Fondazione EIT: giovani leader presentano soluzioni innovative per il futuro dell'Europa
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Data documento: 26-03-2013
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EIT Foundation: Young leaders present innovative solutions for Europe's future
Fondazione EIT: giovani leader presentano soluzioni innovative per il futuro dell'Europa
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Thirty young leaders from the worlds of business, academia and research shared their inspiring ideas with policy-makers and business executives at the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Foundation's Annual Innovation Forum in Brussels today.
Oggi a Bruxelles trenta giovani leader del mondo dell'economia, dell'università e della ricerca hanno condiviso con responsabili politici e dirigenti di imprese le loro idee ispiratrici in occasione del forum annuale per l'innovazione della Fondazione dell'Istituto europeo di innovazione e tecnologia (EIT).
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The young professionals, entrepreneurs and students presented ideas for business opportunities in areas ranging from healthcare to energy production and market information.
I giovani professionisti, gli imprenditori e gli studenti hanno presentato alcune idee di opportunità commerciali in settori che vanno dall'assistenza sanitaria alla produzione energetica e alle informazioni di mercato.
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The EIT Foundation young leaders' programme aims to discover a new generation of talented entrepreneurs who can drive the development of sustainable innovation in the EU.
Il programma dei giovani leader della Fondazione EIT mira a scoprire una nuova generazione di imprenditori di talento in grado di stimolare lo sviluppo di innovazioni sostenibili nell'UE.
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The Annual Innovation Forum was opened by Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, who is responsible for the EIT.
Il forum annuale per l'innovazione è stato aperto da Androulla Vassiliou, commissaria europea responsabile per l'istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù, nonché responsabile dell'EIT.
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She said:
La commissaria ha dichiarato:
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"For too long policies were based on the idea that investment in research would lead to innovation.
"Per troppo tempo le politiche si sono basate sull'idea che gli investimenti nella ricerca avrebbero portato all'innovazione.
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This may be a pre-requisite, but it is not enough.
Questo può essere un prerequisito, ma non è sufficiente.
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High quality education is key to unlocking the talent which is at the heart of innovation.
Un'educazione di alta qualità è la chiave per lasciar dispiegare talenti, il vero fulcro dell'innovazione.
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I congratulate these young leaders: they are proof that Europe has talent in abundance, in the academic, institutional, research and business sectors;
Mi congratulo con questi giovani leader: sono la prova che l'Europa possiede talento in grande quantità, nell'ambiente accademico, istituzionale, di ricerca e nei settori economici;
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in social sciences, law, engineering, chemical, physics and the IT sectors.
nel campo delle scienze sociali, del diritto, dell'ingegneria, della chimica, della fisica e delle tecnologie dell'informazione.
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We can and must drive innovation through support for entrepreneurial, collaborative and multi-disciplinary education."
Insieme possiamo e dobbiamo promuovere l'innovazione attraverso il sostegno alla formazione imprenditoriale, collaborativa e multidisciplinare".
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Neelie Kroes, Commission Vice-President responsible for the Digital Agenda, who also attended the event, added:
Neelie Kroes, vicepresidente della Commissione europea responsabile per l'agenda digitale, presente alla manifestazione, ha aggiunto:
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"We need to listen to our young people.
"Dobbiamo ascoltare i nostri giovani.
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They have the drive and talent to turn Europe around and deliver a better future.
Hanno la volontà e il talento per trasformare l'Europa e offrire un futuro migliore.
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I am so pleased that the EIT Foundation is providing platforms for these excellent people and their ideas."
Sono davvero lieta che la Fondazione EIT fornisca piattaforme a queste persone di eccellenza e alle loro idee".
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The main theme of the Annual Innovation Forum is on how 'data-driven innovation' can benefit society and the economy.
Il forum annuale per l'innovazione esamina la maniera in cui l'"innovazione fondata sui dati" può arrecare beneficio alla società e all'economia.
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In a nutshell, more data is generated today than ever before, but Europe needs to harness the full potential of this information to address the economic, environmental and societal challenges of our time.
In sintesi, oggi la quantità di dati generati è senza precedenti, ma l'Europa ha bisogno di sfruttare al massimo le potenzialità di queste informazioni per affrontare i problemi economici, ambientali e sociali del nostro tempo.
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From better delivery of public services to more efficient energy use, data-driven innovation is seen as crucial for economic growth.
Da una migliore erogazione dei servizi pubblici ad un uso più efficiente dell'energia, l'innovazione fondata sui dati è considerata fondamentale per la crescita economica.
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The young leaders, who are selected by the EIT Foundation, are following an innovation and entrepreneurship training programme which has included seminars in the UK and Belgium, as well as online sessions, with academic content provided by Imperial College London.
Il gruppo di giovani leader, scelti dalla Fondazione EIT, sta seguendo un programma di formazione imprenditoriale e di innovazione che ha incluso seminari nel Regno Unito e in Belgio, nonché sessioni in linea, con contenuti accademici forniti dall'Imperial College di Londra.
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Later this year the Foundation will also launch a programme offering internships within its founding organisations to help young people develop entrepreneurial and innovation skills.
Nel corso dell'anno la Fondazione lancerà inoltre un programma di tirocini nell'ambito delle sue organizzazioni fondatrici per contribuire a sviluppare le capacità imprenditoriali e di innovazione dei giovani.
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The EIT Foundation was established by the European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT) in 2010 as an independent, philanthropic organisation.
La Fondazione EIT è un'organizzazione indipendente e filantropica istituita nel 2010 dall'Istituto europeo di innovazione e tecnologia (EIT).
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The first foundation created by an EU body, it is a group of like-minded organisations and companies dedicated to promoting a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship in Europe.
Prima Fondazione istituita da un organismo dell'UE, si tratta di un gruppo di organizzazioni e imprese che perseguono gli stessi obiettivi dedicandosi alla promozione di una cultura di innovazione e imprenditorialità in Europa.
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Its goal is to complement and increase the impact of the EIT by bringing together some of Europe's brightest minds in youth talent programmes and similar initiatives.
Il suo obiettivo è integrare e rafforzare l'impatto dell'EIT raggruppando alcune delle più brillanti menti europee mediante programmi dedicati ai giovani talenti e iniziative analoghe.
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The EIT Foundation was established by ten leading companies:
La Fondazione EIT è stata istituita da dieci imprese leader:
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Agfa Gevaert, Akzo Nobel, Alcatel-Lucent, BNP Paribas, Ernst & Young, Google, Intel Labs Europe, MOL, Solvay and the Vodafone Institute for Society and Communications.
Agfa Gevaert, Akzo Nobel, Alcatel-Lucent, BNP Paribas, Ernst & Young, Google, Intel Labs Europe, MOL, Solvay e il Vodafone Institute for Society and Communications.
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The EIT Foundation's priorities are:
La Fondazione EIT intende, in via prioritaria:
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- Promoting entrepreneurial education and bridging the gap between academia and business;
- promuovere la formazione all'imprenditorialità e colmare il divario tra il mondo accademico e le imprese;
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- Creating a new generation with an entrepreneurial mind-set ready to drive the development of sustainable innovation;
- creare una nuova generazione con una mentalità imprenditoriale pronta a mettersi a capo dello sviluppo di innovazioni sostenibili;
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- Developing an international network of talented professionals in education, research, innovation and business.
- sviluppare una rete internazionale di professionisti di talento nei settori dell'istruzione, della ricerca, dell'innovazione e delle imprese.
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The 30 EIT Foundation young leaders are focusing on the following themes:
I 30 giovani leader della Fondazione EIT si stanno concentrando sui seguenti temi:
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- Healthcare and big data
- Assistenza sanitaria e "big data"
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Amitte Gulamhussen (Solvay, Portugal);
Amitte Gulamhussen (Solvay, Portogallo);
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Robert Hirt (Ernst & Young, UK);
Robert Hirt (Ernst & Young, Regno Unito);
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Mark Ruckebier (Vodafone, Germany);
Mark Ruckebier (Vodafone, Germania);
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Jonathan Orban de Xivry (Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium);
Jonathan Orban de Xivry (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgio);
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Guillaume Marcerou (Ernst & Young, France);
Guillaume Marcerou (Ernst & Young, Francia);
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Jeroen Melis (Agfa HealthCare, Belgium).
Jeroen Melis (Agfa HealthCare, Belgio).
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- Higher Education and big data
- Istruzione superiore e "big data"
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Halit Ünver (University of Ulm & Research Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing, Germany);
Halit Ünver (Università di Ulm & Research Institute for Applied Knowledge Processing, Germania);
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Nadja Dokter (EIT, Austria);
Nadja Dokter (EIT, Austria);
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Kate Hofman (UrbanFarmers and GrowUp, UK);
Kate Hofman (UrbanFarmers and GrowUp, Regno Unito);
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Julia Manske (Vodafone Institute, Germany);
Julia Manske (Vodafone Institute, Germania);
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Richard Ramsden (Akzo Nobel, UK).
Richard Ramsden (Akzo Nobel, Regno Unito).
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- Using big data for social change - energy market
- Uso di "big data" per il cambiamento sociale — il mercato dell'energia
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Chris Woods (Intel Labs, Ireland);
Chris Woods (Intel Labs, Irlanda);
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Tommaso Alderigi (Glint4Life, Italy);
Tommaso Alderigi (Glint4Life, Italia);
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Niclas Ehn (Expektra AB, Sweden);
Niclas Ehn (Expektra AB, Svezia);
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Nina Gumzej (University of Zagreb, Croatia);
Nina Gumzej (Università di Zagabria, Croazia);
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Pep Salas (ENERBYTE, Spain);
Pep Salas (ENERBYTE, Spagna);
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Hjalmar Nilsson (Black Silicon Solar, Sweden).
Hjalmar Nilsson (Black Silicon Solar, Svezia).
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- How to use big data for supporting start-ups
- Come utilizzare i "big data" per sostenere le start-up
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Wouter Haerick (University of Ghent, Belgium);
Wouter Haerick (Università di Gand, Belgio);
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Sebastien Petillon (Solvay, France);
Sebastien Petillon (Solvay, Francia);
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Jonas Vermeulen (Alcatel-Lucent, Belgium).
Jonas Vermeulen (Alcatel-Lucent, Belgio).
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- Big data and smart city concepts
- "Big data" e concept di città intelligenti
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Guillaume Delalandre (BNP Paribas Fortis, France);
Guillaume Delalandre (BNP Paribas Fortis, Francia);
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Jessica McCarthy (Intel Labs, Ireland);
Jessica McCarthy (Intel Labs, Irlanda);
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Peter Mechant (Ghent University and iMinds, Belgium);
Peter Mechant (Università di Gand e iMinds, Belgio);
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Romain Muller (EIT, France);
Romain Muller (EIT, Francia);
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Geert Ysebaert (Alcatel-Lucent, Belgium).
Geert Ysebaert (Alcatel-Lucent, Belgio).
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- Big data to capture and show knowledge
- "Big data" per catturare e mostrare la conoscenza
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Paul Docherty (Akzo Nobel, UK);
Paul Docherty (Akzo Nobel, Regno Unito);
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Katalin Babos (MOL Plc, Hungary);
Katalin Babos (MOL Plc, Ungheria);
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Márta Dömök (MOL Plc, Hungary);
Márta Dömök (MOL Plc, Ungheria);
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Sergi Figueres (Worldcoo, Spain);
Sergi Figueres (Worldcoo, Spagna);
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Reka Tabajdai (University of Szeged, Hungary).
Reka Tabajdai (Università di Szeged, Ungheria).
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Speakers at today's Annual Innovation Forum also include Alexander von Gabain, Chairman, EIT Governing Board, Christian Jourquin, Chairman, EIT Foundation, Alfred Spector, Vice-President, Research and Special Initiatives, Google, Kenneth Cukier, Data Editor, The Economist, Xavier Damman, Co-Founder and CEO, Storify, and Jake Porway, founder and executive director, DataKind.
Altri relatori che interverranno oggi al forum annuale sull'innovazione: Alexander von Gabain, presidente del comitato direttivo dell'EIT, Christian Jourquin, presidente della Fondazione EIT, Alfred Spector, vice-presidente della sezione Research and Special Initiatives presso Google, Kenneth Cukier, Data Editor presso The Economist, Xavier Damman, co-fondatore e amministratore delegato di Storify, e Jake Porway, fondatore e direttore esecutivo di DataKind.
EIT Foundation: Young leaders present innovative solutions for Europe's
Thirty young leaders from the worlds of business, academia and research
shared their inspiring ideas with policy-makers and business executives at the
European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Foundation's Annual
Innovation Forum in Brussels today.
The young professionals, entrepreneurs and students presented ideas for
business opportunities in areas ranging from healthcare to energy production and
market information.
The EIT Foundation young leaders' programme aims to discover a new
generation of talented entrepreneurs who can drive the development of
sustainable innovation in the EU.
The Annual Innovation Forum was opened by Androulla Vassiliou, European
Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, who is
responsible for the EIT.
She said:
"For too long policies were based on the idea that investment in research would
lead to innovation.
This may be a pre-requisite, but it is not enough.
High quality education is key to unlocking the talent which is at the heart of
I congratulate these young leaders: they are proof that Europe has talent in
abundance, in the academic, institutional, research and business sectors;
in social sciences, law, engineering, chemical, physics and the IT sectors.
We can and must drive innovation through support for entrepreneurial,
collaborative and multi-disciplinary education."
Neelie Kroes, Commission Vice-President responsible for the Digital
Agenda, who also attended the event, added:
"We need to listen to our young people.
They have the drive and talent to turn Europe around and deliver a better
I am so pleased that the EIT Foundation is providing platforms for these
excellent people and their ideas."
The main theme of the Annual Innovation Forum is on how 'data-driven
innovation' can benefit society and the economy.
In a nutshell, more data is generated today than ever before, but
Europe needs to harness the full potential of this information to address the
economic, environmental and societal challenges of our time.
From better delivery of public services to more efficient energy use,
data-driven innovation is seen as crucial for economic growth.
The young leaders, who are selected by the EIT Foundation, are
following an innovation and entrepreneurship training programme which has
included seminars in the UK and Belgium, as well as online sessions, with
academic content provided by Imperial College London.
Later this year the Foundation will also launch a programme offering
internships within its founding organisations to help young people develop
entrepreneurial and innovation skills.
The EIT Foundation was established by the European Institute for
Innovation and Technology (EIT) in 2010 as an independent, philanthropic
The first foundation created by an EU body, it is a group of
like-minded organisations and companies dedicated to promoting a culture of
innovation and entrepreneurship in Europe.
Its goal is to complement and increase the impact of the EIT by
bringing together some of Europe's brightest minds in youth talent programmes
and similar initiatives.
The EIT Foundation was established by ten leading companies:
Agfa Gevaert, Akzo Nobel, Alcatel-Lucent, BNP Paribas, Ernst & Young, Google,
Intel Labs Europe, MOL, Solvay and the Vodafone Institute for Society and
The EIT Foundation's priorities are:
- Promoting entrepreneurial education and bridging the gap between academia and
- Creating a new generation with an entrepreneurial mind-set ready to drive the
development of sustainable innovation;
- Developing an international network of talented professionals in education,
research, innovation and business.
The 30 EIT Foundation young leaders are focusing on the following
- Healthcare and big data
Amitte Gulamhussen (Solvay, Portugal);
Robert Hirt (Ernst & Young, UK);
Mark Ruckebier (Vodafone, Germany);
Jonathan Orban de Xivry (Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium);
Guillaume Marcerou (Ernst & Young, France);
Jeroen Melis (Agfa HealthCare, Belgium).
- Higher Education and big data
Halit Ünver (University of Ulm & Research Institute for Applied Knowledge
Processing, Germany);
Nadja Dokter (EIT, Austria);
Kate Hofman (UrbanFarmers and GrowUp, UK);
Julia Manske (Vodafone Institute, Germany);
Richard Ramsden (Akzo Nobel, UK).
- Using big data for social change - energy market
Chris Woods (Intel Labs, Ireland);
Tommaso Alderigi (Glint4Life, Italy);
Niclas Ehn (Expektra AB, Sweden);
Nina Gumzej (University of Zagreb, Croatia);
Pep Salas (ENERBYTE, Spain);
Hjalmar Nilsson (Black Silicon Solar, Sweden).
- How to use big data for supporting start-ups
Wouter Haerick (University of Ghent, Belgium);
Sebastien Petillon (Solvay, France);
Jonas Vermeulen (Alcatel-Lucent, Belgium).
- Big data and smart city concepts
Guillaume Delalandre (BNP Paribas Fortis, France);
Jessica McCarthy (Intel Labs, Ireland);
Peter Mechant (Ghent University and iMinds, Belgium);
Romain Muller (EIT, France);
Geert Ysebaert (Alcatel-Lucent, Belgium).
- Big data to capture and show knowledge
Paul Docherty (Akzo Nobel, UK);
Katalin Babos (MOL Plc, Hungary);
Márta Dömök (MOL Plc, Hungary);
Sergi Figueres (Worldcoo, Spain);
Reka Tabajdai (University of Szeged, Hungary).
Speakers at today's Annual Innovation Forum also include
Alexander von Gabain, Chairman, EIT Governing Board, Christian Jourquin,
Chairman, EIT Foundation, Alfred Spector, Vice-President, Research and Special
Initiatives, Google, Kenneth Cukier, Data Editor, The Economist, Xavier Damman,
Co-Founder and CEO, Storify, and Jake Porway, founder and executive director,