Il limite massimo di tre mesi a semestre per il soggiorno nell’area Schengen di uno straniero non soggetto all’obbligo del visto non si applica ai beneficiari del regime del traffico frontaliero locale
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Italiano tratto da:http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_CJE-13-35_it.htm
Data documento: 21-03-2013
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The limitation of stays in the Schengen area to a maximum of three months over a six?month period for foreign nationals who are not subject to visa requirements does not apply to those who benefit from the local border traffic regime
Il limite massimo di tre mesi a semestre per il soggiorno nell’area Schengen di uno straniero non soggetto all’obbligo del visto non si applica ai beneficiari del regime del traffico frontaliero locale
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For foreign nationals in possession of a local border traffic permit, the maximum duration of stay, laid down in the bilateral agreements between the Member States and neighboring third countries, must be calculated independently of earlier stays, provided that such persons have interrupted those stays by returning to their country of residence
Per tali stranieri, titolari di un lasciapassare per traffico frontaliero locale, la durata massima di soggiorno, stabilita da convenzioni bilaterali tra gli Stati membri e gli Stati terzi limitrofi, dev’essere calcolata a prescindere dai soggiorni precedentemente effettuati, dal momento che questi ultimi sono stati interrotti da un rientro degli interessati nel paese di residenza
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Under the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement, foreign nationals not subject to a visa requirement may move freely within the Schengen area for a maximum period of three months during the six months following the date of first entry.
Ai sensi della convenzione di applicazione dell’accordo di Schengen, gli stranieri non soggetti all’obbligo del visto possono circolare liberamente nell’area Schengen per una durata massima di tre mesi nel corso di un periodo di sei mesi a decorrere dalla data del primo ingresso.
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A specific regulation applies to foreign nationals who are resident in an area of a non-Member State which borders a Member State of the EU, namely an area that extends no more than 30 kilometres from the border.
Uno specifico regolamento si applica agli stranieri residenti nella zona di frontiera tra un paese non appartenente all’Unione ed uno Stato membro, vale a dire in una zona che si estende per non più di trenta chilometri oltre la frontiera.
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Cross-border workers may obtain a local border traffic permit which enables them to enter the neighbouring Member State and remain there for an uninterrupted period, the duration of which is determined by the two neighbouring States, but may not exceed three months.
I residenti frontalieri possono ottenere un lasciapassare per traffico frontaliero locale che consente loro di entrare nello Stato membro confinante e di soggiornarvi per un periodo ininterrotto la cui durata è determinata dai due paesi limitrofi, ma non può tuttavia superare i tre mesi.
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Holders of such a permit are not authorised to go beyond the border area of the Member State visited.
I titolari di tale lasciapassare non sono autorizzati a circolare al di fuori della zona di frontiera dello Stato membro visitato.
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Hungary and the Ukraine concluded an agreement applying the local border traffic regulation to their common border.That agreement determines, inter alia, the maximum permissible duration of a stay in Hungary for Ukrainian beneficiaries of the local border traffic regime.
L’Ungheria e l’Ucraina hanno concluso un accordo in applicazione del regolamento sul traffico frontaliero locale alla loro frontiera comune, accordo che stabilisce in particolare la durata massima del soggiorno in Ungheria dei cittadini ucraini che beneficiano del regime del traffico frontaliero locale.
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That duration, which is laid down in Hungarian law, is fixed at the maximum period permitted by the regulation, namely three months if the stay is uninterrupted.
Tale durata, integrata nella legislazione ungherese, è fissata al massimo previsto dal regolamento, vale a dire tre mesi se il soggiorno è ininterrotto.
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Mr Shomodi is a Ukrainian national who is in possession of a local border traffic permit which authorises him to enter the border area of Hungary.
Il sig. Shomodi, cittadino ucraino, è titolare di un lasciapassare per traffico frontaliero locale che gli dà diritto di recarsi nella zona di frontiera dell’Ungheria.
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On 2 February 2010 he requested entry into Hungary at the Záhony border crossing.
Il 2 febbraio 2010 si è presentato presso il varco di frontiera di Záhony per entrare in Ungheria.
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The Hungarian border police established that he had stayed in Hungarian territory for 105 days during the period from 3 September 2009 to 2 February 2010, entering that territory almost daily for several hours.
La polizia ungherese ha constatato che aveva soggiornato in territorio ungherese per 105 giorni nel periodo compreso tra il 3 settembre 2009 e il 2 febbraio 2010, recandovisi quasi quotidianamente per alcune ore.
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Since Mr Shomodi had thus stayed for more than three months in the Schengen area during a six-month period, the Hungarian border police refused him entry into Hungarian territory on the basis of Hungarian national law, interpreted in the light of the the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement.
Dal momento che il sig. Shomodi aveva soggiornato nell’area Schengen per oltre tre mesi nell’arco di sei mesi, la polizia ungherese gli ha negato l’ingresso nel territorio ungherese in applicazione della legislazione ungherese interpretata alla luce della convenzione di applicazione degli accordi di Schengen.
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Mr Shomodi brought an action against the decision of the border police before the Hungarian courts.
Il sig. Shomodi ha proposto ricorso dinanzi ai giudici ungheresi avverso tale decisione della polizia.
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In the appeal proceedings on a point of law before it, the
Legfelsőbb Bírósága (Supreme Court, Hungary) asks the Court of Justice whether the agreement at issue which, as interpreted by the Hungarian authorities, limits the total length of a stay of a cross-border worker in the border area of Hungary to three months over a six-month period is compatible with the local border traffic regulation.
La Legfelsőbb Bíróság (Corte suprema, Ungheria), adita in cassazione, chiede alla Corte di giustizia se l’accordo in questione, il quale, come interpretato dalle autorità ungheresi, limita a tre mesi, nell’arco di sei mesi, la durata massima totale dei soggiorni di un residente frontaliero nella zona di frontiera dell’Ungheria, sia compatibile con il regolamento sul traffico frontaliero locale.
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In its judgment, the Court finds, first, that the general rule in the Schengen acquis, which limits the stay of foreign nationals to three months over a six-month period, does not apply to local border traffic.
Nella sua sentenza odierna, la Corte constata anzitutto che la regola generale dell'acquis di Schengen che limita a un periodo di tre mesi a semestre il soggiorno degli stranieri non si applica al traffico frontaliero locale.
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The Court points out that the three-month limit laid down in the local border traffic regulation relates only to ‘uninterrupted stays’, whereas the limitation resulting from the Schengen acquis does not relate to such stays.
La Corte sottolinea che il limite dei tre mesi stabilito nel regolamento sul traffico frontaliero locale riguarda i «soggiorni ininterrotti», mentre quello risultante dall’acquis di Schengen non si riferisce in alcun modo a siffatti soggiorni.
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The Court notes that, although the Commission initially proposed, during the preparatory work of the regulation, an alignment of the calculation of the maximum stay with that laid down in the Schengen acquis, the EU legislature opted for a specific limitation in relation to uninterrupted stays.
La Corte precisa che, sebbene la Commissione proponesse inizialmente, durante i lavori preparatori del regolamento, un allineamento sul calcolo del soggiorno massimo come previsto dall’acquis di Schengen, il legislatore dell’Unione ha optato per una limitazione particolare relativa a soggiorni ininterrotti.
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In the Court’s view, the fact that that limitation is, as in the Schengen acquis, limited to three months cannot cast doubt on its special nature in relation to the ordinary rules in place for third-country nationals who are not subject to visa requirements.
Secondo la Corte, la circostanza che tale limitazione sia di tre mesi, come nell’acquis di Schengen, non può far dubitare del suo carattere speciale rispetto alle norme generali applicabili ai cittadini di paesi terzi non soggetti all’obbligo del visto.
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It is not apparent from any provision of the regulation that those three months must fall within the same six?month period.
Non risulta infatti da alcuna disposizione del regolamento che i tre mesi in questione debbano essere ricompresi in un periodo di sei mesi.
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Moreover, by adopting the regulation on local border traffic, the EU legislature intended to put rules in place for local border traffic which are independent of, and distinct from, those of the Schengen acquis.
Peraltro, adottando il regolamento sul traffico frontaliero locale, il legislatore dell’Unione aveva l’intenzione di predisporre norme autonome e distinte da quelle dell’acquis di Schengen.
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The purpose of those rules is to enable the residents of the border areas concerned to cross the external land borders of the EU for legitimate economic, social, cultural or family reasons, and to do so easily – that is to say, without excessive administrative constraints – and frequently, even regularly.
Tali norme mirano a consentire alla popolazione delle zone frontaliere interessate di attraversare le frontiere terrestri esterne dell’Unione per motivi legittimi di ordine economico, sociale, culturale o familiare, con facilità, vale a dire senza eccessivi oneri amministrativi, di frequente, ma anche regolarmente.
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Next, in relation to the concerns expressed by certain Member States in relation to the alleged negative consequences of such an autonomous interpretation of the regulation, the Court responds that the easing of border crossing is intended for bona fide border residents with legitimate and duly substantiated reasons for frequently crossing an external land border.
Inoltre, per quanto riguarda le preoccupazioni espresse da taluni Stati membri rispetto alle asserite conseguenze negative che potrebbe comportare un’interpretazione autonoma del regolamento, la Corte risponde che l’attraversamento agevolato della frontiera è destinato ai residenti frontalieri in buona fede, aventi legittimi motivi, debitamente comprovati, di attraversare di frequente una frontiera terrestre esterna.
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In addition, the Member States remain free to impose penalties on those who abuse or fraudulently use their local border traffic permit.
Gli Stati membri rimangono liberi di sanzionare le persone che utilizzino in modo abusivo o fraudolento il loro lasciapassare per traffico frontaliero locale.
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Accordingly, the Court considers that the holder of a local border traffic permit must be able to move freely within the border area for a period of three months if his stay is uninterrupted and to have a new right to a three-month stay each time that his stay is interrupted.
Alla luce di ciò, la Corte ritiene che al titolare di un lasciapassare per traffico frontaliero locale debba essere possibile, da un lato, circolare liberamente nella zona di frontiera durante tre mesi se si tratta di soggiorno ininterrotto e, dall’altro, beneficiare di un nuovo diritto di soggiorno di tre mesi dopo ogni interruzione del proprio soggiorno.
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Finally, the Court states that the stay of the holder of a local border traffic permit must be regarded as interrupted as soon as the person concerned crosses the border back into his State of residence in accordance with the conditions laid down in his permit, irrespective of the frequency of such crossings, even if they occur several times daily.
La Corte precisa infine che il soggiorno del titolare di un lasciapassare per traffico frontaliero locale dev’essere considerato interrotto a partire dal momento in cui l’interessato attraversa la frontiera per rientrare nel proprio Stato di residenza conformemente all’autorizzazione che gli è stata concessa, senza che sia necessario tener conto del numero di attraversamenti giornalmente effettuati.
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A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law or the validity of a European Union act.
Il rinvio pregiudiziale consente ai giudici degli Stati membri, nell'ambito di una controversia della quale sono investiti, di interpellare la Corte in merito all’interpretazione del diritto dell’Unione o alla validità di un atto dell’Unione.
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The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
La Corte non risolve la controversia nazionale.
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It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised.
Spetta al giudice nazionale risolvere la causa conformemente alla decisione della Corte. Tale decisione vincola egualmente gli altri giudici nazionali ai quali venga sottoposto un problema simile.
The limitation of stays in the Schengen area to a maximum of three months
over a six?month period for foreign nationals who are not subject to visa
requirements does not apply to those who benefit from the local border traffic
For foreign nationals in possession of a local border traffic
permit, the maximum duration of stay, laid down in the bilateral agreements
between the Member States and neighboring third countries, must be calculated
independently of earlier stays, provided that such persons have interrupted
those stays by returning to their country of residence
Under the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement,
foreign nationals not subject to a visa requirement may move freely within the
Schengen area for a maximum period of three months during the six months
following the date of first entry.
A specific regulation applies to foreign nationals who are resident in
an area of a non?Member State which borders a Member State of the EU, namely an
area that extends no more than 30 kilometres from the border.
Cross?border workers may obtain a local border traffic permit which
enables them to enter the neighbouring Member State and remain there for an
uninterrupted period, the duration of which is determined by the two
neighbouring States, but may not exceed three months.
Holders of such a permit are not authorised to go beyond the border
area of the Member State visited.
Hungary and the Ukraine concluded an agreement applying the local
border traffic regulation to their common border.That agreement determines,
inter alia, the maximum permissible duration of a stay in Hungary for Ukrainian
beneficiaries of the local border traffic regime.
That duration, which is laid down in Hungarian law, is fixed at the
maximum period permitted by the regulation, namely three months if the stay is
Mr Shomodi is a Ukrainian national who is in possession of a local
border traffic permit which authorises him to enter the border area of Hungary.
On 2 February 2010 he requested entry into Hungary at the Záhony border
The Hungarian border police established that he had stayed in Hungarian
territory for 105 days during the period from 3 September 2009 to 2 February
2010, entering that territory almost daily for several hours.
Since Mr Shomodi had thus stayed for more than three months in the
Schengen area during a six?month period, the Hungarian border police refused him
entry into Hungarian territory on the basis of Hungarian national law,
interpreted in the light of the the Convention implementing the Schengen
Mr Shomodi brought an action against the decision of the border police
before the Hungarian courts.
In the appeal proceedings on a point of law before it, the
Legfelsőbb Bírósága (Supreme Court, Hungary) asks the
Court of Justice whether the agreement at issue which, as interpreted by the
Hungarian authorities, limits the total length of a stay of a cross-border
worker in the border area of Hungary to three months over a six-month period is
compatible with the local border traffic regulation.
In its judgment, the Court finds, first, that the general rule in the
Schengen acquis, which limits the stay of foreign nationals to three- months
over a six-month period, does not apply to local border traffic.
The Court points out that the three-month limit laid down in the local
border traffic regulation relates only to ‘uninterrupted stays’, whereas the
limitation resulting from the Schengen acquis does not relate to such stays.
The Court notes that, although the Commission initially proposed,
during the preparatory work of the regulation, an alignment of the calculation
of the maximum stay with that laid down in the Schengen acquis, the EU
legislature opted for a specific limitation in relation to uninterrupted stays.
In the Court’s view, the fact that that limitation is, as in the
Schengen acquis, limited to three months cannot cast doubt on its special nature
in relation to the ordinary rules in place for third-country nationals who are
not subject to visa requirements.
It is not apparent from any provision of the regulation that those
three months must fall within the same six?month period.
Moreover, by adopting the regulation on local border traffic, the EU
legislature intended to put rules in place for local border traffic which are
independent of, and distinct from, those of the Schengen acquis.
The purpose of those rules is to enable the residents of the border
areas concerned to cross the external land borders of the EU for legitimate
economic, social, cultural or family reasons, and to do so easily – that is to
say, without excessive administrative constraints – and frequently, even
Next, in relation to the concerns expressed by certain Member States in
relation to the alleged negative consequences of such an autonomous
interpretation of the regulation, the Court responds that the easing of border
crossing is intended for bona fide border residents with legitimate and duly
substantiated reasons for frequently crossing an external land border.
In addition, the Member States remain free to impose penalties on those
who abuse or fraudulently use their local border traffic permit.
Accordingly, the Court considers that the holder of a local border
traffic permit must be able to move freely within the border area for a period
of three months if his stay is uninterrupted and to have a new right to a
three-month stay each time that his stay is interrupted.
Finally, the Court states that the stay of the holder of a local border
traffic permit must be regarded as interrupted as soon as the person concerned
crosses the border back into his State of residence in accordance with the
conditions laid down in his permit, irrespective of the frequency of such
crossings, even if they occur several times daily.
A reference for a preliminary ruling allows the courts and tribunals of
the Member States, in disputes which have been brought before them, to refer
questions to the Court of Justice about the interpretation of European Union law
or the validity of a European Union act.
The Court of Justice does not decide the dispute itself.
It is for the national court or tribunal to dispose of the case in
accordance with the Court’s decision, which is similarly binding on other
national courts or tribunals before which a similar issue is raised.