Occupazione: La Commissione propone 3,6 milioni di euro dal Fondo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione per gli ex lavoratori di Agile S.r.l. in Italia
Inglese tratto da:
Italiano tratto da:
Data documento: 07-03-2013
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Employment: Commission proposes €3.6 million from Globalisation Fund for former workers of Agile S.r.l. in Italy
Occupazione: La Commissione propone 3,6 milioni di euro dal Fondo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione per gli ex lavoratori di Agile S.r.l. in Italia
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The European Commission has today proposed to provide Italy with €3.6 million from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) to help 856 former workers of information technology services company Agile S.r.l. to find new jobs.
La Commissione europea ha proposto oggi di concedere all'Italia 3,6 milioni di euro del Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione (FEG) per aiutare 856 ex lavoratori della società di servizi di tecnologia dell'informazione Agile S.r.l. a trovare un nuovo posto di lavoro.
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The proposal now goes to the European Parliament and the EU's Council of Ministers for their approval.
La proposta sarà ora trasmessa al Parlamento europeo e al Consiglio dei ministri della UE per essere approvata.
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EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion László Andor commented:
László Andor, Commissario UE responsabile dell'occupazione, degli affari sociali e dell'inclusione, ha dichiarato:
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"This proposal for 3.6 million euros from Europe's Globalisation Fund would help these former Agile workers to upgrade their skills and so help them to find new jobs."
"Questa proposta per 3,6 milioni di euro del Fondo europeo di adeguamento alla globalizzazione in Europa può aiutare gli ex lavoratori della Agile a migliorare le loro competenze e quindi a trovare nuovi posti di lavoro."
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Italy applied for support from the EGF for 1,257 workers made redundant by Agile S.r.l.. Of the redundant workers, 856 are expected to benefit from the EGF co-financed measures.
L'Italia ha chiesto l'intervento del FEG per 1 257 lavoratori della Agile S.r.l. che hanno perso il lavoro, 856 dei quali dovrebbero beneficiare delle misure cofinanziate dal FEG.
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The package is designed to help the workers by offering them career advice and skills assessment, outplacement and job-search assistance, vocational training and skills upgrades, postgraduate education, entrepreneurship promotion and contribution to business start-up, hiring benefits, mentoring after reintegration into work, job-search allowances and contributions towards special expenses such as contribution for carers of dependent persons, contribution to commuting expenses and contribution to the expenses for moving their residence to take up a new job.
Il pacchetto di misure è pensato per aiutare i lavoratori offrendo loro consulenza riguardo alla carriera, valutazione delle competenze, assistenza nel ricollocamento e nella ricerca di lavoro, formazione professionale e potenziamento delle competenze, istruzione di livello post-universitario, promozione dell'imprenditorialità e contributi alla creazione di imprese, facilitazioni all'assunzione, tutoraggio dopo il reinserimento professionale, indennità per la ricerca di lavoro e contributi per le spese speciali come l'assistenza a persone non autosufficienti, contributi per le spese di pendolarismo e di trasferimento nel luogo del nuovo posto di lavoro.
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The total estimated cost of the package is approximately €5.6 million, of which the EGF would provide €3.6 million.
Il costo complessivo stimato del pacchetto è di circa 5,6 milioni di euro, 3,6 milioni dei quali saranno erogati dal FEG.
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The strong decline of the information and communications technology sector in Italy hit Agile S.r.l. particularly hard.
La forte flessione del settore delle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione in Italia ha colpito la Agile S.r.l. con particolare durezza.
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The effects of the global financial and economic crisis occurred when Agile was changing its commercial strategy by moving from offering call centre services at local level to offering integrated IT services at multiregional level.
Gli effetti della crisi economica e finanziaria mondiale sono esplosi nel momento in cui la società stava cambiando la propria strategia commerciale e passando dall'offerta di servizi di call-center a livello locale all'offerta di servizi IT integrati a livello multiregionale.
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In the face of declining demand the company’s efforts proved to be insufficient, resulting in heavy losses and insolvency, leading to dismissals.
Davanti al calo della domanda gli sforzi della società si sono rivelati insufficienti, con conseguenti gravi perdite e insolvenza, che hanno a loro volta condotto ai licenziamenti.
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The Agile redundancies are spread over most of Italy.
I licenziamenti sono ripartiti su gran parte d’Italia.
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The territories concerned are 12 out of the 19 Italian regions:
Sono infatti interessate 12 regioni su 20:
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Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio, Campania, Puglia, Basilica, Calabria and Sicily.
Piemonte, Lombardia, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, Toscana, Umbria, Lazio, Campania, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria e Sicilia.
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There have been 105 applications to the EGF since the start of its operations in 2007.
Dal 2007, anno in cui è divenuto operativo, il FEG ha ricevuto 105 domande di contributo finanziario.
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Some €454 million has been requested to help about 94,500 workers.
Sono stati richiesti fondi per circa 454 milioni di euro per dare aiuto a circa 94.500 lavoratori.
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EGF applications are being presented to help redundant workers in a growing number of sectors, and by an increasing number of Member States.
Attualmente sta aumentando il numero dei settori economici e degli Stati membri che presentano domande FEG per aiutare i lavoratori licenziati.
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More open trade with the rest of the world leads to overall benefits for growth and employment, but it can also cost some jobs, particularly in vulnerable sectors and affecting lower-skilled workers.
Una maggiore apertura del commercio con il resto del mondo si traduce in vantaggi globali per la crescita e l'occupazione, ma talvolta anche in perdita di posti di lavoro, in particolare in settori vulnerabili e per i lavoratori meno qualificati.
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This is why Commission President Barroso first proposed setting up a fund to help those adjusting to the consequences of globalisation.
È per questo che il presidente della Commissione Barroso ha proposto a suo tempo di istituire un Fondo per aiutare coloro che subiscono maggiormente le conseguenze della globalizzazione.
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The EGF was established at the end of 2006 and was designed to demonstrate solidarity from the many who benefit from more open trade to the few who face the sudden shock of losing their jobs.
Il FEG, istituito alla fine del 2006, è stato creato per dimostrare la solidarietà dei molti che beneficiano della maggiore apertura dei mercati verso i pochi che si trovano ad affrontare lo shock improvviso della perdita del lavoro.
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In June 2009, the EGF rules were revised to strengthen the role of the EGF as an early intervention instrument forming part of Europe's response to the financial and economic crisis.
Nel giugno 2009, le norme del FEG sono state riviste per rafforzarne il ruolo come strumento di intervento tempestivo e parte integrante della risposta della UE alla crisi economica e finanziaria.
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The revised EGF Regulation entered into force on 2 July 2009 and applied to all applications received from 1 May 2009 to 31 December 2011.
Il regolamento FEG rivisto è entrato in vigore il 2 luglio 2009 e si applica a tutte le domande ricevute fra il 1° maggio 2009 e il 31 dicembre 2011.
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Building on the experience acquired with the EGF since 2007 and its value added for the assisted workers and affected regions; the Commission has proposed to maintain the Fund also during the 2014-2020 multiannual financial framework, while further improving its functioning.
Sulla base dell'esperienza acquisita con il FEG dal 2007 e del suo valore aggiunto per i lavoratori assistiti e le regioni colpite, la Commissione ha proposto di mantenerlo anche nell'ambito del quadro finanziario pluriennale 2014-2020, migliorandone al contempo il funzionamento.
Employment: Commission proposes €3.6 million from Globalisation Fund for
former workers of Agile S.r.l. in Italy
The European Commission has today proposed to provide Italy with €3.6
million from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) to help 856 former
workers of information technology services company Agile S.r.l. to find new
The proposal now goes to the European Parliament and the EU's Council
of Ministers for their approval.
EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion László
Andor commented:
"This proposal for 3.6 million euros from Europe's Globalisation Fund
would help these former Agile workers to upgrade their skills and so help them
to find new jobs."
Italy applied for support from the EGF for 1,257 workers made redundant
by Agile S.r.l.. Of the redundant workers, 856 are expected to benefit from the
EGF co-financed measures.
The package is designed to help the workers by offering them career
advice and skills assessment, outplacement and job-search assistance, vocational
training and skills upgrades, postgraduate education, entrepreneurship promotion
and contribution to business start-up, hiring benefits, mentoring after
reintegration into work, job-search allowances and contributions towards special
expenses such as contribution for carers of dependent persons, contribution to
commuting expenses and contribution to the expenses for moving their residence
to take up a new job.
The total estimated cost of the package is approximately €5.6 million,
of which the EGF would provide €3.6 million.
The strong decline of the information and communications technology
sector in Italy hit Agile S.r.l. particularly hard.
The effects of the global financial and economic crisis occurred when
Agile was changing its commercial strategy by moving from offering call centre
services at local level to offering integrated IT services at multiregional
In the face of declining demand the company’s efforts proved to be
insufficient, resulting in heavy losses and insolvency, leading to dismissals.
The Agile redundancies are spread over most of Italy.
The territories concerned are 12 out of the 19 Italian regions:
Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany, Umbria, Lazio, Campania,
Puglia, Basilica, Calabria and Sicily.
There have been 105 applications to the EGF since the start of its
operations in 2007.
Some €454 million has been requested to help about 94,500 workers.
EGF applications are being presented to help redundant workers in a
growing number of sectors, and by an increasing number of Member States.
More open trade with the rest of the world leads to overall benefits
for growth and employment, but it can also cost some jobs, particularly in
vulnerable sectors and affecting lower-skilled workers.
This is why Commission President Barroso first proposed setting up a
fund to help those adjusting to the consequences of globalisation.
The EGF was established at the end of 2006 and was designed to
demonstrate solidarity from the many who benefit from more open trade to the few
who face the sudden shock of losing their jobs.
In June 2009, the EGF rules were revised to strengthen the role of the
EGF as an early intervention instrument forming part of Europe's response to the
financial and economic crisis.
The revised EGF Regulation entered into force on 2 July 2009 and
applied to all applications received from 1 May 2009 to 31 December 2011.
Building on the experience acquired with the EGF since 2007 and its
value added for the assisted workers and affected regions; the Commission has
proposed to maintain the Fund also during the 2014-2020 multiannual financial
framework, while further improving its functioning. |