Il diritto dell’Unione consente che le autorità nazionali rendano noti dati identificativi nell’ambito di informative ai cittadini su alimenti non dannosi per la salute, ma inadatti al consumo umano
Inglese tratto da:
Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 11-04-2013
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EU law allows national authorities to provide the public with information identifying food which is not prejudicial to health, but which is unfit for human consumption
Il diritto dell’Unione consente che le autorità nazionali rendano noti dati identificativi nell’ambito di informative ai cittadini su alimenti non dannosi per la salute, ma inadatti al consumo umano
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Specifically, information relating to the name of the food, and the name or trade name under which it has been manufactured, processed or distributed may be given
Trattasi, in particolare, della denominazione dell’alimento e dell’impresa o della ragione sociale sotto la quale l’alimento è stato prodotto o trasformato o immesso sul mercato
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The Regulation on food safety ensures that no food shall be placed on the market if it is unsafe, which means injurious to health or unfit for human consumption.
Il regolamento sulla sicurezza alimentare assicura che nessun alimento a rischio, vale a dire dannoso per la salute o inadatto al consumo umano, sia immesso sul mercato.
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In the latter case, this includes food which is unacceptable for human consumption according to its intended use, for reasons of contamination, or through putrefaction, deterioration or decay.
È inadatto al consumo umano un alimento inaccettabile per il consumo umano secondo l’uso previsto, in seguito a contaminazione o in seguito a putrefazione, deterioramento o decomposizione.
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Member States must maintain a system of official controls and other activities as appropriate, including public communication on food safety and risk.
Gli Stati membri devono organizzare un sistema di controlli e altre attività adeguate, compresa la comunicazione ai cittadini in materia di sicurezza e di rischio degli alimenti.
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On 16 and 18 January 2006, the Passau Veterinary Office (Germany) carried out official inspections in several establishments pertaining to Berger Wild GmbH, a company active in the game meat processing and distribution sector.
Il 16 e 18 gennaio 2006 l’Ufficio veterinario di Passau (Germania) ha proceduto ad ispezioni presso vari stabilimenti della società Berger Wild GmbH, attiva nel settore della trasformazione e distribuzione di carne di selvaggina.
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The analyses led to a finding that the food in question was unfit for human consumption.
Le analisi condotte hanno dimostrato che gli alimenti erano inadatti al consumo umano.
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The Bavarian authorities informed the company that they intended to inform the public thereof, unless the company itself did so effectively and promptly.
Le autorità bavaresi hanno comunicato alla società la propria intenzione di informare i cittadini, a meno che vi provvedesse essa stessa in maniera efficace e tempestiva.
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Berger objected, asserting that while the products might exhibit sensory anomalies, there was no risk to health.
La Berger si è opposta, sostenendo che i prodotti potevano presentare alterazioni di tipo sensoriale, ma che non comportavano rischi per la salute.
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It proposed to issue a ‘product warning’ inviting its customers to attend their usual retail outlet in order to exchange the game products concerned.
Essa ha proposto la pubblicazione di una «comunicazione di allerta» nella quale avrebbe invitato i propri clienti a recarsi presso i loro abituali punti vendita al fine di sostituire i prodotti interessati.
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In three press releases dated 24, 25 and 27 January, the Minister for Consumer Protection of Freistaat Bayern announced that the products at issue were to be recalled.
Con tre comunicati stampa del 24, 25 e 27 gennaio 2006, il Ministro per la tutela dei consumatori del Freistaat Bayern ha annunciato il ritiro dal commercio dei prodotti.
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The Minister indicated that inspections had revealed that the products at issue gave off a rancid, nauseous, musty or acidic smell, and that in certain cases the putrefaction process had already started.
Esso ha indicato che, a seguito delle ispezioni, era emerso che questi ultimi emanavano un odore rancido, mefitico, di muffa o acido e che, in certi casi, era già cominciato il processo di putrefazione.
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The Minister added that, as revoltingly unhygienic conditions had been encountered in certain of its establishments, a temporary prohibition had been issued against Berger preventing it from marketing products manufactured or processed in those establishments.
Ha aggiunto che, stanti le condizioni igieniche ripugnanti riscontrate in taluni dei suoi stabilimenti, alla Berger era stato indirizzato un divieto provvisorio di immettere sul mercato i prodotti fabbricati o lavorati in tali stabilimenti.
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In a speech given before the Bavarian State Parliament on 31 January 2006, the Minister stated that Berger had declared itself insolvent that very day, that it was no longer able to market its goods, and that, therefore, any health risks resulting from further products being marketed could be excluded.
In un discorso pronunciato dinanzi al Parlamento della Baviera il 31 gennaio 2006, il medesimo Ministro ha affermato che, poiché lo stesso giorno la Berger aveva dichiarato lo stato d’insolvenza, essa non avrebbe più potuto svolgere commercio e che pertanto si sarebbero potuti escludere rischi per la salute derivanti dall’immissione sul mercato di ulteriori suoi prodotti.
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Berger considered it had suffered considerable losses as a result of the press releases put out by the Freistaat Bayern authorities, and brought an action for damages against the Freistaat Bayern.
Ritenendo di aver subito danni considerevoli a causa dei comunicati stampa delle autorità del Freistaat Bayern, la Berger ha esperito contro quest’ultimo un’azione risarcitoria.
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In that context, the Landgericht München I (Regional Court of Munich), before which proceedings were brought, requests the Court of Justice to give a ruling on whether EU law precludes the German legislation which allowed the public authorities to provide that information.
In tale contesto, il Tribunale di Monaco ha chiesto alla Corte di giustizia se il diritto dell’Unione osti alla normativa tedesca 2, che ha consentito alle autorità pubbliche di fornire le suddette informazioni.
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In its judgment delivered today, the Court considers that EU law does not preclude national legislation, such as the German legislation at issue, which allows, in accordance with the requirements of professional and business secrecy, information issued to the public relating to food not injurious to health, but which is unfit for human consumption, to mention the name of the food or the name or trade name of the food manufacturer, processor or distributor.
Nella sentenza odierna, la Corte dichiara che il diritto dell’Unione non osta a una normativa nazionale, come quella tedesca in esame, la quale consenta, nel rispetto degli obblighi del segreto professionale, che le informative ai cittadini su alimenti non dannosi per la salute, ma inadatti al consumo umano riportino la denominazione dell’alimento e la denominazione dell’impresa, o la ragione sociale, sotto la quale l’alimento è stato prodotto o trasformato o immesso sul mercato.
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In that regard, the Court notes that a food which is unfit for human consumption is considered to be ‘unsafe’ by the regulation.
A tale riguardo, la Corte ricorda che un alimento inadatto al consumo umano è considerato «a rischio» ai sensi del regolamento.
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Though not injurious to human health, inasmuch as it may be classified unacceptable for human consumption, it nonetheless does not fulfil the food safety requirements set out by the regulation.
Infatti, benché esso non sia dannoso per la salute, nella misura in cui non è accettabile per il consumo umano, non soddisfa i requisiti relativi alla sicurezza degli alimenti imposti dal regolamento.
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Therefore, that food which is unfit for human consumption may prejudice the interests of consumers, the protection of whom is one of the objectives of food law.
Tale alimento inadatto al consumo umano può pertanto rappresentare una minaccia per gli interessi dei consumatori, la cui tutela è uno degli obiettivi perseguiti dalla legislazione alimentare.
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It follows that national authorities may inform the public thereof, in accordance with the requirements of professional and business secrecy.
Ne consegue che le autorità nazionali possono informarne i consumatori, nel rispetto degli obblighi del segreto professionale
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A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law or the validity of a European Union act.
Il rinvio pregiudiziale consente ai giudici degli Stati membri, nell'ambito di una controversia della quale sono investiti, di interpellare la Corte in merito all’interpretazione del diritto dell’Unione o alla validità di un atto dell’Unione.
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The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
La Corte non risolve la controversia nazionale.
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It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised. |
Spetta al giudice nazionale risolvere la causa conformemente alla decisione della Corte. Tale decisione vincola egualmente gli altri giudici nazionali ai quali venga sottoposto un problema simile. |
EU law allows national authorities to provide the public with information
identifying food which is not prejudicial to health, but which is unfit for
human consumption
Specifically, information relating to the name of the food, and the
name or trade name under which it has been manufactured, processed or
distributed may be given
The Regulation on food safety ensures that no food shall be placed on
the market if it is unsafe, which means injurious to health or unfit for human
In the latter case, this includes food which is unacceptable for human
consumption according to its intended use, for reasons of contamination, or
through putrefaction, deterioration or decay.
Member States must maintain a system of official controls and other
activities as appropriate, including public communication on food safety and
On 16 and 18 January 2006, the Passau Veterinary Office (Germany)
carried out official inspections in several establishments pertaining to Berger
Wild GmbH, a company active in the game meat processing and distribution sector.
The analyses led to a finding that the food in question was unfit for
human consumption.
The Bavarian authorities informed the company that they intended to
inform the public thereof, unless the company itself did so effectively and
Berger objected, asserting that while the products might exhibit
sensory anomalies, there was no risk to health.
It proposed to issue a ‘product warning’ inviting its customers to
attend their usual retail outlet in order to exchange the game products
In three press releases dated 24, 25 and 27 January, the Minister for
Consumer Protection of Freistaat Bayern announced that the products at issue
were to be recalled.
The Minister indicated that inspections had revealed that the products
at issue gave off a rancid, nauseous, musty or acidic smell, and that in certain
cases the putrefaction process had already started.
The Minister added that, as revoltingly unhygienic conditions had been
encountered in certain of its establishments, a temporary prohibition had been
issued against Berger preventing it from marketing products manufactured or
processed in those establishments.
In a speech given before the Bavarian State Parliament on 31 January
2006, the Minister stated that Berger had declared itself insolvent that very
day, that it was no longer able to market its goods, and that, therefore, any
health risks resulting from further products being marketed could be excluded.
Berger considered it had suffered considerable losses as a result of
the press releases put out by the Freistaat Bayern authorities, and brought an
action for damages against the Freistaat Bayern.
In that context, the Landgericht München I (Regional Court of
Munich)before which proceedings were brought, requests the Court of Justice to
give a ruling on whether EU law precludes the German legislation which allowed
the public authorities to provide that information.
In its judgment delivered today, the Court considers that EU law does
not preclude national legislation, such as the German legislation at issue,
which allows, in accordance with the requirements of professional and business
secrecy, information issued to the public relating to food not injurious to
health, but which is unfit for human consumption, to mention the name of the
food or the name or trade name of the food manufacturer, processor or
In that regard, the Court notes that a food which is unfit for human
consumption is considered to be ‘unsafe’ by the regulation.
Though not injurious to human health, inasmuch as it may be classified
unacceptable for human consumption, it nonetheless does not fulfil the food
safety requirements set out by the regulation.
Therefore, that food which is unfit for human consumption may prejudice
the interests of consumers, the protection of whom is one of the objectives of
food law.
It follows that national authorities may inform the public thereof, in
accordance with the requirements of professional and business secrecy.
A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of
the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer
questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law
or the validity of a European Union act.
The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in
accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other
national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised. |