Il quadro valutativo indica che l'UE è maggiormente innovativa, ma che si allarga il divario tra i paesi
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Data documento: 26-03-2013
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Scoreboard shows EU more innovative, but gap between countries widening
Il quadro valutativo indica che l'UE è maggiormente innovativa, ma che si allarga il divario tra i paesi
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Innovation performance in the EU has improved year on year in spite of the continuing economic crisis, but the innovation divide between Member States is widening.
La resa innovativa nell'UE è migliorata di anno in anno nonostante il perdurare della crisi economica, ma il gap dell'innovazione tra gli Stati membri si sta allargando.
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This is the result of the European Commission Innovation Union Scoreboard 2013, a ranking of EU Member States.
Questo risultato è posto in luce dal Quadro valutativo dell' "Unione dell'innovazione" 2013 che fa una classifica degli Stati membri dell'UE.
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While the most innovative countries have further improved their performance, others have shown a lack of progress.
Mentre i paesi più innovativi hanno ulteriormente migliorato la loro resa, altri registrano un'assenza di progressione.
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The overall ranking within the EU remains relatively stable: |
La classifica complessiva nell'ambito dell'UE rimane relativamente stabile:
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with Sweden at the top, followed by Germany, Denmark and Finland.
la Svezia si situa al primo posto seguita da Germania, Danimarca e Finlandia.
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Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia are the countries that have most improved since last year.
Estonia, Lituania e Lettonia sono i paesi che hanno registrato i maggiori miglioramenti dall'anno scorso.
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Drivers of innovation growth in the EU include SMEs and the commercialisation of innovations, together with excellent research systems.
Tra i volani dell'espansione dell'innovazione nell'UE vi sono le PMI e la commercializzazione delle innovazioni, unitamente a sistemi di ricerca eccellenti.
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However the fall in business and venture capital investment over the years 2008-2012 has negatively influenced innovation performance.
La contrazione delle attività economiche e degli investimenti in venture capital nel periodo 2008-2012 ha influito negativamente sulla resa innovativa.
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European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship, said:
Antonio Tajani, Vicepresidente della Commissione europea e Commissario responsabile per l'industria e l'imprenditoria, ha affermato:
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"This year's results show that the economic crisis has negatively impacted innovation activity in some parts of Europe.
"I risultati di quest'anno indicano che la crisi economica ha influito negativamente sull'innovazione in certe parti d'Europa.
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Investment in innovation is crucial if we want to maintain our global competitiveness and restore growth in Europe.
Gli investimenti nell'innovazione sono essenziali se vogliamo mantenere la nostra competitività globale e rilanciare la crescita in Europa.
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We need to encourage entrepreneurship as SMEs have been a key driver of innovation."
Dobbiamo incoraggiare l'imprenditorialità poiché le PMI sono un volano essenziale dell'innovazione".
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Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, responsible for Research, Innovation and Science, said:
Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, commissario responsabile per la ricerca, l'innovazione e la scienza, ha affermato:
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"Innovation should now be at the heart of all Member States' policy agendas.
"L'innovazione dovrebbe essere al centro delle agende politiche di tutti gli Stati membri.
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Our latest State of the Innovation Union report, also published today, shows we made progress in 2012 on some of the big ticket items like the Unitary Patent and new rules for venture capital funds, but we need to go further in order to avoid an innovation divide in Europe."
La nostra più recente relazione sullo stato dell'"Unione dell'innovazione", anch'essa pubblicata oggi, indica che nel 2012 abbiamo realizzato progressi su alcune delle grandi tematiche come il brevetto unitario e le nuove regole per i fondi di capitali di rischio, ma dobbiamo avanzare ancora di più per evitare di avere in Europa un divario dell'innovazione".
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The European Commission has also today published a report complementary to the Scoreboard.
La Commissione europea ha anche pubblicato oggi una relazione complementare al Quadro valutativo:
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The State of the Innovation Union report shows that the Commission has already largely delivered on the Innovation Union flagship commitments.
la relazione sullo stato dell'Unione dell'innovazione, che indica che la Commissione ha già ampiamente attuato i suoi impegni sull'iniziativa faro "Unione dell'innovazione".
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For individual summaries of the innovation performance of all 27 Member States, and other European countries: MEMO/13/274
Per le singole sintesi sulla resa innovativa di tutti i 27 Stati membri e di altri paesi europei si veda: MEMO/13/274
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The Innovation Union Scoreboard 2013 places Member States into the following four country groups:
Il Quadro valutativo dell' "Unione dell'innovazione" 2013 classifica gli Stati membri nei seguenti quattro gruppi:
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- Innovation leaders: Sweden, Germany, Denmark and Finland, all show a performance well above that of the EU average.
- Leader dell'innovazione: Svezia, Germania, Danimarca e Finlandia, sono caratterizzati tutti da una resa ben al di sopra della media UE.
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- Innovation followers: Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, the UK, Austria, Ireland, France, Slovenia, Cyprus and Estonia all perform above the EU average.
- Paesi che tengono il passo: Paesi Bassi, Lussemburgo, Belgio, Regno Unito, Austria, Irlanda, Francia, Slovenia, Cipro ed Estonia, che hanno tutti risultati superiori alla media UE.
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- Moderate innovators: Italy, Spain, Portugal, Czech Republic, Greece, Slovakia, Hungary, Malta and Lithuania perform below the EU average.
- Innovatori moderati: Italia, Spagna, Portogallo, Repubblica ceca, Grecia, Slovacchia, Ungheria, Malta e Lituania, che hanno risultati inferiori alla media UE.
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- Modest innovators:The performance of Poland, Latvia, Romania and Bulgaria is well below that of the EU average.
- Paesi in ritardo: Il rendimento di Polonia, Lettonia, Romania e Bulgaria è nettamente al di sotto della media UE.
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What makes innovation leaders successful?
Cosa determina il successo dei leader dell'innovazione?
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The most innovative countries in the EU share a number of strengths in their national research and innovation systems, including a key role for business innovation efforts and those of the higher education sector.
I paesi più innovativi nell'UE condividono una serie di punti di forza nell'ambito dei loro sistemi di ricerca e innovazione, tra cui un importante ruolo delle iniziative di innovazione delle imprese e del settore dell'istruzione superiore.
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The business sectors of all innovation leaders perform very well in research & development (R&D) expenditure and patent applications.
Le imprese di tutti i leader dell'innovazione hanno buoni risultati in termini di spesa per la ricerca e lo sviluppo (R&S) e di domande di brevetti.
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They also share a well-developed higher education sector and strong linkages between industry and science.
Essi hanno anche in comune un settore dell'istruzione superiore altamente sviluppato e forti legami tra il mondo industriale e quello della scienza.
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International comparisons with the EU
Confronti internazionali con l'UE
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A comparison with other European countries confirms Switzerland's position as the overall innovation leader that continually outperforms all EU countries.
Un raffronto con altri paesi europei conferma la posizione della Svizzera quale leader assoluto dell'innovazione che supera regolarmente tutti i paesi dell'UE.
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This year's results also again show that South Korea, the US, and Japan have a performance lead over the EU.
I risultati di quest'anno indicano nuovamente che la Corea del Sud, gli USA e il Giappone hanno risultati superiori a quelli dell'UE.
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South Korea's lead over the EU is increasing, but since 2008 the EU has been able to close almost half its gap with the US and Japan.
Il vantaggio della Corea del Sud rispetto all'UE sta aumentando, ma dal 2008 l'UE è stata in grado di colmare di quasi la metà il proprio divario con gli USA e il Giappone.
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The EU still lags considerably behind the global leaders notably in terms of business R&D expenditures, public-private co-publications, and patents, as well as in tertiary education.
L'UE è ancora notevolmente arretrata rispetto ai leader globali soprattutto in termini di spesa delle imprese per R&S, di co-pubblicazioni pubblico-private e di brevetti, come anche in termini di istruzione terziaria.
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The EU continues to perform better than Australia, Canada, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.
L'UE continua a produrre risultati migliori di Australia, Canada, Brasile, Russia, India, Cina e Sudafrica.
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This lead has been declining with China, remained stable with the other BRICS countries and has been increasing compared to Australia and Canada.
Il distacco con la Cina si sta riducendo, mentre rimane stabile con gli altri paesi BRICS ed è aumentato rispetto all'Australia e al Canada.
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The 2013 Innovation Union Scoreboard draws currently on 24 indicators that are grouped into three main categories and 8 dimensions:
Il Quadro valutativo dell' "Unione dell'innovazione" 2013 usa attualmente 24 indicatori raggruppati in tre categorie principali e otto dimensioni:
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"Enablers", i.e. the basic building blocks which allow innovation to take place (Human resources, open, excellent and attractive research systems, and finance and support);
"Abilitatori", vale a dire elementi fondamentali che consentono all'innovazione di realizzarsi (risorse umane, sistemi di ricerca aperti, eccellenti e attraenti nonché finanziamenti e aiuti);
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"Firm activities", which capture innovation efforts in European firms (firm investments, linkages & entrepreneurship, and intellectual assets);
"Attività delle imprese", che descrivono gli sforzi di innovazione delle imprese europee (investimenti delle imprese, concatenazioni e imprenditorialità nonché valori intellettuali;
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"Outputs" which show how this translates into benefits for the economy as a whole (innovators and economic effects, including employment).
"Output" ad indicare come ciò si traduca in vantaggi per l'economia nel suo complesso (innovatori ed effetti economici, anche sul piano dell'occupazione).
Scoreboard shows EU more innovative, but gap between countries widening
Innovation performance in the EU has improved year on year in spite of
the continuing economic crisis, but the innovation divide between Member States
is widening.
This is the result of the European Commission Innovation Union
Scoreboard 2013, a ranking of EU Member States.
While the most innovative countries have further improved their
performance, others have shown a lack of progress.
The overall ranking within the EU remains relatively stable:
with Sweden at the top, followed by Germany, Denmark and Finland.
Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia are the countries that have most improved
since last year.
Drivers of innovation growth in the EU include SMEs and the
commercialisation of innovations, together with excellent research systems.
However the fall in business and venture capital investment over the
years 2008-2012 has negatively influenced innovation performance.
European Commission Vice President Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for
Industry and Entrepreneurship, said:
"This year's results show that the economic crisis has negatively impacted
innovation activity in some parts of Europe.
Investment in innovation is crucial if we want to maintain our global
competitiveness and restore growth in Europe.
We need to encourage entrepreneurship as SMEs have been a key driver of
Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, responsible for Research,
Innovation and Science, said:
"Innovation should now be at the heart of all Member States' policy agendas.
Our latest State of the Innovation Union report, also published today, shows we
made progress in 2012 on some of the big ticket items like the Unitary Patent
and new rules for venture capital funds, but we need to go further in order to
avoid an innovation divide in Europe."
The European Commission has also today published a report complementary
to the Scoreboard.
The State of the Innovation Union report shows that the Commission has
already largely delivered on the Innovation Union flagship commitments.
For individual summaries of the innovation performance of all 27 Member
States, and other European countries: MEMO/13/274
The Innovation Union Scoreboard 2013 places Member States into the
following four country groups:
- Innovation leaders: Sweden, Germany, Denmark and Finland, all show a
performance well above that of the EU average.
- Innovation followers: Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, the UK,
Austria, Ireland, France, Slovenia, Cyprus and Estonia all perform above the EU
- Moderate innovators: Italy, Spain, Portugal, Czech Republic, Greece,
Slovakia, Hungary, Malta and Lithuania perform below the EU average.
- Modest innovators:The performance of Poland, Latvia, Romania and
Bulgaria is well below that of the EU average.
What makes innovation leaders successful?
The most innovative countries in the EU share a number of strengths in
their national research and innovation systems, including a key role for
business innovation efforts and those of the higher education sector.
The business sectors of all innovation leaders perform very well in
research & development (R&D) expenditure and patent applications.
They also share a well-developed higher education sector and strong
linkages between industry and science.
International comparisons with the EU
A comparison with other European countries confirms Switzerland's
position as the overall innovation leader that continually outperforms all EU
This year's results also again show that South Korea, the US, and Japan
have a performance lead over the EU.
South Korea's lead over the EU is increasing, but since 2008 the EU has
been able to close almost half its gap with the US and Japan.
The EU still lags considerably behind the global leaders notably in
terms of business R&D expenditures, public-private co-publications, and patents,
as well as in tertiary education.
The EU continues to perform better than Australia, Canada, Brazil,
Russia, India, China and South Africa.
This lead has been declining with China, remained stable with the other
BRICS countries and has been increasing compared to Australia and Canada.
The 2013 Innovation Union Scoreboard draws currently on 24 indicators
that are grouped into three main categories and 8 dimensions:
"Enablers", i.e. the basic building blocks which allow innovation to
take place (Human resources, open, excellent and attractive research systems,
and finance and support);
"Firm activities", which capture innovation efforts in European firms
(firm investments, linkages & entrepreneurship, and intellectual assets);
"Outputs" which show how this translates into benefits for the economy
as a whole (innovators and economic effects, including employment).