Occupazione: 24,2 milioni di euro dal Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione per aiutare i lavoratori licenziati in Austria, Danimarca, Finlandia, Italia, Romania, Spagna e Svezia
Inglese tratto da:
Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 22-03-2013
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Employment: European Globalisation Fund pays €24.2 million to help redundant workers in Austria, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Romania, Spain and Sweden
Occupazione: 24,2 milioni di euro dal Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione per aiutare i lavoratori licenziati in Austria, Danimarca, Finlandia, Italia, Romania, Spagna e Svezia
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The European Commission has just made payments to Austria, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Romania, Spain and Sweden from the European Globalisation adjustment Fund (EGF).The total amount of €24.2 million will help 5,271 workers in those countries back into employment, following their dismissals in a wide variety of sectors including automotive, motorcycles, mobile phones, metal products, electronic equipment and social work activities.
La Commissione europea ha erogato fondi per un totale di 24,2 milioni di euro ad Austria, Danimarca, Finlandia, Italia, Romania, Spagna e Svezia a titolo del Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione (FEG) per aiutare 5.271 lavoratori di questi paesi colpiti da licenziamento in una vasta gamma di settori - tra cui quelli automobilistico, motociclistico, dei telefoni cellulari, dei prodotti metallici, delle apparecchiature elettroniche e dell'assistenza sociale - a ritrovare un'occupazione.
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European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion László Andor said
Il Commissario europeo per l'Occupazione, gli affari sociali e l'integrazione László Andor ha dichiarato:
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"The EGF is an effective tool in supporting workers laid off as a result of changing world trade patterns.
"Il FEG è uno strumento efficace per sostenere i lavoratori licenziati a seguito di mutamenti strutturali del commercio mondiale.
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It has also proven its worth in cases of lay-offs resulting from the economic crisis.
Ha anche dimostrato la sua validità in casi di licenziamenti dovuti alla crisi economica.
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The Commission welcomes the fact that the Member States have agreed to continue the EGF for the next programming period 2014-2020".
La Commissione prende atto con soddisfazione che gli Stati membri hanno convenuto di proseguire il FEG per il prossimo periodo di programmazione 2014-2020".
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The break-down of the total €24.2 million is as follows:
La ripartizione dei complessivi 24,2 milioni di euro è la seguente:
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€8.2 million will help 2,416 former workers of Nokia (1,000 in Finland and 1,416 in Romania) who lost their job as a result of the transfer of mobile phone assembly lines to Asian countries.
8,2 milioni di euro serviranno ad aiutare 2.416 ex dipendenti Nokia (1.000 in Finlandia e 1.416 in Romania) che hanno perso il loro posto di lavoro a causa del trasferimento delle linee di assemblaggio dei telefoni mobili in paesi asiatici.
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For more details about the proposed measures to help the dismissed workers, see also IP/12/1122 and IP/12/1123.
Per maggiori dettagli sulle misure proposte per aiutare i lavoratori licenziati si vedano anche i comunicati IP/12/1122 e IP/12/1123.
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€5.4 million will help 1,350 former workers of Saab in Sweden.
5,4 milioni di euro andranno a beneficio di 1.350 ex dipendenti Saab in Svezia.
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The redundancies are a consequence of the geographical shift of production to Asia, due to the growing demand for passenger cars in Asian markets.
Il loro licenziamento è conseguenza della spostamento della produzione in Asia, a causa della crescente domanda di autovetture sui mercati asiatici.
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For more details about the proposed measures to help the dismissed workers, see also IP/12/1124.
Per maggiori dettagli sulle misure proposte per aiutare i lavoratori licenziati si veda anche il comunicato IP/12/1124.
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€5.2 million will help 350 workers made redundant in Steiermark in Austria.
5,2 milioni di euro saranno di ausilio a 350 lavoratori licenziati in Stiria (Austria).
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The dismissals in Steiermark's mobile social services sector (provision of mobile social services for the disabled and mobile youth assistance) is a consequence of social budget cuts resulting from the current economic and financial crisis.
I licenziamenti che hanno avuto luogo in Stiria nel settore dei servizi mobili di assistenza sociale (fornitura di servizi sociali mobili per disabili e assistenza mobile ai giovani) sono una conseguenza dei tagli alle voci di bilancio relative ai servizi sociali indotti dall'attuale crisi economica e finanziaria.
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For more details about the proposed measures to help the dismissed workers, see also IP/12/1119.
Per maggiori dettagli sulle misure proposte per aiutare i lavoratori licenziati si veda anche il comunicato IP/12/1119.
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€2.6 million will help 502 workers dismissed by ten manufacturers of motorcycles, spare parts or components for the motorcycle and moped industry in Italy, which is Europe’s main centre of production in this sector.
2,6 milioni di euro andranno a favore di 502 lavoratori licenziati da dieci produttori di motocicli, pezzi di ricambio o componentistica per l'industria dei motocicli e dei ciclomotori in Italia, che è il principale centro di produzione europeo del settore.
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The redundancies are the result of the drop in demand for such vehicles throughout Europe.
I licenziamenti sono conseguenza della riduzione della domanda di tali veicoli in Europa.
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For more details about the proposed measures to help the dismissed workers, see also IP/12/1120.
Per maggiori dettagli sulle misure proposte per aiutare i lavoratori licenziati si veda anche il comunicato IP/12/1120.
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€1.3 million will help 616 former workers of Flextronics Denmark, a producer of printed circuit boards.
1,3 milioni di euro serviranno ad aiutare 616 ex dipendenti della Flextronics Denmark, azienda produttrice di circuiti stampati.
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The redundancies are a direct consequence of the major structural changes in world trade patterns, whereby electronic equipment facilities are moving to Asia.
I licenziamenti sono la diretta conseguenza di modifiche strutturali rilevanti del commercio mondiale, nel cui quadro si inserisce il trasferimento in Asia di fabbriche di apparecchiature elettroniche.
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In this case, the Singapore Flextronics headquarters decided to close the Danish subsidiary.
Nel caso specifico la casa madre, la Singapore Flextronics, ha deciso di chiudere la sua controllata danese.
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For more details about the proposed measures to help the dismissed workers, see also IP/12/1121.
Per maggiori dettagli sulle misure proposte per aiutare i lavoratori licenziati si veda anche il comunicato IP/12/1121.
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€1.2 million will help 500 dismissed workers from Spanish manufacturers of fabricated metal products.
1,2 milioni di euro andranno a favore di 500 lavoratori licenziati da produttori spagnoli di manufatti metallici.
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The metal products sector is a major supplier of a wide range of manufacturing industries, notably in the shipbuilding, construction and automotive sectors.
Il settore dei prodotti in metallo svolge un ruolo chiave in quanto rifornisce molte industrie manifatturiere, in particolare nei settori della cantieristica navale, delle costruzioni e automobilistico.
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All these activities were significantly impacted across the EU by the economic crisis, as demonstrated in previous applications for EGF support.
La crisi economica ha avuto un impatto significativo su tutte queste attività nell'intera UE, come dimostrato dalle precedenti domande di contributo FEG.
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For more details about the proposed measures to help the dismissed workers, see also IP/12/1125.
Per maggiori dettagli sulle misure proposte per aiutare i lavoratori licenziati si veda anche il comunicato IP/12/1125.
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These payments are the result of proposals made by the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers, following applications for EGF funding by the countries concerned.
Questi stanziamenti sono il risultato delle proposte presentate dalla Commissione al Parlamento europeo e al Consiglio dei ministri a seguito delle domande di finanziamento FEG dei paesi interessati.
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Council and Parliament have approved these proposals, leading to the release of the funds.
Il Consiglio e il Parlamento hanno approvato le proposte, svincolando i fondi.
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There have been 105 applications to the EGF since the start of its operations in 2007.
Dal 2007, anno in cui è divenuto operativo, il FEG ha ricevuto 105 domande di contributo finanziario.
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Some €454 million has been requested to help about 94,500 workers.
Sono stati richiesti fondi per circa 454 milioni di euro per dare aiuto a circa 94.500 lavoratori.
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EGF applications are being presented to help redundant workers in a growing number of sectors, and by an increasing number of Member States.
Attualmente sta aumentando il numero dei settori economici e degli Stati membri che presentano domande FEG per aiutare i lavoratori licenziati.
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More open trade with the rest of the world leads to overall benefits for growth and employment, but it can also cost jobs, particularly in vulnerable sectors and affecting lower-skilled workers.
Una maggiore apertura del commercio con il resto del mondo si traduce generalmente in vantaggi per la crescita e l'occupazione, ma talvolta anche in perdita di posti di lavoro, in particolare in settori vulnerabili e nel caso delle professioni meno qualificate.
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This is why Commission President Barroso proposed setting up a fund to help those adjusting to the consequences of globalisation.
Per questa ragione il presidente della Commissione Barroso ha proposto a suo tempo di creare un fondo per aiutare coloro che subiscono maggiormente le conseguenze della globalizzazione.
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The EGF was established at the end of 2006 and was designed to demonstrate solidarity from the many who benefit from open markets to the few who face the sudden shock of losing their jobs.
Il FEG, costituito alla fine del 2006, è stato creato per dimostrare concretamente la solidarietà dei molti che beneficiano dell'apertura dei mercati verso coloro che si trovano ad affrontare lo shock improvviso di perdere il lavoro.
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In June 2009, the EGF rules were revised to strengthen the role of the EGF as an early intervention instrument forming part of Europe's response to the financial and economic crisis.
Nel giugno 2009, le norme del FEG sono state riviste per rafforzare il ruolo di tale fondo come strumento di intervento tempestivo e come parte integrante della risposta della UE alla crisi economica e finanziaria.
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The revised EGF Regulation entered into force on 2 July 2009 and applied to all applications received from 1 May 2009 to 31 December 2011.
Il regolamento FEG rivisto è entrato in vigore il 2 luglio 2009 e si applica a tutte le domande ricevute a partire dal 1° maggio 2009 al 31 dicembre 2011.
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In the absence of an agreement in the Council, the EGF's crisis response function could not be prolonged beyond 2011.
In mancanza di accordo in sede di Consiglio, non è stato possibile prorogare oltre il 2011 questo strumento di risposta alla crisi.
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Building on the experience acquired with the EGF since 2007 and its value added for the assisted workers and affected regions, the Commission has proposed to maintain the Fund also during the 2014-2020 multiannual financial framework, while further improving its functioning.
In base all'esperienza acquisita con il FEG dal 2007 e al suo valore aggiunto per i lavoratori assistiti e le regioni colpite, la Commissione ha proposto di mantenere il Fondo nell'ambito del quadro finanziario pluriennale 2014-2020, migliorandone ulteriormente il funzionamento.
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This includes covering lay-offs resulting from the economic crisis as well as new categories of workers such as temporary and self-employed workers.
Si prevede di intervenire sia sui licenziamenti causati dalla crisi economica che su nuove categorie di lavoratori, come gli interinali e gli autonomi.
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The proposal has been approved by the Council and is now being discussed at the Parliament.
La proposta è stata approvata dal Consiglio ed è attualmente all'esame del Parlamento.
Employment: European Globalisation Fund pays €24.2 million to help
redundant workers in Austria, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Romania, Spain and Sweden
The European Commission has just made payments to Austria, Denmark,
Finland, Italy, Romania, Spain and Sweden from the European Globalisation
adjustment Fund (EGF).The total amount of €24.2 million will help 5,271 workers
in those countries back into employment, following their dismissals in a wide
variety of sectors including automotive, motorcycles, mobile phones, metal
products, electronic equipment and social work activities.
uropean Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
László Andor said
"The EGF is an effective tool in supporting workers laid off as a
result of changing world trade patterns.
It has also proven its worth in cases of lay-offs resulting from the
economic crisis.
The Commission welcomes the fact that the Member States have agreed to
continue the EGF for the next programming period 2014-2020".
The break-down of the total €24.2 million is as follows:
€8.2 million will help 2,416 former workers of Nokia (1,000 in Finland
and 1,416 in Romania) who lost their job as a result of the transfer of mobile
phone assembly lines to Asian countries.
For more details about the proposed measures to help the dismissed
workers, see also IP/12/1122 and IP/12/1123.
€5.4 million will help 1,350 former workers of Saab in Sweden.
The redundancies are a consequence of the geographical shift of
production to Asia, due to the growing demand for passenger cars in Asian
For more details about the proposed measures to help the dismissed
workers, see also IP/12/1124.
€5.2 million will help 350 workers made redundant in Steiermark in
The dismissals in Steiermark's mobile social services sector (provision
of mobile social services for the disabled and mobile youth assistance) is a
consequence of social budget cuts resulting from the current economic and
financial crisis.
For more details about the proposed measures to help the dismissed workers, see
also IP/12/1119.
€2.6 million will help 502 workers dismissed by ten manufacturers of
motorcycles, spare parts or components for the motorcycle and moped industry in
Italy, which is Europe’s main centre of production in this sector.
The redundancies are the result of the drop in demand for such vehicles
throughout Europe.
For more details about the proposed measures to help the dismissed
workers, see also IP/12/1120.
€1.3 million will help 616 former workers of Flextronics Denmark, a
producer of printed circuit boards.
The redundancies are a direct consequence of the major structural changes in
world trade patterns, whereby electronic equipment facilities are moving to
In this case, the Singapore Flextronics headquarters decided to close
the Danish subsidiary.
For more details about the proposed measures to help the dismissed
workers, see also IP/12/1121.
€1.2 million will help 500 dismissed workers from Spanish manufacturers
of fabricated metal products.
The metal products sector is a major supplier of a wide range of
manufacturing industries, notably in the shipbuilding, construction and
automotive sectors.
All these activities were significantly impacted across the EU by the
economic crisis, as demonstrated in previous applications for EGF support.
or more details about the proposed measures to help the dismissed
workers, see also IP/12/1125.
These payments are the result of proposals made by the Commission to
the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers, following applications for
EGF funding by the countries concerned.
Council and Parliament have approved these proposals, leading to the
release of the funds.
There have been 105 applications to the EGF since the start of its
operations in 2007.
Some €454 million has been requested to help about 94,500 workers.
EGF applications are being presented to help redundant workers in a
growing number of sectors, and by an increasing number of Member States.
More open trade with the rest of the world leads to overall benefits
for growth and employment, but it can also cost jobs, particularly in vulnerable
sectors and affecting lower-skilled workers.
This is why Commission President Barroso proposed setting up a fund to
help those adjusting to the consequences of globalisation.
The EGF was established at the end of 2006 and was designed to
demonstrate solidarity from the many who benefit from open markets to the few
who face the sudden shock of losing their jobs.
In June 2009, the EGF rules were revised to strengthen the role of the
EGF as an early intervention instrument forming part of Europe's response to the
financial and economic crisis.
The revised EGF Regulation entered into force on 2 July 2009 and
applied to all applications received from 1 May 2009 to 31 December 2011.
In the absence of an agreement in the Council, the EGF's crisis
response function could not be prolonged beyond 2011.
Building on the experience acquired with the EGF since 2007 and its
value added for the assisted workers and affected regions, the Commission has
proposed to maintain the Fund also during the 2014-2020 multiannual financial
framework, while further improving its functioning.
This includes covering lay-offs resulting from the economic crisis as
well as new categories of workers such as temporary and self-employed workers.
The proposal has been approved by the Council and is now being
discussed at the Parliament.