I bilanci dell'istruzione sotto pressione negli Stati membri
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Data documento: 21-03-2013
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Education budgets under pressure in Member States
I bilanci dell'istruzione sotto pressione negli Stati membri
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Investment in education fell in eight out of 25 Member States assessed as part of a European Commission study on the impact of the crisis on education budgets since 2010.
L'investimento nell'istruzione si è ridotto in otto dei venticinque Stati membri esaminati in uno studio realizzato a cura della Commissione europea sull'impatto che la crisi ha avuto sui bilanci dell'istruzione a partire dal 2010.
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Cuts of more than 5% were imposed in Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania and Portugal, while Estonia, Poland, Spain and the UK (Scotland) saw decreases of 1 to 5%.
Tagli superiori al 5% sono stati apportati in Grecia, Ungheria, Italia, Lituania e Portogallo, mentre in Estonia, Polonia, Spagna e Regno Unito (Scozia) si è registrato un calo dall'1 al 5%.
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However, five Member States increased education spending by more than 1%:
Cinque Stati membri però hanno aumentato la loro spesa per l'istruzione di più dell'1%:
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Austria, Denmark, Luxembourg, Malta and Sweden, as well as the German speaking area of Belgium.
Austria, Danimarca, Lussemburgo, Malta e Svezia, e anche la regione germanofona del Belgio.
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Germany and the Netherlands did not provide data for the period since 2010.
La Germania e i Paesi Bassi non hanno fornito dati per il periodo successivo al 2010.
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Spending trends vary in other Member States, with some increasing their budgets one year then decreasing them the next, or vice-versa.
Le tendenze della spesa variano in altri Stati membri, alcuni dei quali aumentano il loro bilancio un anno e lo riducono l'anno successivo o viceversa.
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Belgium (French speaking community), Cyprus, Latvia, Finland, France, Ireland, Slovenia and the UK (Wales), as well as future member Croatia, increased their education budget in 2010-2011, but reduced it in 2011-2012.
Il Belgio (comunità francofona), Cipro, la Lettonia, la Finlandia, la Francia, l'Irlanda, la Slovenia e il Regno Unito (Galles), nonché la Croazia in via di adesione all'Unione europea, hanno aumentato il loro bilancio per l'istruzione nel periodo 2010-2011, ma lo hanno ridotto nel 2011-2012.
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It was the opposite case in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Romania and Slovakia, which cut education budgets in 2010-2011 but increased them in the subsequent period.
Il contrario è avvenuto in Bulgaria, Repubblica ceca, Romania e Slovacchia, dove si sono registrati tagli al bilancio dell'istruzione nel 2010-2011 ma aumenti nel periodo successivo.
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The Flemish community of Belgium kept their budget stable in both years.
La comunità fiamminga del Belgio ha mantenuto stabile il proprio bilancio in entrambi gli anni.
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"These are difficult times for national treasuries but we need a consistent approach on public investment in education and training because this holds the key to the future of our young people and a long-term sustainable economic recovery.
"Sono tempi difficili per le finanze nazionali ma abbiamo bisogno di un approccio coerente in tema di investimenti pubblici nell'istruzione e nella formazione poiché questa è la chiave per il futuro dei nostri giovani e per la ripresa di un'economia sostenibile nel lungo periodo.
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If Member States fail to invest properly in modernising education and skills, we will fall further behind our global competitors and find it harder to tackle youth unemployment," said Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
Se gli Stati membri non investono adeguatamente nella modernizzazione dell'istruzione e delle abilità ci troveremo sempre più arretrati rispetto ai nostri concorrenti globali e avremo difficoltà ad affrontare il problema della disoccupazione giovanile", ha affermato Androulla Vassiliou, commissario europeo responsabile per l'istruzione, la cultura, il multilinguismo e la gioventù.
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The study analysed funding at all levels of education, from pre-primary to tertiary level, in 35 national and regional education systems.
Lo studio ha analizzato i finanziamenti destinati a tutti i livelli dell'istruzione, dal pre-primario al terziario, in 35 sistemi educativi nazionali e regionali.
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It shows that, in 2011 and 2012, teachers' salaries and allowances were reduced or frozen in 11 countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal and Spain).
Ne è emerso che, nel 2011 e 2012, gli stipendi e le indennità degli insegnanti sono stati ridotti o congelati in 11 paesi (Bulgaria, Croazia, Estonia, Grecia, Ungheria, Irlanda, Italia, Lettonia, Lituania, Portogallo e Spagna).
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Teachers' pay accounts for more than 70% of education budgets.
La retribuzione degli insegnanti incide per più del 70% sui bilanci dell'istruzione.
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The cuts have also resulted in reductions in the number of teaching staff in 10 Member States (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, France, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania and UK).
I tagli hanno anche prodotto riduzioni nel numero del personale docente in dieci Stati (Bulgaria, Cipro, Estonia, Francia, Italia, Lettonia, Lituania, Portogallo, Romania e Regno Unito).
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As well as the impact of the crisis, a decrease in student numbers was also a factor in the staff cuts.
Oltre all'impatto della crisi, all'origine dei tagli di personale vi è anche la riduzione del numero degli studenti.
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On a brighter note, funding for teacher training increased in 18 European countries – a significant development given the link between teaching quality and students' results.
Una nota positiva è data dal fatto che i finanziamenti per la formazione degli insegnanti sono aumentati in diciotto paesi europei, il che rappresenta uno sviluppo significativo considerata la correlazione tra la qualità dell'insegnamento e i risultati degli studenti.
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Public sector support for pupils and students such as grants, loans and family allowances, were not affected in the majority of countries in 2011 and 2012.
Nel 2011 e 2012 il sostegno pubblico ai discenti in forma di borse, prestiti e assegni familiari non è stato ritoccato nella maggior parte dei paesi.
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Eight Member States (Austria, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg and Portugal) offer specific financial support for unemployed or low-skilled people to improve or renew their skills.
Otto Stati membri (Austria, Germania, Grecia, Irlanda, Lettonia, Lituania, Lussemburgo e Portogallo) offrono un sostegno finanziario specifico ai disoccupati o alle persone scarsamente qualificate affinché migliorino o aggiornino le loro abilità.
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In most cases these investments are matched by the European Social Fund.
Nella maggior parte dei casi questi investimenti sono cofinanziati dal Fondo sociale europeo.
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The study, entitled 'Funding of Education in Europe:The Impact of the Economic Crisis', focuses on:
The study, entitled 'Funding of Education in Europe:The Impact of the Economic Crisis' (Finanziamento dell'istruzione in Europa:l'impatto della crisi economica), ha esaminato in particolare:
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- the economic context
- il contesto economico
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- public expenditure and national budget developments in education
- la spesa pubblica e l'evoluzione dei bilanci nazionali nel campo dell'istruzione
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- trends in staff funding (salaries and allowances)
- le tendenze per quanto concerne il finanziamento del personale (stipendi e indennità)
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- national budgets for educational infrastructure and support systems
- i bilanci nazionali per le infrastrutture educative e i sistemi di sostegno
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- latest trends in funding and changes to national policies for financial support of pupils and students
- le più recenti tendenze in tema di finanziamento e i cambiamenti intervenuti nelle politiche nazionali per quanto concerne il sostegno finanziario ai discenti.
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The analysis covers Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and the UK.
L'analisi ha interessato Austria, Belgio, Bulgaria, Croazia, Cipro, Repubblica ceca, Danimarca, Estonia, Finlandia, Francia, Germania, Grecia, Ungheria, Islanda, Irlanda, Italia, Lettonia, Lituania, Lussemburgo, Malta, Paesi Bassi, Norvegia, Polonia, Portogallo, Romania, Slovacchia, Slovenia, Spagna, Svezia, Turchia e Regno Unito.
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Germany and the Netherlands did not provide data for 2010-2012.
La Germania e i Paesi Bassi non hanno fornito dati per il periodo 2010-2012.
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For the UK, data is available for Scotland and Wales but not for England and Northern Ireland.
Per il Regno Unito sono disponibili dati relativamente alla Scozia e al Galles ma non all'Inghilterra e all'Irlanda del Nord.
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The study is produced for the Commission by the Eurydice network, which consists of 40 national units based in 36 countries (27 Member States, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland as members of the Free Trade Area (EFTA), Turkey, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) ).
Lo studio è stato prodotto per la Commissione dalla rete Eurydice che consiste di 40 unità nazionali basate in 36 paesi (i 27 Stati membri dell'UE, Svizzera, Liechtenstein, Norvegia, e Islanda in qualità di membri dell'Associazione europea di libero scambio (EFTA), Turchia, Croazia, Serbia, Montenegro e l'ex Repubblica iugoslava di Macedonia).
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Eurydice is co-ordinated by the EU Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency.
Eurydice è coordinata dall'Agenzia esecutiva per l'istruzione, gli audiovisivi e la cultura dell'UE.
Education budgets under pressure in Member States
Investment in education fell in eight out of 25 Member States assessed
as part of a European Commission study on the impact of the crisis on education
budgets since 2010.
Cuts of more than 5% were imposed in Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania
and Portugal, while Estonia, Poland, Spain and the UK (Scotland) saw decreases
of 1 to 5%.
However, five Member States increased education spending by more than
Austria, Denmark, Luxembourg, Malta and Sweden, as well as the German speaking
area of Belgium.
Germany and the Netherlands did not provide data for the period since
Spending trends vary in other Member States, with some increasing their
budgets one year then decreasing them the next, or vice-versa.
Belgium (French speaking community), Cyprus, Latvia, Finland, France,
Ireland, Slovenia and the UK (Wales), as well as future member Croatia,
increased their education budget in 2010-2011, but reduced it in 2011-2012.
It was the opposite case in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Romania and
Slovakia, which cut education budgets in 2010-2011 but increased them in the
subsequent period.
The Flemish community of Belgium kept their budget stable in both
"These are difficult times for national treasuries but we need a
consistent approach on public investment in education and training because this
holds the key to the future of our young people and a long-term sustainable
economic recovery.
If Member States fail to invest properly in modernising education and
skills, we will fall further behind our global competitors and find it harder to
tackle youth unemployment," said Androulla Vassiliou, European Commissioner for
Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth.
The study analysed funding at all levels of education, from pre-primary
to tertiary level, in 35 national and regional education systems.
It shows that, in 2011 and 2012, teachers' salaries and allowances were
reduced or frozen in 11 countries (Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Greece, Hungary,
Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal and Spain).
Teachers' pay accounts for more than 70% of education budgets.
The cuts have also resulted in reductions in the number of teaching
staff in 10 Member States (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, France, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Portugal, Romania and UK).
As well as the impact of the crisis, a decrease in student numbers was
also a factor in the staff cuts.
On a brighter note, funding for teacher training increased in 18
European countries – a significant development given the link between teaching
quality and students' results.
Public sector support for pupils and students such as grants, loans and
family allowances, were not affected in the majority of countries in 2011 and
Eight Member States (Austria, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg and Portugal) offer specific financial support for
unemployed or low-skilled people to improve or renew their skills.
In most cases these investments are matched by the European Social
The study, entitled 'Funding of Education in Europe:
The Impact of the Economic Crisis', focuses on:
- the economic context
- public expenditure and national budget developments in education
- trends in staff funding (salaries and allowances)
- national budgets for educational infrastructure and support systems
- latest trends in funding and changes to national policies for financial
support of pupils and students
The analysis covers Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,
Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and the UK.
Germany and the Netherlands did not provide data for 2010-2012.
For the UK, data is available for Scotland and Wales but not for
England and Northern Ireland.
the Commission by the Eurydice network, which consists of 40 national
units based in 36 countries (27 Member States, Switzerland, Liechtenstein,
Norway and Iceland as members of the Free Trade Area (EFTA), Turkey, Croatia,
Serbia, Montenegro and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) ).
Eurydice is co-ordinated by the EU Education, Audiovisual and Culture
Executive Agency.