Raffronto dei risultati degli Stati membri dell'UE nel campo dell'innovazione
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Data documento: 26-03-2013
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Comparing the innovation performance of EU Member States
Raffronto dei risultati degli Stati membri dell'UE nel campo dell'innovazione
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This memo explains the objectives of the Innovation Union Scoreboard and provides an overview of the research and innovation performance of EU Member States and associated and neighbouring countries, as measured by the Innovation Union Scoreboard 2013.
Il presente documento illustra gli obiettivi del quadro valutativo dell'"Unione dell'innovazione" e fornisce una visione generale dei risultati ottenuti dagli Stati membri dell'UE e paesi associati e dai paesi contermini nel campo della ricerca e dell'innovazione, misurati in base al quadro valutativo dell'innovazione 2013.
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What is the Innovation Union Scoreboard (IUS)?
Quadro valutativo dell'"Unione dell'innovazione"
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The annual Innovation Union Scoreboard provides a comparative assessment of the research and innovation performance of the EU27 Member States and the relative strengths and weaknesses of their research and innovation systems.
Il quadro valutativo annuale dell'"Unione dell'innovazione" mette a confronto i risultati ottenuti nel campo della ricerca e dell'innovazione dai 27 Stati membri dell'UE e i punti di forza e di debolezza dei loro sistemi di ricerca e innovazione.
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It helps Member States assess areas in which they need to concentrate their efforts in order to boost their innovation performance.
Gli Stati membri si servono di tale quadro per valutare in quali ambiti sono chiamati a concentrare gli sforzi al fine di rafforzare la loro resa innovativa.
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In addition, the Scoreboard covers Croatia, Serbia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland.
Nel quadro di valutazione sono contemplate anche la Croazia, la Serbia, l'ex Repubblica iugoslava di Macedonia, la Turchia, l'Islanda, la Norvegia e la Svizzera.
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On a more limited number of indicators, available internationally, it also covers Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Japan, Russia, South Africa, South Korea and the US.
Basandosi su una serie più limitata di indicatori, disponibili a livello internazionale, esso copre anche Australia, Brasile, Canada, Cina, India, Giappone, Russia, Sud Africa, Corea del Sud e Stati Uniti.
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Every two years the Innovation Union Scoreboard is accompanied by a Regional Innovation Scoreboard.
Ogni due anni il quadro valutativo dell'"Unione dell'innovazione" è accompagnato da un quadro di valutazione dell'innovazione regionale.
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This year, the Commission has also published for the first time a pilot European Public Sector Innovation Scoreboard.
Quest'anno la Commissione ha anche pubblicato per la prima volta un progetto pilota per un quadro europeo di valutazione dell'innovazione nella pubblica amministrazione.
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What are the main indicators used for the Innovation Union Scoreboard?
Principali indicatori utilizzati per il quadro di valutativo dell'"Unione dell'innovazione"
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The Innovation Union Scoreboard, following the methodology of the previous edition, captures a total of 24 different indicators, distinguishing between eight innovation dimensions and three main categories of indicators:
Il quadro valutativo dell'"Unione dell'innovazione", secondo la metodologia applicata nella precedente edizione, comprende un totale di 24 indicatori , distinguendo tra otto dimensioni dell'innovazione e tre principali categorie di indicatori:
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Enablers:-the basic building blocks which allow innovation to take place - human resources, open, excellent and attractive research systems, and finance and support.
"Abilitatori", vale a dire elementi fondamentali che rendono possibile l'innovazione (risorse umane, sistemi di ricerca aperti, di eccellenza e attrattivi, nonché finanziamenti e aiuti);
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Firm activities: which capture innovation efforts in European firms - firm investments, linkages and entrepreneurship, and intellectual assets.
"Attività delle imprese", che descrivono gli sforzi di innovazione delle imprese europee (investimenti, concatenazioni e imprenditorialità, valori intellettuali);
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Outputs: show how this translates into benefits for the economy as a whole - innovators and economic effects.
e "Output", ad indicare come ciò si traduca in vantaggi per l'economia nel suo complesso (innovatori ed effetti economici).
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Main results of the Innovation Union Scoreboard 2013
Principali risultati del quadro valutativo dell'"Unione dell'innovazione" 2013
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Who are the innovation leaders in the European Union?
I leader dell'innovazione nell'Unione europea
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A measure for a country’s innovation performance is provided by the Summary Innovation Index, a composite indicator obtained by an appropriate aggregation of the IUS indicators (see Section 6 of the Scoreboard for a brief explanation of the calculation methodology).
L'indice sintetico dell'innovazione, indicatore composito ottenuto mediante un'appropriata aggregazione degli indicatori del quadro di valutazione, misura i risultati di un paese nel campo dell'innovazione (vedi sezione 6 del quadro di valutazione per una breve spiegazione della metodologia di calcolo).
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Based on the Summary Innovation Index, the Member States fall into the following four country groups :
Gli Stati membri si suddividono nei seguenti quattro gruppi di prestazioni in funzione dell'indice sintetico dell'innovazione :
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Innovation leaders: Sweden, Germany, Denmark and Finland, all show a performance well above that of the EU average.
Leader dell'innovazione: Svezia, Germania, Danimarca e Finlandia, che sono caratterizzati da una resa ben al di sopra della media dell'UE.
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Innovation followers: Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, the UK, Austria, Ireland, France, Slovenia, Cyprus and Estonia all show a performance close to that of the EU average.
Paesi che tengono il passo: Paesi Bassi, Lussemburgo, Belgio, Regno Unito, Austria, Irlanda, Francia, Slovenia, Cipro ed Estonia, che presentano risultati che si avvicinano a quelli della media dell'UE.
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Moderate innovators: The performance of Italy, Spain, Portugal, Czech Republic, Greece, Slovakia, Hungary, Malta and Lithuania is below that of the EU average.
Innovatori moderati: Italia, Spagna, Portogallo, Repubblica ceca, Grecia, Slovacchia, Ungheria, Malta e Lituania, che hanno risultati inferiori alla media dell'UE.
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Modest innovators: The performance of Poland, Latvia, Romania and Bulgaria is well below that of the EU average.
Paesi in ritardo: Polonia, Lettonia, Romania e Bulgaria, le cui prestazioni sono nettamente inferiori alla media dell'UE.
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The overall ranking remains relatively stable, with Sweden confirming its innovation leadership.
La classifica generale si mantiene relativamente stabile e la Svezia conferma la sua leadership in materia di innovazione.
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However, several upward and downward movements took place within the performance groups.
Tuttavia, i gruppi di prestazioni hanno registrato spesso variazioni verso il basso e verso l'alto.
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For example, the Netherlands became the top innovation follower.
Ad esempio, i Paesi Bassi sono oggi quelli che più tengono il passo nell'innovazione.
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Bulgaria is now at the bottom of the ranking, having been outpaced by Latvia, last year's poorest performer.
Attualmente la Bulgaria è in fondo alla classifica, essendo stata superata dalla Lettonia che l'anno scorso ha registrato i risultati peggiori.
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Two Member States changed their performance group:
Due Stati membri hanno cambiato gruppo di appartenenza:
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Lithuania advanced to the moderate innovators and Poland moved down becoming a modest innovator.
la Lituania è passata a quello degli innovatori moderati e la Polonia è scesa di categoria diventando un innovatore moderato.
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It should be noted, however, that in both cases the change in performance group was due to marginal changes in their innovation performance.
Va osservato, tuttavia, che in entrambi i casi il passaggio da un gruppo ad un altro era determinato da cambiamenti marginali nella resa innovativa di tali paesi.
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Have Member States improved their innovation performance?
Miglioramento della resa innovativa degli Stati membri
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The EU is increasing its innovation performance at an annual average rate of 1.6% over the 2008-2013 period, with Estonia being the unquestionable innovation growth leader (7.1%).
Tra il 2008 e il 2013 la resa innovativa dell'Unione europea è migliorata mediamente dell'1,6% all'anno; l'Estonia con il 7,1% è indiscutibilmente il leader della crescita dell'innovazione.
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However the innovation divide between the Member States is widening.
Tuttavia il divario a livello di innovazione tra gli Stati membri si sta accentuando.
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The lowest positive innovation growth rates were recorded in Poland (0.4%), Bulgaria (0.6%) and Sweden (0.6%).
I tassi di crescita dell'innovazione più modesti sono stati registrati in Polonia (0,4%), in Bulgaria (0,6%) e in Svezia (0,6%).
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In Cyprus and Greece innovation performance declined over the 2008-2013 period.
A Cipro e in Grecia la resa innovativa è calata nel periodo 2008-2013.
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Have Member States made progress since the launch of the Innovation Union flagship initiative?
Progressi compiuti dagli Stati membri dopo il lancio dell'iniziativa faro "Unione dell'innovazione"
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Since the launch of the Europe 2020 Innovation Union flagship initiative in 2010, most Member States improved their innovation performance, in particular all innovation leaders and innovation followers except the UK.
Dopo il lancio, nel 2010, dell'iniziativa faro "Unione dell'innovazione" nel quadro della strategia Europa 2020, la maggior parte degli Stati membri, in particolare tutti i paesi leader dell'innovazione e i paesi che tengono il passo, ad eccezione del Regno Unito, ha migliorato la propria resa innovativa.
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However, only few of the moderate innovators (Italy, Lithuania, Slovakia and Spain) and modest innovators (Latvia) managed to improve their innovation performance since the Innovation Union was launched.
Tuttavia, dal lancio dell'iniziativa "Unione dell'innovazione" soltanto pochi paesi tra gli innovatori moderati (Italia, Lituania, Slovacchia e Spagna) e i paesi in ritardo (Lettonia) sono riusciti a migliorare le loro prestazioni.
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In total, the innovation index has worsened in 9 countries:
Nel complesso, l'indice dell'innovazione è peggiorato in nove paesi:
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with a slight decline in United Kingdom (-0.2%) and in Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Portugal, Romania, Greece.
esso ha registrato un leggero decremento nel Regno Unito (-0,2%), in Polonia, nella Repubblica ceca, in Ungheria, in Portogallo, in Romania e in Grecia.
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The most dramatic deteriorations were in Bulgaria (-18.7%) and Malta (-16.0%).
I peggioramenti più rilevanti si sono osservati in Bulgaria (-18,7%) e a Malta (-16,0%).
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What progress has been made to meeting the Innovation Union goals in 2012?
Progressi compiuti verso il conseguimento degli obiettivi dell'iniziativa "Unione dell'innovazione" nel 2012
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More than 80% of the actions foreseen in the Innovation Union strategy are on track, as shows the State of the Innovation Union report published today by the European Commission.
Oltre l'80% delle azioni previste dalla strategia dell'"Unione dell'innovazione" è a buon punto, come risulta dalla relazione sullo stato dell'"Unione dell'innovazione" pubblicata in data odierna dalla Commissione europea.
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Progress made in 2012 included:
Tra i progressi realizzati nel 2012 figurano:
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- An agreement on the unitary patent, which should allow the first European patent with unitary effect to be granted and registered in spring 2014;
- un accordo sul brevetto unitario, che dovrebbe consentire il rilascio e la registrazione del primo brevetto europeo con effetto unitario nella primavera del 2014;
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- The adoption of a Regulation creating a "European Venture Capital Fund" label for investment funds which will make it easier for venture capitalists to raise funds across Europe for the benefit of start-ups and SMEs;
- l'adozione di un regolamento che crea un'etichetta di "fondo di venture capital europeo" per i fondi di investimento che consentirà agli investitori di capitali di rischio di reperire fondi in tutta Europa destinati al finanziamento di start-up e di PMI;
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- The signature of the first Risk-Sharing Instrument agreements to encourage banks to provide more loans to innovative SMEs and small midcaps;
- la firma dei primi accordi relativi allo strumento di condivisione dei rischi intesi ad incoraggiare le banche a fornire maggiori prestiti alle PMI innovative e alle società a piccola-media capitalizzazione;
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- The proposal of a new standardisation package and further steps to modernise EU public procurement law with the aim of helping innovative products and services reach the market faster;
- la proposta di un nuovo pacchetto "normalizzazione" e ulteriori misure intese ad aggiornare la normativa UE in materia di appalti pubblici per consentire a prodotti e servizi innovativi di essere commercializzati più rapidamente;
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- The launch of a pilot programme, the ERA Chairs initiative, to help universities or research institutions in less developed regions in Europe to attract outstanding academics to places that want to be on the international map for top research;
- il lancio di un programma pilota, l'iniziativa "Cattedre SER", volta ad aiutare le università o gli istituti di ricerca delle regioni meno sviluppate in Europa ad attirare accademici di spicco in centri che aspirino ad affermarsi nel panorama internazionale della ricerca di alto livello;
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- The proposal of four additional European Innovation Partnerships (EIPs) to pool resources around key societal challenges (Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability, Raw Materials, Water, Smart Cities and Communities) and;
- creazione di quattro nuovi partenariati europei per l'innovazione (PEI) al fine di mettere in comune le risorse per affrontare le grandi sfide societali (produttività e sostenibilità dell'agricoltura, materie prime, acqua, città e comunità intelligenti) e
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- The launch of a multi-dimensional and international ranking of higher education institutions.
- l'elaborazione di una classifica multidimensionale e internazionale degli istituti di istruzione superiore.
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The State of the Innovation Union report is accompanied by updated research and innovation country profiles for each of the EU Member States plus Croatia and other countries associated to the EU's research funding programme.
La relazione sullo stato dell'"Unione dell'innovazione" è corredata da profili aggiornati dei paesi in materia di ricerca e innovazione per ciascuno Stato membro dell'UE (Croazia inclusa) e per gli altri paesi associati al programma dell'UE per il finanziamento della ricerca.
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Is the innovation performance of Member States converging?
Convergenza delle prestazioni degli Stati membri in tema di innovazione
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The growth in innovation performance has been calculated for each country and for the EU27 using data over a five-year period.
La crescita della resa innovativa è stata calcolata per ciascun paese e per l'UE-27 sulla base dei dati relativi ad un periodo di cinque anni.
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The results for this year show that the process of convergence in innovation performance within the EU has come to a halt:
I risultati per l'anno in corso indicano che il processo di convergenza della resa innovativa all'interno dell'UE ha subito una battuta d'arresto:
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less innovative countries as a group are no longer catching-up with the most innovative countries.
i paesi meno innovativi non recuperano più terreno rispetto ai paesi più innovativi.
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In general, the innovation leaders and followers managed to increase their innovation growth rates over the crisis period 2008-2012 while growth rates plummeted in the groups of moderate and modest innovators.
In generale, i paesi leader dell'innovazione e quelli che tengono il passo sono riusciti ad incrementare la crescita dell'innovazione nel periodo di crisi 2008-2012, mentre l'indice è crollato nei gruppi degli innovatori moderati e nei paesi in ritardo.
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This indicates an emerging a trend of divergence in which the leading innovators are becoming even stronger while moderate and modest innovators fail to catch up.
Ciò indica un andamento tendenzialmente divergente in cui i principali innovatori sono sempre più forti mentre gli innovatori moderati e i paesi in ritardo non riescono a recuperare terreno
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What have been the key drivers of and obstacles to innovation activity in Europe?
Motori delle attività di innovazione in Europa e fattori che le hanno ostacolate
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While SMEs and commercialisation of innovation have driven the innovation growth, business and venture capital investments have dropped the most
Benché le PMI e la commercializzazione dell'innovazione abbiano dato impulso alla crescita dell'innovazione, gli investimenti delle imprese e gli investimenti in capitali di rischio hanno registrato la maggiore contrazione.
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When looking at individual indicators, the EU innovation performance was driven most by Innovating SMEs collaborating with others.
Alla luce dei singoli indicatori, la capacità di innovazione dell'UE è stata stimolata principalmente da PMI innovative che collaborano con altre.
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Other key drivers of innovation performance were License and patent revenues from abroad as well as Community trademarks.
Altri motori fondamentali delle prestazioni in tema di innovazione sono state le entrate dall'estero derivanti da licenze e brevetti e i marchi dell'UE.
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Open, excellent and attractive research systems were another driver, notably due to growth in Non-EU doctorate students and International scientific publications.
Sistemi di ricerca aperti, di eccellenza e attrattivi sono un altro fattore di crescita, grazie in particolare al numero in crescita dei dottorandi extra-UE e delle pubblicazioni scientifiche internazionali.
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The economic crisis has its harshest impact on Non R&D innovation expenditures, followed by Venture capital investments.
La crisi economica incide soprattutto sulle spese per l'innovazione diverse da quelle per attività di R & S, nonché sugli investimenti in capitale di rischio.
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The finance and support to innovation was cushioned by R&D expenditures in the public sector which increased at an annual average rate of 3.2%.
I finanziamenti e gli aiuti all'innovazione sono garantiti dalla spesa pubblica per R & S che è aumentata mediamente del 3,2% all'anno.
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In general, a performance decline or lack of progress was observed from indicators that are affected by short-term decisions, while performance continued to improve with indicators that reflect decisions taken a longer period ago.
In generale, si è assistito ad un calo delle prestazioni o ad un'assenza di progressione per quanto concerne gli indicatori che risentono di decisioni a breve termine, mentre sono in costante miglioramento i risultati ottenuti sulla base di indicatori che riflettono decisioni molto antecedenti.
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How does the EU fare in comparison to its international partners?
Posizione dell'UE rispetto ai suoi partner internazionali
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Taking into account other European countries, Switzerland confirms its position as the overall innovation leader, continuously outperforming all EU27 countries.
Un raffronto con altri paesi europei conferma la posizione della Svizzera quale leader assoluto dell'innovazione che supera regolarmente tutti i 27 paesi dell'UE.
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Iceland is one of the innovation followers, Croatia, Norway and Serbia are moderate innovators and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey are modest innovators.
L'Islanda è uno dei paesi che tengono il passo, Croazia, Norvegia e Serbia sono i cosiddetti innovatori moderati e l'ex Repubblica iugoslava di Macedonia e la Turchia sono paesi in ritardo.
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Comparing the EU with a selected group of major global competitors, this year's IUS again confirms that the US, Japan and South Korea have a performance lead over the EU27.
Confrontando l'UE con un gruppo selezionato di grandi concorrenti su scala mondiale, il quadro di valutazione di quest'anno conferma nuovamente che Stati Uniti, Giappone e Corea del Sud superano in resa innovativa l'UE-27.
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South Korea joined the US as the most innovative countries.
La Corea del Sud ha raggiunto gli Stati Uniti tra i paesi più innovativi.
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The South Korean lead over the EU has been increasing, but the EU27 has been able to close almost half of the gap with the US and Japan since 2008.
Se il vantaggio della Corea del Sud rispetto all'UE sta aumentando, a partire dal 2008 l'UE-27 è stata tuttavia in grado di colmare di quasi la metà il divario esistente con gli Stati Uniti e il Giappone.
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The global innovation leaders US, Japan and South Korea particularly dominate the EU in indicators capturing business activity as measured by R&D expenditures in the business sector, Public-private co-publications and PCT patents but also in educational attainment as measured by the Share of population having completed tertiary education.
I leader mondiali dell'innovazione, Stati Uniti, Giappone e Corea del Sud, superano l'UE soprattutto in termini di attività economica, ossia nelle spese delle imprese per attività di R&S, nelle co-pubblicazioni scientifiche pubblico/private e nei brevetti PCT, come anche in termini di istruzione, ossia nella percentuale di popolazione che completa l'istruzione terziaria.
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The EU27 continues to have a performance lead over Australia, Canada and all BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). This lead has been declining with China, remained stable with the other BRICS countries and has been increasing compared to Australia and Canada.
L'UE-27 mantiene la sua posizione nei confronti dell'Australia, del Canada e dei paesi BRICS (Brasile, Russia, India, Cina e Sudafrica), mentre retrocede rispetto alla Cina, si mantiene stabile rispetto agli altri paesi BRICS e migliora rispetto all'Australia e al Canada.
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What is the situation at the regional level?
Situazione a livello regionale
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Every second year the Innovation Union Scoreboard is accompanied by a Regional Innovation Scoreboard, last published in November 2012 with data from 2011 (MEMO/12/834).
Ogni due anni il quadro valutativo dell'"Unione dell'innovazione" è accompagnato da un quadro di valutazione dell'innovazione regionale; l'ultima pubblicazione è del novembre 2012 e contiene i dati dal 2011 in poi (MEMO/12/834).
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The Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2012 provides a comparative assessment of how European regions perform with regard to innovation.
Il quadro di valutazione dell'innovazione regionale 2012 fornisce una valutazione comparata della resa innovativa delle regioni europee.
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The report covers 190 regions across the European Union, Croatia, Norway and Switzerland.
La relazione riguarda 190 regioni di tutta l'Unione europea, la Croazia, la Norvegia e la Svizzera.
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The Regional Innovation Scoreboard is based on the methodology of the Innovation Union Scoreboard.
Il quadro di valutazione dell'innovazione regionale si basa sulla metodologia del quadro valutativo dell'"Unione dell'innovazione".
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Like the Innovation Union Scoreboard, the Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2013 classifies European regions into four innovation performance groups.
Come quest'ultimo, il quadro di valutazione dell'innovazione regionale 2013 classifica le regioni europee in quattro gruppi di prestazioni nel campo dell'innovazione.
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There are 41 regions in the first group of "innovation leaders", 58 regions belong to the second group of "innovation followers", 39 regions are "moderate innovators" and 52 regions are in the fourth group of "modest innovators".
Nel primo, "leader dell'innovazione", sono raggruppate 41 regioni, nel secondo, "paesi che tengono il passo", 58; 39 regioni sono nel gruppo degli "innovatori moderati" e 52 figurano nel quarto gruppo, quello dei "paesi in ritardo".
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What are the main conclusions of the Innovation Union Scoreboard 2013?
Principali conclusioni del quadro valutativo dell'"Unione dell'innovazione" 2013
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The most innovative countries in the EU share a number of strengths in their national research and innovation systems with a key role for business activity and the higher education sector.
I sistemi nazionali di ricerca e innovazione dei paesi più innovativi dell'UE, che svolgono un ruolo fondamentale per l'attività delle imprese e il settore dell'istruzione superiore, presentano numerosi punti di forza comuni.
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The business sectors of all innovation leaders perform very well, as measured by Business R&D expenditures and PCT patent applications.
I settori commerciali di tutti i leader dell'innovazione registrano ottimi risultati, come risulta dalle dimensioni spese delle imprese per attività di R&S e domande di brevetti PCT.
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The innovation leaders also share a well-developed higher education sector as shown by very high scores in New doctorates graduates, International scientific co-publications and Public-private co-publications with the latter also signalling strong linkages between industry and science.
Tutti i leader dell'innovazione presentano inoltre un settore dell'istruzione superiore avanzato, come risulta dai punteggi molto elevati delle dimensioni nuovi titolari di dottorato, delle co-pubblicazioni scientifiche internazionali e delle co-pubblicazioni scientifiche pubblico/private; queste ultime indicano inoltre forti sinergie tra il mondo industriale e quello della scienza.
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The overall strong performance of the innovation leaders reflects a balanced national research and innovation system.
La notevole resa globale dei leader dell'innovazione rispecchia un sistema nazionale di ricerca e innovazione equilibrato.
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It indicates that the innovation leaders have the smallest variance in their performance across all innovation dimensions.
Da ciò si desume che la varianza nella resa innovativa a tutti i livelli dei leader dell'innovazione è minima.
Comparing the innovation performance of EU Member States
This memo explains the objectives of the Innovation Union Scoreboard
and provides an overview of the research and innovation performance of EU Member
States and associated and neighbouring countries, as measured by the Innovation
Union Scoreboard 2013.
What is the Innovation Union Scoreboard (IUS)?
The annual Innovation Union Scoreboard provides a comparative
assessment of the research and innovation performance of the EU27 Member States
and the relative strengths and weaknesses of their research and innovation
It helps Member States assess areas in which they need to concentrate their
efforts in order to boost their innovation performance.
In addition, the Scoreboard covers Croatia, Serbia, Former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia, Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland.
On a more limited number of indicators, available internationally, it also
covers Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Japan, Russia, South Africa,
South Korea and the US.
Every two years the Innovation Union Scoreboard is accompanied by a Regional
Innovation Scoreboard.
This year, the Commission has also published for the first time a pilot European
Public Sector Innovation Scoreboard.
What are the main indicators used for the Innovation Union
The Innovation Union Scoreboard, following the methodology of the
previous edition, captures a total of 24 different indicators, distinguishing
between eight innovation dimensions and three main categories of indicators:
- Enablers:-the basic building blocks which allow innovation to take place
- human resources, open, excellent and attractive research systems, and finance
and support.
- Firm activities: which capture innovation efforts in European firms -
firm investments, linkages and entrepreneurship, and intellectual assets.
- Outputs: show how this translates into benefits for the economy as a
whole - innovators and economic effects.
Main results of the Innovation Union Scoreboard 2013
Who are the innovation leaders in the European Union?
A measure for a country’s innovation performance is provided by the
Summary Innovation Index, a composite indicator obtained by an appropriate
aggregation of the IUS indicators (see Section 6 of the Scoreboard for a brief
explanation of the calculation methodology).
Based on the Summary Innovation Index, the Member States fall into the following
four country groups :
- Innovation leaders: Sweden, Germany, Denmark and Finland, all show a
performance well above that of the EU average.
- Innovation followers: Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, the UK, Austria,
Ireland, France, Slovenia, Cyprus and Estonia all show a performance close to
that of the EU average.
- Moderate innovators: The performance of Italy, Spain, Portugal, Czech
Republic, Greece, Slovakia, Hungary, Malta and Lithuania is below that of the EU
- Modest innovators: The performance of Poland, Latvia, Romania and
Bulgaria is well below that of the EU average.
The overall ranking remains relatively stable, with Sweden confirming its
innovation leadership.
However, several upward and downward movements took place within the performance
For example, the Netherlands became the top innovation follower.
Bulgaria is now at the bottom of the ranking, having been outpaced by Latvia,
last year's poorest performer.
Two Member States changed their performance group:
Lithuania advanced to the moderate innovators and Poland moved down becoming a
modest innovator.
It should be noted, however, that in both cases the change in performance group
was due to marginal changes in their innovation performance.
Have Member States improved their innovation performance?
The EU is increasing its innovation performance at an annual average
rate of 1.6% over the 2008-2013 period, with Estonia being the unquestionable
innovation growth leader (7.1%).
However the innovation divide between the Member States is widening.
The lowest positive innovation growth rates were recorded in Poland (0.4%),
Bulgaria (0.6%) and Sweden (0.6%).
In Cyprus and Greece innovation performance declined over the 2008-2013 period.
Have Member States made progress since the launch of the Innovation
Union flagship initiative?
Since the launch of the Europe 2020 Innovation Union flagship
initiative in 2010, most Member States improved their innovation performance, in
particular all innovation leaders and innovation followers except the UK.
However, only few of the moderate innovators (Italy, Lithuania, Slovakia and
Spain) and modest innovators (Latvia) managed to improve their innovation
performance since the Innovation Union was launched.
In total, the innovation index has worsened in 9 countries:
with a slight decline in United Kingdom (-0.2%) and in Poland, Czech Republic,
Hungary, Portugal, Romania, Greece.
The most dramatic deteriorations were in Bulgaria (-18.7%) and Malta (-16.0%).
What progress has been made to meeting the Innovation Union goals in
More than 80% of the actions foreseen in the Innovation Union strategy
are on track, as shows the State of the Innovation Union report published today
by the European Commission.
Progress made in 2012 included:
- An agreement on the unitary patent, which should allow the first European
patent with unitary effect to be granted and registered in spring 2014;
- The adoption of a Regulation creating a "European Venture Capital Fund" label
for investment funds which will make it easier for venture capitalists to raise
funds across Europe for the benefit of start-ups and SMEs;
- The signature of the first Risk-Sharing Instrument agreements to encourage
banks to provide more loans to innovative SMEs and small midcaps;
- The proposal of a new standardisation package and further steps to modernise
EU public procurement law with the aim of helping innovative products and
services reach the market faster;
- The launch of a pilot programme, the ERA Chairs initiative, to help
universities or research institutions in less developed regions in Europe to
attract outstanding academics to places that want to be on the international map
for top research;
- The proposal of four additional European Innovation Partnerships (EIPs) to
pool resources around key societal challenges (Agricultural Productivity and
Sustainability, Raw Materials, Water, Smart Cities and Communities) and;
- The launch of a multi-dimensional and international ranking of higher
education institutions.
The State of the Innovation Union report is accompanied by updated research and
innovation country profiles for each of the EU Member States plus Croatia and
other countries associated to the EU's research funding programme.
Is the innovation performance of Member States converging?
The growth in innovation performance has been calculated for each
country and for the EU27 using data over a five-year period.
The results for this year show that the process of convergence in innovation
performance within the EU has come to a halt:
less innovative countries as a group are no longer catching-up with the most
innovative countries.
In general, the innovation leaders and followers managed to increase their
innovation growth rates over the crisis period 2008-2012 while growth rates
plummeted in the groups of moderate and modest innovators.
This indicates an emerging a trend of divergence in which the leading innovators
are becoming even stronger while moderate and modest innovators fail to catch
What have been the key drivers of and obstacles to innovation
activity in Europe?
While SMEs and commercialisation of innovation have driven the
innovation growth, business and venture capital investments have dropped the
When looking at individual indicators, the EU innovation performance was driven
most by Innovating SMEs collaborating with others.
Other key drivers of innovation performance were License and patent revenues
from abroad as well as Community trademarks.
Open, excellent and attractive research systems were another driver, notably due
to growth in Non-EU doctorate students and International scientific
The economic crisis has its harshest impact on Non R&D innovation expenditures,
followed by Venture capital investments.
The finance and support to innovation was cushioned by R&D expenditures in the
public sector which increased at an annual average rate of 3.2%.
In general, a performance decline or lack of progress was observed from
indicators that are affected by short-term decisions, while performance
continued to improve with indicators that reflect decisions taken a longer
period ago.
How does the EU fare in comparison to its international partners?
Taking into account other European countries, Switzerland confirms its
position as the overall innovation leader, continuously outperforming all EU27
Iceland is one of the innovation followers, Croatia, Norway and Serbia are
moderate innovators and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey are
modest innovators.
Comparing the EU with a selected group of major global competitors, this year's
IUS again confirms that the US, Japan and South Korea have a performance lead
over the EU27.
South Korea joined the US as the most innovative countries.
The South Korean lead over the EU has been increasing, but the EU27 has been
able to close almost half of the gap with the US and Japan since 2008.
The global innovation leaders US, Japan and South Korea particularly dominate
the EU in indicators capturing business activity as measured by R&D expenditures
in the business sector, Public-private co-publications and PCT patents but also
in educational attainment as measured by the Share of population having
completed tertiary education.
The EU27 continues to have a performance lead over Australia, Canada and all
BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). This lead has
been declining with China, remained stable with the other BRICS countries and
has been increasing compared to Australia and Canada.
What is the situation at the regional level?
Every second year the Innovation Union Scoreboard is accompanied by a
Regional Innovation Scoreboard, last published in November 2012 with data from
2011 (MEMO/12/834).
The Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2012 provides a comparative assessment of how
European regions perform with regard to innovation.
The report covers 190 regions across the European Union, Croatia, Norway and
The Regional Innovation Scoreboard is based on the methodology of the Innovation
Union Scoreboard.
Like the Innovation Union Scoreboard, the Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2013
classifies European regions into four innovation performance groups.
There are 41 regions in the first group of "innovation leaders", 58 regions
belong to the second group of "innovation followers", 39 regions are "moderate
innovators" and 52 regions are in the fourth group of "modest innovators".
What are the main conclusions of the Innovation Union Scoreboard
The most innovative countries in the EU share a number of strengths in
their national research and innovation systems with a key role for business
activity and the higher education sector.
The business sectors of all innovation leaders perform very well, as measured by
Business R&D expenditures and PCT patent applications.
The innovation leaders also share a well-developed higher education sector as
shown by very high scores in New doctorates graduates, International scientific
co-publications and Public-private co-publications with the latter also
signalling strong linkages between industry and science.
The overall strong performance of the innovation leaders reflects a balanced
national research and innovation system.
It indicates that the innovation leaders have the smallest variance in their
performance across all innovation dimensions.