Meno scavi = meno costi di installazione della banda larga: le proposte della Commissione
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Data documento: 26-03-2013
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Less digging = cheaper broadband. Commission proposes rules to cut broadband installation costs
Meno scavi = meno costi di installazione della banda larga: le proposte della Commissione
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The European Commission today proposed new rules to cut by 30% the cost of rolling out high-speed Internet.
La Commissione europea ha proposto oggi nuove disposizioni che permetteranno di ridurre del 30% i costi di diffusione di internet ad alta velocità.
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Civil engineering, such as the digging up of roads to lay down fibre, accounts for up to 80% of the cost of deploying high-speed networks.
Le opere di ingegneria civile, ad esempio gli scavi stradali per la posa delle fibre, rappresentano fino all’80% del costo di installazione delle reti ad alta velocità.
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Today's proposal may save companies €40 to 60 billion.
La proposta odierna può far risparmiare alle imprese 40-60 miliardi di euro.
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High-speed broadband is the backbone of the telecoms and wider Digital Single Market, the Commission is attempting to build.
La banda larga ad alta velocità è la spina dorsale delle telecomunicazioni e del più ampio mercato unico del digitale che la Commissione sta cercando di costruire.
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Its rollout is currently slowed down by a patchwork of rules and administrative practices at national and sub-national levels.
Ad oggi, la sua diffusione è rallentata da una panoplia di norme e pratiche amministrative a livello nazionale e locale.
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"In most places, today's rules hurt Europe's competitiveness," said European Commission Vice President Neelie Kroes.
“Nella maggior parte dei casi, le regole attuali ostacolano la competitività dell’Europa”, ha affermato Neelie Kroes, vicepresidente della Commissione europea.
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Today's draft regulation builds on best practices in place today in Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden and United Kingdom, but leaves organisational issues very much to the discretion of Member States.
Il progetto di regolamento presentato si basa sulle migliori pratiche attuate in Germania, Spagna, Francia, Italia, Lituania, Paesi Bassi, Polonia, Portogallo, Slovenia, Svezia e Regno Unito, pur lasciando gran parte degli aspetti organizzativi alla discrezionalità degli Stati membri.
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Neelie Kroes said:
Neelie Kroes ha dichiarato:
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"Everyone deserves fast broadband.
“Tutti hanno diritto alla banda larga veloce.
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I want to burn the red tape that is stopping us for getting there.
È mia intenzione eliminare la burocrazia che ci impedisce di raggiungere questo obiettivo.
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The European Commission wants to make it quicker and cheaper to get that broadband."
La Commissione europea vuole rendere più rapido e meno costoso l’accesso alla banda larga”.
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The Rules would become directly applicable across the EU after agreement by the European Parliament and Council.
Una volta approvato dal Parlamento europeo e dal Consiglio, il regolamento sarà direttamente applicabile in tutta l’UE.
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The Commission wants to tackle four main problem areas:
La Commissione intende affrontare quattro problemi principali:
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- Ensuring that new or renovated buildings are high-speed-broadband-ready.
- garantire che gli immobili nuovi o ristrutturati siano predisposti per la banda larga ad alta velocità;
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- Opening access to infrastructure on fair and reasonable terms and conditions, including price, to existing ducts, conduits, manholes, cabinets, poles, masts, antennae installations, towers and other supporting constructions.
- aprire l’accesso all’infrastruttura (compresi cavidotti, tubature, pozzetti, centraline, pali, piloni, installazioni di antenne, tralicci e altre strutture di supporto) a condizioni eque e ragionevoli anche per quanto riguarda il prezzo;
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- Ending insufficient coordination of civil works, by enabling any network operator to negotiate agreements with other infrastructure providers
- consentire a qualsiasi gestore di rete di negoziare accordi con altri fornitori di infrastrutture per porre fine all’insufficiente coordinamento delle opere di ingegneria civile;
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- Simplifying complex and time-consuming permit granting, especially for masts and antennas, by granting or refusing permits within six months by default and allowing requests to be made through a single point of contact.
- semplificare le procedure autorizzative - ora lente e complesse - soprattutto per quanto riguarda pali e antenne, sostituendole con un sistema automatico di concessione o rifiuto entro sei mesi e attivando uno sportello unico per la presentazione delle domande.
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There is currently little transparency on existing physical infrastructure suitable for broadband rollout and no appropriate commonly-used rules when deploying broadband across the EU.
Attualmente c’è poca trasparenza sulle infrastrutture fisiche esistenti idonee alla posa della banda larga né esistono adeguate norme comuni per la sua diffusione nel territorio dell’UE.
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At the moment, there is no market-place for physical infrastructure and the potential to use infrastructure belonging to other utilities.
Al momento non esiste un mercato delle infrastrutture fisiche né viene sfruttato il potenziale derivante dall’utilizzo di infrastrutture appartenenti ad altri servizi pubblici.
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Regulations in certain Member States even discourage utility companies from cooperating with telecom operators.
Le normative vigenti in alcuni Stati membri scoraggiano addirittura le imprese di servizi fisici dal collaborare con gli operatori di telecomunicazioni.
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This initiative forms part of the 10 points plan to give a boost broadband rollout, as presented on the occasion of the mid-term review of the Digital Agenda for Europe.
L’iniziativa rientra nel piano in 10 punti per promuovere la diffusione della banda larga, presentato in occasione della revisione intermedia dell’agenda digitale per l’Europa.
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The Digital Agenda for Europe (see IP/10/581, MEMO/10/199 and MEMO/10/200) aims to deliver growth and employment based on high-speed communications networks.
L’agenda digitale per l’Europa (cfr. IP/10/581, MEMO/10/199 and MEMO/10/200) mira a favorire la crescita e l’occupazione basate su reti di comunicazione ad alta velocità.
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Considerable network deployment efforts are still necessary to achieve the ambitious broadband targets of the Digital Agenda:
Sono ancora necessari notevoli sforzi nello sviluppo delle reti se si vogliono raggiungere gli ambiziosi obiettivi nel settore della banda larga posti dall’Agenda digitale:
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by 2013, basic broadband for all Europeans, and by 2020, (i) access to speeds of above 30 Mbps for all Europeans, and (ii) subscription of internet connection above 100 Mbps for 50% or more of European households.
entro il 2013, accesso alla banda larga di base per tutti gli europei e, entro il 2020, i) accesso a velocità di connessione superiori a 30 Mb/s per tutti gli europei, e ii) sottoscrizione di abbonamenti a internet con connessioni al di sopra di 100 Mb/s per almeno il 50% delle famiglie europee.
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These goals will only be achieved if the infrastructure deployment costs are lowered across the EU.
Questi obiettivi potranno essere conseguiti soltanto se i costi di realizzazione dell’infrastruttura saranno ridotti in tutta l’UE.
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The European Commission in a communication "European Broadband: investing in digitally driven growth" in 2010 announced the plans to complete a review of cost reduction practices for broadband by 2012.
Nella comunicazione del 2010 “La banda larga in Europa: investire nella crescita indotta dalla tecnologia digitale" la Commissione europea ha annunciato le azioni volte ad analizzare, entro il 2012, le pratiche di riduzione dei costi della banda larga.
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The European Council of 1 and 2 March 2012 called for action at the European Union level to provide better broadband coverage, including by reducing the cost of high-speed broadband infrastructure.
Il Consiglio europeo dell’1 e 2 marzo 2012 ha sollecitato l’adozione di misure a livello dell’UE intese a fornire una migliore copertura della banda larga, anche riducendo i costi dell’infrastruttura a banda larga ad alta velocità.
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The Communication "Single Market Act II: Together for new growth" identified cost reduction of broadband rollout as one of 12 key actions that will boost growth, employment and confidence in the Single Market and generate real effects on the ground.
La comunicazione “L’Atto per il mercato unico II: insieme per una nuova crescita“ ha individuato nella riduzione dei costi per la diffusione della banda larga una delle 12 azioni principali per rilanciare la crescita, l’occupazione e la fiducia nel mercato interno e generare effetti concreti sul terreno.
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The European Council of 13 and 14 December 2012 called on the Commission to present all key proposals by the spring of 2013.
Il Consiglio europeo del 13 e 14 dicembre 2012 ha chiesto alla Commissione di presentare tutte le proposte principali entro la primavera del 2013.
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As part of these plans, the Public Consultation on an EU Initiative to reduce the cost of rolling out high speed communication infrastructure in Europe took place in 2012.
Nel contesto di tali piani, nel 2012 è stata svolta una consultazione pubblica su un’iniziativa dell’UE volta a ridurre i costi di realizzazione delle infrastrutture di comunicazione ad alta velocità in Europa.
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Feedback confirmed that the Commissions' intention to address civil engineering costs for broadband roll-out across the single market is worth pursuing.
Le risposte pervenute hanno confermato che è opportuno dare seguito alla proposta della Commissione di ridurre i costi delle opere d’ingegneria civile per la diffusione della banda larga nel mercato interno.
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A majority of the respondents confirmed existing inefficiencies and bottlenecks as well as the potential for cost reduction.
La maggioranza degli interpellati ha confermato l’esistenza di inefficienze e strozzature e il potenziale in termini di riduzione dei costi.
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In addition to the public consultation, the Commission set up an Internet discussion platform for crowdsourcing ideas to reduce the cost of broadband.
Oltre alla consultazione pubblica, la Commissione ha istituito una piattaforma di discussione per raccogliere idee in crowdsourcing sulla riduzione dei costi della banda larga.
Less digging = cheaper broadband. Commission proposes rules to cut
broadband installation costs
The European Commission today proposed new rules to cut by 30% the cost
of rolling out high-speed Internet.
Civil engineering, such as the digging up of roads to lay down fibre,
accounts for up to 80% of the cost of deploying high-speed networks.
Today's proposal may save companies €40 to 60 billion.
High-speed broadband is the backbone of the telecoms and wider Digital
Single Market, the Commission is attempting to build.
Its rollout is currently slowed down by a patchwork of rules and
administrative practices at national and sub-national levels.
"In most places, today's rules hurt Europe's competitiveness," said
European Commission Vice President Neelie Kroes.
Today's draft regulation builds on best practices in place today in
Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal,
Slovenia, Sweden and United Kingdom, but leaves organisational issues very much
to the discretion of Member States.
Neelie Kroes said:
"Everyone deserves fast broadband.
I want to burn the red tape that is stopping us for getting there.
The European Commission wants to make it quicker and cheaper to get
that broadband."
The Rules would become directly applicable across the EU after
agreement by the European Parliament and Council.
The Commission wants to tackle four main problem areas:
- Ensuring that new or renovated buildings are
- Opening access to infrastructure on fair and reasonable terms and
conditions, including price, to existing ducts, conduits, manholes, cabinets,
poles, masts, antennae installations, towers and other supporting constructions.
- Ending insufficient coordination of civil works, by enabling any
network operator to negotiate agreements with other infrastructure providers
- Simplifying complex and time-consuming permit granting, especially
for masts and antennas, by granting or refusing permits within six months by
default and allowing requests to be made through a single point of contact.
There is currently little transparency on existing physical
infrastructure suitable for broadband rollout and no appropriate commonly-used
rules when deploying broadband across the EU.
At the moment, there is no market-place for physical infrastructure and
the potential to use infrastructure belonging to other utilities.
Regulations in certain Member States even discourage utility companies
from cooperating with telecom operators.
This initiative forms part of the 10 points plan to give a boost
broadband rollout, as presented on the occasion of the mid-term review of the
Digital Agenda for Europe.
The Digital Agenda for Europe (see IP/10/581, MEMO/10/199 and
MEMO/10/200) aims to deliver growth and employment based on high-speed
communications networks.
Considerable network deployment efforts are still necessary to achieve
the ambitious broadband targets of the Digital Agenda:
by 2013, basic broadband for all Europeans, and by 2020, (i) access to
speeds of above 30 Mbps for all Europeans, and (ii) subscription of internet
connection above 100 Mbps for 50% or more of European households.
These goals will only be achieved if the infrastructure deployment
costs are lowered across the EU.
The European Commission in a communication "European Broadband:
investing in digitally driven growth" in 2010 announced the plans to complete a
review of cost reduction practices for broadband by 2012.
The European Council of 1 and 2 March 2012 called for action at the
European Union level to provide better broadband coverage, including by reducing
the cost of high-speed broadband infrastructure.
The Communication "Single Market Act II: Together for new growth"
identified cost reduction of broadband rollout as one of 12 key actions that
will boost growth, employment and confidence in the Single Market and generate
real effects on the ground.
The European Council of 13 and 14 December 2012 called on the
Commission to present all key proposals by the spring of 2013.
As part of these plans, the Public Consultation on an EU Initiative to
reduce the cost of rolling out high speed communication infrastructure in Europe
took place in 2012.
Feedback confirmed that the Commissions' intention to address civil
engineering costs for broadband roll-out across the single market is worth
A majority of the respondents confirmed existing inefficiencies and
bottlenecks as well as the potential for cost reduction.
In addition to the public consultation, the Commission set up an
Internet discussion platform for crowdsourcing ideas to reduce the cost of