Gli Stati membri, nel concedere l’aiuto al prepensionamento agli imprenditori agricoli anziani, sono tenuti a rispettare il principio di parità di trattamento tra donne e uomini
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Data documento: 11-04-2013
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Member States must observe the principle of equal treatment between women and men when they grant early retirement support to elderly farmers
Gli Stati membri, nel concedere l’aiuto al prepensionamento agli imprenditori agricoli anziani, sono tenuti a rispettare il principio di parità di trattamento tra donne e uomini
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Therefore, they may not determine differently, depending on the gender or number of children of the applicant, the age from which that support may no longer be claimed
Essi non possono quindi fissare in maniera diversa, in funzione del sesso o del numero di figli del richiedente, l’età oltre la quale tale aiuto non può più essere richiesto
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In order to improve the viability of agricultural holdings, the EU encourages early retirement of farmers who 55 years old or over but not yet of normal retirement age.
Al fine di migliorare la redditività delle aziende agricole, l’Unione europea incentiva il prepensionamento degli imprenditori agricoli che abbiano compiuto almeno 55 anni, ma non abbiano ancora raggiunto l’età normale di pensionamento.
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Therefore, farmers who have decided to prematurely stop all commercial farming activity may receive support from the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF).
Gli imprenditori agricoli che decidano di cessare anticipatamente ogni attività agricola svolta a fini commerciali possono così beneficiare di un aiuto al prepensionamento erogato dal Fondo europeo agricolo di orientamento e di garanzia (FEAOG).
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They may receive that support for a maximum period of 15 years and until their 75th birthday.
Essi possono beneficiare di tale aiuto per una durata massima di quindici anni e fino al compimento del loro settantacinquesimo anno.
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Where the recipient of the support is also paid a normal retirement pension, the amount of the latter will be deducted from the support.
Se il beneficiario dell’aiuto percepisce anche una normale pensione, l’importo di quest’ultima sarà dedotto da quello dell’aiuto.
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According to Czech law, normal retirement age for men is higher than it is for women.
Secondo il diritto ceco, l’età normale di pensionamento è fissata per gli uomini a un’età più elevata rispetto alle donne.
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Furthermore, for women, that age is reached progressively early depending on the number of children they have raised.
Inoltre, per le donne, l’età normale di pensionamento diminuisce progressivamente in funzione del numero di figli che esse hanno allevato.
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Mrs Soupuková is a farmer and mother of two children.
La signora Soukupová è un’imprenditrice agricola, madre di due figli.
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On 24 May 2004, she reached retirement age as determined in her case by Czech law.
Il 24 maggio 2004 ha raggiunto la sua età pensionabile in base al diritto ceco.
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On 3 October 2008, she applied to the Czech authorities for payment of early retirement support, the amount of which was higher than her Czech old-age pension.
Il 3 ottobre 2006 ha richiesto alle autorità ceche l’aiuto al prepensionamento, il cui importo previsto era superiore a quello della pensione di vecchiaia attribuitale in base al diritto ceco.
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Her application was, however, refused on the ground that she had already reached normal retirement age.
La sua domanda è stata però respinta con la motivazione che la richiedente aveva già raggiunto l’età normale di pensionamento.
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Since she considers herself a victim of discrimination on the grounds of sex based on the fact that retirement age for women and, in particular, for women who have raised children, is lower than it is for men, Mrs Soupuková brought an appeal before the Czech courts.
Reputandosi vittima di una discriminazione fondata sul sesso a causa della previsione di un’età di pensionamento per le donne, e in particolare per le donne che hanno allevato figli, inferiore a quella prevista per gli uomini, la signora Soukupová ha adito la giustizia ceca.
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The Nejvyšší správní soud (Supreme Administrative Court, Czech Republic), hearing the appeal, asks the Court of Justice whether EU law allows, for the grant of early retirement support, normal retirement age to be determined differently for applicants, depending on their gender and the number of children raised.
Il Nejvyšší správní soud (Suprema Corte amministrativa della Repubblica ceca), adito con ricorso per cassazione, chiede alla Corte di giustizia se il diritto dell’Unione permetta, ai fini della concessione dell’aiuto al prepensionamento, di fissare l’età normale di pensionamento in maniera diversa a seconda dei richiedenti, in funzione del loro sesso e del numero di figli allevati.
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In its judgment delivered today, the Court points out that early retirement support in the agricultural sector is an instrument of the Common Agricultural Policy, financed by the EAGGF, which is designed to ensure the viability of agricultural holdings, and not a social security benefit.
Nella sua sentenza odierna, la Corte rileva che l’aiuto al prepensionamento in agricoltura costituisce uno strumento della politica agricola comune, finanziato dal FEAOG, il quale è finalizzato a garantire la redditività delle aziende agricole, e non una prestazione previdenziale.
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Admittedly, while the determination of normal retirement age in the context of the grant of early retirement support, in the absence of harmonisation at EU level, falls within the competence of the Member States, they may not, however, rely on the difference in treatment that they are authorised to retain when defining retirement age in the field of social security.
Sebbene in assenza di un’armonizzazione operata dal diritto dell’Unione la fissazione dell’età normale di pensionamento nel contesto della concessione dell’aiuto al prepensionamento rientri certamente nella competenza degli Stati membri, questi ultimi non possono far leva sulla disparità di trattamento che sono autorizzati a mantenere in materia di fissazione dell’età di pensionamento nell’ambito della previdenza sociale.
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On the contrary, in the context of early retirement support for elderly farmers, Member States are required to ensure equal treatment between women and men and, therefore, to prohibit any discrimination on grounds of gender.
Al contrario, nell’ambito dell’aiuto al prepensionamento degli imprenditori agricoli anziani, gli Stati membri sono tenuti ad assicurare la parità di trattamento fra donne e uomini e, pertanto, a vietare qualsiasi discriminazione fondata sul sesso.
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Elderly female farmers and elderly male farmers are in comparable situations, in the light of the purpose of early retirement support.
Infatti, gli imprenditori agricoli anziani di sesso femminile e quelli di sesso maschile si trovano in situazioni simili dal punto di vista dello scopo perseguito con l’aiuto al prepensionamento.
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However, EU law precludes that comparable situations be treated differently and, therefore, in particular, that men, without objective justification, have a longer period in which to submit their application for support than women.
Ebbene, il diritto dell’Unione osta a che situazioni simili siano trattate in maniera diversa e dunque, in particolare, a che gli uomini, senza giustificazione obiettiva, dispongano di un termine più lungo per presentare la loro domanda di aiuto rispetto alle donne.
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In that context, the Court notes that, in the present case, the difference in treatment cannot be objectively justified, since the objectives of structural change in the agricultural sector envisaged by support for early retirement from farming can clearly be attained without the Member States resorting to discriminatory treatment.
In questo contesto, la Corte sottolinea che nel caso di specie la disparità di trattamento non può essere obiettivamente giustificata, in quanto gli obiettivi di trasformazione strutturale del settore agricolo perseguiti con l’aiuto al prepensionamento in agricoltura possono manifestamente essere conseguiti senza che gli Stati membri ricorrano ad un trattamento discriminatorio.
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Finally, the Court recalls that, where discrimination contrary to EU law is established - and as long as measures reinstating equal treatment have not been adopted – persons within the disadvantaged category must be granted the same advantages as those within the favoured category.
Infine, la Corte ricorda che, quando viene constatata una discriminazione contraria al diritto dell’Unione, e finché non siano adottate misure volte a ripristinare la parità di trattamento, alle persone appartenenti alla categoria sfavorita devono essere concessi gli stessi vantaggi di cui beneficiano le persone che rientrano nella categoria privilegiata.
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A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law or the validity of a European Union act.
Il rinvio pregiudiziale consente ai giudici degli Stati membri, nell'ambito di una controversia della quale sono investiti, di interpellare la Corte in merito all’interpretazione del diritto dell’Unione o alla validità di un atto dell’Unione.
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The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
La Corte non risolve la controversia nazionale.
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It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised.
Spetta al giudice nazionale risolvere la causa conformemente alla decisione della Corte.Tale decisione vincola egualmente gli altri giudici nazionali ai quali venga sottoposto un problema simile.
Member States must observe the principle of equal treatment
between women and men when they grant early retirement support to elderly
Therefore, they may not determine
differently, depending on the gender or number of children of the applicant, the
age from which that support may no longer be claimed
In order to improve the viability of agricultural
holdings, the EU encourages early retirement of farmers who 55 years old or over
but not yet of normal retirement age.
Therefore, farmers who have decided to
prematurely stop all commercial farming activity may receive support from the
European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF).
They may receive that support for a maximum
period of 15 years and until their 75th birthday.
Where the recipient of the support is also paid a
normal retirement pension, the amount of the latter will be deducted from the
According to Czech law, normal retirement age for
men is higher than it is for women.
Furthermore, for women, that age is reached
progressively early depending on the number of children they have raised.
Mrs Soupuková is a farmer and mother of two
On 24 May 2004, she reached retirement age as
determined in her case by Czech law.
On 3 October 2008, she applied to the Czech
authorities for payment of early retirement support, the amount of which was
higher than her Czech old-age pension.
Her application was, however, refused on the
ground that she had already reached normal retirement age.
Since she considers herself a victim of
discrimination on the grounds of sex based on the fact that retirement age for
women and, in particular, for women who have raised children, is lower than it
is for men, Mrs Soupuková brought an appeal before the Czech courts.
The Nejvyšší správní soud (Supreme Administrative
Court, Czech Republic), hearing the appeal, asks the Court of Justice whether EU
law allows, for the grant of early retirement support, normal retirement age to
be determined differently for applicants, depending on their gender and the
number of children raised.
In its judgment delivered today, the Court points
out that early retirement support in the agricultural sector is an instrument of
the Common Agricultural Policy, financed by the EAGGF, which is designed to
ensure the viability of agricultural holdings, and not a social security
Admittedly, while the determination of normal
retirement age in the context of the grant of early retirement support, in the
absence of harmonisation at EU level, falls within the competence of the Member
States, they may not, however, rely on the difference in treatment that they are
authorised to retain when defining retirement age in the field of social
On the contrary, in the context of early
retirement support for elderly farmers, Member States are required to ensure
equal treatment between women and men and, therefore, to prohibit any
discrimination on grounds of gender.
Elderly female farmers and elderly male farmers
are in comparable situations, in the light of the purpose of early retirement
However, EU law precludes that comparable
situations be treated differently and, therefore, in particular, that men,
without objective justification, have a longer period in which to submit their
application for support than women.
In that context, the Court notes that, in the
present case, the difference in treatment cannot be objectively justified, since
the objectives of structural change in the agricultural sector envisaged by
support for early retirement from farming can clearly be attained without the
Member States resorting to discriminatory treatment.
Finally, the Court recalls that, where
discrimination contrary to EU law is established - and as long as measures
reinstating equal treatment have not been adopted – persons within the
disadvantaged category must be granted the same advantages as those within the
favoured category.
A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the
courts and tribunals of the Member States, in disputes which have been brought
before them, to refer questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation
of European Union law or the validity of a European Union act.
The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute
It is for the national court or tribunal to
dispose of the case in accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly
binding on other national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is
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