IL sistema d'informazione Schengen di seconda generazione (SIS II) diventa operativo
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Data documento: 09-04-2013
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Schengen Information System (SIS II) goes live
Il sistema d'informazione Schengen di seconda generazione (SIS II) diventa operativo
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Today, the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) enters into operation to increase security and facilitate free movement within the Schengen area.
Entra oggi in funzione il Sistema d'informazione Schengen di seconda generazione (SIS II), che contribuirà ad aumentare la sicurezza e a facilitare la libera circolazione nello spazio Schengen.
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The SIS II allows for an easy exchange of information between national border control authorities, customs and police authorities on persons who may have been involved in a serious crime.
Il SIS II permette alle autorità nazionali doganali, di polizia e di controllo delle frontiere di scambiarsi agevolmente informazioni sulle persone che potrebbero essere coinvolte in reati gravi.
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It also contains alerts on missing persons, in particular children, as well as information on certain property, such as banknotes, cars, vans, firearms and identity documents that may have been stolen, misappropriated or lost.
Contiene inoltre segnalazioni sulle persone scomparse, soprattutto minori, e informazioni su determinati beni, quali banconote, automobili, furgoni, armi da fuoco e documenti di identità che potrebbero essere stati rubati, sottratti o smarriti.
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Cecilia Malmström, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, said:
Cecilia Malmström, Commissaria per gli Affari interni, ha dichiarato:
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“I am pleased to announce that SIS II is now entering into operation.
"Sono lieta di annunciare che il SIS II diventa ora operativo.
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Together with colleagues in the Council and Parliament I have brought the development phase of the project to a successful conclusion.
Assieme ai colleghi del Consiglio e del Parlamento europeo abbiamo portato proficuamente a termine la fase di sviluppo del progetto.
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I inherited a difficult file and putting this project back on track was not an easy task, but with my firm determination we were able to overcome major challenges.
Il fascicolo che avevamo ereditato era complesso e non è stato facile rilanciarlo, ma grazie alla forte determinazione siamo riusciti a sormontare grossi problemi.
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We can now move to the implementation phase that will be overseen by the new agency, eu-LISA".
Possiamo ora passare alla fase di attuazione, che sarà controllata dalla nuova agenzia europea per la gestione operativa dei sistemi IT
(eu-LISA). |
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Krum Garkov, Executive Director of the European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice (eu-LISA) said:
Krum Garkov, direttore esecutivo dell'agenzia europea per la gestione operativa dei sistemi IT su larga scala nello spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia (eu-LISA) ha affermato:
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"We stand ready to take over the operational management of SIS II.
"Siamo pronti ad assumere la gestione operativa del SIS II.
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We are working closely with the Commission and the Member States to ensure a smooth transition to managing the system, providing a 24/7 service to the Member States and contributing to the efforts for a safer Europe".
Stiamo collaborando strettamente con la Commissione e gli Stati membri per garantire una transizione graduale nella gestione del sistema, fornire un servizio 24/7 agli Stati membri e contribuire a rendere l'Europa più sicura".
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With the abolition of internal border checks, SIS II continues to play a crucial role in facilitating the free movement of people within the Schengen area.
Con l'eliminazione dei controlli alle frontiere interne, il SIS II continua a svolgere un ruolo essenziale nel facilitare la libera circolazione delle persone nello spazio Schengen.
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SIS II is the second generation of the Schengen Information System in operation since 1995 and has enhanced functionalities, such as the possibility to enter biometrics (fingerprints and photographs), new types of alerts (stolen aircrafts, boats, containers, means of payment), or the possibility to link different alerts (such as an alert on a person and a vehicle).
Il SIS II rappresenta la seconda generazione del Sistema d'informazione Schengen, operativo dal 1995, ed è dotato di funzioni avanzate, come la possibilità di inserire dati biometrici (impronte digitali e fotografie), nuovi tipi di segnalazioni (aeromobili, natanti, container e mezzi di pagamento rubati) o la possibilità di collegare segnalazioni diverse (ad esempio una segnalazione su una persona e su un veicolo).
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SIS II will also contain copies of European Arrest Warrants (EAW) attached directly to alerts for persons wanted for arrest, surrender or extradition, making it easier and quicker for the competent authorities to ensure the necessary follow-up.
Il SIS II conterrà inoltre copie dei mandati d'arresto europei collegati direttamente a segnalazioni per l'arresto a fini di consegna o di estradizione, rendendo più semplice e più rapido per le autorità competenti garantire il seguito necessario.
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SIS II ensures strong data protection.
Il SIS II assicura una rigorosa protezione dei dati.
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Access to SIS II is limited to the national border control, police, customs, judicial, visa and vehicle registration authorities.
L'accesso al sistema è limitato alle autorità nazionali giudiziarie, doganali e di polizia e a quelle competenti per il controllo delle frontiere, i visti e i certificati di immatricolazione per veicoli.
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Anyone has the right to access data that is related to them and entered in the SIS II and can also request the competent national authority to correct or delete their personal information.
Chiunque ha il diritto di accedere ai dati che lo riguardano inseriti nel SIS II e può chiedere all'autorità nazionale competente di rettificare o cancellare i propri dati personali.
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Everyone can also take action before a court, to access, correct, delete or obtain information or to obtain compensation in connection with an alert relating to them.
Inoltre chiunque può agire in giudizio per accedere alle informazioni, rettificarle, cancellarle o ottenerle, o per ottenere un indennizzo relativamente ad una segnalazione che lo riguarda.
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The National Supervisory Authorities and the European Data Protection Supervisor shall cooperate actively and ensure a coordinated supervision of SIS II.
Le autorità nazionali di controllo e il garante europeo della protezione dei dati cooperano attivamente e assicurano il controllo coordinato del SIS II.
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SIS II is a state-of-the-art IT system and consists of three components: a central system, Schengen States' national systems and a communication infrastructure between the central and national systems.
Il SIS II è un sistema IT all'avanguardia che consta di un sistema centrale, un sistema nazionale in ciascuno Stato Schengen e un'infrastruttura di comunicazione fra il sistema centrale e i sistemi nazionali.
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At the end of February 2013, the total budgetary commitments made by the Commission on the SIS II project since 2002 amounts to EUR 167 784 606.
A fine febbraio 2013 il totale degli impegni di bilancio previsti dalla Commissione per il progetto SIS II dal 2002 ammontava a 167 784 606 euro.
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The migration of data from SIS I+ to SIS II shall be terminated following an intensive monitoring period (lasting for one month), during which both SIS I+ and SIS II will continue to co-exist and remain synchronised.
La migrazione dei dati dal SIS 1+ al SIS II è ultimata dopo un periodo di monitoraggio intensivo (di un mese) durante il quale i due sistemi coesisteranno e rimarranno sincronizzati.
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As from 9 May 2013 the IT Agency (eu-LISA) will take over responsibility for the day-to-day running of the central system.
A partire dal 9 maggio 2013, l'agenzia IT (eu-LISA) sarà responsabile della gestione quotidiana del sistema centrale.
Schengen Information System (SIS II) goes live
Today, the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II)
enters into operation to increase security and facilitate free movement within
the Schengen area.
The SIS II allows for an easy exchange of information between national
border control authorities, customs and police authorities on persons who may
have been involved in a serious crime.
It also contains alerts on missing persons, in particular children, as
well as information on certain property, such as banknotes, cars, vans, firearms
and identity documents that may have been stolen, misappropriated or lost.
Cecilia Malmström, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs, said:
“I am pleased to announce that SIS II is now entering into operation.
Together with colleagues in the Council and Parliament I have brought
the development phase of the project to a successful conclusion.
I inherited a difficult file and putting this project back on track was
not an easy task, but with my firm determination we were able to overcome major
We can now move to the implementation phase that will be overseen by
the new agency, eu-LISA".
Krum Garkov, Executive Director of the European Agency for the
operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom,
security and justice (eu-LISA) said:
"We stand ready to take over the operational management of SIS II.
We are working closely with the Commission and the Member States to
ensure a smooth transition to managing the system, providing a 24/7 service to
the Member States and contributing to the efforts for a safer Europe".
With the abolition of internal border checks, SIS II continues to play
a crucial role in facilitating the free movement of people within the Schengen
SIS II is the second generation of the Schengen Information System in
operation since 1995 and has enhanced functionalities, such as the possibility
to enter biometrics (fingerprints and photographs), new types of alerts (stolen
aircrafts, boats, containers, means of payment), or the possibility to link
different alerts (such as an alert on a person and a vehicle).
SIS II will also contain copies of European Arrest Warrants (EAW)
attached directly to alerts for persons wanted for arrest, surrender or
extradition, making it easier and quicker for the competent authorities to
ensure the necessary follow-up.
SIS II ensures strong data protection.
Access to SIS II is limited to the national border control, police,
customs, judicial, visa and vehicle registration authorities.
Anyone has the right to access data that is related to them and entered
in the SIS II and can also request the competent national authority to correct
or delete their personal information.
Everyone can also take action before a court, to access, correct,
delete or obtain information or to obtain compensation in connection with an
alert relating to them.
The National Supervisory Authorities and the European Data Protection Supervisor
shall cooperate actively and ensure a coordinated supervision of SIS II.
SIS II is a state-of-the-art IT system and consists of three
components: a central system, Schengen States' national systems and a
communication infrastructure between the central and national systems.
At the end of February 2013, the total budgetary commitments made by
the Commission on the SIS II project since 2002 amounts to EUR 167 784 606.
The migration of data from SIS I+ to SIS II shall be terminated
following an intensive monitoring period (lasting for one month), during which
both SIS I+ and SIS II will continue to co-exist and remain synchronised.
As from 9 May 2013 the IT Agency (eu-LISA) will take over
responsibility for the day-to-day running of the central system.