Il CESE per l'educazione a un migliore uso di Internet
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Data documento: 08-03-2013
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Education is the path to a better Internet
Il CESE per l'educazione a un migliore uso di Internet
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To make the Internet safer, European countries should favour education and empowerment over centralized policing, argues the European Economic and Social Committee.
Secondo il Comitato economico e sociale europeo, per rendere più sicuro l'uso di Internet i paesi dell'UE dovrebbero preferire l'educazione e la responsabilizzazione degli utenti anziché limitarsi a una sorveglianza centralizzata.
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Social networking and new online technologies have triggered the development of flexible communication tools across a broad spectrum of our lives, work and culture.
L'uso delle reti sociali e delle nuove tecnologie online ha dato il via allo sviluppo di strumenti flessibili di comunicazione in tanti aspetti della nostra vita quotidiana, lavorativa e culturale.
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At the same time, however, the growth of the digital society has given rise to potentially harmful or illegal content and activities, exposing Internet users to substantial risks.
Allo stesso tempo, però, la crescita della società digitale ha visto nascere contenuti e attività potenzialmente dannosi o illegali, che rappresentano un rischio concreto per gli utenti di Internet.
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These opportunities and challenges touch upon such issues as users' fundamental rights, the applicable regulatory approaches or the form that international and EU co-operation should take.
Le opportunità e le sfide aperte dalla rete riguardano questioni come i diritti fondamentali degli utenti, gli approcci normativi da applicare e la forma che dovrebbe assumere la cooperazione a livello internazionale e dell'UE.
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The EESC's one-day conference entitled "Towards a more responsible use of the internet:
Il CESE ha organizzato un convegno di un giorno intitolato Verso un uso più responsabile di Internet:
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The European civil society perspective" was organised to discuss if and how a balance can be struck between online freedom of expression and the protection of personal dignity and privacy.
il punto di vista della società civile europea per discutere sulla possibilità e sui modi di trovare un equilibrio tra libertà d'espressione e tutela della dignità e della riservatezza delle persone.
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"Censorship is not an option, nor is an "anything goes" approach," said Laure Batut, EESC Member (Workers' Group, France) and rapporteur for several EESC opinions on the digital market and digital literacy and e-skills.
Secondo Laure Batut, membro del CESE (gruppo Lavoratori, Francia) e relatrice di diversi pareri del Comitato sul mercato digitale, l'alfabetizzazione informatica e le competenze elettroniche, né la censura né il lassismo possono rappresentare una soluzione.
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She called for a new approach combining "awareness-raising campaigns aimed at the digitally active and a sharper focus on education and information".
Laure Batut ha chiesto un nuovo approccio, che combini le campagne di sensibilizzazione rivolte alle persone attive in rete e una maggiore attenzione per l'educazione e l'informazione degli utenti.
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Her view was echoed by Catherine Noone, an Irish senator, who said that "individual education and empowerment will always be far more effective than centralized policing".
Della stessa opinione si è detta la senatrice irlandese Catherine Noone, secondo cui l'educazione e la responsabilizzazione dei singoli saranno sempre molto più efficaci di una sorveglianza centralizzata.
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Many participants came out in favour of industry self-regulation, which they argued was better-suited for ensuring the protection of users online than stringent, binding regulations.
Molti partecipanti si sono espressi a favore di un'autoregolamentazione del settore, che considerano più utile per la protezione degli utenti rispetto a normative rigide e vincolanti.
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"With technology and the online world changing at breakneck pace, the legislation risks becoming obsolete very fast," cautioned EESC-Vice-President Anna-Maria Darmanin.
Secondo la vicepresidente del CESE Anna-Maria Darmanin, dato il ritmo mozzafiato a cui cambia il mondo della tecnologia e di Internet, la legislazione rischia di diventare subito obsoleta.
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"Any laws enacted to protect netizens must not restrict or compromise their freedom and autonomy," said MEP Amelia Andersdotter adding that a citizen-focused policy framework for responsible internet use was possible to create.
L'eurodeputata Amelia Andersdotter ha aggiunto che le norme volte a proteggere gli internauti non devono restringerne o comprometterne la libertà e l'autonomia, e ha sostenuto la realizzabilità di un quadro d'intervento incentrato sui cittadini per l'uso responsabile di Internet.
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Elvana Thaci, who represented the Council of Europe, argued for using existing rights to ensure the protection of online users.
La rappresentante del Consiglio d'Europa, Elvana Thaci, ha chiesto di far leva sui diritti già in vigore per garantire la protezione degli utenti della rete:
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"The application of existing human rights should be extended to cover people who are active on the Internet", she said.
"L'applicazione dei diritti umani esistenti dovrebbe essere ampliata in modo da tutelare anche le persone attive su Internet".
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Turning to the process in which a new approach to protecting Internet users should be established, Ms Darmanin was adamant that this should be achieved by means of "an intensive, multi-stakeholder dialogue and increased international coordination, reflecting the views and needs of people from vulnerable groups".
Riguardo al modo di procedere per stabilire un nuovo approccio alla tutela degli utenti di Internet, Anna-Maria Darmanin ha sottolineato con grande chiarezza che occorre un intenso dialogo con tutte le parti interessate e un maggiore coordinamento internazionale, che rifletta i punti di vista e le esigenze delle persone appartenenti alle categorie vulnerabili.
Education is the path to a better Internet
To make the Internet safer, European countries should favour education
and empowerment over centralized policing, argues the European Economic and
Social Committee.
Social networking and new online technologies have triggered the
development of flexible communication tools across a broad spectrum of our
lives, work and culture.
At the same time, however, the growth of the digital society has given
rise to potentially harmful or illegal content and activities, exposing Internet
users to substantial risks.
These opportunities and challenges touch upon such issues as users'
fundamental rights, the applicable regulatory approaches or the form that
international and EU co-operation should take.
The EESC's one-day conference entitled "Towards a more responsible use
of the internet:
The European civil society perspective" was organised to discuss if and
how a balance can be struck between online freedom of expression and the
protection of personal dignity and privacy.
"Censorship is not an option, nor is an "anything goes" approach," said
Laure Batut, EESC Member (Workers' Group, France) and rapporteur for several
EESC opinions on the digital market and digital literacy and e-skills.
She called for a new approach combining "awareness-raising campaigns
aimed at the digitally active and a sharper focus on education and information".
Her view was echoed by Catherine Noone, an Irish senator, who said that
"individual education and empowerment will always be far more effective than
centralized policing".
Many participants came out in favour of industry self-regulation, which
they argued was better-suited for ensuring the protection of users online than
stringent, binding regulations.
"With technology and the online world changing at breakneck pace, the
legislation risks becoming obsolete very fast," cautioned EESC-Vice-President
Anna-Maria Darmanin.
"Any laws enacted to protect netizens must not restrict or compromise
their freedom and autonomy," said MEP Amelia Andersdotter adding that a
citizen-focused policy framework for responsible internet use was possible to
Elvana Thaci, who represented the Council of Europe, argued for using
existing rights to ensure the protection of online users.
"The application of existing human rights should be extended to cover
people who are active on the Internet", she said.
Turning to the process in which a new approach to protecting Internet
users should be established, Ms Darmanin was adamant that this should be
achieved by means of "an intensive, multi-stakeholder dialogue and increased
international coordination, reflecting the views and needs of people from
vulnerable groups".