Le regioni ultraperiferiche sono la risorsa dimenticata dell'Europa!
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Data documento: 20-03-2013
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The outermost regions: Europe's forgotten asset
Le regioni ultraperiferiche sono la risorsa dimenticata dell'Europa!
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In view of the special circumstances of the outermost regions (OR), the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU) makes it possible to adopt specific measures when applying the treaties to such regions.
Il Trattato sul funzionamento dell'UE (TFUE) consente l'adozione di misure specifiche nell'applicazione dei trattati alle regioni ultraperiferiche (RU), in considerazione della loro situazione specifica.
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However, in order for these measures to have any impact, a more ambitious strategy is called for than the one proposed by the European Commission.
Perché tali misure abbiano un impatto effettivo però, è necessario adottare una strategia più ambiziosa di quella proposta dalla Commissione europea.
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Special attention should focus on the agricultural aid programme, an increase in financial resources, foreign policy, and trans-European energy, transport and research networks:
Occorre riservare un'attenzione speciale al programma di aiuti agricoli, all'aumento dei mezzi finanziari, alla politica esterna e alle reti transeuropee di energia, trasporto e ricerca.
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this is the only way to achieve the Europe 2020 objectives in the EU's eight outermost regions.
Soltanto così gli obiettivi della strategia Europa 2020 potranno essere raggiunti nelle otto regioni ultraperiferiche dell'UE.
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The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has been analysing developments in the outermost regions for twenty years now. In its most recent consideration of the subject it points out that Article 349 TFEU, which allows for special measures for these regions, is not being implemented as effectively as it could be.
Il Comitato economico e sociale europeo (CESE), che da ormai venti anni studia l'evoluzione delle RU, ha osservato nelle sue ultime deliberazioni che l'attuazione dell'articolo 349 del TFUE, che rende possibile l'adozione di misure speciali per le RU, presenta un margine di miglioramento considerevole.
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The opinion, on The outermost regions: smart growth, was adopted at the EESC plenary session on 20 March.
Queste considerazioni trovano posto nel parere sul tema Regioni ultraperiferiche e crescita intelligente, adottato il 20 marzo in sessione plenaria.
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"First and foremost, competition, public procurement, fisheries and environment policies all need to be reviewed.
"Sarebbe innanzitutto opportuno procedere a un riesame delle politiche in materia di concorrenza, appalti pubblici, pesca e ambiente.
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The Committee therefore asks the Commission to draw up and publish a detailed analysis of the application of Article 349", stated Henri Malosse, President of the Employers' Group and rapporteur for the opinion.
Per questo motivo, il Comitato esorta la Commissione europea a elaborare e quindi pubblicare un'analisi approfondita dell'applicazione dell'articolo 349", ha affermato Henri Malosse, presidente del gruppo Datori di lavoro e relatore del parere.
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The Programme of Options Specifically Relating to Remoteness and Insularity (POSEI), which covers agricultural production, should also be reviewed.
Bisogna rivedere anche il Programma di soluzioni specifiche per ovviare alla lontananza e all'insularità (POSEI) destinato alla produzione agricola.
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Until now, the programme has focused on these regions' traditional crops, namely bananas and sugar.
Finora il POSEI è stato incentrato sulle coltivazioni tradizionali, ossia banane e zucchero.
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Without prejudice to these, the Committee thinks that POSEI should cover other agricultural products such as vanilla and fruit and vegetables, and fisheries products, both for the domestic market and for export.
Senza recare pregiudizio a tali coltivazioni, il CESE è favorevole a che il POSEI sostenga altri prodotti agricoli, come la vaniglia, i prodotti ortofrutticoli e della pesca, destinati sia al mercato interno che all'esportazione.
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The Committee thus calls for an assessment of POSEI and an extension of the range of products covered.
Il CESE chiede pertanto di procedere ad una valutazione del POSEI e sollecita l'ampliamento della gamma di prodotti compresi in questo programma.
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The Committee thinks that the links between mainland Europe and its outermost regions should be strengthened, in order to increase their sense of belonging and harness the opportunities offered by their geographic location.
Il Comitato ritiene necessario rafforzare i legami tra l'UE e le sue regioni ultraperiferiche, per aumentare il loro senso di appartenenza e trarre vantaggio dalle opportunità offerte dalla loro posizione geografica.
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Thus, these regions must have access to appropriate financial means to allow them to achieve the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy and to compensate for the disadvantages linked to their remoteness.
È quindi essenziale che i mezzi finanziari permettano alle RU di raggiungere gli obiettivi della strategia Europa 2020, compensando gli svantaggi legati alla loro lontananza geografica.
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Specifically, aid should focus on improving access to the major European networks for research, in the field of transport, education, training, employment and information technology.
Concretamente, bisogna concentrare gli aiuti sul potenziamento dell'accesso alle grandi reti europee di ricerca nel campo dei trasporti, dell'istruzione, della formazione, dell'occupazione e delle tecnologie dell'informazione.
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Small businesses play a key role in the economy of the outermost regions, and must not be neglected: the European Small Business Act, respect for free competition, and access to EU aid for small businesses are thus particularly important.
Le PMI, che svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nell'economia delle RU, non possono essere trascurate ed è per questo che cresce l'importanza dello Small Business Act per l'Europa, del rispetto della libera concorrenza e dell'accesso delle PMI agli aiuti europei.
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The Committee also stresses the importance of the social dimension, and supports the proposal by the President of the Canary Islands Region to put in place an emergency plan to combat mass unemployment.
Il Comitato ribadisce inoltre l'importanza della dimensione sociale e approva la proposta del Presidente delle isole Canarie di un piano di emergenza per lottare contro la disoccupazione di massa.
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The Committee draws attention to the impact which EU trade and fisheries agreements with countries neighbouring the OR can have on these regions, and recommends an impact assessment.
Il CESE richiama l'attenzione sulle conseguenze che gli accordi commerciali e di pesca tra l'UE e i paesi vicini potrebbero avere per le RU, e per tale motivo chiede una valutazione d'impatto.
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The OR can also play a strategic role in external policy as outposts of the EU in neighbouring geographic areas, particularly in relation to trade, fisheries and development cooperation.
D'altro canto, le RU possono svolgere un ruolo strategico quale piattaforma dell'Europa nelle aree geografiche limitrofe nel quadro della politica esterna, commerciale, della pesca e della cooperazione allo sviluppo dell'UE.
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"The involvement of civil society in the EU's strategy must be more than just a slogan:
"L'adesione della società civile alla strategia dell'UE deve essere più di uno slogan;
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the opinion therefore proposes that round tables be organised, bringing in civil society players in each OR, to prepare action plans", stated Luis Miguel Pariza Castaños, a member of the Workers' Group and president of the study group for the opinion.
per questo nel parere proponiamo l'organizzazione di tavole rotonde a cui partecipino i soggetti della società civile di tutte le regioni ultraperiferiche, per preparare i piani d'azione", ha sottolineato Luis Miguel Pariza Castaños, membro del gruppo Lavoratori e presidente del gruppo di studio per questo parere.
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The Committee thus proposes strengthened cooperation with the Conference of Presidents of the Outermost Regions and their economic and social councils.
Il CESE propone quindi una collaborazione regolare con la Conferenza dei presidenti delle RU e con i consigli economici e sociali di queste regioni.
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An important milestone in this joint work came with the hearing held in November 2012 on the island of Reunion, which currently chairs the Conference of OR Presidents.
In quest'ottica, i lavori congiunti hanno segnato una tappa importante con la riunione svoltasi nel novembre 2012 nell'isola di Riunione, che esercita la presidenza di turno della Conferenza dei presidenti delle RU.
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According to Henri Malosse, this will be stepped up with conferences and meetings throughout 2013.
Secondo quanto annunciato da Henri Malosse, questi lavori saranno rafforzati da conferenze e riunioni lungo tutto l'arco del 2013.
The outermost regions: Europe's forgotten asset
In view of the special circumstances of the outermost regions (OR), the
Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU) makes it possible to adopt specific
measures when applying the treaties to such regions.
However, in order for these measures to have any impact, a more
ambitious strategy is called for than the one proposed by the European
Special attention should focus on the agricultural aid programme, an
increase in financial resources, foreign policy, and trans-European energy,
transport and research networks:
this is the only way to achieve the Europe 2020 objectives in the EU's
eight outermost regions.
The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has been analysing
developments in the outermost regions for twenty years now. In its most recent
consideration of the subject it points out that Article 349 TFEU, which allows
for special measures for these regions, is not being implemented as effectively
as it could be.
The opinion, on The outermost regions: smart growth, was adopted at the
EESC plenary session on 20 March.
"First and foremost, competition, public procurement, fisheries and
environment policies all need to be reviewed.
The Committee therefore asks the Commission to draw up and publish a
detailed analysis of the application of Article 349", stated Henri Malosse,
President of the Employers' Group and rapporteur for the opinion.
The Programme of Options Specifically Relating to Remoteness and
Insularity (POSEI), which covers agricultural production, should also be
Until now, the programme has focused on these regions' traditional
crops, namely bananas and sugar.
Without prejudice to these, the Committee thinks that POSEI should
cover other agricultural products such as vanilla and fruit and vegetables, and
fisheries products, both for the domestic market and for export.
The Committee thus calls for an assessment of POSEI and an extension of
the range of products covered.
The Committee thinks that the links between mainland Europe and its
outermost regions should be strengthened, in order to increase their sense of
belonging and harness the opportunities offered by their geographic location.
Thus, these regions must have access to appropriate financial means to
allow them to achieve the objectives of the Europe 2020 strategy and to
compensate for the disadvantages linked to their remoteness.
Specifically, aid should focus on improving access to the major
European networks for research, in the field of transport, education, training,
employment and information technology.
Small businesses play a key role in the economy of the outermost
regions, and must not be neglected: the European Small Business Act, respect for
free competition, and access to EU aid for small businesses are thus
particularly important.
The Committee also stresses the importance of the social dimension, and
supports the proposal by the President of the Canary Islands Region to put in
place an emergency plan to combat mass unemployment.
The Committee draws attention to the impact which EU trade and
fisheries agreements with countries neighbouring the OR can have on these
regions, and recommends an impact assessment.
The OR can also play a strategic role in external policy as outposts of
the EU in neighbouring geographic areas, particularly in relation to trade,
fisheries and development cooperation.
"The involvement of civil society in the EU's strategy must be more
than just a slogan:
the opinion therefore proposes that round tables be organised, bringing
in civil society players in each OR, to prepare action plans", stated Luis
Miguel Pariza Castaños, a member of the Workers' Group and president of the
study group for the opinion.
The Committee thus proposes strengthened cooperation with the
Conference of Presidents of the Outermost Regions and their economic and social
An important milestone in this joint work came with the hearing held in
November 2012 on the island of Reunion, which currently chairs the Conference of
OR Presidents.
According to Henri Malosse, this will be stepped up with conferences
and meetings throughout 2013.