Azione per il clima: la Commissione europea incoraggia l'industria a diffondere le migliori pratiche in materia di clima
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Data documento: 08-04-2013
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Climate Action: European Commission engages industry to spread best climate practices
Azione per il clima: la Commissione europea incoraggia l'industria a diffondere le migliori pratiche in materia di clima
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On Monday 8 April 2013, industry and public sector representatives from 10 European Member States participate in a field trip to visit leading energy efficiency business-cases in Denmark.
Lunedì 8 aprile 2013 alcuni rappresentanti dell'industria e del settore pubblico di 10 Stati membri si recheranno in Danimarca per visitare delle aziende innovative in materia di efficienza energetica.
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The field-trip is the first in a series of events arranged by stakeholders in support of the Commission flagship campaign on climate action A world you like.
Questo viaggio di studio è il primo di una serie di eventi organizzati da portatori di interessi a sostegno della campagna della Commissione a favore dell'azione per il clima "Un mondo come piace a te".
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Since its launch in October last year, more than 150 partners have joined the campaign as partners and supporters.
Dal suo avvio in ottobre scorso oltre 150 partner hanno aderito alla campagna in qualità di partner e sostenitori.
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Over the coming months a number of them will arrange conferences, exhibitions, events and the like to share best practices and increase awareness on how to combine increased climate action with economic benefits and improved quality of life.
Nei prossimi mesi alcuni di loro organizzeranno conferenze, mostre e eventi analoghi per condividere le migliori pratiche e informare su come sia possibile associare il rafforzamento dell'azione per il clima ai vantaggi economici e al miglioramento della qualità della vita.
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This field trip, Engage in Energy Efficient Production, is organised by the Confederation of Danish Industries, in support of the European Commission climate action campaign A world you like, which puts focus on the no-regret solutions where economic benefits and climate action go hand in hand.
Questo viaggio "Impegnati nella produzione a basso consumo energetico" è organizzato dalla Confederazione delle industrie danesi a sostegno della campagna della Commissione europea "Un mondo come piace a te" che si incentra su soluzioni definite "senza rimpianti" in cui vantaggi economici e azione per il clima procedono di pari passo.
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"The real climate challenge is to apply the solutions we already know at the necessary speed.
"La vera sfida in materia di clima è l'applicazione delle soluzioni già note alla velocità necessaria.
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So it is crucial to spread the good practices and avoid that everybody tries to reinvent the wheel themselves", said Connie Hedegaard, Commissioner for Climate Action, who will participate in parts of the trip.
Per questa ragione occorre assolutamente diffondere le buone pratiche e evitare che tutti si impegnino a reinventare la ruota" ha dichiarato Connie Hedegaard, Commissaria per l'Azione per il clima che parteciperà a parte del viaggio.
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The field-trip includes visits to companies from a variety of sectors ranging from foods to industrial components thus demonstrating that economic benefits from energy efficiency is a potential for businesses across the board.
Questo viaggio prevede la visita di imprese di vari settori, da quello alimentare a quello di componenti industriali, dimostrando in questo modo che i vantaggi economici derivanti dall'efficienza energetica offrono potenzialità per tutti i tipi di imprese.
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One example is Grundfos, which is among the companies that will receive the participants and show them around its production site.
Un esempio è costituito da Grundfos, una delle imprese che accoglierà i partecipanti e farà visitare il suo sito di produzione.
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One of the world's leading pump manufacturers, Grundfos has an annual turnover of EUR 3 billion.
Uno dei più importanti produttori mondiali di pompe, Grundfos vanta un fatturato annuo di 3 miliardi di euro.
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Since 2008, the company has reduced its production-related emissions by more than 11% through targeted energy efficiency projects – corresponding to a total of more than 14.000 tonnes.
Dal 2008 l'impresa ha ridotto le emissioni legate ai processi produttivi di oltre l'11% grazie a progetti incentrati sull'efficienza energetica per un totale di oltre 14 000 tonnellate.
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In the same period the turnover has increased by almost 20%.
Nello stesso periodo il fatturato è aumentato di circa il 20%.
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In Denmark alone, the company estimates to save annually EUR 2.5 million through energy efficiency.
Solo in Danimarca, si calcola che l'impresa risparmi circa 2,5 milioni di EUR l'anno grazie all'efficienza energetica.
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"For us, energy efficiency is about good business as well as about sustainability.
"Per noi, l'efficienza energetica non è solo una questione di sostenibilità ma anche di redditività.
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By saving energy and CO2-emissions we reduce our production costs.
Risparmiando energia e emissioni di CO2, riduciamo anche i nostri costi di produzione.
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That improves our profitability and competitive edge.
In questo modo abbiamo migliorato i profitti e il margine di competitività.
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It is really just a matter of common sense", said Grundfos CEO Carsten Bjerg.
In fin dei conti è solo una questione di buon senso" ha dichiarato l'amministratore delegato della Grundfos, Carsten Bjerg.
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Facts on A world you like:
La campagna "Un mondo come piace a te"
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Since its launch in October 2012, the campaign has attracted more than 20.000 followers on social media and more than 150 official partners including public authorities, non-governmental organisations, academia and businesses.
Dall'avvio nell'ottobre 2012 la campagna ha attirato più di 20 000 follower sui media sociali e oltre 150 partner ufficiali tra cui autorità pubbliche, organizzazioni non governative, rappresentanti del mondo universitario e imprese.
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A world you like aims to showcase existing cost-efficient solutions for achieving the EU's objective of an 80-95% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, as well as to encourage new solutions.
L'intento è far conoscere le soluzioni, efficienti rispetto ai costi, esistenti per conseguire l'obiettivo dell'UE di una riduzione dell'80-95% delle emissioni di gas serra entro il 2050, nonché incoraggiare la ricerca di nuove soluzioni.
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Facts on Engage in Energy Efficient Production:
L'iniziativa "Impegnati nella produzione a basso consumo energetico"
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The participants represent 17 organisations ranging from private companies, industry associations to think tanks and government bodies.
I partecipanti al viaggio studio rappresentano 17 organizzazioni tra cui imprese private, associazioni industriali, gruppi di riflessione e enti pubblici.
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The participants represent 10 Member States, including Germany, France, Spain, Poland, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Sweden and Finland.
I partecipanti provengono da 10 Stati membri, tra cui Germania, Francia, Spagna, Polonia, Bulgaria, Lituania, Svezia e Finlandia.
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Apart from pump manufacturer Grundfos, the participants will visit the food company Danish Crown, and Saint-Gobain ISOVER which develops and produces innovative and sustainable insulation solutions.
A parte il produttore di pompe Grundfos, i partecipanti visiteranno l'industria agroalimentare Danish Crow e Saint-Gobain ISOVER che sviluppa e produce soluzioni di isolamento innovative e sostenibili.
Climate Action: European Commission engages industry to spread best
climate practices
On Monday 8 April 2013, industry and public sector representatives from
10 European Member States participate in a field trip to visit leading energy
efficiency business-cases in Denmark.
The field-trip is the first in a series of events arranged by
stakeholders in support of the Commission flagship campaign on climate action A
world you like.
Since its launch in October last year, more than 150 partners have
joined the campaign as partners and supporters.
Over the coming months a number of them will arrange conferences,
exhibitions, events and the like to share best practices and increase awareness
on how to combine increased climate action with economic benefits and improved
quality of life.
This field trip, Engage in Energy Efficient Production, is organised by
the Confederation of Danish Industries, in support of the European Commission
climate action campaign A world you like, which puts focus on the no-regret
solutions where economic benefits and climate action go hand in hand.
"The real climate challenge is to apply the solutions we already know
at the necessary speed.
So it is crucial to spread the good practices and avoid that everybody
tries to reinvent the wheel themselves", said Connie Hedegaard, Commissioner for
Climate Action, who will participate in parts of the trip.
The field-trip includes visits to companies from a variety of sectors
ranging from foods to industrial components thus demonstrating that economic
benefits from energy efficiency is a potential for businesses across the board.
One example is Grundfos, which is among the companies that will receive
the participants and show them around its production site.
One of the world's leading pump manufacturers, Grundfos has an annual
turnover of EUR 3 billion.
Since 2008, the company has reduced its production-related emissions by
more than 11% through targeted energy efficiency projects – corresponding to a
total of more than 14.000 tonnes.
In the same period the turnover has increased by almost 20%.
In Denmark alone, the company estimates to save annually EUR 2.5
million through energy efficiency.
"For us, energy efficiency is about good business as well as about
By saving energy and CO2-emissions we reduce our production costs.
That improves our profitability and competitive edge.
It is really just a matter of common sense", said Grundfos CEO Carsten
Facts on A world you like:
Since its launch in October 2012, the campaign has attracted more than
20.000 followers on social media and more than 150 official partners including
public authorities, non-governmental organisations, academia and businesses.
A world you like aims to showcase existing cost-efficient solutions for
achieving the EU's objective of an 80-95% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
by 2050, as well as to encourage new solutions.
Facts on Engage in Energy Efficient Production:
The participants represent 17 organisations ranging from private
companies, industry associations to think tanks and government bodies.
The participants represent 10 Member States, including Germany, France,
Spain, Poland, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Sweden and Finland.
Apart from pump manufacturer Grundfos, the participants will visit the
food company Danish Crown, and Saint-Gobain ISOVER which develops and produces
innovative and sustainable insulation solutions.