Stanziare un altro miliardo di euro dei fondi UE per sostenere gli indigenti
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Data documento: 16-04-2013
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Commit extra €1bn from EU funds to support the most deprived
Stanziare un altro miliardo di euro dei fondi UE per sostenere gli indigenti
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Europe's cities and regions have argued that the level of investment for a new fund dedicated to supporting citizens most in need is insufficient.
Gli enti locali e regionali europei reputano insufficiente il livello di investimenti previsto per il nuovo fondo di sostegno ai cittadini più bisognosi.
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The European Commission has proposed ring-fencing €2.5bn from the total EU cohesion budget to provide non-financial assistance to the most deprived in Europe.The Committee of the Regions (CoR), however, argue that given the impact of the crisis which has resulted in ever increasing numbers of people exposed to poverty, an additional €1bn is needed.
La Commissione europea ha infatti proposto di riservare 2,5 miliardi di euro del bilancio totale dell'UE per la coesione all'assistenza non finanziaria degli indigenti in Europa, mentre il Comitato delle regioni (CdR) sostiene che, considerato l'impatto della crisi, che espone alla povertà un numero sempre crescente di persone, è necessario un altro miliardo di euro.
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The CoR also stressed that delivering poverty mitigation schemes requires Member State and regional authority involvement, so the EU should co-finance schemes investing up to 85%.
Il CdR sottolinea inoltre che, se si vogliono attuare dei sistemi di mitigazione della povertà, è necessario coinvolgere gli Stati membri e le regioni, per cui l'UE dovrebbe cofinanziare tali sistemi solo fino all'85 %.
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The Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived set out by the Commission seeks to help deliver the EU's objective of reducing by at least 20 million the number of people in or at risk of poverty or social exclusion by 2020.
Il Fondo di aiuti europei agli indigenti istituito dalla Commissione mira a contribuire a raggiungere l'obiettivo di ridurre almeno di 20 milioni entro il 2020 il numero delle persone in condizioni - o a rischio - di povertà o esclusione sociale.
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The Fund succeeds the current EU food aid programme which makes agricultural surpluses available as food aid, but expands the scope to include other essential goods, such as clothing.
Il Fondo succede all'attuale programma UE di aiuto alimentare, che, oltre a distribuire a tale scopo le eccedenze agricole, ha esteso il suo ambito di intervento ad altri beni essenziali come gli indumenti.
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The new fund was the focus of Ossi Martikainen's (FI/ALDE) opinion, Chairman of Lapinlahti Municipal Council, which was unanimously adopted during the CoR's 100th plenary on 11th April.
Il nuovo fondo è adesso l'oggetto del parere elaborato da Ossi Martikainen (FI/ALDE), presidente del consiglio comunale di Lapinlahti, e adottato all'unanimità dal CdR nel corso della sua 100a sessione plenaria, svoltasi l'11 aprile.
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He welcomed the Commission's proposals which recognise the role of local and regional authorities in distributing aid to those most in need which will also help reduce administrative waste.
Il relatore accoglie con favore le proposte della Commissione, che riconoscono il ruolo degli enti locali e regionali nella distribuzione degli aiuti agli indigenti, contribuendo così anche a ridurre gli sprechi amministrativi.
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Ossi Martikainen stressed the importance of coming to a swift agreement and said, "The new fund is an urgent and important matter in Europe, especially considering the economic crisis, unemployment and risk of growing regional inequality.
Ossi Martikainen pone l'accento sull'importanza di raggiungere rapidamente un accordo sul nuovo fondo: egli sottolinea infatti "la grande urgenza e importanza della questione per l'Europa, specie se si considerano la crisi economica, la disoccupazione e il rischio di una crescente diseguaglianza tra le regioni.
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With the new fund the EU could provide means for all players at local and regional level to tackle deprivation of food, homelessness and child poverty.
Il nuovo fondo consentirebbe all'UE di fornire a tutti gli attori a livello locale e regionale i mezzi per far fronte alla privazione alimentare, all'esclusione abitativa e alla povertà infantile.
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Voluntary organisations all over Europe are doing extremely valuable work, and their experience and resources in delivering aid to those in need is decisive.
In tutta Europa le associazioni di volontariato svolgono un'opera di inestimabile valore, e la loro esperienza e le loro risorse sono di decisiva importanza per fornire aiuti agli indigenti.
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I hope the European Parliament and Council will take their decisions soon, so that there will no longer be a delay in implementing the fund".
Auspico che il Parlamento europeo e il Consiglio adottino presto le loro decisioni in merito, evitando così ulteriori ritardi nell'attuazione del Fondo".
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Referring to the evaluation of the previous food programme which advised that €680m a year was needed, the opinion argues that the plans to reduce the level of the funding pot were short-sighted.
Alla luce delle stime riguardanti il precedente programma di aiuti alimentari, secondo le quali sarebbero stati necessari 680 milioni di euro all'anno, nel parere si sottolinea la scarsa lungimiranza della proposta di ridurre gli stanziamenti.
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Calling for an additional €1bn to be committed from the EU budget, the reduction, Martikainen said, was, "Simply unacceptable when more than 100 million people are in danger of falling into the poverty and being socially excluded from society".
Nell'invocare un altro miliardo di euro da stanziare a titolo del bilancio dell'UE, Martikainen osserva infatti che tale riduzione è "semplicemente inaccettabile, se solo si considera che oltre 100 milioni di persone rischiano di trovarsi in povertà ed essere socialmente escluse".
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The EU's cities and regions also argue that to make the most effective use of resources it was crucial to take a coordinated approach to protecting Europe's most vulnerable by involving Member State and regional authorities.
Gli enti locali e regionali dell'UE sostengono inoltre che, se si vogliono impiegare le risorse nel modo più efficace possibile, è indispensabile adottare un approccio coordinato alla protezione delle persone più vulnerabili in Europa, coinvolgendo gli Stati membri e le regioni.
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The CoR therefore rejects the Commission's proposals to allow Member States to voluntarily participate in co-financing schemes that use the Fund, arguing that this could take away local and regional authorities' access to vitally needed investment.
Il CdR si oppone pertanto all'adozione del principio, proposto dalla Commissione, di una partecipazione volontaria degli Stati membri ai sistemi di cofinanziamento del Fondo, poiché così facendo si rischia di privare taluni enti locali e regionali di investimenti di vitale importanza.
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The CoR instead suggests that the EU should only offer up to 85% of funds with the remainder being committed by national governments.
E raccomanda invece che l'UE si offra di cofinanziare il Fondo solo per l'85 %, mentre la quota restante dovrebbe essere stanziata dai governi nazionali.
Commit extra €1bn from EU funds to support the most deprived
Europe's cities and regions have argued that the level of investment
for a new fund dedicated to supporting citizens most in need is insufficient.
The European Commission has proposed ring-fencing €2.5bn from the total
EU cohesion budget to provide non-financial assistance to the most deprived in
Europe.The Committee of the Regions (CoR), however, argue that given the impact
of the crisis which has resulted in ever increasing numbers of people exposed to
poverty, an additional €1bn is needed.
The CoR also stressed that delivering poverty mitigation schemes
requires Member State and regional authority involvement, so the EU should
co-finance schemes investing up to 85%.
The Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived set out by the
Commission seeks to help deliver the EU's objective of reducing by at least 20
million the number of people in or at risk of poverty or social exclusion by
The Fund succeeds the current EU food aid programme which makes
agricultural surpluses available as food aid, but expands the scope to include
other essential goods, such as clothing.
The new fund was the focus of Ossi Martikainen's (FI/ALDE) opinion,
Chairman of Lapinlahti Municipal Council, which was unanimously adopted during
the CoR's 100th plenary on 11th April.
He welcomed the Commission's proposals which recognise the role of local and
regional authorities in distributing aid to those most in need which will also
help reduce administrative waste.
Ossi Martikainen stressed the importance of coming to a swift agreement
and said, "The new fund is an urgent and important matter in Europe, especially
considering the economic crisis, unemployment and risk of growing regional
With the new fund the EU could provide means for all players at local
and regional level to tackle deprivation of food, homelessness and child
Voluntary organisations all over Europe are doing extremely valuable
work, and their experience and resources in delivering aid to those in need is
I hope the European Parliament and Council will take their decisions
soon, so that there will no longer be a delay in implementing the fund".
Referring to the evaluation of the previous food programme which
advised that €680m a year was needed, the opinion argues that the plans to
reduce the level of the funding pot were short-sighted.
Calling for an additional €1bn to be committed from the EU budget, the
reduction, Martikainen said, was, "Simply unacceptable when more than 100
million people are in danger of falling into the poverty and being socially
excluded from society "
The EU's cities and regions also argue that to make the most effective
use of resources it was crucial to take a coordinated approach to protecting
Europe's most vulnerable by involving Member State and regional authorities.
The CoR therefore rejects the Commission's proposals to allow Member
States to voluntarily participate in co-financing schemes that use the Fund,
arguing that this could take away local and regional authorities' access to
vitally needed investment.
The CoR instead suggests that the EU should only offer up to 85% of
funds with the remainder being committed by national governments. |