Per una politica dell'energia efficace l'UE ha bisogno di dialoghi pubblici strutturati e informati
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Data documento: 22-03-2013
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An effective EU energy policy needs informed and structured public dialogues
Per una politica dell'energia efficace l'UE ha bisogno di dialoghi pubblici strutturati e informati
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If the EU is to meet its energy policy targets, it must take society with it, says the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) in an opinion that calls for the establishment of a European Energy Dialogue.
Se l'UE vuole raggiungere i suoi obiettivi di politica energetica, deve avere la società al suo fianco. È quanto afferma il Comitato economico e sociale europeo (CESE) nel parere in cui chiede la creazione di un Dialogo europeo per l'energia.
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The opinion, which was handed to Günther Oettinger, EU Commissioner in charge of energy at the EESC's plenary session yesterday, had been drawn up by Richard Adams (United Kingdom, Various Interests Group) at the request of the European Commission.
Il parere, che è stato presentato ieri al commissario europeo all'Energia Günther Oettinger durante la sessione plenaria del CESE, è stato elaborato da Richard Adams (Regno Unito, gruppo Attività diverse) su richiesta della Commissione europea.
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In the Committee's view, the European Energy Dialogue (EED) would be a coordinated, multi-level, action-oriented conversation on energy policy within and across EU countries.
Secondo il Comitato, il Dialogo europeo per l'energia sarà un dibattito coordinato multilivello e orientato all'azione sulla politica energetica all'interno degli Stati membri dell'UE e tra di essi.
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It would be synonymous with reliable information about energy and would discuss practical issues in a language ordinary people can understand.
Esso sarà sinonimo di informazioni attendibili sull'energia ed esaminerà questioni pratiche con un linguaggio comprensibile alla gente comune.
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The EED would engage with citizens in terms of explaining trade-offs and expressing preferences.
Il Dialogo europeo per l'energia coinvolgerà i cittadini offrendo chiarimenti in merito ai compromessi e dando loro la possibilità di esprimere delle preferenze.
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It would provide "a negotiation space" where policy choices would be discussed against a background of societal impact and acceptance, investments and resource strategy.
Esso fornirà un "ambito negoziale" in cui le scelte strategiche saranno discusse tenendo conto dell'impatto sociale e dell'accettazione da parte dei cittadini, oltre che delle strategie relative agli investimenti e alle risorse.
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As a fundamentally new concept, the EED would not replace or duplicate existing mechanisms, but supplement them with public engagement and citizen involvement, said the EESC. It would be "a stimulus and enhancement of debate at national, regional and local levels, mixing everyday knowledge, experience and understanding with technical and expert information", said the EESC.
Poiché si tratta di un concetto fondamentalmente nuovo, questa forma di dialogo non sostituisce né duplica meccanismi esistenti, ma li integra con il coinvolgimento e l'impegno dei cittadini, ha affermato il CESE, aggiungendo che esso servirà a stimolare e promuovere il dibattito a livello nazionale, regionale e locale, "in quanto unisce le conoscenze, le esperienze e la comprensione di carattere generale con le informazioni tecniche e le competenze degli esperti".
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"We are entering a time of intense political debate about energy – can it be sustainable, secure, competitive and affordable?", said Mr Adams, adding that "greater awareness and understanding of energy issues will lead to greater political confidence in citizen support for the difficult task of long-term decision-making".
Richard Adams ha affermato che "stiamo entrando in una fase di intenso dibattito politico in materia di energia – l'energia può essere sostenibile, sicura, concorrenziale e a prezzi accessibili?" e ha aggiunto che "una maggiore consapevolezza e comprensione delle questioni energetiche porterà a una maggiore fiducia della classe politica nel sostegno offerto dai cittadini al compito difficile di prendere decisioni sul lungo termine".
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"Increasing europeanization of energy policy makes it necessary for us to step up involvement of European citizens", concurred Commissioner Oettinger.
"Poiché la politica energetica assume una dimensione sempre più europea, è necessario intensificare il coinvolgimento dei cittadini europei", ha convenuto il commissario Oettinger.
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The European Energy Dialogue will therefore contribute to policy-making across all forms of energy and have a recognised role in stimulating convergence at EU level, with strong links to the post-2020 energy and climate action framework.
Il Dialogo europeo per l'energia contribuirà pertanto alla definizione della relativa politica per tutte le forme di energia e avrà una funzione riconosciuta nel promuovere la convergenza a livello dell'UE, con solidi collegamenti al quadro d'azione per l'energia e il clima post 2020.
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The Committee is willing to take the lead establishing an on-going EED implemented at "national, regional, metropolitan and local level" with the support of the European Commission and direct involvement of all stakeholders of the energy chain.
Il Comitato è pronto ad assumere il ruolo di apripista istituendo un dialogo permanente a livello nazionale, regionale, municipale e locale, con il sostegno della Commissione europea e il coinvolgimento diretto di tutte le parti interessate alla catena dell'energia.
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The EESC will seek to establish alliances with all interested parties, and to involve national civil societies, in different member states, starting with France in a conference to be held in Paris on 14 May 2013.
Il CESE si adopererà per stabilire alleanze con tutte le parti interessate e per coinvolgere la società civile a livello nazionale in vari Stati membri, a cominciare dalla Francia, con un convegno in programma a Parigi il 14 maggio prossimo.
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"The EED is a practical, large-scale exercise in participatory democracy, genuinely interfacing with representative democracy on a topic vital to everyone", said Mr Adams.
Per Richard Adams, "il Dialogo europeo per l'energia è un esercizio pratico e su vasta scala di democrazia partecipativa, in uno scambio autentico con la democrazia rappresentativa su un tema d'importanza fondamentale per tutti".
An effective EU energy policy needs informed and structured public
If the EU is to meet its energy policy targets, it must take society
with it, says the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) in an opinion
that calls for the establishment of a European Energy Dialogue.
The opinion, which was handed to Günther Oettinger, EU Commissioner in
charge of energy at the EESC's plenary session yesterday, had been drawn up by
Richard Adams (United Kingdom, Various Interests Group) at the request of the
European Commission.
In the Committee's view, the European Energy Dialogue (EED) would be a
coordinated, multi-level, action-oriented conversation on energy policy within
and across EU countries.
It would be synonymous with reliable information about energy and would
discuss practical issues in a language ordinary people can understand.
The EED would engage with citizens in terms of explaining trade-offs
and expressing preferences.
It would provide "a negotiation space" where policy choices would be
discussed against a background of societal impact and acceptance, investments
and resource strategy.
As a fundamentally new concept, the EED would not replace or duplicate
existing mechanisms, but supplement them with public engagement and citizen
involvement, said the EESC. It would be "a stimulus and enhancement of debate at
national, regional and local levels, mixing everyday knowledge, experience and
understanding with technical and expert information", said the EESC.
"We are entering a time of intense political debate about energy – can
it be sustainable, secure, competitive and affordable?", said Mr Adams, adding
that "greater awareness and understanding of energy issues will lead to greater
political confidence in citizen support for the difficult task of long-term
"Increasing europeanization of energy policy makes it necessary for us
to step up involvement of European citizens", concurred Commissioner Oettinger.
The European Energy Dialogue will therefore contribute to policy-making
across all forms of energy and have a recognised role in stimulating convergence
at EU level, with strong links to the post-2020 energy and climate action
The Committee is willing to take the lead establishing an on-going EED
implemented at "national, regional, metropolitan and local level" with the
support of the European Commission and direct involvement of all stakeholders of
the energy chain.
The EESC will seek to establish alliances with all interested parties,
and to involve national civil societies, in different member states, starting
with France in a conference to be held in Paris on 14 May 2013.
"The EED is a practical, large-scale exercise in participatory
democracy, genuinely interfacing with representative democracy on a topic vital
to everyone", said Mr Adams.