Una relazione rivela che i figli dei migranti hanno maggiori probabilità di approdare in scuole mediocri
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Data documento: 11-04-2013
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Migrant children more likely to end up in poor schools, report says
Una relazione rivela che i figli dei migranti hanno maggiori probabilità di approdare in scuole mediocri
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Newly arrived migrant children are more likely to face segregation and end up in schools with fewer resources, according to a new study conducted for the European Commission.
Secondo un nuovo studio svolto per conto della Commissione europea, i minori di recente immigrazione sono maggiormente esposti al rischio di subire la segregazione scolastica e di frequentare scuole dotate di meno risorse.
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This leads to under-performance and a high probability that the children will drop out of school early.
Ciò si traduce in uno scarso rendimento e in un'elevata probabilità di abbandono scolastico precoce.
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The study suggests that Member States should provide targeted educational support for migrant children such as specialist teachers and systematic involvement of parents and communities to improve their integration.
Ai fini di una migliore integrazione lo studio propone che gli Stati membri forniscano un sostegno educativo mirato ai figli dei migranti, ad esempio attraverso insegnanti specializzati e un coinvolgimento sistematico dei genitori e delle comunità.
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The study examines national policies in support of newly arrived migrant children in 15 countries which have seen significant recent immigration flows:
Lo studio esamina le politiche nazionali a sostegno dei minori di recente immigrazione relative a 15 paesi recentemente interessati da flussi migratori significativi:
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Austria, Belgium (Dutch-speaking community), the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the UK.
Austria, Belgio (comunità fiamminga), Cipro, Danimarca, Francia, Germania, Grecia, Irlanda, Italia, Lussemburgo, Norvegia, Paesi Bassi, Regno Unito, Repubblica ceca e Svezia.
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It finds that Denmark and Sweden have the best model, based on offering targeted support and a reasonable level of autonomy for schools.
Secondo le conclusioni della ricerca, il modello migliore è quello della Danimarca e della Svezia, che si basa sull'offerta di un sostegno mirato e su un ragionevole livello di autonomia delle scuole.
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The other countries tend to focus on only one of these aspects, which means they do not achieve better results in the inclusion of migrant children.
Gli altri paesi tendono a concentrarsi soltanto su uno di questi aspetti e il risultato è che non pervengono a una migliore inclusione dei figli dei migranti.
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Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, said:
Androulla Vassiliou, Commissaria responsabile per l'Istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù, ha dichiarato:
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"Every child, from whatever background, deserves a fair chance in education to acquire the skills they need in life and to boost their job prospects.
"Ogni minore, indipendentemente dalla sua origine, merita di avere la possibilità, attraverso l'istruzione, di acquisire le competenze necessarie per la vita e che danno migliori prospettive di lavoro.
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We need to improve our record in Europe on this and provide more support to vulnerable groups.
Dobbiamo migliorare i risultati europei in questo settore e fornire maggiore sostegno ai gruppi vulnerabili.
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We have to change the ethos which still exists in too many schools.
Occorre cambiare la mentalità che resiste in troppe scuole.
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Students who have grown up in the country are the first that need to adapt to migrant children.
Gli studenti cresciuti in un paese sono i primi a doversi adattare ai figli dei migranti.
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They should be encouraged to welcome them and we need the support of parents on this.
Dovrebbero essere incoraggiati all'accoglienza e su questo punto abbiamo bisogno dell'appoggio dei genitori.
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If we fail to act, we risk creating a vicious circle where lack of opportunity leads to poor results in school and a greater likelihood of unemployment and poverty."
Non intervenendo rischiamo di creare un circolo vizioso in cui la mancanza di opportunità si traduce in risultati scolastici mediocri e in una maggiore probabilità di disoccupazione e di povertà."
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The study's analysis highlights the importance of school autonomy and of a holistic approach to educational support for new migrant children;this includes linguistic and academic support, parental and community involvement, and intercultural education.
L'analisi sottolinea l'importanza dell'autonomia scolastica e di un approccio olistico in materia di sostegno educativo ai minori di recente immigrazione, comprendente il sostegno linguistico e scolastico, il coinvolgimento dei genitori e delle comunità e l'educazione interculturale.
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It says schools should avoid segregation as well as early selection of pupils in terms of ability, as this may disadvantage migrant children who are adapting to a new language.
Secondo lo studio, le scuole dovrebbero evitare la segregazione e la selezione precoce degli alunni sulla base delle abilità, in quanto ciò potrebbe sfavorire i figli dei migranti che si stanno adattando a una nuova lingua.
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The study also underlines the need to improve monitoring and collection of statistics on access, participation and performance of migrant pupils and students.
Viene inoltre sottolineata la necessità di migliorare il monitoraggio e la raccolta di dati statistici sull'accesso, sulla partecipazione e sul rendimento degli alunni e degli studenti migranti.
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The study's findings reflect statistics from the OECD Programme for International Student
Assessment (PISA), which tests the skills and knowledge of 15
year olds. |
I risultati dello studio riflettono le statistiche dell'indagine PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) dell'OCSE, che valuta le competenze e le conoscenze dei quindicenni.
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The OECD found that, in 2010, 25.9% of foreign born pupils in Europe abandoned education or training prematurely compared to 13% of pupils born in the country.
L'OCSE ha rilevato che nel 2010, in Europa, il tasso di abbandono precoce dell'istruzione o della formazione è stato del 25,9% tra gli alunni stranieri, contro un livello del 13% tra quelli autoctoni.
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The Commission's study finds that in most countries, schools are either left to themselves to follow broad national guidelines on the allocation of funds or, on the contrary, lack the autonomy to tailor support to individual needs and adjust national policies to local circumstances.
Lo studio della Commissione rileva che nella maggior parte dei paesi le scuole sono lasciate a loro stesse per quanto riguarda l'applicazione degli orientamenti nazionali generali in materia di assegnazione dei fondi oppure, al contrario, non dispongono dell'autonomia necessaria per adattare il sostegno alle singole esigenze e per calibrare le politiche nazionali in funzione della situazione locale.
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The study distinguishes 5 types of educational support systems:
Lo studio individua cinque tipi di sostegno educativo:
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The comprehensive support model (examples: Denmark, Sweden)
il modello del sostegno complessivo (esempi: Danimarca e Svezia),
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This provides continuous support in the areas which are most relevant to the inclusion of newly arrived migrant children:
che prevede un sostegno continuativo nei settori più importanti ai fini dell'inclusione dei minori di recente immigrazione:
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linguistic support, academic support, parental involvement, intercultural education and friendly learning environment.
sostegno linguistico, sostegno scolastico, coinvolgimento dei genitori, educazione interculturale e ambiente favorevole all'apprendimento;
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The non-systematic support model (examples: Italy, Cyprus, Greece)
il modello del sostegno non sistematico (esempi: Italia, Cipro e Grecia),
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Characterized by a random approach in terms of the support provided.
caratterizzato da un approccio casuale per quanto riguarda il sostegno fornito.
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Policies are not always clearly articulated, effectively resourced or implemented.
Le politiche non sono sempre formulate in modo chiaro, né dotate di risorse adeguate o attuate in modo efficace.
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Teachers, parents and local communities are largely left without clear guidance.
Gli insegnanti, i genitori e le comunità locali restano in larga misura privi di orientamenti precisi;
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The compensatory support model (examples: Belgium, Austria)
il modello del sostegno compensativo (esempi: Belgio e Austria),
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It includes all types of support policies, with continuous teaching of the host country language, but with rather weak academic support, early tracking of children's ability and early division into ability groups.
che prevede svariate forme di politiche di sostegno ed è caratterizzato dall'insegnamento continuativo della lingua del paese ospitante, dal sostegno didattico, pur piuttosto contenuto, dall'individuazione precoce delle abilità dei discenti e dalla divisione precoce in gruppi di abilità.
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This model is 'compensatory' as it aims at correcting the differences, rather than tackling the initial disadvantage.
Questo modello è "compensativo", nel senso che mira a correggere le differenze piuttosto che a contrastare lo svantaggio di partenza;
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The integration model (example: Ireland)
il modello dell'integrazione (esempio: Irlanda)
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Characterized by well-developed cooperation and intercultural education policies.
caratterizzato da politiche di cooperazione e di educazione interculturale ben sviluppate.
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Liaison between school, parents and local community is systematic, while intercultural learning is well integrated into the curricula and promoted in school daily life.
Il collegamento tra scuola, genitori e comunità locale è sistematico e l'apprendimento interculturale è ben integrato nei programmi scolastici e promosso nella vita scolastica quotidiana.
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It is not focused on linguistic support.
Il modello non si concentra sul sostegno linguistico;
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The centralised entry support model (examples: France, Luxembourg)
il modello del sostegno centralizzato all'ingresso (esempi: Francia e Lussemburgo),
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This model focuses on centralised reception of migrant children and the provision of academic support.
basato sull'accoglienza centralizzata dei figli dei migranti e sull'offerta di un sostegno scolastico.
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It provides well-developed targeted support programmes for under-achieving pupils, as well as linguistic support and outreach to parents.
Offre programmi articolati di sostegno mirato a favore degli alunni con scarso rendimento, come pure un sostegno linguistico e l'ascolto dei genitori.
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The independent study was conducted for the Commission by the Public Policy and Management Institute, Lithuania.
Lo studio indipendente è stato realizzato per la Commissione dal Public Policy and Management Institute della Lituania.
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As part of its strategy for jobs and growth, the European Union encourages Member States to invest more in education in order to strengthen their economies and provide young people with skills needed on the labour market.
L'Unione europea, nel quadro della strategia per la crescita e l'occupazione, incoraggia gli Stati membri a investire di più nell'istruzione, in modo da rafforzare le economie europee e far acquisire ai giovani le competenze richieste dal mercato del lavoro.
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EU countries have pledged to reduce the share of young people with poor basic skills (reading, maths, science) and of those who leave education prematurely by 2020.
I paesi dell'UE si sono impegnati a ridurre, entro il 2020, la percentuale di giovani in possesso di scarse competenze di base (nella lettura, nella matematica e nelle scienze) e di coloro che abbandonano prematuramente la scuola.
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They agreed that the share of 15-year olds with insufficient abilities in reading, mathematics and science should be less than 15% by 2020, that the share of early leavers from education and training should be less than 10% and that the share of 30-34 year olds with tertiary educational attainment should be at least 40%.
Hanno convenuto che entro il 2020 la percentuale di quindicenni in possesso di abilità insufficienti nel campo della lettura, della matematica e delle scienze debba essere inferiore al 15%, che la percentuale di abbandono precoce dell'istruzione e della formazione debba essere inferiore al 10% e che quella delle persone di età compresa tra i 30 e i 34 anni con un livello di istruzione terziaria debba essere almeno del 40%.
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Net migration to Europe has tripled since 1960.
Dal 1960 la migrazione netta verso l'Europa è triplicata.
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Teaching immigrant children is becoming a critical issue e.g. in 2009/2010 academic year there were 17.6% of pupils registered in Austrian schools had a first language other than German; in Greece the percentage of non-native pupils in primary and secondary schools has risen from 7.3% to 12% in the past five years.
L'insegnamento ai figli dei migranti sta diventando una questione di importanza cruciale: nell'anno scolastico 2009/2010 gli alunni di prima lingua diversa dal tedesco iscritti nelle scuole austriache erano il 17,6% del totale e negli ultimi cinque anni la percentuale degli alunni non autoctoni in Grecia è salita dal 7,3 al 12% nell'istruzione primaria e secondaria.
Migrant children more likely to end up in poor schools, report says
Newly arrived migrant children are more likely to face segregation and
end up in schools with fewer resources, according to a new study conducted for
the European Commission.
This leads to under-performance and a high probability that the
children will drop out of school early.
The study suggests that Member States should provide targeted
educational support for migrant children such as specialist teachers and
systematic involvement of parents and communities to improve their integration.
he study examines national policies in support of newly arrived migrant
children in 15 countries which have seen significant recent immigration flows:
Austria, Belgium (Dutch-speaking community), the Czech Republic,
Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg,
Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the UK.
It finds that Denmark and Sweden have the best model, based on offering
targeted support and a reasonable level of autonomy for schools.
The other countries tend to focus on only one of these aspects, which
means they do not achieve better results in the inclusion of migrant children.
Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture,
Multilingualism and Youth, said:
"Every child, from whatever background, deserves a fair chance in
education to acquire the skills they need in life and to boost their job
We need to improve our record in Europe on this and provide more support to
vulnerable groups.
We have to change the ethos which still exists in too many schools.
Students who have grown up in the country are the first that need to adapt to
migrant children.
They should be encouraged to welcome them and we need the support of parents on
If we fail to act, we risk creating a vicious circle where lack of opportunity
leads to poor results in school and a greater likelihood of unemployment and
The study's analysis highlights the importance of school
autonomy and of a holistic approach to educational support for new migrant
children;this includes linguistic and academic support, parental and community
involvement, and intercultural education.
It says schools should avoid segregation as well as early selection of
pupils in terms of ability, as this may disadvantage migrant children who are
adapting to a new language.
The study also underlines the need to improve monitoring and collection
of statistics on access, participation and performance of migrant pupils and
The study's findings reflect statistics from the OECD Programme for
International Student
Assessment (PISA), which tests the skills and knowledge of 15 year olds. The
OECD found that, in 2010, 25.9% of foreign born pupils in Europe abandoned
education or training prematurely compared to 13% of pupils born in the country.
The Commission's study finds that in most countries, schools are
either left to themselves to follow broad national guidelines on the allocation
of funds or, on the contrary, lack the autonomy to tailor support to individual
needs and adjust national policies to local circumstances.
The study distinguishes 5 types of educational support systems:
The comprehensive support model (examples: Denmark, Sweden)
This provides continuous support in the areas which are most relevant to the
inclusion of newly arrived migrant children:
linguistic support, academic support, parental involvement, intercultural
education and friendly learning environment.
The non-systematic support model (examples: Italy, Cyprus, Greece)
Characterized by a random approach in terms of the support provided.
Policies are not always clearly articulated, effectively resourced or
Teachers, parents and local communities are largely left without clear guidance.
The compensatory support model (examples: Belgium, Austria)
It includes all types of support policies, with continuous teaching of the host
country language, but with rather weak academic support, early tracking of
children's ability and early division into ability groups.
This model is 'compensatory' as it aims at correcting the differences, rather
than tackling the initial disadvantage.
The integration model (example: Ireland)
Characterized by well-developed cooperation and intercultural education
Liaison between school, parents and local community is systematic, while
intercultural learning is well integrated into the curricula and promoted in
school daily life.
It is not focused on linguistic support.
The centralised entry support model (examples: France, Luxembourg)
This model focuses on centralised reception of migrant children and the
provision of academic support.
It provides well-developed targeted support programmes for under-achieving
pupils, as well as linguistic support and outreach to parents.
The independent study was conducted for the Commission by the Public
Policy and Management Institute, Lithuania.
As part of its strategy for jobs and growth, the European Union
encourages Member States to invest more in education in order to strengthen
their economies and provide young people with skills needed on the labour
EU countries have pledged to reduce the share of young people with poor
basic skills (reading, maths, science) and of those who leave education
prematurely by 2020.
They agreed that the share of 15-year olds with insufficient abilities
in reading, mathematics and science should be less than 15% by 2020, that the
share of early leavers from education and training should be less than 10% and
that the share of 30-34 year olds with tertiary educational attainment should be
at least 40%.
Net migration to Europe has tripled since 1960.
Teaching immigrant children is becoming a critical issue e.g. in
2009/2010 academic year there were 17.6% of pupils registered in Austrian
schools had a first language other than German; in Greece the percentage of
non-native pupils in primary and secondary schools has risen from 7.3% to 12% in
the past five years.