice sets aside the judgment of the General Court ordering
the Commission to pay Systran SA lump-sum damages of around €12 million
The General Court should have declined jurisdiction and invited the
parties to refer to the competent national courts, designated by the various
contracts concerning the Systran machine translation system, concluded by
Systran and the Commission
On 22 December 1975, the Commission concluded with the American company
World Translation Center Inc (WTC) a first contract concerning the installation
and development of an (English-French) machine translation software system
called Systran (SYStem TRANSlation), created by that company in 1968.
Relations between the Commission and WTC, which was subsequently bought
by the company Gachot and then became Systran SA, continued, between 1976 and
1987, with the signature of various contracts to improve the machine translation
system, functioning in the Mainframe environment, called ‘EC-Systran Mainframe’,
composed of a node, language routines and dictionaries for nine pairs of
languages of the EC.
On 4 August 1987 Systran and the Commission concluded a ‘collaboration
agreement’ for the joint organisation of the development and improvement of the
Systran translation system for the present and future official languages of the
Community and also for its implementation.
According to the contract, Belgian law was to apply to any dispute
between the parties.
Between 1988 and 1989 the Commission entered into four agreements with
Gachot SA in order to obtain a licence to use the Systran software for five
additional pairs of languages.
In December 1991, the Commission terminated the collaboration
agreement, on the ground that Systran had not complied with its contractual
On the date that contract ended, the EC-Systran Mainframe version of
the Systran machine translation system consisted of 16 language versions.
The Systran group subsequently created and marketed a new version of
the Systran machine translation system capable of operating in the Unix and
Windows operation systems (Systran Unix), while the Commission developed the
EC-Systran Mainframe version, partly with the assistance of an outside
On 22 December 1997, Systran Luxembourg and the Commission concluded
the first of four migration agreements in order to allow the EC-Systran
Mainframe software to operate in Unix and Windows.
At the time of the signature of that first contract, Systran gave its
agreement for the Commission, first, to use the trade mark Systran
systematically for any machine translation system deriving from the original
Systran system for the sole purposes of the dissemination or supply of the
Systran machine translation system, and, secondly, to use Systran products in
the Unix and/or Windows environment for its internal purposes.
The first migration contract provided that the Commission’s machine
translation system, including its components, even when modified, remained the
property of the Commission, save where industrial or intellectual property
rights already existed.
Under the terms of that contract, Luxembourg law applied in case of
The migration contract was due to end on 15 March 2002, and Systran
Luxembourg was, on that date, to provide up-to-date proof of all intellectual
and industrial property rights claimed by the Systran group and connected with
the machine translation system.
According to the Commission, Systran Luxembourg did not provide it with
that information.
On 4 October 2003, the Commission issued an invitation to tender for
the maintenance and linguistic enhancement of its machine translation system.
However, Systran indicated to the Commission, by letter of 31 October
2003, that the works envisaged in the invitation to tender were likely to
infringe its intellectual property rights and called upon the Commission to
state its view in that respect.
Systran stated that, in those circumstances, it could not reply to the
invitation to tender.
By letter of 17 November 2003, the Commission replied that the Systran group had
not provided evidence of the intellectual property rights which Systran claimed
in the Systran machine translation software and that it considered that Systran
could not oppose the works carried out by the Belgian company Gosselies SA,
which had tendered successfully for two lots out of eight.
Following that tendering procedure, the Systran group took the view
that the Commission had unlawfully disclosed its know-how to a third party and
carried out an act of counterfeiting when Gosselies carried out unauthorised
developments of the EC-Systran Unix version.
Systran therefore brought an action before the General Court of the
European Union seeking compensation for the damage it claimed to have suffered.
By a judgment in 2010, the General Court held that the dispute was not
contractual in nature and that, therefore, it had jurisdiction to hear it.
While rejecting the claims in so far as they concerned the Systran
Luxembourg subsidiary, the General Court recognised that the Commission’s
conduct had caused the parent company material damage through loss of value of
its incorporeal assets (i.e. loss of value of its intellectual property rights),
assessed on a lump-sum basis at €12 million, and non-material damage assessed at
The Commission lodged an appeal before the Court of Justice, seeking to
have that judgment set aside.
It argues, in essence, that the General Court erred in law in holding
that the dispute was of a non-contractual nature and by concluding that Systran
was entitled to compensation.
In its judgment today, the Court of Justice recalls that, when hearing
an action for compensation, as in this case, the EU Courts must, before ruling
on the substance of the dispute, as a preliminary issue determine their
jurisdiction by carrying out an analysis to establish the contractual or
non?contractual character of the liability invoked and thus the very nature of
the dispute in question.
For those purposes, those courts must examine, on an analysis of the
various matters in the file, such as, for example, the rule of law allegedly
infringed, the nature of the damage claimed, the conduct complained of and the
legal relations between the parties in question, whether there exists between
them a genuine contractual context, linked to the subject-matter of the dispute,
the in?depth examination of which proves to be indispensable for the resolution
of the said action.
If a preliminary analysis of those matters shows that it is necessary
to interpret the content of one or more contracts concluded between the parties
in question in order to establish whether the applicant’s claims are well
founded, those courts are required at that point to halt their examination of
the dispute and declare that they have no jurisdiction to rule thereon in the
absence of an arbitration clause in the said contracts.
In that perspective, it must be held that the General Court made a
first error of law in applying the principles governing the determination of
jurisdiction in the context of actions for compensation directed against the
It did not confine itself to examining, as regards the admissibility of
the action, having regard to the various matters in the file, whether a genuine
contractual context existed between the parties.
On the contrary, the General Court carried out as early as the
admissibility stage, in the context of determining its jurisdiction, a detailed
examination of the content of the various contractual provisions governing the
economic and commercial relations between the WTC/Systran group and the
Commission from 1975 to 2002, in order to determine whether the Commission had
authorisation to disclose to a third party information protected by copyright
and know-how held by Systran in the Systran Unix version of the Systran machine
translation system, taking the view that the contractual character of the
Community’s liability depended on the existence of that authorisation.
Such an analysis, however, as the Commission rightly maintains,
concerns the lawfulness or otherwise of the Commission conduct complained of,
and thus falls within the substance of the dispute and not the preliminary
determination of the very nature of that dispute.
In that context, the General Court also made another error of law in
the legal classification of the contracts concluded from 1975 to 2002 between
the WTC/Systran group and the Commission.
It held, in the light of the various matters in the file, that the existence of
those contracts had no effect on the classification of the dispute.
However, it is undisputed that the various contractual documents relied
on by the Commission before the General Court, including in particular the
contract of 22 December 1975 between the Commission and WTC, the contracts
concluded from 1976 to 1987 with companies of the WTC group, particularly the
technical cooperation agreement of 18 January 1985 with Gachot, the
collaboration agreement, the licence contracts with Gachot in 1988 and 1989 and
the migration contracts, constitute a genuine contractual context, linked to the
subject-matter of the dispute, an in-depth examination of which proved
indispensable in order to establish the legality or otherwise of the Commission
conduct complained of.
It must therefore be held that the General Court was wrong in its view
that the dispute in question was of a non-contractual nature.
In those circumstances, the Court of Justice sets aside the judgment of
the General Court.
In addition, the Court of Justice gives final judgment on the dispute,
taking the view that the state of the proceedings so permits, and states in that
regard that the EU Courts do not have jurisdiction to hear the action for
compensation brought by the Systran group.
For that reason, the latter must be dismissed.
An appeal, on a point or points of law only, may be brought before the
Court of Justice against a judgment or order of the General Court.
In principle, the appeal does not have suspensive effect.
If the appeal is admissible and well founded, the Court of Justice sets
aside the judgment of the General Court.
Where the state of the proceedings so permits, the Court of Justice may
itself give final judgment in the case. Otherwise, it refers the case back to
the General Court, which is bound by the decision given by the Court of Justice
on the appeal. |