Il Commissario Vassiliou incontra gli scienziati Marie Curie al CERN
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Data documento: 12-04-2013
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Commissioner Vassiliou to meet Marie Curie scientists at CERN
Il Commissario Vassiliou incontra gli scienziati Marie Curie al CERN
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Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, will visit the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland, on 15 April to meet scientists and researchers supported with funding from the EU Marie Curie Actions.
Androulla Vassiliou, Commissario responsabile per l’istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù, visitera' il 15 Aprile l’Organizzazione europea per la ricerca nucleare (CERN) A Ginevra, Svizzera, per incontrare gli scienziati e i ricercatori che hanno ricevuto il sostegno delle Azioni Marie Curie dell’UE.
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Members of the team which discovered the Higgs particle last summer (IP/12/755) and researchers who are developing new state-of-the-art 3D imaging to improve cancer treatments are among those she will meet.
I membri del gruppo che ha scoperto l’estate scorsa la particella di Higgs (IP/12/755) e i ricercatori che stanno sviluppando un sistema d’avanguardia di immagini 3D per migliorare la cura del cancro sono tra le persone che il Commissario incontrerà.
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35 research training initiatives at CERN have received a total of € 44 million in support from the Marie Curie Actions.
35 iniziative di formazione alla ricerca condotte presso il CERN hanno ricevuto un sostegno dalle Azioni Marie Curie per un totale di 44 milioni di EUR.
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The new cancer therapy project, known as ENTERVISION, the European training network in digital medical imaging for radiotherapy, uses sub-atomic particles to create high-precision radiation-based therapies which aim to improve the early detection of tumours and lead to better treatments.
Il nuovo progetto di terapia del cancro, denominato ENTERVISION, la Rete europea di formazione all’immaginografia medica digitale per la radioterapia, usa particelle subatomiche per definire radioterapie ad alta precisione volte a migliorare la diagnosi precoce dei tumori e ad assicurarne un migliore trattamento.
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3D medical imaging provides more accurate information compared with traditional X-ray technology.
L’immaginografia medica 3D fornisce informazioni più accurate rispetto alla tradizionale tecnologia a raggi X.
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The project has received € 3.8 million from the EU Marie Curie Actions.
Il progetto ha ricevuto dalle Azioni Marie Curie 3,8 milioni di EUR.
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Commissioner Vassiliou said:
Il Commissario Vassiliou ha affermato:
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"CERN and the Marie Curie Actions are ideal partners because they share the same philosophy – a commitment to scientific excellence which benefits society.
"Il CERN e le Azioni Marie Curie sono partner ideali poiché hanno in comune la stessa filosofia:un impegno verso l’eccellenza scientifica a vantaggio della società.
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That is why the Commission has urged Member States and the European Parliament to ensure the Marie Curie Actions are funded properly in the future EU budget.
Questo è il motivo per cui la Commissione ha esortato gli Stati membri e il Parlamento europeo ad assicurare che le Azioni Marie Curie siano finanziate adeguatamente nell’ambito del futuro bilancio dell’UE.
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I am proud that the Marie Curie Actions contributed to the work in discovering the Higgs Boson and in research projects like ENTERVISION, which will improve cancer treatment and help to train a new generation of researchers in this vitally-important field."
Sono orgogliosa che le Azioni Marie Curie abbiano contribuito ai lavori che hanno portato alla scoperta del bosone di Higgs e a progetti di ricerca come ENTERVISION che migliorerà la terapia del cancro e aiuterà a formare una nuova generazione di ricercatori in questo ambito d’importanza vitale.”
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Sixteen young researchers are receiving specialist training as part of the four-year ENTERVISION interdisciplinary (physics, medicine, electronics, informatics, radiobiology, engineering) initiative coordinated by CERN.
Sedici giovani ricercatori ricevono una formazione specialistica nell’ambito dell’iniziativa interdisciplinare (fisica, medicina, elettronica, informatica, radiobiologia, ingegneria) quadriennale ENTERVISION coordinata dal CERN.
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The project gathers international partners from the public and private sectors, ten leading academic institutions and research centres as well as IBA, a leading European company in particle therapy.
Il progetto raccoglie partner internazionali dei settori pubblico e privato, dieci istituzioni accademiche e centri di ricerca di punta nonché l'IBA, una società europea leader nella terapia a particelle.
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During her visit, the Commissioner will also meet CERN Director-General Rolf Heuer to discuss his organisation's future work with the EU, notably through the Marie Curie Actions, and Swiss Federal Councillor Johann N.Schneider-Ammann, Head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research.
Nel corso della sua visita il Commissario incontrerà anche il Direttore generale del CERN, Rolf Heuer, per discutere la futura collaborazione della sua organizzazione con l’UE, segnatamente per il tramite delle Azioni Marie Curie, e il Consigliere federale svizzero Johann N. Schneider-Ammann, a capo del Ministero federale dell’economia, dell’istruzione e della ricerca.
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What are the Marie Curie Actions?
Cosa sono le Azioni Marie Curie?
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Marie Curie Actions promote research careers in Europe through a number of funding schemes managed by the European Commission's Research Executive Agency.
Le Azioni Marie Curie promuovono le carriere nell’ambito della ricerca in Europa attraverso una serie di sistemi di finanziamento gestiti dall’Agenzia esecutiva per la ricerca della Commissione europea.
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In total, Marie Curie Actions are supported by € 4.7 billion in EU funds, as part of the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7), the EU's main research funding package for 2007-2013 worth a total of € 50 billion.
Complessivamente le Azioni Marie Curie ricevono un sostegno da fondi UE per un importo di 4,7 miliardi di EUR nell’ambito del Settimo programma quadro di ricerca e sviluppo tecnologico (FP7), il principale pacchetto unionale di finanziamento della ricerca per il periodo 2007-2013 con una dotazione complessiva di 50 miliardi di EUR.
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The Marie Curie Actions under FP7 have supported 60 000 researchers of nearly 130 different nationalities.
Le Azioni Marie Curie nell’ambito del FP7 hanno sostenuto 60 000 ricercatori di circa 130 nazionalità diverse.
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More than half of the research supported through the programme is dedicated to societal challenges such as health, climate change and energy scarcity.
Più della metà della ricerca che ha ricevuto un sostegno dal programma è consacrata a sfide societali come la salute, il cambiamento climatico e la penuria energetica.
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38% of the funded researchers are women and SMEs account for more than half of all businesses participating in the projects.
Il 38% dei ricercatori che hanno ricevuto un finanziamento sono donne e le PMI sono più della metà di tutte le imprese che partecipano ai progetti.
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Since 2007, 570 Swiss projects have benefitted from the Marie Curie scheme, with € 220 million in funding.
Dal 2007 sono 570 i progetti svizzeri che hanno beneficiato del programma Marie Curie ricevendo 220 milioni di EUR di finanziamenti.
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What will happen to Marie Curie Actions after 2014?
Che ne sarà delle Azioni Marie Curie dopo il 2014?
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The programme will be maintained under Horizon 2020 and will be renamed the Marie
Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA).
Il programma verrà mantenuto nell’ambito di Orizzonte 2020 e verrà ribattezzato Azioni Marie
Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA).
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The MSCA will become the main EU programme offering support for excellent doctoral training, supporting 25 000 PhDs.
Le MSCA diventeranno il principale programma dell’UE che offre sostegno a una formazione di post dottorato d’eccellenza a vantaggio di 25 000 dottorati di ricerca.
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These will include industrial doctorates, joint doctorates, and other high-quality research training.
Essi comprenderanno dottorati industriali, dottorati congiunti e altre formazioni alla ricerca di elevata qualità.
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The MSCA will place particular emphasis on combining research with other skills that maximise employability.
Le MSCA porranno in particolare l’accento sulla combinazione di ricerca e di altre abilità atte ad accrescere l’occupabilità dei partecipanti.
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Member states have agreed that, in view of its important contribution to a smart, sustainable and inclusive European economy, funding for Horizon 2020 in the next seven years will increase compared to 2013 level.
Gli Stati membri hanno concordato che, considerato l’importante contributo che reca a un’economia europea intelligente, sostenibile e inclusiva, i finanziamenti destinati a Orizzonte 2020 nei prossimi sette anni verranno aumentati rispetto al livello del 2013.
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However, the European Parliament and Council still have to reach a final agreement on the new programme.
Il Parlamento europeo e il Consiglio devono però ancora raggiungere un accordo definitivo sul nuovo programma.
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What is CERN?
Cos’è il CERN?
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CERN is the world's leading laboratory for particle physics.
Il CERN è il laboratorio di punta mondiale per la fisica delle particelle.
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It has its headquarters in Geneva.
Ha il suo quartier generale a Ginevra.
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At present, its member states are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
Attualmente i suoi membri sono Austria, Belgio, Bulgaria, Repubblica ceca, Danimarca, Finlandia, Francia, Germania, Grecia, Ungheria, Italia, Paesi Bassi, Norvegia, Polonia, Portogallo, Slovacchia, Spagna, Svezia, Svizzera e Regno Unito.
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Romania is a candidate for accession.
La Romania è candidata ad aderirvi.
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Cyprus, Israel and Serbia are associate members in the pre-stage to membership.
Cipro, Israele e Serbia sono membri associati in fase di preadesione.
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India, Japan, the Russian Federation, the United States of America, Turkey, the European Commission and UNESCO have observer status.
L’India, il Giappone, la Federazione russa, gli Stati Uniti, la Turchia, la Commissione europea e l’UNESCO hanno lo status di osservatori.
Commissioner Vassiliou to meet Marie Curie scientists at CERN
Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture,
Multilingualism and Youth, will visit the European Organization for Nuclear
Research (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland, on 15 April to meet scientists and
researchers supported with funding from the EU Marie Curie Actions.
Members of the team which discovered the Higgs particle last summer
(IP/12/755) and researchers who are developing new state-of-the-art 3D imaging
to improve cancer treatments are among those she will meet.
35 research training initiatives at CERN have received a total of € 44
million in support from the Marie Curie Actions.
The new cancer therapy project, known as ENTERVISION, the European
training network in digital medical imaging for radiotherapy, uses sub-atomic
particles to create high-precision radiation-based therapies which aim to
improve the early detection of tumours and lead to better treatments.
3D medical imaging provides more accurate information compared with
traditional X-ray technology.
The project has received € 3.8 million from the EU Marie Curie Actions.
Commissioner Vassiliou said:
"CERN and the Marie Curie Actions are ideal partners because they share the same
philosophy – a commitment to scientific excellence which benefits society.
That is why the Commission has urged Member States and the European Parliament
to ensure the Marie Curie Actions are funded properly in the future EU budget.
I am proud that the Marie Curie Actions contributed to the work in discovering
the Higgs Boson and in research projects like ENTERVISION, which will improve
cancer treatment and help to train a new generation of researchers in this
vitally-important field."
Sixteen young researchers are receiving specialist training as part of
the four-year ENTERVISION interdisciplinary (physics, medicine, electronics,
informatics, radiobiology, engineering) initiative coordinated by CERN.
The project gathers international partners from the public and private
sectors, ten leading academic institutions and research centres as well as IBA,
a leading European company in particle therapy.
During her visit, the Commissioner will also meet CERN Director-General
Rolf Heuer to discuss his organisation's future work with the EU, notably
through the Marie Curie Actions, and Swiss Federal Councillor Johann
N.Schneider-Ammann, Head of the Federal Department of Economic Affairs,
Education and Research.
What are the Marie Curie Actions?
Marie Curie Actions promote research careers in Europe through a number
of funding schemes managed by the European Commission's Research Executive
In total, Marie Curie Actions are supported by € 4.7 billion in EU
funds, as part of the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological
Development (FP7), the EU's main research funding package for 2007-2013 worth a
total of € 50 billion.
The Marie Curie Actions under FP7 have supported 60 000 researchers of
nearly 130 different nationalities.
More than half of the research supported through the programme is
dedicated to societal challenges such as health, climate change and energy
38% of the funded researchers are women and SMEs account for more than
half of all businesses participating in the projects.
Since 2007, 570 Swiss projects have benefitted from the Marie Curie
scheme, with € 220 million in funding.
What will happen to Marie Curie Actions after 2014?
The programme will be maintained under Horizon 2020 and will be renamed
the Marie Skłodowska- Curie Actions (MSCA).
The MSCA will become the main EU programme offering support for
excellent doctoral training, supporting 25 000 PhDs.
These will include industrial doctorates, joint doctorates, and other
high-quality research training.
The MSCA will place particular emphasis on combining research with
other skills that maximise employability.
Member states have agreed that, in view of its important contribution
to a smart, sustainable and inclusive European economy, funding for Horizon 2020
in the next seven years will increase compared to 2013 level.
However, the European Parliament and Council still have to reach a
final agreement on the new programme.
What is CERN?
CERN is the world's leading laboratory for particle physics.
It has its headquarters in Geneva.
At present, its member
states are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
Romania is a candidate for accession.
Cyprus, Israel and Serbia are associate members in the pre-stage to
India, Japan, the Russian Federation, the United States of America,
Turkey, the European Commission and UNESCO have observer status.